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Latest SAP Interview Questions 1) How you will release change request in SD module?

How often you release them? 2) How to create tasks. What are the maximum number of tasks you were created in you are previous project? 3) What is the difference between task and change request? 4) Is it possible to release change request, without releasing task. 5) Is functional module configuration comes under workbench request or customization request? 6) What is the tool you are using for testing purposes in your project? 7) What is the landscape you are following, which one you prefer to test functional module level changes? 8) Could you explain about sales deals? 9) Product attributes means? 10) What do you mean by drop shipment? 11) Can you explain about Higher-level item category and item usage? 12) What do you mean by condition index, how you configured in you project? 13) What do you mean by sort key(company code data in CMR) ? 14) What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys? 15) What is the difference between general item category group and item category group ( sales org2 in MMR)? 16) What is the difference between alternative calculation type and alternative condition base value? 17) Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for sales order and invoice? 18) Consumption based planning? 19) Difference between billing and invoice? 20) How to stop PGI? 21) What do you mean by user specific parameters? 22) Explain about common distribution channels and common divisions and combined distribution channel and combined divisions, what is use? 23) How to extend material and customer to other sales areas? 24) Why does account group controls customer? 25) How can you use R/3 project management in implementation? 26) What are the Enhancements you done as a support team member and explain any two? 27) To get pricing in billing what are configuration you done in your project?

28) To extend material one plant to another plant what are the configuration you done in your project? 29) What do you mean by POD(proof of delivery) what is the use of pod? What are the con figuration you done in your project? 30) What is the significance of products under system application and products? 31) Why do you need project IMG? 32) What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data? 33) What is the use of sales area? 34) How we assigned sales organization to delivering plant? 35) In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists? 36) What are the challenges you faced in your previous implementation project? 37) What are the inter faces do you know? 38) Explain about smart forms? 39) From where system picks VAT registration number? 40) What is condition update? Can you give condition update for product, which is already given condition update? 41) What is the difference between customization and configuration? 42) While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you have shipping and billing partner function tab pages, client wants to shift all important fields in billing like payment terms, incoterms, and tax classification into shipping tab page. He wants only shipping partner function only, how does you customize? 43) In material determination how you configure the system should propose when product A is not available then only system substitute with product B. If A is available 60% quantity. How do you do in the situation? 44) In which phase you transfer data into SAP R/3? 45) Explain EDI and its usage? 46) Sales order is created 1st November for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods(2+1 free goods).At the time of delivery on 15th November you have shortage of brushes by 40. offer closed on 15th November . How do you solve in this scenario? 47) Can you assign one sales organization to multiple company codes? If yes how? If no why? 48) In real time what user name and password we use? 49) In real-time when we start system in first what screen we get and tell me process how to logon sap screen? I faced this question in IBM? 50) Where you worked with ABAPers? 51) How do you calculate net price on MRP based? 52) Have you worked on debugging? Explain any of one of the example?

53) How many user exists have you developed in your current project? Name at least 10 user exists you have developed and used in your current project? 54) Explain about SOP (service operating procedure) and your role in it? 55) Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how? 56) Explain about minimum value surcharge calculated? 57) What you done business blue print, realization, final preparation, and go live support in your previous project? 58) How many SAP versions you know? And what is difference between them? 59) Without delivery can you do billing? 60) Is it possible to do delivery without shipping point? 61) Quotation has been created for product-D, 10 quantities, sales order is created with reference to the quotation, system copies 10 quantities in sales order. How do you restrict in sales order end user should not change quantities, system should not allow for changes by en user? 62) What are the business processes in your project? 63) How system picks up pricing while doing billing? 64) How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements? 65) What are Z errors? 66) What are the training documents while giving training session for users? 67) What are the time bound deliveries? 68) What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project? 69) Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI date? 70) Which module integration is required in output determination? 71) What are the two user exits you have used in your project? 72) What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record? 73) How sales document is structured? 74) What is the use of pricing date in condition type? 75) What is the use of condition type in pricing procedure determination? 76) In sales order how system does picks up plant? 77) What happens if inspection lot is rejected? 78) Can one have multiple packing for delivery? 79) What happens to the material listing/exclusion if the payer is different from the sold to party? 80) Can one create delivery with reference to the project?

81) An order item with different shipping point copied into the sales deliveries? 82) Can one specify user specific dates in delivery documents? 83) How does the rule MALA decide the picking location? 84) Why do I use condition indexes? How do you activate them? 85) How can we process out bound deliveries without shipping point? 86) Stock transfer? 87) What is the use of VPRS, EK01 and Ek02? For material cost we are using VPRS why we need EK01 and EK02? 88) When I am saving customer master (internal number range), system generating number range like 5000211,500216 and 500221 instead of giving 500211,500212 and 500213.why system generating like this?

HERE ARE FEW IMPORTANT SAP SD MODULE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS I BASIS KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEM NAVIGATION 1. Name two ways to start a transaction. i. Dynamic Menu ii. Command Field 2. Why do you create user-specific parameters? i. They supply defaults to R/3 fields. If a field is indicated, the system automatically fills in default value. Depending on the field definition, the entry can also be replaced with a value entered by the user. (Concept of PARAMETER ID) 3. Name the three different kinds of messages in the R/3 system. What is the difference between them? i. A message can have five different types. These message types have the following effects during list processing: ii. A (=Abend): a. The system displays a message of this message type in a dialog window. After the user confirms the message using ENTER, the system terminates the entire transaction (for example SE38). iii. E (=Error) or W (=Warning): a. The system displays a message of this message type in the status line. After the user chooses ENTER, the system acts as follows: b. While creating the basic list, the system terminates the report. c. While creating a secondary list, the system terminates the corresponding processing block and keeps displaying the previous list level. iv. I (=Information): a. The system displays a message of this message type in a dialog window. After the user chooses ENTER, the system resumes processing at the current program position. v. S (=Success): a. The system displays a message of this message type on the output screen in the status line of the currently created list. 4. What is a data dictionary or repository? i. Central catalog that contains the descriptions of an organization's data and provides information about the relationships between the data and its use in programs and screens. ii. The data descriptions in a Data Dictionary is also called metadata, i.e., data that describes other data. iii. The ABAP/4 Dictionary stores system-wide data definitions. When you create a new data definition, the Dictionary tool does all the processing necessary to create the definition. You can use the Dictionary tool to look up the "definition" of objects in your R/3 System. 5. What is a matchcode? i. Comparsion key. A matchcode allows you to locate the key of a particular database record (e.g. account number) by entering any field value contained in the record. The system then displays a list of records matching the specifications. 6. If you want an end user to see a specific menu after logging on the R/3 system, how could you do that? i. User maintenance transactions allow the system administrator to create and maintain user master records. This includes the generation and assignment of authorizations and authorization profiles. 7. II CORPORATE STRUCTURE 8. In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that? i. Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed. 9. Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function?

i. Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions. ii. Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations. iii. Division: Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing. 10. Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function. i. Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. ii. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area. iii. Sales Group. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions. iv. Salespersons. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record. 11. What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used? i. Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the: ii. sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales) iii. plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products) iv. The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales. - Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy. - Financial Accounting (FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area. 12. Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes. i. Many to One. 13. What is the central organizational element in purchasing? i. Purchasing Organization. 14. Explain the relationship between sales organizations and plants. i. Many to Many. 15. Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes. i. Many to Many to One. 16. Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete? i. Yes in CO. 17. What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes? i. Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas. 18. Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it. i. Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point. 19. Give a definition of plant (in SAP).

i. Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects. ii. A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided. iii. Classification: Business object iv. Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles: v. As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant. vi. As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale. vii. As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation. viii. The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition. iii. For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation. iv. The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant. 4. Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code? i. Yes. 5. To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions? i. Sales Organizations. 6. What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO? i. SD: Sales Organizations. ii. M: Plant iii. PP: Plant iv. FI: Company Code v. CO: Controlling Area 7. Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what ? i. A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects). ii. A plant can be subdivided into locations and operational areas. Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for production. 8. Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code? i. Yes. 9. How many shipping points can you assign to a plant? i. Many. 10. How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization? i. None. 11. If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number? i. Plant & Storage Location. 12. III MASTER DATA 13. Why does the customer master have different views? i. In addition to the sales and distribution data, the accounting data is also important for a payer. Therefore one can create a customer master record centrally for the following partner functions: ii. For the payer a. For the sold-to party who, in addition to the other partner functions, also takes on the function of the payer. 14. Which different partner functions can a customer master record serve? i. Customer: - sold-to party

ship-to party payer bill-to party One-time customer including all partner functions.

15. What is the structure of data in the customer master record? i. Different data is maintained in each of the three areas: ii. General data, like address and telephone number, etc., is maintained for every customer. This data is only identified by the customer number, not by company code or sales area. Maintaining the data is possible from both the accounting view and the sales and distribution view. iii. Company code data is only of interest for the accounting department. It includes, for example, information on insurance or account management. This data applies to only one company code. iv. Sales and distribution data is only of interest for the sales and distribution department. It includes, for example, data on pricing or shipping. This data only applies to one sales area, and therefore is dependent on the sales structure (sales organization, distribution channel, division). 16. Would you have different customer numbers if your customer was serviced by more than one company code? i. No. 17. Would you have different customer numbers if your customer was serviced by more than one sales organization? i. No. 18. A material is produced in plant Boston, plant Dallas and in plant Chicago. How many different material master number do you need? i. Only one. 19. Is it possible to have different data for the same customer for different sales areas? i. Yes. 20. Give examples of general data in the customer master record ? i. Address, Control data, Marketing, Payment transactions, Contact person, Unloading points. 21. Give examples of general data in the material master record ? i. This level contains the data applicable to all individual group companies, all plants, and all warehouses/ stores belonging to an enterprise (corporate group). Examples of general data are details on a material's design (CAD drawings, for instance) and storage conditions (temperature range, whether the material is explosive or perishable, and so on). 22. Give examples of company -code-specific data in the customer master record? i. This data is only of importance to the accounting department. It includes, for example, data on insurance and account management. Company code data only applies to one company code. If you edit the customer master record you must specify customer number and company code in order to access the screens containing company code data. 23. Which plant-specific data do you find in the material master record? i. This level contains the data for each branch or plant location within a certain company. The data important to Purchasing is stored at this level. Examples of this data are the maximum and minimum order quantities of a material and the reorder level. You access the plant data by entering the plant key. 24. If a customer wishes to receive goods on Tuesdays only, how could you ensure that in the SAP R/3 system? i. This can be done by specifying goods receiving hours - Time schedule of ship-to party which specifies the days and times that goods can be delivered. 25. Do you find any sales prices in the material master record? i. Yes.

