Antinoos Epithets

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Names And Epithets Agathos Antinoos, O Agathos Antinoos - (Greek: , ) Antinous the Good - " coins and inscriptions proudly proclaim, 'Antinous the Good'." (Royston Lambert in his work Beloved and God, 1984, p.3). - "Coins: Hadrianotherai, Juliopolis as agathos...Statue as Agathodaimon in Berlin." (Lambert, p. 244, note 2 to Chapter One, referring to the above quotation)

- see Hrs Agathos lexicon entry for Agathos. Hrs - (Greek: , : Iros) Hero - as Antinous is described on almost all the coins. (Jns p. 80) - , hero. 2. the Fourth Age of men. 3. heroes, as objects of worship, esp. of local deities, founders of cities, patrons of tribes; at Athens, . heroes after whom the were named; of historical persons to whom divine honours were paid, as Brasidas at Amphipoli. (L&S p.778, right column)

- Hero, = , a demi-God, hero. (LD p.850, left column) Hrs Agathos - (Greek: , : Iros Agathos) Good Hero - as Antinous was described on coins from Hadrianoutherai. (Jns p. 80) - good: I. of persons, 1. well-born, gentle. 2. brave, valiant, since courage was attributed to Chiefs and Nobles. 3. good, capable. 4. good, in moral sense. (L&S p.4, right column) Hrs Propylaios - (Greek: , : Iros Propylaios) The Hero Before the Gates - as Antinous was described on coins from Delphi. (Jns p. 80) - -, before the gate, of the statues of Gods. II , , gateway, entrance, of Egyptian temples; on the Acropolis at Athens; at Epidaurus. (L&S p.1496, left column) Iacchos Antinoos - (Greek: ) as Antinous was described on coins from Adramyttion. (Jns p. 80). At Eleusis he was also identified with Iacchos and as an intermediary between worlds. (Jns, p. 79) You will find this word Iacchos spelled Iacchus and Iakkhos. The word is often, but not always, an epithet of Dionysos or chthonic (terrestrial) Hermes. Iacchos is also called Dysaulos, who is a demi-God of the Eleusinian Mysteries, the father of Triptolemus and Eubuleus, and a brother of Celeus. Iacchos is sometimes called Thesmophoros (ed. the Lawgiver). Here follows some definitions and quotes: - Iacchus - name of Dionysos, from the noise and shouts which the Bacchanals raised at his festivals; or, from the clamor attendant on intoxication. (CM p.182) - Iacchus - a poetic and mystical appellation of Bacchus (LD p.874, left column) - "Now most of the Greeks assigned to Dionysos, Apollon, Hecate, the Muses, and above all to Demeter, everything of an orgiastic or Bakkhic or choral nature, as well as the mystic element in initiations; and they give the name Iakkhos not only to Dionysus but also to the leader-in-chief of the mysteries, who is the genius (ed. daimon, spirit or attendant spirit) of Demeter." (Strabo, Geography 10. 3. 10, trans. Jones, 1917) - "Every year the Athenians observe this festival for the Mother (ed. Demetra) and the Maiden (ed. Persephone), and any Athenian or other Hellene who wishes is initiated. The voice which you hear is the Iakkhos (George Rawlinson translates this "Dionysiac" but the actual word is ) they cry at this festival." (Herodotus' Histories 8. 65. 4, trans. Godley, 1920) Kalos Antinoos, O Kalos Antinoos - (Greek: , ) Antinous the Good - " coins and inscriptions proudly proclaim, 'Antinous the Good'. " (Royston Lambert in his work Beloved and God, 1984, p.3) - "IG, XIV, 978a as kalos in the sense of beautiful and good." (Lambert, p. 244, note 2 to Chapter One, referring to the above quotation) - , beautiful, of outward form. 2. in Att. added to a name in token of love or admiration. 3. beauty.

2. of sacrifices, auspicious. III. in a moral sense, beautiful, noble, honourable. 2. . moral beauty, virtue, honour. (L&S p.870, left column) New Iacchus - as Antinous was described on coins from Tarsus (Jns p. 80) See the entry for Iacchos Antinoos. Osirantinoos - Osiris Antinous. "A temple of this God, who is there called Osirantinoos the blessed, is found in it (ed. Antinoopolis) and is built of good white stone, with sphinxes around it, and statues and numerous columns, such as were made earlier by the ancestors (Egyptians), and such as were made by the Greeks." (from the west side of the Obeliscus Antinois, based on the translations of the Egyptologists A. Erman and O. Wintermute, as found in Bwt, p. 246) ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE ABOVE ENTRIES: BNP = Bell's New Pantheon; or, Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-Gods, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Antiquity, 1790. Bwt = Hadrian and the City of Rome by Mary Taliaferro Boatwright, 1987, Princeton University Press. CM = A Classical Manual, Being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's neid of Virgil, 1833. This very old and amazing reference book does not list an author. DGRBM = A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, edited by William Smith, 1880; 2007 I.B Tauris edition. ed. = editor: the author of this website Jns = New Heroes in Antiquity by Christopher P. Jones, 2010, Harvard University Press. L&S = Greek-English Lexicon by H.G. Liddell and R. Scott, 1843; 1996 Clarendon Press edition. LCD = Lemprire's Classical Dictionary of Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors, 1788; Third Edition, 1984 as found in the 1987 Routledge & Kegan Paul edition. LD = A Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short, 1879; 1955 Clarendon Press edition. Paus. = Pausanias' Description of Greece, translated by W. H. S. Jones, 1933. This website is using the 1969 Loeb edition.

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