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PREFACE INTRODUCTION Terms Plan of the Book Selection of UN Addresses Language Version of Addresses An Inherent Limitation Criticism of the United Nations

xi 1 1 2 3 3 4 5

PARTI. DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 1. ) DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: A CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATION Contextualism Words: Empty Containers? Scripted Language Expectancy: A Key to Discourse Interactive Processing Motivated Discourse Critical Communication Conclusion Application 2. )FRAMING AND FORMATTING OF DISCOURSE ^c: Linguistic Levels Discourse Levels Discourse Inventory A Japanese Bridges an International Conflict Conclusion Application \ CONTRASTS DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: J GENRE AND CULTURE Salutation Level of Formality An Eye for an I Method Results Personal References: Self-Disclosures

7 8 13 14 17 18 21 23 28 28 31 31 32 35 49 61 61 65 66 68 69 71 72 74 vii



Cultural Logics Conclusion Application FUNCTIONAL VERSUS STRUCTURAL APPROACHES TO DISCOURSE ANALYSIS The Concept of Structure A Functional Reanalysis of a Cross-Linguistic Study Conclusion Application Application (Continued) 5. ASIAN CONFLICT: NORTH AND SOUTH KOREA FACE OFF AT THE UN The Crucial Beginning Proposals by a Peacemaker and Statesman Diplomatic Euphemism Closure Kang, the North Korean UN Speechmaking: A Social Situation Media Reaction to Kang Kang's Address Compared A Contradiction Conclusion Application

89 90 93 93 94 105 105

109 112 121 122 123 123 124 134 134 135 136 136

__ PART II. RHETORICAL ANALYSIS ^6J RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: CLASSICAL ANTECEDENTS AND THEIR SUCCESSORS The Ratio of the Human Senses in the Development of Culture Stages of Human Development through Communication Early Greek Contributions to Rhetorical Theory and Analysis The Role of Rhetorical Truth in Ancient Greece: Plato's Views Aristotle's Rhetorica: Definitions The Greek Concept of Stasis and Roman Concept of Status, or Basis as the Clash Point of an Issue Aristotle's Definitions of Proofs as a Form of Persuasion Synopsis of Rhetorical Trends to the 20th Century Conclusion Application 7) RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: ^ CONTEMPORARY WESTERN PERSPECTIVES Contemporary North American Rhetoricians Meaning Centered Rhetoric Value-Centered Rhetoric: Richard Weaver

139 140 141 143 146 148 152 154 158 165 167 169 169 172 180



Motivational or Dramatistic Rhetoric: Kenneth Burke Contemporary European Rhetoricians Conclusion Application 8. RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: THREE UN SITUATIONS "The Goal of a World at Peace," Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom Application "The Failure of the Security Council Is a Failure of the United Nations," US Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson, Security Council of the UN, Statements on the Goa Question Stevenson's Second Statement Application of Analysis Based on Classical Rhetoric: Stasisthe Point of Clash on the Goa Question Stevenson's Basic Premises in his Two Statements Stevenson's Logical Development of Arguments and Evidence Stevenson's Appeals for Ethos in his Statements Stevenson's Emotional Appeals Stevenson's Efforts at Refutation Some Estimates of Stevenson's Long Term Ethos and Rhetorical Effectiveness Application Analysis of Stevenson's Statements Utilizing Contemporary Western Contributions Judicial or Forensic Rhetoric at the International Court of Justice concerning the Complaint of Nicaragua against the United States Bombing its Harbors and Other Hostile Acts Application Conclusion PART III. APPLICATIONS 9. MIDDLE EASTERN CONFLICT: ISRAEL AND THE PLO Questions for Analysis Chairman Yassar Arafat, Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, United Nations Security Council Elite Media Reaction to the Arafat Statement to the Security Council in Geneva Questions for Analysis Events between Israel and Arab States and between Israel and the PLO since 1990 Conclusion

185 190 197 198 199 203 204

206 209 210 211 212 214 215 216 217 218 221

227 241 244

247 248 249 258 261 262 262


10. AN AFRICAN CONFLICT RESOLVED Questions for Analysis Nelson Rorihlahla Mandela, President of the Republic of South Africa, United Nations General Assembly Elite Media Reaction to the Mandela General Assembly Address and Related Events Questions for Analysis Conclusion 11. SUPER POWER CONFLICTS AND RESOLUTIONS Questions for Analysis Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, United Nations General Assembly Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Nations General Assembly The Elite Media Reaction to Reagan's Address The Elite Media Reaction to Gorbachev's Address Questions for Analysis Conclusion 12. TOWARD A FUTURE WORLD ORDER France Questions for Analysis Francois Mitterand, President of France, United Nations Security Council The Russian Federation Questions for Analysis Boris Yeltsin, President of the Russian Federation, United Nations Security Council Consolidation Exercise For Further Study 13. FREEDOM, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND WOMEN'S RIGHTS Hillary Rodham Clinton, First Lady of the United States of America, World Health Organization Forum on Women and Health Security, Beijing, China Pope John Paul II, The Holy See, United Nations General Assembly APPENDIX REFERENCES AUTHOR INDEX SUBJECT INDEX ABOUT THE AUTHORS

265 265 266 272 275 276 279 281 283 294 311 313 318 320 321 322 322 322 327 327 327 332 332 335 336 341 349 351 369 375 385

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