26. Name at least five different partner functions. i. Examples of partner functions in Sales and Distribution: ii. sold-to party, ship-to party, bill-to party, payer. iii. Examples of partner functions (roles) in Materials Management: iv. ordering address, supplier of goods, invoicing party, different payee. 27. Which are the two partner functions in SD that have to be maintained in FI too ? i. sold-to party, payer. 28. Can you assign a material to more than one division? i. No. 29. If you want to create language specific sales texts for your material master, would you have to create a new material master record? i. No. 30. What is a material type and which material types do you know? i. Raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, trading goods, operating supplies. 31. Name the four standard industry sectors in SAP for the material master. For what do you use them? i. Branch of industry. ii. The industry sector groups together companies according to their activities (for example, plant engineering and construction, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry). iii. Table-driven program support is provided via the industry sector: for example, for the selection of data fields on-screen, for the sequence of the screens, and for the allocation of a material to a material type. 32. For what or why do you use the classification system in sales? Give examples of objects you can classify in R/3. i. For e.g., Variant Pricing of configurable products. Objects can be customers, products, condition types. 33. Does storage-location specific data in the material master record apply for each plant? i. This level contains the data specific to a storage location. Stock levels are an example of the data maintained for each storage location. You access the storage location data by entering the plant and storage location codes. ii. This data structure facilitates the organization of material-related information within the entire enterprise. It prevents redundant storage of material data when the same material is used in more than one plant or stored at more than one storage location. iii. Example: Suppose the same metal casting is stored at two different locations. The design and purchasing data for this material would be identical. However, the data on the stock levels at each location would differ. 34. Name at least four views of the material master record. i. Accounting : Valuation and costing information. Examples: standard price, past and future price, and current valuation. ii. Materials planning and control: Information for material requirements planning (MRP) and consumptionbased planning/inventory control. Examples: safety stock level, planned delivery time, and reorder level for a material. iii. Purchasing: Data provided by Purchasing for a material. Examples: purchasing group responsible for a material, over- and under delivery tolerances, and the order unit. iv. Engineering: Engineering and design data on a material. Examples: CAD drawings, basic dimensions, and design specifications. v. Storage: Information relating to the storage/warehousing of a material. Examples: unit of issue, storage conditions, and packaging dimensions. vi. Forecasting: Information for predicting material requirements. Examples: how the material is procured, forecasting period, and past consumption/usage. vii. Sales and distribution: Information for sales orders and pricing. Examples: sales price, minimum order quantity, and the name of the sales department responsible for a certain material. 35. What are the possible units of measure for a material?

i. A material can be stored, transported and sold in various units of measure. In the SAP R/3 System, you can therefore define various units of measure which are maintained in the sales and distribution screens. However, you only need to maintain the fields of the units of measure if they deviate from the base unit of measure. If no other fields with units of measure are maintained, the system automatically takes the base unit of measure as a basis for its calculations. You can enter the following units of measure in the sales and distribution screens: ii. Base unit of measure : Stocks of a material are managed in the base unit of measure. All quantity movements in other units of measure are converted automatically by the system into the base unit of measure. iii. Alternative unit of measure: If a product is managed in the base unit of measure "Piece" but is sold in the sales unit "Box", you must define the conversion factor. The alternative unit of measure can define, for example, that 1 box of this material contains 12 pieces. iv. Sales unit : The unit of measure in which materials are sold is referred to as a sales unit (for example, piece or bottle). The value you define in the material master record is proposed during business transactions relevant for sales, such as the sales order. You can replace them with other alternative units of measure in the sales order. v. Delivery Unit : The delivery unit refers to the unit in which materials can be delivered. Only exact multiples of the delivery unit can be delivered. For example, with a delivery unit of 30 bottles, 30, 60 or 90 bottles can be delivered, but not 100 bottles. vi. Quantity Specifications: Two different quantity specifications are used: vii. Minimum order quantity: The minimum order quantity refers to the minimum quantity the customer must order. A warning message appears if the minimum order quantity is not reached during order entry. The order can be entered in spite of the warning message. viii. Minimum delivery quantity : The minimum delivery quantity refers to the minimum quantity you must deliver to the customer. The minimum delivery quantity is automatically checked during delivery processing. A warning message appears during delivery processing if you enter a delivery quantity lower than the minimum delivery quantity. The delivery can be created in spite of this warning message. 36. What is a Bill of material? i. A bill of material is a complete, formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly. The list contains the object number of each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. The components are known as BOM items. A bill of material can only refer to a quantity of at least 1 of an object. 37. Is the BOM used in the PP module only? i. No. Also used in SD. 38. Explain what a routing is? i. Routing contains the operations required in production, and the production resources/tools, material components, and test equipment required to produce the product. 39. What is a work center? i. A work center is an organizational unit where a work step is carried out, producing an output. The work center defines where and by whom an operation is to be carried out. A cost center is assigned to each work center in the work center master record. The work center has a particular available capacity. The activities performed at or by the work center are valuated by charge rates, which are determined by cost centers and activity types. Work centers can be: Machines, People, Production lines, Groups of craftsmen. ii. IN Personnel Planning and Development (PD) work centers are the physical locations where tasks are carried out. A work center can represent anything as general as a geographic location, for example, the New York branch office. Or work centers can be very precisely defined. For example, a work center could represent a specific workstation, with specific tools and equipment, on a specific floor, of a specific building. iii. IN Workflow Management a work center is a particular place which has been set up specifically so that employees can perform their duties within the corporate work system using working materials. 40. What does the account group of the customer /vendor control? i. A collection of properties of accounts which determine the creation of master records. ii. The account group determines the data that is relevant for the master record and a number range from which numbers are selected for the master records. iii. Each master record must be assigned to an account group.

iv. Changes to the account group and the accompanying partner functions can only be made from a lower level to a higher level. For example, this means that a sold-to party cannot be assigned the function of a payer as fields which have already been maintained for this sold-to party would have to be masked. However, you can assign the sold-to party function to a payer. v. The account group ensures that for the different partner functions of a customer only the necessary screens and fields are displayed for input. 41. What are the two possible ways of control for the cost of a material in the material master record? i. Standard Price, Moving Average Price. 42. What is a valuation class? i. Allocation of a material to a group of G/L accounts. ii. Along with other factors, the valuation class determines the G/L accounts to be updated as a result of a valuation-relevant transaction (for example, a goods movement). iii. Which valuation classes are valid depends on the material type. Several valuation classes can be valid for one material type. A valuation class can be valid for several material types. 43. A customer master record in SD is also an A/R(accounts receivables)in FI. When you create a customer master record you also have to specify the reconciliation account. For what is the reconciliation account used? i. Account in G/L accounting, to which automatic entries are posted during a business activity. It is generally the case that several subledger accounts post to a common reconciliation account. This ensures that the developments in the subledger accounts are accurately reflected in the general ledger (i.e. in line with balance sheet conventions). You can set up a reconciliation account for, say, all overseas customers. 44. IV INRTRODUCTION TO ORDER MANAGEMENT & SALES 45. Briefly describe the types and structure of the sales document and give examples of data that you find on the different levels. i. Sales-related business transactions are recorded in the system as sales documents. There are, broadly speaking, four different groupings of sales documents: ii. Sales queries, such as inquiries and quotations iii. Sales orders iv. Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements v. Customer problems and complaints, such as free of charge deliveries and credit memo requests. vi. Header Data vii. The general data that is valid for the entire document is recorded in the document header. This data includes the: viii. number of the sold-to party ix. number of the ship-to party and the payer x. document currency and exchange rate xi. pricing elements for the entire document xii. delivery date and shipping point xiii. Item Data xiv. Whereas data in the document header applies to all items in the document, some data applies only to specific items. This data is stored at item level and includes the: xv. material number xvi. target quantity for outline agreements xvii. number of the ship-to party and the payer (an alternative ship-to party or payer can be defined for a particular item) xviii. plant and storage location specifications xix. pricing elements for the individual items xx. Schedule Line Data xxi. An item consists of one or more schedule lines. The schedule line contains all the data that is needed for a delivery. For example, a customer orders 20 pieces of a material and you enter this as an item in the sales order. However, you can only deliver 10 pieces now and the remaining 10 pieces next month. In other words, you need to schedule two deliveries. The data for these deliveries (dates, confirmed quantities) are stored in two separate schedule lines. In sales documents where delivery data is not relevant -for example: contracts, credit and debit memo requests - the system does not create any schedule lines. xxii. Data recorded in the schedule lines includes the:

xxiii. schedule line quantity xxiv. delivery date xxv. confirmed quantity 46. What is the difference between an inquiry and quotation ? i. Inquiry: Request made to a vendor for a quotation for required materials or services. ii. No availability check is done for inquiry. iii. Quotation: Offer from a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials or performance of services subject to predefined terms and conditions. iv. A quotation consists of a number of items, in which the total quantity and delivery date of an offered material or service are specified. v. The total quantity can be subdivided into several partial quantities with different delivery dates in the lines of a delivery schedule. 47. Do you always have to have a material master record number when you enter an item on a sales document (inquiry and quote)? If not what would you have to use to be able to enter information at item level? i. No. Customer Material Information or Material Description. 48. If a customer doesn't place an order with you after you have sent him a quotation, what happens to the quotation document? i. Remains active till the end of validity period. 49. Can you have alternative items in a sales order? i. Yes. 50. If you reference an inquiry when creating a quotation,would the inquiry be updated? i. Yes. 51. Can you copy one inquiry to many quotations ? i. No. 52. Can you copy several previous documents into one sales order? i. Yes. 53. Do you always have to copy the entire quantities at item level when you reference a previous document? i. No. 54. Can you make sure that business data in a sales order is only possible to maintain at header level? i. Yes. 55. From where is the delivering plant transferred into the sales order? i. Customer Master, Material Master. 56. Which partner function is relevant for the delivering plant? The sold-to-party , bill-to-party, payer, carrier or the ship- to- party? i. Ship-to party. 57. Can you manually change the delivering plant in the sales order once it was defaulted from the master data? i. Yes. 58. For what or why do you use the incompletion log? i. To have a complete document so that it doesnt affect subsequent processes. 59. Can you have different incompletion logs for different item categories? Schedule line categories? i. Yes. 60. If a document is incomplete can you still save the document? i. Yes.

61. Which reference statuses can a document have at item level? Which statuses at header level? i. Item level: Partial, Full. ii. Header level: Full. 62. What's the advantage of using text as a reference instead of duplicating it? i. Can be modified if needed. 63. What three sources provide data for the creation of a sales document? i. Material Master, Customer Master, Previous referenced documents. 64. Can you change addresses of partners manually in the sales document? i. Yes. 65. Name several input tools that make order entry faster and give a definition of them? i. Customer Material Information, Product Proposal , Referencing Documents. 66. In which business environment would you use only the single-line entry screen to create and save the order? i. Telephone Sales, Simple Business. 67. If you do not specify the delivering plant in the sales order, what could the system then not do? i. Delivery Scheduling. 68. For what would you use the fast change function in sales entry? i. Alternate Plants, Delivery or Billing Blocks 69. Name two ways to control that customers can receive only certain materials? i. Material Listing, Exclusion. 70. What does the item category control? i. General Data - Should pricing be carried out for the item? - When should an item be regarded as completed? A quotation item, for example, can only be regarded as completed if the entire quantity has been copied into a sales order. - Is it an item that refers to a material or is it a text item? - Are schedule lines allowed for the item? - May general business data, for example, the terms of payment at the item level, deviate from those at the header level? - Should a system message appear if the item cannot be fully delivered? - Which fields are relevant for the incompletion log? - Which partner functions are allowed at the item level and which are mandatory? - Which output (for example, an order confirmation) is allowed for the business transaction and which output determination procedure is used? i. Shipping Data - Is an item relevant for delivery? - Should the weight and the volume of an item be determined? i. Billing Data - Is an item relevant for billing? - Should the cost of the item be determined? - Is it a statistical item? Pricing is carried out for statistical items. However, they are not added to the value of the order, that is, the customer is not charged for them. - Should a billing block be set automatically for an item? For example, this may be important for items whose prices have to be clarified before billing. 71. Is it a returns item? 72. Name the influencing factors for determining the item category in the sales document? i. Sales Document type, Item Category Group, Higher Level Item, Item Usage.

73. Name the influencing factors for determining the scehdule line category in the sales document? i. Item Category, MRP Type. 74. What does the sales document type control? i. General Data - Can the document be entered only with reference to a preceding document? - Should the existing customer-material info record be taken into consideration? - Should the delivery date be proposed? - Must a customer number be entered when creating a document? For example, product proposals can be entered without reference to a particular customer. - Which order probability is defined? - Should the division be taken from the material master record for every item or should an alternative division specified in the header take precedence over the item specifications? - How should the system respond if the division entered in the header deviates from the division in the items? - Should a credit limit check be made? - From which number range should the document number for internal or external number assignment come? - Which fields are relevant for the incompletion log? The validity period, for example, is important for contracts and must therefore be specified in the document. - Can an incomplete document be saved or must all data be complete? - Which partner functions are allowed and which ones are mandatory? i. Shipping Data - Which delivery type should the delivery resulting from the order have? - Should delivery scheduling be carried out? - Should transportation scheduling be carried out? - Should a delivery block be set automatically for a specific reason? For example, a delivery block may be appropriate for a free-of-charge delivery. - You can define shipping conditions for a sales document type. These are copied into the document regardless of what is defined in the customer master record. i. Billing Data ii. Which billing type should the invoice resulting from the order or the delivery have? iii. Should a billing block be set automatically for a specific reason? For example, a billing block may be appropriate if a credit memo request should first be checked before it is used as the basis for a credit memo. 75. Can the sales document type be determined by the system? i. No. 76. In R/3, can you automatically substitute one product for another? How? What would you have to create? i. Yes. Product Selection / Material Determination. 77. Give a definition of replenishment lead time? i. Total time for the in-house production or for the external procurement of a product. In in-house production the replenishment lead time is determined to cover all BOM levels. 78. What's the difference between checking availability with or without replenishment lead time (RLT)? i. With RLT : Availability check is done only upto end of RLT. If material is not available the date on which RLT ends is displayed as Material Availability Date. ii. Without RLT : Availability check is unrestricted. Displays Delivery Dates as on which partial deliveries can be made with available stock. 79. Name at least three item categories? i. Standard Items : AFN, AGN, TAN. ii. Free of charge Items: AFNN, AGNN, TANN. iii. Non-stock Items : AFX, AGX, TAX. iv. Text Items : AFTX, AGTX, TATX. 80. Why would you use different item and schedule line categories? i. Item categories are defined to provide additional control functions for the sales documents and thus meet the demands resulting from the different business transactions.

ii. The items in a sales document are divided into one or more schedule lines. These schedule lines differ from each other with respect to date and quantity. For some schedule lines, material requirements planning is not carried out; for other schedule lines, it is carried out. Also goods receipt, not goods issue, is posted for a schedule line defined in a returns document. 81. Can you change existing standard item categories? i. Yes. 82. Can you create new sales order types? i. Yes. 83. Different dates will be calculated in order entry scheduling . Can you name the lead time variables that will be taken into account? i. Transportation lead time, Pick/pack time, Loading time, Transit time . 84. If you run out of stock in a specific plant can you check if there are quantities available in other plants? i. Yes. 85. When you carry out availability check, which quantities or movements can the system take into consideration? i. The following elements can be included in the availability check: ii. Stocks : safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock. iii. Inward and outward movements : purchase orders, purchase requisitions, planned orders, production orders, reservations, dependent reservations, dependent requirements, sales requirements, delivery requirements. 86. Give some examples of sales document types (description, not necessary the short code) that already set up in the standard system? i. Indicator used to control the processing of the various sales documents which are defined in the system. E.g., OR, SO, BV, KR. Document types allow the system to process different kinds of business transactions, such as standard orders and credit memo requests, in different ways. 87. Can you maintain texts for a specific customer and store them in the system? If yes, where? i. Yes. Customer Material Information. 88. When the system checks availability which scheduling would it use first? i. Backward Scheduling. 89. Name the influencing factors for the determination of the availability date? i. The following data is required for determining this date: - Route from the shipping point to the ship-to party location - Shipping point from which the goods are issued - Loading group from the material master record - Weight group determined from the order using the order quantity. 90. Name the three delivery possibilities when there is not enough stock available? i. One Time Delivery, Complete Delivery, Partial Deliveries. 91. Can you think of an example why you would have to create a text for a customer and copy it to the sales order? i. Customer specific instructions. 92. What is the function of item category group? i. The item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. It defines, for example, that pricing does not take place for a free of charge item, such as a business gift; or that inventory management is not carried out for a service. When processing sales and distribution documents, the system uses the item category group to determine the item category. The system determines the item category based on the item category group of the material and the current business transaction, and proposes it in the

respective document. ii. When creating the material types non-stock material and services, DIEN is proposed in both cases for the item category group, because the order processing for both material types is identical: for example, pricing is carried out for both, but no availability check. 93. On sales order, when the system confirms 20 pieces to be available at a certain date, would these 20 pieces still be available for other new sales order coming in later? i. No. 94. What is a delivery group and why would you use it? i. The complete delivery and delivery group functions enable you to combine some or all of the items in a sales order so that they are delivered to the customer together. The system determines automatically the latest delivery date possible for the delivery group and adjusts the schedule lines accordingly. Corresponding requirements for material requirements planning (MRP) are changed or re-determined. 95. What is backorder processing? i. The backorder processing functions enable you to list relevant sales documents for specific materials and process them from the point of view of availability. You can assign available to promise (ATP) stock to outstanding order quantities. In addition, you can withdraw already confirmed quantities and reassign them to different items. ii. Backorder processing is only available for materials with individual requirements. 96. Can you link items in a sales order? If yes, when would you do that? i. Yes. Promotional Items. 97. For what would you use BOM in sales? What two methods of BOM processing do you have in sales order entry? How can you control if the system should/should not explode a BOM in the sales order. i. A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. A BOM for a bicycle, for example, consists of all the parts that make up the bicycle: the frame, the saddle, wheels, and so on. When you enter the material number of a bill of materials that is relevant for sales order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill of materials as a main item. The components are displayed as sub-items. - Processing by Main Item : ERLA & Processing by Sub-Item : LUMF - BOM explosion can be prevented by specifying Item Category Group as NORM. 98. Credit limit checks is an example of a very close link between which two SAP modules? i. SD & FI. 99. What are the two techniques in delivery scheduling? i. Backward Scheduling & Forward Scheduling. 100. How does a third party deal work? Do you use a special sales order type for that? How could the system know that you want to process a third party deal? i. By specifying item category as TAS using double-line entry in the sales order. ii. No special order type is available. iii. By the item category group and/or material type in Material Master . 101. Name the several steps in consignment processing. i. Consignment fill-up, Consignment issue, Consignment pick-up, Consignment return. 102. What is the difference between consignment pick-up and consignment return? 103. In consignment pick-up, customer returns consignment stock. When goods issue is posted, the relevant quantity is deducted from the customer's special stock and is added back to regular stock at the plant where the goods are returned. Total valuated stock remains the same since the returned stock was regarded as part of inventory even while it was at the customer's premises.This transaction is not relevant for billing. 104. In consignment return, customer wishes to claim on consignment goods which have already been issued. When goods issue is posted, the relevant quantity is added to the customer's special stock at the plant where the goods are returned. Since the ownership of the goods is passed from the customer back to the company,

the transaction is relevant for billing. In this case, the customer receives a credit memo for the returned goods. 105. Can you control that an end user cannot copy a quote of customer A to a sales order for customer B? If yes, where? i. Yes. By customizing Copying Control for header data. 106. Give some example for data that is copied from the customer (sold-to, payer, ship-to) to the sales order as well as for data that is copied from the material? 107. General data, payment terms, shipping details, delivery agreements, delivering plant. 108. What is returnable packaging processing? i. Returnable packaging consists of materials that are stored at the customer location but which remain the property of the company. The customer is only required to pay for the returnable packaging if he does not return it by a specified time. 109. Name the two outline agreements in R/3 standard and explain the difference between them. i. Agreements are arrangements between business partners regarding the granting of conditions over a specified time period. The agreement contains conditions which apply over a particular time period and which are settled together at the same points in time. An agreement can be settled once or periodically. The two outline agreements include Contracts and Scheduling Agreements. ii. Unlike a contract - which only contains an overall target quantity or value - a scheduling agreement also contains specific order quantities and delivery dates. 110. How many documents do you create when you release, deliver and invoice the first order from a contract? i. Three : Sales order, Delivery note, Invoice. 111. What types of output can you have in sales? i. Printer, Telex, Fax, Mail, EDI. 112. Can you automate output processing ? Do you always have to specify it manually? i. yes. No. 113. Where would you specify which data should be copied (at header, item and schedule line level)when you copy from one document to another one? i. Customizing Copy Control. 114. SHIPPING 115. Describe the flow of data from the sales order into the delivery for header and item and schedule line level data? i. Header Header ii. Item Header, Item. iii. Schedule line Item. 116. Can you combine several sales orders into one delivery document ? If no, why not? If yes, would the system check certain criteria? What criteria? i. No. When ship-to party or plant is different. ii. Yes. Availability of all items are confirmed. 117. Name a few prerequisites that have to be fulfilled if you want to create a delivery for the order. i. Header Level a. There cannot be a delivery block at header level. b. The sales document must contain at least one item due for delivery before a delivery can be created for this document. ii. Item Level and Schedule Line Level a. The schedule line must be due for shipping on the specified selection date.

b. A schedule line becomes due for shipping as soon as the material availability date or the transportation scheduling date is reached. c. The schedule line cannot be blocked for delivery. d. The delivery quantity must be greater than one. e. The items in the order must be fully processed. f. If they are incomplete, you must first edit the incompleteness log in the order. You will find information on the incompleteness log in the R/3 SD online documentation on sales. g. The product status of the material must permit delivery. iii. For example, the product status for new products which have not been released for delivery does not allow them to be included in a delivery. iv. Sufficient quantity of the material must be available. 118. If you create a delivery, would this automatically update the sales order? i. Yes. The delivery status of the entire order results from the delivery status of the items. Until all items in the order have been fully delivered, the order has the status "Partially delivered". The entire document acquires the status of fully delivered once all the items have been fully delivered. 119. Name the different ways of creating deliveries. i. Partial Deliveries, Complete Deliveries, Deliveries without reference, Grouped Deliveries. 120. How does the system determine the shipping point and the route in the sales order? i. A shipping point can be determined for each order item. How the shipping point is determined depends on three factors: ii. The shipping conditions from the customer master record (Shipping screen). A condition might be that the goods are to be delivered to the customer as soon as possible. iii. The loading group from the material master record (Sales/Plant Data screen).You could, for example, specify a loading group that defines that the goods must always be loaded with a crane or a fork lift. iv. The delivering plant. This plant is determined per order item either from the customer master record or from the material master record. However, you can also enter it manually for each order item. You will find detailed information on determining the delivering plant in the sales order in the R/3 SD online documentation on sales. 121. Can you change the shipping point determined in the sales order manually? i. Yes. 122. If you have several shipping points in a sales order at item level. What would that have on the delivery? i. Each item will individual deliveries. 123. Why would you carry out route determination in the delivery again? i. To reconfirm the weight of the item. 124. At which different levels can you specify pick/pack and loading time? i. Shipping point determination level : loading time. ii. Route determination level : pick/pack time. 125. Where do you specify the departure zone and the arrival zone for route determination? i. Shipping point, Ship-to party. 126. How can the route influence the material availability date? i. Transit time & Transportation lead time. 127. Why would you carry out availability check in the delivery? i. The availability check is calculated using planned inward and outward movements of goods. Therefore the delivery situation might have changed in the meantime due to unforeseen circumstances, such as lost output. The availability check in the delivery takes any such changes into account. 128. Where would you store partial/complete shipment agreements and over/under delivery tolerances? i. Customer Master and Customer Material Information.

129. Explain the effects of printing out the picking list. i. Updates the picking quantity in the delivery. 130. How does the system automatically determine the picking storage location in the delivery? i. Storage Condition. ii. Shipping Point. iii. Plant. 131. What is a transfer order and for what would you use it? i. Document used to support every stock movement in the warehouse. ii. It contains all the important movement data, such as the material to be transferred, the quantity to be transferred, the storage bins involved, and so on 132. Define a shipping unit? i. Combination of materials which are packed together in a shipping material at a particular time. Shipping units contain items which in turn are made up of shipping units or delivery items. 133. What effects does goods issue have? i. When the goods have left your plant, the business transaction is regarded as completed from the point of view of shipping. When goods are issued, the following functions take place in the system: ii. The material stock is reduced by the goods issue quantity and the corresponding value changes take place in accounting. This ensures that the quantity and value flows are parallel. iii. Material requirements for the delivery are reduced iv. The delivery status is updated v. If you bill after goods issue, the delivery enters the billing work list 134. How can you delete a good issue? i. You cannot cancel a goods issue posting in isolation. You are also unable to change goods issue quantities. If you make a mistake when processing a delivery, or if the goods are damaged leaving your plant and cannot be delivered, you must cancel the entire business transaction. ii. Procedure iii. After you have invoiced the delivery, for which the incorrect goods issue posting was carried out, proceed as follows: 135. Enter a returns order (order type RE) for the customer and the material involved. 136. Create a returns delivery for the returns order. The system proposes the delivery type. The delivery quantities in the returns delivery must correspond to the goods issue quantities in the incorrect goods issue document. 137. Post "goods issue" for the returns delivery. The system automatically recognizes the returns delivery as goods receipt and clears the original goods issue posting by carrying out reverse posting. 138. Invoice the business transaction with a returns credit memo. The system proposes billing type. The original billing document for the incorrect goods issue document is cleared by this credit memo. 139. Is it possible to work without specifying a pick/pack or loading time for a shipping point? i. Yes. 140. When do you initiate packing activity-before or after goods issue? What is the material type for shipping material? i. Before goods issue . VERP. 141. When you post goods issue after packing, which two documents do you create? i. Picking List, Invoice. 142. Can the delivery quantity and the picking quantity in the delivery document be -different? i. Yes. 143. PRICING

144. Could you explain what condition technique in SAP is? i. Hierarchy of elements defining a data combination which leads to certain actions. ii. In pricing the condition technique refers to the method by which the system determines prices from information stored in condition records. In Sales and Distribution, the various elements used in the condition technique are set up and controlled in Customizing. During sales order processing, the system uses the condition technique to determine a variety of important pricing information. 145. Name three areas/processes which use condition technique in SD? i. Material determination, Output determination, Account determination. 146. What are the four basic elements of condition technique? i. Condition Types, Condition Tables, Access Sequences, Pricing Procedures. 147. Please explain graphically the relationship between the four basic elements in condition techniques? i. Procedures Condition Types Access Sequence Condition Tables Condition Records. 148. Explain what a pricing procedure is? i. The primary job of a pricing procedure is to define a group of condition types in a particular sequence. The pricing procedure also determines: - Which sub-totals appear during pricing - To what extent pricing can be influenced manually - Which method the system uses to calculate percentage discounts and surcharges - which requirements for a particular condition type must be fulfilled before the system takes the condition into account. 149. Explain what a condition table and an access sequence is and the relationship between them? i. A condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. A condition record is how the system stores the specific condition data that you enter in the system as condition records. For example, when you enter the price for a product or a special discount for a good customer, you create individual condition records. ii. An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type. It determines the sequence in which the system searches for data. The access sequence consists of one or more accesses. The sequence of the accesses establishes which condition records have priority over others. The accesses tell the system where to look first, second, and so on, until it finds a valid condition record. You specify an access sequence for each condition type for which you create condition records. 150. What is a condition type? What are the two main groups of condition types? i. A condition type is a representation in the system of some aspect of your daily pricing activities. For example, you can define a different condition type for each kind of price, discount, or surcharge that occurs in your business transactions. ii. Fixed Amount & Percentage. 151. Is SD the only module that uses condition technique? i. No. 152. What is a condition supplement and why would you use it? i. A condition supplement is a supplement for a particular condition type. For example, you can include a supplement every time you apply a material price. The supplement can contain various discounts. During pricing, the system automatically applies the discounts defined in the supplement every time it accesses a material price. You define for which condition types you want to use condition supplements in Customizing for Sales. 153. Which partner function is relevant when it comes to tax calculation in the sales order? i. Ship-to party. 154. Name at least three different condition types in pricing? i. Price, Discounts, Freight. PROO, K007, KF00. 155. You can create scales for prices and discounts. Name the four possible scale basis in R/3.

i. Value, Quantity, Gross weight, Net weight, Volume. 156. Where would you specify that a condition type is a discount or a surcharge? i. In Condition Type Details Screen. 157. If somebody adds price elements manually in the sales order or if somebody changes a discount the system determined automatically, do you have a possibility to see that in the sales order? i. Yes. 158. You want to list all condition records for a certain material or a certain sales organization. How would you do that? i. By creating Pricing Reports. 159. Does the pricing procedure apply for the pricing data at item level or for the pricing data at header level? i. Both. 160. When you create a header condition manually in the sales order the system can copy the values in different ways to the items. Where would you specify how the system should process? i. Condition Type. 161. Which data do you have to maintain in SD so that the system can determine the sales taxes in the sales order automatically? i. Tax rate with or without Jurisdiction. 162. What does the condition exclusion indicator do for you? i. The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents. 163. Can you explain what a statistical condition is? Give an example for a statistical condition? i. VPRS. 164. For what do you use customer hierarchies? i. Pricing, Rebate. 165. Can you track cumulative values in R/3? If yes, it could be based on what? i. Yes. Maximum Value, Maximum Orders, Maximum Quantity. 166. If you want to make sure that conditions records apply for a certain time period only what would you have to do? i. Validity Period to be specified in condition record. 167. What is a group condition? i. Condition which can be used to determine a scale value based on more than one item in a document. The system groups the items using either the condition key for the appropriate condition record or a separately defined condition key. 168. Name the influencing factors for pricing procedure determination during sales order entry? i. Customer, Sales Document Type and Sales Area. 169. Can you copy condition records? If yes, are there any restrictions? i. Yes. Field specific. 170. If you create a new condition type-do you also have to create a new condition table and a new access sequence? i. Yes. 171. Where can you specify that a condition is mandatory? i. In Pricing Procedure.

172. Tax jurisdiction processing is a close link between which two modules? i. FI & SD. 173. Do you have to create a condition record for taxes in the SD application? i. Yes. 174. BILLING 175. Name several billing types? i. F1 : Order related Invoice F2 : Delivery related invoice. ii. F5 : Proforma Invoice for Sales Order F8 : Proforma Invoice for Delivery. 176. Can you delete an invoice? i. No. You can cancel it and create cancellation document. 177. When you create an invoice in SD, how do you post it to FI? i. Select Billing document Release To Accounting. ii. The system displays a message that the accounting document has been saved. If the billing document contains an error, the reason for not forwarding the document is displayed. If the release was successful, the posting status in the billing document is set to C (accounting document has been created). You find the posting status by selecting Header Details in the billing document. 178. When you create an invoice can you carry out pricing again? i. Yes. 179. From which documents can you create a proforma invoice? i. Based on sales order or delivery. 180. Do you transfer a proforma invoice to FI ? If yes, how? If no, how do you customize the system in a way that the proforma invoice is not transferred to FI? i. No. Billing status not assigned to proforma invoice. Posting bock in the billing document. 181. When you create a credit memo request do you always have to refer to a sales order or any other previous document? i. Only sales order. 182. In R/3 how can you make sure that invoices for a customer are always created at a specific date? i. Billing Schedule. 183. Can you combine deliveries into one invoice? When would you do that? i. Yes. If the header data and header partners for specified delivery or sales order are identical and if requirements for splitting do not apply. 184. Can you combine orders into one invoice? i. Yes. 185. Can you split deliveries into several invoices? When would you do that? i. Yes . If the data from the related reference documents differs in the header fields of the billing document. The system will automatically split the invoice. 186. For what do you use the billing due list? What previous step in the process is necessary that a delivery appears in the billing due list? i. Selection criteria sold-to party, billing date or receiving partner. 187. a) separate invoice for each delivery 188. b) split one sales order for delivery into several invoices.

i. c) combine several sales orders for delivery into one invoice. 189. Name the five possible influencing factors for account determination for invoices? i. Chart of accounts of the company code ii. Sales organization iii. Account assignment group of the customer (from the customer master record, Billing screen, Account group field) iv. Account assignment group of the material (from the material master record, Sales 2 screen, Account assignment group field) v. Account key (from the pricing procedure) 190. Can one business area be valid for several company codes? i. Yes. 191. What are the two possible ways to transfer sales data to business areas? Where do you specify which way you want to use? i. sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales) ii. plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products) 192. There is an interface between SD and FI in invoicing can you think of another interface between SD and FI? i. Credit check, Tax calculation, Cost estimate. 193. What is rebate processing? i. A rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer's sales volume over a specified time period 194. What is an invoice list? Which prerequisite are necessary to use an invoice list? How does an invoice list differ from a collective invoice? i. Invoice lists let you create, at specified time intervals or on specific dates, a list of billing documents (invoices, credit and debit memos) to send to a particular payer. ii. The billing documents in the invoice list can be single or collective documents (collective invoices combine items from more than one delivery). iii. The standard version of the SAP R/3 System includes two types of invoice lists: - for invoices and debit memos - for credit memos i. If you wish, you can process invoices, debit memos, and credit memos at the same time. The system automatically creates a separate invoice list for credit memos. ii. Prerequisites for Invoice Lists iii. You can process invoice lists providing that the following prerequisite data is defined by your system administrator in Customizing for Sales: - Condition type RL00 (factoring discount) must be maintained and, if required, condition type MW15 (VAT: factoring discount tax) - An invoice list type must be assigned to each billing type that you want to process in invoice lists - the standard version of the SAP R/3 System includes two invoice list types: LR for invoices and debit memos, LG for credit memos - Copying requirements must be defined (for example, the payer, terms of payment, and other fields that must be identical in the documents to be included in the invoice list) i. In addition, before you process an invoice list, you must maintain the following master data: - A customer calendar must be defined, specifying the time intervals or dates on which invoice lists are to be processed - The customer calendar must be entered in the Billing view of the customer master record of the payer (field: Inv. list sched.) - Pricing condition records for the condition type RL00 and, if necessary, MW15 i. Output condition records for condition types LR00 (invoice list) and RD01 (single invoice) ii. Collective Invoice iii. If the header data and the header partners for the specified deliveries or sales orders are identical and if the requirements for splitting do not apply, one billing document is created for all the deliveries or sales orders.

195. What is a product hierarchy and for what can it be used? i. Alphanumeric character string for grouping materials by combining various characteristics. The product hierarchy is used for evaluation and pricing purposes. ii. In Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC) : Structure consisting of the plant, product group, product, and order. Used for the interactive analysis of the product costs for each level of the hierarchy. 196. Can you name the two types of billing plans in the standard R/3 system? i. Periodic billing, Milestone billing. 197. Can you partially settle rebate accruals? i. Yes. 198. For what would you use a lump sum payment? i. A lump sum payment is a special condition which does not depend on sales volume but on a promotional performance such as a front of store display or a local advertisement. 199. CUSTOMISING 200. Explain what the IMG is? i. Tool for configuring the SAP System to meet customer requirements. Also referred to as the 'Implementation Guide'. 201. Explain how you can use the R/3 project Management in an implementation? i. For each business application, the implementation guide ii. explains all the steps in the implementation process iii. tells you the SAP standard (factory) settings iv. describes system configuration work (activities) and opens the activities interactively. v. Implementation guides are structured as hypertext. The hierarchical structure reflects the structure of the R/3 business application components, and lists all the documentation to do with implementing the R/3 System. 202. Once you have activated the company IMG can you still add modules/areas? i. Yes. 203. If you deactivate the module CO in the company IMG could you still select the CO module in a project you create? i. No. 204. Is it possible to link R/3 projects to the MS project? i. Yes. 205. What is the procedure model and how can it be used in an implementation? i. The R/3 Procedure Model is both the methodological framework for the implementation and upgrade processes and a powerful tool that supports you at every stage of the implementation process. ii. The R/3 Procedure Model provides iii. all the fundamental understanding you need at the cross-application level for implementing R/3 application components successfully, iv. a hierarchically-structured plan of the activities, v. a correct sequence of the activities vi. the link to the system setting activities 206. Explain shortly what the SAP business Navigator is and how it can be used in an implementation. i. The Reference Model integrated into the R/3 System ii. The various ways into Business Navigator (the views) help you call just the models and list displays you need in the R/3 Reference Model iii. You can access other R/3 System components directly from the models, iv. for example: data models, transactions, documentation.

207. What two ways of number assignment for documents or master data do you know? Explain the difference between them. i. Internal & External. 208. Can you share master data between several sales areas? i. Yes. 209. What does the account group of the customer control? i. Number assignment, Screen Layout. 210. What are the two influence factors for field selection for customer master record maintenance? i. Account Group, Transactions. 211. Name at least five features that you can control for the sale document type? i. Text, Partner, Pricing, Taxes, Output, Delivery. 212. Give an example of when you would specify that a sales document can only be created referencing another sales document? i. Returns can only be created referencing sales order. 213. Why do you have different sales document types in R/3? i. For business transactions. 214. Name at least three features controlled by the sales document type? i. Pricing, Taxes , Delivery. 215. Name at least five features that you can control for the item category? i. Pricing, Relevance for delivery, Relevance for billing, Incompletion log, Partner, Tax. 216. Name at least five features that you can control for the schedule line category? i. Relevance for delivery, Availability check, Transfer of Requirements, Goods Movement, Purchasing and Incompletion log. 217. Explain how the system can automatically determine the item category in the sales order. i. Sales document type + Higher level Item category + Item category group + Item Usage. 218. Explain how the system can automatically determine the schedule line category in the sales order? i. Item category + MRP type. 219. Once the system determined the item level schedule line category automatically in the sales order, can you still change it manually? i. Yes. 220. At which levels in the sales document can you have different incompletion procedures? i. Sales Document Type, Item Category, Schedule Line Category, Partner Functions, Sales Activities. 221. What is the item category group? Where do you maintain it? i. The item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. It defines, for example, that pricing does not take place for a free of charge item, such as a business gift; or that inventory management is not carried out for a service. When processing sales and distribution documents, the system uses the item category group to determine the item category. The system determines the item category based on the item category group of the material and the current business transaction, and proposes it in the respective document. ii. When creating the material types non-stock material and services, DIEN is proposed in both cases for the item category group, because the order processing for both material types is identical: for example, pricing is carried out for both, but no availability check. iii. It is maintained in the material master. 222. What do you control at item category level in the delivery?

i. Relevance for Picking, Determination of Picking Location, Minimum Delivery Quantity. 223. Do you have schedule lines in the delivery? i. No. 224. Item categories from the sales order are copied into the delivery. What happens if you add a new item in the delivery how can the system still automatically determine the item category for the delivery? If, yes, what do you have to do? i. You can only enter an item that is not dependent on an order in a delivery if the delivery permits the item category for that item. The item category is determined on the basis of the delivery type and item category group in the material master record. Thus, items for which an order has to be created first cannot be added to a delivery. Which materials can be included in a delivery, depend on your system configuration. In the standard version of the SAP R/3 System, only materials with the item category VERP can be added to a delivery. 225. What does the billing type control? i. The document number ii. The partner functions allowed at header level iii. The partner functions allowed at item level iv. The billing type that can be used to cancel the billing document v. The transfer status of the billing document: vi. Transferred to financial accounting vii. blocked from transfer viii. not transferred ix. The procedure for account assignment in Financial Accounting x. The allowed output for a business transaction and the procedure for output. 226. When you think of the document flow what do you control for it in customizing? i. You can specify for a particular sales document type, which document type is to be assigned to copied reference documents, and which item categories or schedule line categories are to be copied. ii. You must also make specifications for copying requirements and data transfer, as well as quantity and value updates in document flow. This must be done for each copying procedure at header, item and, if necessary, schedule line level on a detail screen. 227. You can specify partner procedures for the customer master (linked to the account group) and you can specify partner procedures for the sales document. Can you have different partner procedure at sales document type and item category level? If yes, why would you want to have different procedures for the item category? i. Yes. Different Ship-to party. 228. What is a partner type? Give some example? i. The partner type is an indicator which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer "KU". 229. You want to set up a new condition type. Name the necessary steps you have to do If you want the system to determine the new condition type automatically during sales order entry? i. Check to what extent you can use the condition types contained in the standard SAP R/3 System. ii. Create new condition types by copying a similar conditions type and changing it according to your requirements. One reason for creating a new condition type is you may require a calculation rule for a discount which is not available in the standard system. iii. Specify an alphanumeric key which can have up to 4 digits, and a textual description. iv. Specify an access sequence for the condition types. You do not need to specify an access sequence for header conditions. - Maintain the detail screen of the condition type. i. You can also assign a reference condition type if the condition types you are working with are similar. Then you will only have to maintain condition records for the reference condition type. ii. In addition, you can define the upper and lower limits for the value of a condition at condition type level. This way, you limit the amounts or the scale values in the corresponding condition records.

230. When you think of the five possible elements necessary for the account determining during posting of a sales invoice where from does the system get the information? i. Chart of Accounts, Sales Organization, Payer, Material Master, Account Key. 231. Name the necessary steps to setup a route? i. Define the transportation connection points which mark the beginning and end of a leg ii. Define the leg by specifying the transportation connection points at the beginning and end iii. Define the modes of transport and shipping types which are dependent upon the mode of transport. iv. Define the routes by listing the individual legs one after another. The sequence of legs constituting the route determines the itinerary. When you string together the individual legs of the route, you must also specify the shipping type for each leg. v. As a simple alternative you can also define routes without specifying them more precisely by defining legs. Note that in this case the system cannot propose the office of exit for export. 232. During route determination the system also needs to know the departure Zone of the goods to be shipped. How does this information come into the sales order? i. Customer Master. 233. What is the scope of check during availability check and what do you specify with it? i. Stocks ii. Safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock. iii. Inward and outward movements iv. Purchase orders, purchase requisitions, planned orders, production orders, reservations, dependent reservations, dependent requirements, sales requirements, delivery requirements. 234. Where do you assign text determination procedures for customer master records and for documents? i. Account Group, Item Category. 235. Can you make texts mandatory for a customer master or a sales document? i. Yes. 236. Give examples for standard output types in SD. i. Order Confirmation, Delivery Note , Invoice. 237. Can you specify when output should be created? If yes, what possibilities do you have? i. Yes. Print out, Mail, EDI, Fax. 238. What does the material type control ? i. The material type determines a material's procurement type. It also controls - screen sequence - field selection - number assignment type in material master maintenance - inventory management type - account determination

SAP SD Interview Questions Here is a summary of the interview questions that we would be discussing in our Job Oriented SAP SD Training classes. Please click on the respective links, and answer the questions in the comment section. Some are simple theoretical questions but can get pretty complex when mixed with real life questions. Most of these questions are scenario based and thats how they are in real life. So, as discussed in the class Always be prepared with real-time scenarios. No text book stuff please :)

General SAP SD Questions What is PGI ? What is the significance of PGI ? What is the highest Organization element in SAP SD ? How many Sales Organizations have you configured in your previous company ? My customer requires to consolidate multiple deliveries. How should this scenario be configured ? I want to configure the Customer Master for a Non-profit company which has tax-exemption certificate. How should this scenario be configured ? Is there a limit on the number of line items in the sales order ? Does Availability Check happen in Inquiry ? ( If not, why ? ) Does Transfer of Requirements happen in Quotation ? ( If not, why ? ) Are schedule Lines Created for an SAP Quotation ? ( If not, why ? ) What is the Transaction code to Create/Change Display Deliveries ? What is the Transaction code used to create a Return Delivery ? ( Is it different from standard delivery ? ) What kind of organizational structures did you create during your last projects and why ? Where would you use an SAP Return Order and SAP Credit Memo ? ( Business Scenario Differences ) How many different distribution channels and divisions did you create for your last client and why ? Who creates the Company Code data in the Customer Master ? Can a Customer Belong to multiple Sales Groups / Sales Offices ? Can you give me some examples of Shipping Conditions you configured ? What are payment terms ? What are the different kind of Partner Functions you configured and why ? Can a material belong to more than 1 division ? Why are common distribution Channel maintained ? What is the difference between Individual Requirements vs Collective Requirements in SAP ? What is the difference between a cash sale ( CS ) and Rush Order ( RO ) ? What is the difference between commercial invoice & Proforma Invoice ? Can proforma Invoices be created with reference to order ? Why would you want to create a new SAP Pricing Procedure ? How to view the Transaction Code associated with a Program in SAP ? What is the Difference between Consignment Special Stock and Regular Stock What is your SAP System Landcape ? What is the difference between Golden Client and Sandbox Client ? Why is the Quality Server used in SAP Landscape ? What is the difference between SAP Proforma Invoice Types F5 and F8 ? What is Delivery Splitting in SAP ? Can you delete a Customer Master in SAP ? Can you split a single line item into multiple line items manually ? What are the advantages of SAP Milestone Billing vs SAP Periodic Billing ? What is the difference between a Rush order and a Cash Sale ? What is the SAP item category for Cash Sales ? What is Scrap Sales in SAP ? What is Contract to Order ? What is the use of Requirement field in SAP Pricing ? What is Intercompany Stock Transfer Order ( STO ) ? What are the major configuration settings around an STO ? How to do STO in SD ? How to do STO in MM ? What is a Horizon in SAP Credit Management ? Can billing be done in SAP without PGI ? Can Sales order, delivery and billing be done for an item quantity of Zero ? What is third party sales ? What settings are required to trigger this ? What is Individual Purchase Order ? What settings are required to trigger this ? What is consignment process in SAP ? Can a Sales order have more than 1 pricing procedure associated with it ? What kind of SD-FI interface configuration have you done ? How do I perform Credit Management without Open Orders ? Can a Plant be associated with multiple company codes in SAP ? Give me some examples of some of the fields you have used in SAP Condition Technique ?

What is the difference between Simple & Automatic Credit Check ? What is the difference between Static & Dynamic Credit Check ? What is Credit Exposure ? Give some examples of Data Migration Techniques other than SAP LSMW ? How to configure FREE Goods with SAP Consignments ? Can you have 2 pricing procedures in a single SAP Sales Order ? Can a pricing procedure in a sales document be different from the pricing procedure in a billing document ? What is the purpose of SAP Delivery Item Category ? Can a Sales Org belong to 2 different company codes ? What are Copy Control Requirement Routines ? What is the difference between SAP Material Groups and Product Hierarchy ? SAP SD Project Questions What is GAP Analysis ? What is an SAP Blueprint Document ? What is the difference between a Blueprint Document and a Functional Specification document ? SAP SD General Interview Questions How do you adapt to new changes in the Project ? How do you push back on changes from the user ? How do you manage tough deadlines ? What was your team size ? What was the location of your project ? Why did you leave your current project ? Whom did you report to in your last project ? How did you communicate with your user groups across different geographical locations ? What was your specific role in the last project ? How do you push back on changes and rationally explain the same to your manager ? Give some examples of a project with tough deadlines that you have done ? If your manager/users ask you to move the project without proper testing, how would you handle the situation ? Your queue is filled-up and over-flowing and you are not able to handle the work ( tickets for example in a production support project ). How do you handle the situation ? Given a task, how do you manage it through its life cycle ? How do you handle situations where a power user/process owner is not signing off on a blueprint/UAT and forcing you to do more than you you had to ? What kind of Data Migration did you do in your last projects ? Tell me about your SAP Skills ** ? Real Time SAP SD Interview Questions Can you give a scenario in your project where you have used the help of SAP ABAP consultant to do the customization Explain some of the gaps that you have found in your recent GAP Analysis and how you proposed the solution to fill the gap ? Can you explain the most complex situation you faced in the project and discuss the proposed solution ? Give me a couple of examples of the latest product support tickets you got and the resolution if any ? What are the ways in which you can block a material from being ordered ? Give me one example of a functional requirement that you mapped in SAP and explain how you have documented in an SAP Functional Specification document In your last project, can you give a description of the SAP team structure ? Scenario Based Questions : Question 1 : My customer returned the faulty products, I want to send them to quality check instead of sending them to normal stock.where should i do the configuration.

Question 2 : I have 2 customers Customer A and Customer B.I need to create a sales order for both of them using ZOR sales doc type. Both need the same material m-01. But for customer a the item category of M-01 should be TAN and for b the item category is TANN. where should i do the configuration. Question 3 : If we can change the inco terms of each item in a sales order it will result in invoice split. However, we configure the inco terms in customer master and not in material master. How can you justify this ? Question 4 : A material belongs to 2 different Material Group Classifications. However, there is only one material group associated with a material master. How do you solve this problem Do you have an interview question you want to add ? Please post your SAP interview questions here. For other areas of SAP Training or SAP CRM Training please visit our Magna Training home page. Magna Training also does Informatica Training and other Data Warehouse Trainings as well. Share this: 10 Responses to SAP SD Interview Questions shyam December 24, 2011 at 5:10 am # Here are some more questions asked in my recent interview.. 1. what is make to order and complete configuration procedure step by step 2.can a plant be associated with 2 different company codes? if yes , then which is the business process that needs this configuration? 3.what are the important 16 fields in condition technique 4. what is the difference btwn simple and automatic credit check and diff btwn static and dynamic? 5. what is credit exposure and where is it managed? 6. if my client doesnt want 2 include open orders while doing credit check, where shud i do the configuration? 7. what are the data migration techniques other than LSMW? 8. is it possible to give free goods with consignments? it possible to have 2 pricing procedures in a sales order? 10. can a pricing procedure in a sales document be different that of the pricing procedure in a billing document? 11. what is the purpose of delivery item category? 12. can one belong to 2 diff Comp.Code? explain in detail with a real time scenario 1. In 3rd party sales after creating the PR is , if i block the order, what will happen to the PR? 2. During 3rd party sales, when the 3rd party sends the stock to us against the PR raised, we do PGR(post goods receipt), what gets updated during pgr? and if the 3rd party sends the stock directly to the customer, what shud v do..either pgi or pgr? 3. how will you determine text flow from a sales document to billing document? 4.In document flow, we find the status as open, complete and not complete? where is the setting for this document flow update? 1.what is the difference btwn Rush Order and Cash Sale? 2.what is the movement type for returns? 3.Scenario: My customer returned the faulty products, I want to send them to quality check instead of sending them to normal stock.where should i do the configuration. 4.what is the item category for cash sales? 5.Scenario: I have 2 customers a and b.I need to create a sales order for both of them using ZOR sales doc type.Both needs the same material m-01. But for customer a the item category of m-01 shud be tan and for b the item category is tann. where shud i do the configuration. 6.what is the advantage of Milestone billing over periodic billing? 7.what is SCRAP SALES in sap sd? 8.what is the use of requirement field in pricing? 9.How do we do intercompany STO wrt. SD and MM. 10. Configuration settings for intercompany STO. 11.what is horizon period in dynamic credit?

12.can billing be done without doing PGI? 13.Can a sales order, delivery and billing done for item quantity zero 14.what triggers the third party sales and configuration settings? 15. What is consignment process? 16.can one sales order have multiple pricing procedure? 17.If we can change the inco terms of each item in a sales order it will result in invoice split..but we configure the inco terms in customer master and not in material masterhow can u justify? I will create links for them. Thanks for the input Shyam. I guess I am supposed to call you back. I was in the class the last time you called me. My phone currently has some issues ( Prepaid to post paid etc ) . I will email you. Can you please email me your number ? A.Can you give a scenario in your project where you have used the help of SAP ABAP consultant to do the customization? B.Explain some of the gaps that you have found in your recent GAP Analysis and how you proposed the solution to fill the gap ? C.Can you explain the most complex situation you faced in the project and discuss the proposed solution ? D.Give me a couple of examples of the latest product support tickets you got and the resolution if any ? E.What are the ways in which you can block a material from being ordered ? F.Give me one example of a functional requirement that you mapped in SAP and explain how you have documented in an SAP Functional Specification document? G.In your last project, can you give a description of the SAP team structure ? SAP SD CIN Configuration By Shesagiri What is CIN? CIN Means Country India Version In Indian Taxing procedure, Excise Duty plays a vital role in manufacturing cenarios. Excise related configuration is known as CIN configuration. CIN Configuration is a topic in itself. Some info on CIN Configuration (it may not appear as understandable below, but if you check on screen, it will be understood better) Country Version India comes with four pricing procedures as follows: - JINFAC (Sales from manufacturing plants) - JINEXP (Export sales) - JINDEP (Sales from depots) - JINSTK (Stock transfers CIN: IMG > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Maintain Excise Registrations In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your excise registrations. - Enter each of your excise registrations, specifying a four-character code for each Excise Registration Ids In this activity, you maintain excise registration IDs. You create one ID for each of your business's excise registrations. - For each excise registration in your business create a registration ID, and state: - Which taxes the registration covers (additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess) Fields for any taxes that are not covered will be hidden in transactions involving excise duty. - The maximum number of items to be printed on each excise invoice - Whether you are allowed partial CENVAT credits Maintain Registration ID NUMBER, Excise code number, excise registration number ECC Number: Specifies the organization's ECC number. Excise Registration Number: A number assigned to each premises or location that has registered as a manufacturer with the excise authorities. Every entity with an excise registration number is required to keep its own excise books. Excise range: Specifies the excise range in whose area the excise registration is located. Excise Division: Specifies the excise division in whose area the excise registration is located. Excise Collectorate: The code of the excise collectorate in whose area the excise registration is located. Indicator for confirming, AED usage Additional Excise duty Percentage. These are livable under the additional duties of excise act. These duties are in addition to basic excise duty and special excise duty. Example - Additional Excise duty is livable in case of textile products, tobacco and sugar.

Similarly for SED CESS Number of Items in Excise Invoice Shows the maximum number of line items that the authorities allow per excise invoice. Dependencies - This information is used when you create an excise invoice in Sales and Distribution (SD) for factory sales and for other movements. This information is used to split the transfer postings' items into multiple subcontracting challans. Excise register set description: Description of the excise registers set. Partial CENVAT Credit: Indicates that the excise registration ID is allowed to credit only a portion of its input excise duty to its CENVAT account Dependencies - When you post a goods receipt, the system splits the input excise duty on the material into its deductible and nondeductible amounts. It posts the deductible duty to the appropriate CENVAT account, and adds the nondeductible duty to the material value. This information is also shown when you post the vendor's excise invoice. Maintain Company Code Settings. In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your company codes. Document Type for CENVAT Postings. It controls, which document type the system uses when making CENVAT postings in Financial Accounting (FI). Here ED is document type for cenvat posting. Indicator for providing debit account overwriting Debit Account Overwrite Indicator. X - Indicates debit accounts can be overwritten. Use In excise journal voucher transaction. It provides the flexibility to the user to enter the debit account of his choice depending on the nature of transaction. Automatic balance Indicator - Excise year start month. The calendar month marking the beginning of the excise year. This start month represents the month for the start of the excise invoice number range. The month 04 is entered here indicating April of the calendar year as the start month for excise invoices. Any change by the Excise authorities regarding start month should be taken care of by an entry in this field and initialization. Excise invoice selection procedure :Excise invoice selection type. To indicate the method opted by the company for selecting the excise invoice. It can be either earliest or latest invoices that were received. Number of excise invoices to be selected Indicates the number of excise invoices that needs to be selected in the excise invoice selection. Days to be considered for excise invoice selection Number of days from document date for excise invoice selection. Example - If the value of this field is 20 and today is 28-03-97. The excise invoice selection will show the related invoices only for the period 08-03-97 to 28-03-97. Document type for TDS FI posting: Financial accounting document type for TDS posting. Document type for FI posting on Utilisation Financial accounting document type for TDS posting. Indicator for item level excise duty round off - This indicator is to be used for deciding whether Item level excise duty amount rounding off is required during procurement cycle. If marked 'X' then the excise duty amount will be rounded off to the nearest rupee at the Purchase order level. This will not round off the CENVAT credit to be taken. If the duty amount is less than one rupee then no rounding is done Rounding off of Excise duty for outgoing excise invoice - You can round off the Excise amount to be paid during an outgoing Excise invoice by marking this indicator as 'X'. The rounding is done at the item level for each item where the amount is greater than 1 Rupee. Immediate Credit on Capital Goods - Instructs the system, when you verify a goods receipt for capital goods, to immediately post half of the input excise duty to the appropriate CENVAT accounts. The rest is posted the CENVAT on hold account, for use in the following year. CVD Clearing Account - Specifies which G/L account the system credits when you take a CENVAT credit on countervailing duty in the Incoming Excise Invoices transaction. Exchange rate type - Key representing a type of exchange rate in the system. - You enter the exchange rate type to store different exchange rates. Example - You can use the exchange rate type to define a buying rate, selling rate, or average rate for translating foreign currency amounts. You can use the average rate for the currency translation, and the bank buying and selling rates for valuation of foreign currency amounts. Exchange rate type to be used for Export excise duty converts - When you are creating an Excise invoice for export sales then the exchange rate for duty calculation will be picked up using this Exchange rate type. Maintain Plant Settings - In this IMG activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants. Plant Settings - In this activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants.

For each plant: - Specify whether it is a manufacturing site or a depot. - Assign it an excise registration ID. - You can assign the same ID to more than one plant, if required. Depot - Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation. - Number of goods receipt per excise invoice. - Multiple GR for one excise invoice, Single credit - Multiple GR for one excise invoice, multiple credit Maintain Excise Groups - In this IMG activity, you define your excise groups. For each excise group, you can also control how various excise invoice transactions will work. Excise Groups - In this activity, you define excise groups. An excise group allows you to maintain a separate set of excise registers and excise accounts. The RG 23A, RG 23C and PLA serial numbers are created for an excise group. Recommendation - Under normal circumstances, excise authorities require every business to maintain only one set of excise registers and one set of accounts. But through exemption from the authorities, multiple books can be maintained. If your company has only one set of excise registers, then you need to maintain only one excise group. 1. Create one excise group for each set of registers that you need to keep. 2. Assign the excise groups to plants. 3. Maintain whether this Excise group is for a depot or not. If you receive only one consignment for an Excise challan then you can leave GR's per EI as blank. If you receive multiple GR's for a given Excise challan and would like to avail multiple credit mark the GRs per EI as 'Multiple GR's for one excise invoice, multiple credit'. Alternatively if you want to availa the credit only after all the goods receipts have been made mark it as ' Multiple GR for one excise invoice, single credit'. 4. If you want to automatically create Excise invoice during Sales cycle at the time of billing the tick the indicator 'Create EI' 5. During depot sales if you do not want to do RG23D selection and posting separately and would like to complete RG23D selection in one step mark the indicator 'RG23D Auto post'. This will post the selected records into RG23D automatically. You cannot cancel the selection later. 6. If the indicator 'Default GR qty' is marked system will default the Excise challan quantity on to the Goods receipt if the Excise invoice number is given in the pop-up. 7. If the indicator 'Folio no create' is marked system will generate Folio numbers for RG23D during receipt of excise invoice into depot. 8. 'Automatic posting' when ticked will post the Excise invoice other movements automatically along with creation in single step. 9. 'Create Part1 for Block Stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into Blocked stock . 10. 'Create Part1 for STO' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material through inter plant transfers. 11. 'Create Part1 for consumption stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into consumption stock. Excise Group Governs which set of excise registers a business transaction will be included in. Following is the relation between excise group, plant and registration. - In define excise groups in Customizing. Then, in transactions involving excise duty, for example, when you post a vendor's excise invoice, you specify which excise group you are using. This information tells the system which G/L accounts to post the excise to. At the end of the period, when you come to prepare your excise registers, you create different sets for each excise group. Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation. - GR Per Excise Invoice - Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Multiple credit - Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Single Credit Create Excise Invoice Automatically - Instructs the system to automatically create a Sales and Distribution (SD) excise invoice immediately you create a commercial invoice or a pro forma invoice. The excise invoice is created in the background. - If you want to make use of this function, you must also define the default plant, excise group, and series groups in Customizing for Sales and Distribution (SD), by choosing Excise Group - Series Group Determination.

RG23D Sales Creation and posting option - RG23D Automatic Option if selected will create Depot excise invoice by posting the selection of excise invoices in single step. If this is not selected then you need to separately do RG23D selection followed by PGI and then RG23D verification and posting. If you need automatic posting of RG23D selection then the Post Goods Issue should have been completed before running RG23D selection. Default excise qty in GR - If this indicator is ticked then while doing Goods Receipt using 'MB01' system will default the excise invoice quantity on to the Goods receipt document. Folio number for depo Posting - If this indicator is marked then while creating Excise invoice for other movements system automatically does the Verify and Post. You need not separately Post the excise invoice Also we can set indicator for creation of part 1 for: - Blocked stock - Stock transport order - Consignment stock Maintain Series Group - In this IMG activity, you define the different excise series groups within your company. Series groups allow you to maintain multiple number ranges for the outgoing excise documents. Based on excise regulations and exemptions from the authorities you can maintain multiple number series for outgoing documents. But each of these series has to be declared to the excise authorities. - Define excise series groups based on type of outgoing document - Assign series group to excise registration ID - If no financial postings are required for an Excise invoice in this seris group then you tick the 'No utilization' indicator. - If the CENVAT has to be paid immediately and you need not wait for the Fort nightly payment then mark the 'Immediate Utilization' Iindicator. Example - You could define two series groups, group 001 for excise invoices, and group 002 for 57 F4 documents. - No account postings for CENVAT in sales cycle - No utilization Flag If you do not need any CENVAT utilization for an excise invoice but would like to just generate an excise invoice then you need to mark this indicator. If the flag is checked then system will create an Excise invoice in the given Series group but there will not be any account postings or Part2 postings. Immediate Utilization of CENVAT - Specifies that when you create an excise invoice, the system immediately pays the amount from CENVAT and creates the Part II entry. Such invoices will not be listed for fortnightly utilization. If you have both fortnightly and immediate utilization for the same excise group, the account determination within CIN IMG should point to the ED interim account. Account determination for immediate payment will be done exactly the same as being done for fortnightly utilization program. Maintain Excise Duty Indicators - In this IMG activity, you maintain the excise duty indicators. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty > Select Tax Calculation Procedure In this IMG activity, you specify which tax procedure you want to use for determining excise duties and sales taxes on input materials in India. - If you use condition-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINN. - If you use formula-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINJ. This tax procedure also supports condition-based excise determination, so that you can work with both concurrently. We strongly recommend that new customers use condition-based excise determination. Note that once you have started using a tax procedure, you cannot switch to another one, otherwise you will not be able to display old documents. Maintain Excise Defaults - In this IMG activity, you define which tax procedure and pricing condition types are used in calculating excise taxes using formula-based excise determination. If you use condition-based excise determination, fill out the CVD cond. field and leave all the others blank. If you use formula-based excise determination, fill out all of the fields as follows: - Enter the tax procedure and the pricing conditions that are relevant for excise tax processing. - Specify the purchasing and sales conditions types used for basic excise duty, additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess. - Specify the conditions in the sales order that are used for excise rates. - Specify the countervailing duty condition type used for import purchase orders.

See also : SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Determination and -> Formula-Based Excise Determination. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty > Condition-Based Excise Determination When you enter a purchasing document, for example, a purchase order, the R/3 System automatically calculates the applicable excise duties using the condition technique. Features : The standard system comes with two tax calculation procedures. TAXINN is only supports condition-based excise determination, whereas TAXINJ supports condition-based excise determination and formula-based excise determination. Both tax procedures contain condition types that cover all of the excise duties and sales taxes applicable. Since the exact rates of excise duty can vary on a large number of factors, such as which vendor you purchase a material from, or which chapter ID the vendor stocks the material under, you create condition records for every sort of excise duty. When you come to enter a purchasing document, the system applies the excise duty at the rates you have entered in the condition records. Customizing : Make the settings in Customizing Basic -> India -> for Logistics General, by choosing Taxes on Goods Movements Account -> Excise Duties Using Condition Technique and -> Settings Determination. These activities include one activity where you define a tax code for condition-based excise determination. Master Data - Create condition records for all excise duties that apply, and enter the tax code for conditionbased excise determination in each. Day-to-Day Activities - When you enter a purchase order or other purchasing document, enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each line item. The system then calculates the excise duties using the condition records you have created. When the ordered materials arrive, you post the goods receipt and the excise invoice. The system posts the excise duty to the appropriate accounts for deductible input taxes when you enter the excise invoice. Creating Condition Records for Excise Duty 1. In the command field, enter FV11 and choose . 2. Enter the condition type that you want to create a condition record for and choose . The Key Combination dialog box appears. 3. Select the combination of objects that you want to create the condition record for. On the dialog box, Control Code means "chapter ID." So, for example, to create a condition record for a tax that applies to a combination of country, plant, and chapter ID, select Country/Plant/Control Code. 4. Choose . 5. Enter data as required. - In the Tax Code field, enter the dummy tax code that you have defined. 6. Save the condition record. Formula-Based Excise Determination - When you execute a business transaction involving materials that are subject to excise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty for you. In order for the system to be able to determine which rate of excise duty to apply, you must have maintained all the data on the Excise Rate Maintenance screen, which you can Master Dataaccess from the SAP Easy Access screen by choosing Indirect Taxes Excise Rate Maintenance. You maintain the following types of data: - Plant master data You assign each of your plants an excise duty indicator. You can use the same indicator for all the plants with the same excise status from a legal point of view, such as all those that are in an exempt zone. See also the information about manufacturers that are only entitled to deduct a certain portion of the duty (see Partial CENVAT Credit). - Vendor master data For each of your vendors with the same excise status from a legal perspective, you define an excise duty indicator. You must also specify the vendor type for example, whether the vendor is a manufacturer, a depot, or a first-stage dealer. You must also stipulate if the vendor qualifies as a small-scale industry. For each permutation of plant indicator and vendor indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator. - Customer master data Similarly, you assign the same excise duty indicator to each of your customers that share the same legal excise status. Again, for each permutation of plant indicator and customer indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator. - Material master data Each material is assigned a chapter ID.

- Excise tax rate For every chapter ID and final excise duty indicator, you maintain the rate of excise duty. If your business only qualifies for partial CENVAT credit, you must customize your system accordingly. Let us consider an example to illustrate how the system determines which rate of excise duty to apply to a material. Assume you are posting a sale of ball bearings to a customer. The system automatically determines the rate of excise duty as follows: 1. Looks up the customer master data to see what status you have assigned the customer. Let's assume you've assigned the customer status 3. 2. Looks up the plant master data to see what status you have assigned the plant. Similarly, your plant has status 2. 3. The system looks up the table under Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer to see what the final excise duty indicator is for customer status 3 and plant status 2: It is 7. 4. The system determines the chapter ID of the ball bearing for the plant. Lets assume the chapter ID at plant for the ball bearings is 1000.01. 5. Finally, the system looks up the table under Excise Tax Rate to see what rate of duty applies to chapter ID 1000.01 under status 7. Define Tax Code for Purchasing Documents - In this IMG activity, you define a tax code for the purposes of calculating excise duty when you enter purchasing documents. Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination. - Create a new tax code, and set the tax code type to V (input tax). Do not make any other settings for it. - Assign Tax Code to Company Codes In this IMG activity, assign the tax code for purchasing documents to the company codes where it will be used. Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination. Classify Condition Types - In this IMG activity, you specify which condition types you use for which sort of tax. Note that this only applies to condition types that you use with the new excise determination method. The system uses this information when you create a document from another one. For example, when you enter an incoming excise invoice from a purchase order, or when you create an outgoing excise invoice from a sales order, the system determines the various excise duties in the excise invoice using the information that you have entered here. In addition, when you create a purchasing document, the system only uses the condition types that you enter here. - For taxes on purchases, use the condition types contained in the tax procedure. - For taxes on sales, use the condition types contained in the pricing procedures. The standard system comes with sample settings for the tax calculation procedures and pricing procedures. Use these settings as a basis for your own. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Account Determination Define G/L Accounts for Taxes - In this IMG activity, you specify which G/L accounts you will use to record which taxes. Requirements - You have set up G/L accounts for each of the processing keys listed below. - Assign an account to each of the following posting keys. The accounts for VS1, VS2, and VS3 are used as clearing accounts during excise invoice verification. - VS1 (basic excise duty) - VS2 (additional excise duty) - VS3 (special excise duty) - VS5 (sales tax setoff) - MWS (central sales tax) - MW3 (local sales tax) - ESA (service tax) - ESE (service tax expense) Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you specify which excise accounts (for excise duty and CENVAT) are to be posted to for the various transaction types. Enter all the accounts that are affected by each transaction type. If you use sub transaction types, enter the accounts for each sub transaction type as well. Transaction type UTLZ is used for determining accounts only while posting excise JVs and also if the payment of excise duty has to be done fortnightly. The fortnightly CENVAT payment utility picks up the credit side accounts from the transaction types of GRPO, EWPO, and TR6C for determining the CENVAT and PLA

accounts. There is no separate transaction type for fortnightly payment. Example: - Excise TT DC ind Account name - GRPO CR CENVAT clearing account - GRPO CR RG 23 BED account - GRPO DR CENVAT on hld account Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. When you come to execute the various transactions, the system determines which G/L accounts to post to by looking at the: - Excise group - Company code - Chart of accounts Furthermore, if you want separate account determination settings within an excise group, you can also use sub transaction types. Requirements You have already: - Defined the G/L accounts - Defined the excise groups - Maintained the transaction accounts Activities - For each excise group, assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. For most businesses, one set of accounts will suffice for all transactions. Note : you need not remit the CENVAT to the excise department immediately, so maintain the credit account for transaction type DLFC as an excise duty interim account. This will be set off when you remit the duty. Config setting needed to be done in order to get the Excise Details Screen in Material Master. Even though this functionality is available in enterprise version, a small configuration step has to be made in Screen Sequences for Material Master. Following document helps you to do this configuration. - Material Master Logistics General 1. Go to IMG Define Structure of Data Screen for each Configuring the Material master Screen Sequence. 2. Select your screen sequence. Usually it would be 21. Select the same and click on Data Screen in the left frame. 3. Once the data screens are exhibited, select data screen no. 15, ie. SSq. 21and Scrn 15, which is Foreign Trade: Import Data. Select the same and click on Sub screens in the left frame. 4. Go to the last sub screen i.e. 21-15-6 - SAPLMGD1- 0001 and select the same. Click on tab view sub screen and ensure that the sub screen is blank. 5. Now in the last sub screen i.e. no.6 you delete SAPLMGD1 0001 and instead add SAPLJ1I_MATERIAL_MASTER and in the screen no. 2205. 6. Save the setting. 7. Create a Material Master and check whether in Screen Foreign Trade Import, Excise related sub screen appears.

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Out bound delivery--- is Post goods Issue (PGI) In bound delivery--- is Post Goods Received (PGR) PGI will come under Sales Area PGR will come under MM Module PGI decreases physical stock and PGR increases Read More What is a shipping point and loading points in SAP SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Shipping points are the points from where deliveries are initiated. One shipping point can be assigned to more than one store or plant. A Loading point is just a subdivision of a shipping point and manually entered into the header... Read More Give a definition of replenishment lead time? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Total time for the in-house production or for the external procurement of a product. In in-house production the replenishment lead time is determined to cover all BOM levels. Read More What is backorder processing or partial delivery? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 While doing sales order the material is not available some Times at that time we give the delivery date if the goods available earlier than delivery date can go back with sales order and deliver the goods before first delivery date.... Read More Why u can call(r using) ssf_function_module_name in smartforms? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program. Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once or By using "ssf_function_module_name " the user can obtain the function mudule generated by the Smartform. The input parameter is the SMARTFORM... Read More Which different partner functions can a customer master record serve? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer: sold-to party ship-to party payer bill-to party One-time customer including all partner functions. Read More What is the difference between 'extract' and 'collect' statements? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Once you have declared the possible record types as field groups and defined their structure, you can fill the extract dataset using the following statements: EXTRACT <fg>. When the first EXTRACT statement... Read More What does the account group of the customer /vendor control? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A collection of properties of accounts which determine the creation of master records. The account group determines the data that is relevant for the master record and a number range from which numbers are selected for the master... Read More What is the difference between an inquiry and quotation ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Inquiry: Request made to a vendor for a quotation for required materials or services. No availability check is done for inquiry. Quotation: Offer from a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials or... Read More What does the condition exclusion indicator do for you? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents. Read More What are the 16 steps in the pricing procedure? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Step, Counter, Condition type, Description, Form, To, Manual, ... Read More Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization (TVKOV) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 This assignment ensures, a Sales Organization can supply Materials to Customers through this Distribution Channel. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution > Assign distribution channel to sales... Read More Assigning Shipping Point to Plant (TVSWZ) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 This assignment ensures that goods from different Plant can be dispatched from different Shipping Points. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant Read More Why does the customer master have different views?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In addition to the sales and distribution data, the accounting data is also important for a payer. Therefore one can create a customer master record centrally for the following partner functions: For the payer For the soldto... Read More What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Erb--- is the sales deduction account key used for rebate processing. Eru--- is the accruals key used in pricing For rebate processing it is used for difference in sales Revenues. Read More What is the difference between vk11 and vk31? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Tcode vk11 used for individual Maintenance of condition record And Tcode vk31 used for mass Maintenance of condition record Read More How is credit control determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Credit control is determined in the combination COMPANY CODE + CUSTOMER RISK CATEGORY + CREDIT GROUP = CREDIT CONTROL AREA One Company code can be assigned too many credit control areas And multiple company codes... Read More Which data is updated when you create a billing document? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 1. Financial document is going to generated 2. Billing due list up dates 3. Credit management up dates Read More Define Credit Control Area (T014) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Company is created by FI Consultant. The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not... Read More Maintaining Distribution Channel (TVTW) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Distribution Channel is the way, in which Products or Services reach Customers. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel Read More What does the material type control ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The material type determines a material's procurement type. It also controls - screen sequence - field selection - number assignment type in material master maintenance - inventory management type ... Read More Is it possible to automate output processing? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Yes, we can use output determination procedure to automate Output processing. This is based on Condition technique. We Have to assign the output determination procedure Read More Tell process of ticket flow from client side to you? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Normally tickets will come to the helpdesk which were sent By End-users thru client specific internal mail id, then we will take up the tickets ans then access the production Server according to the ticket Read More For what or why do you use the incompletion log? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 To have a complete document so that it doesnt affect subsequent processes. Read More How revenue account is determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 1. Application 2. Chart of accounts 3. Sales Org 4. Condition type 5. Account assignment group from customer 6. Account assignment group from material 7. Account key Read More Define Shipping Points (TVST) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Shipping Point is the Organizational element, which is responsible for shipping the Materials to the Customers. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics Execution -> Define, copy, delete, check shipping point Read More Which reference statuses can a document have at item level? Which statuses at header level? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Item level: Partial, Full. Header level: Full. Read More What is the difference between condition type EK01 and EK02?

Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 EK01 IS A CALCLATED COST EK02 IS ESTIMATED COST Read More What is the Difference between Reconciliation A/C and Normal Posting A/c? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Manual entries can be posted in the normal G/L account and the same is not possible in the Reconciliation account, as these are automatically updated. Read More What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 SD: Sales Organizations. M: Plant PP: Plant FI: Company Code CO: Controlling Area Read More If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Plant & Storage Location. Read More Why would you carry out route determination in the delivery again? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 To reconfirm the weight of the item. Read More During route determination the system also needs to know the departure Zone of the goods to be shipped. How does this information come into the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer Master. Read More Is it possible to link R/3 projects to the MS project? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code (TVKO~BUKRS) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 This assignment ensures all the sales made through this Sales Organization are accounted for in the assigned Company Code (Company Code is created by FI Consultant). IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales... Read More Which are the two partner functions in SD that have to be maintained in FI too ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 sold-to party, payer. Read More For what would you use the fast change function in sales entry? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Alternate Plants, Delivery or Billing Blocks Read More What are the four basic elements of condition technique? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Condition Types, Condition Tables, Access Sequences, Pricing Procedures. Read More MWST? Pl explains in detail. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 MWST is Tax Condition Category which will be Assigned to Country Read More How we maintain one material at a time for two company codes? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 We have to extend the material from one plant to another Plant Read More Please explain: Rebates? Contracts? Credit Management? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Rebate is a special Discount which gives a special customer validity period and min, and maximum Purchasing qty. Contract is a contractual agreement between a sales organization and customer within a certain period ... Read More What is the basic qualification for SAP Implementation ? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Latest Answer: SAP has 2 sides, one is technical which is ABAP, Basis and Netweaver which requires BE, B.Tech, MCA, MSc Is or any other equalent qualification, the other side is functional which has the functions like Materials Management,... Read More What is a data dictionary or repository? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Central catalog that contains the descriptions of an organization's data and provides information about the relationships between the data and its use in programs and screens. The data descriptions in a Data Dictionary is also... Read More What is a matchcode? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Comparsion key. A matchcode allows you to locate the key of a particular database record (e.g. account number) by entering any field value contained in the record. The system then displays a list of records matching the specifications. Read More What are the possible units of measure for a material? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A material can be stored, transported and sold in various units of measure. In the SAP R/3 System, you can therefore define various units of measure which are maintained in the sales and distribution screens. However, you only need to... Read More Can you think of an example why you would have to create a text for a customer and copy it to the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer specific instructions. Read More Name the two outline agreements in R/3 standard and explain the difference between them. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Agreements are arrangements between business partners regarding the granting of conditions over a specified time period. The agreement contains conditions which apply over a particular time period and which are settled together at... Read More Where would you specify which data should be copied (at header, item and schedule line level)when you copy from one document to another one? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customizing Copy Control. Read More Can you combine several sales orders into one delivery document ? If no, why not? If yes, would the system check certain criteria? What criteria? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. When ship-to party or plant is different. Yes. Availability of all items are confirmed. Read More How can the route influence the material availability date? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Transit time & Transportation lead time. Read More Name three areas/processes which use condition technique in SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Material determination, Output determination, Account determination. Read More Can you partially settle rebate accruals? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More For what would you use a lump sum payment? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A lump sum payment is a special condition which does not depend on sales volume but on a promotional performance such as a front of store display or a local advertisement. Read More What type of reports generally a support consultant maintains and report Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Depends on Customer requirements. Read More Is it possible to do delivery without shipping point? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Shipping point is the destination of the goods, how we can ship the goods. It is like mailing letter without TO address. Read More WHAT DOES A/C GROUP CONTROL CUSTOMER? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account Group is like a control Parameter for the customer master. Most of the fields in the customer master are controlled Using Field Selection, which is internal function of Account Group. Read More HOW YOU CAN EXTENT THE REBATE? WHAT ARE THE PROCEDURES, WHAT IS THE CUSTOMISATION FOR IT? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The transaction coed for extend rebate is "VB (D" in that You should fill the field like recipient and rebate Agreement. For customization same as create condition tables but Already there are standard... Read More What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1. Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delivery or invoice (and anything in-between) 2. Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper... Read More

Is it possible to create new sales order types? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Yes its possible to create a new sales order type but Generally it is advised to copy standard one and proceed as It is connected in so many places Read More What are the influencing factors for account determination for invoice? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Chart of a/c AAG of customer AAG of material A/c key Read More What is pricing procedure? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Pricing procedure is a systematic and sequential use of Condition types to arrive at a right value of the product. Read More What is an MRP type? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 MRP is Material Resource planning which is based on Transfer of Requirements while processing the Sale Order. Read More What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP, FI, CO? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 SD: Sales Organizations. MM: Plant PP: Plant FI: Company Code CO: Controlling Area Read More Maintain sales office (TVBUR) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 you define the sales offices in your company. The definition of sales offices is optional. For each sales office, you can determine the printer for output based on the sales documents in different ways IMG -> Enterprise Structure ... Read More Assign sales group to sales office (TVBVK) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 you can assign as many sales groups as desired to the sales offices. Any one sales group can belong to several sales offices. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales group to... Read More When I creating the sales order the system show error "No customer master record exist for sold to party". How to rectify it? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Because that customer is not create that sales area Read More What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order(which check system considers)? what are the IMG settings for the same? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 ATP Check is checking of availablty quantities i.e ATP = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock) Availbilty Check is an integral part of business process it determines the if the desire... Read More What we normally check for in the Database Testing? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Database testing involves some indepth knowledge of the given application and requires more defined plan of approach to test the data. Key issues include : 1) data Integrity 2) data validity 3) data manipulation and updates. Tester must be... Read More What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys. Read More What is the purpose of table maintenance, What is meant by authorization? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 SM30 is table maintenance It is used for checking who changed and what changes took place in the table. or Table maintenance is for creating,adding datas to an existing table. Read More What can u do in UTP? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 UTP:unit test plans in this we test the task by various test case senarios. Read More In scripts how to upload logo (it's saved in .bmp file ) What is the procedure? Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Example by giving various input values and checking the output Use transaction SE78 to import graphics to SAP. In the form painter, you can either include directly to the form using menu Edit->Graphic->Create or using the INCLUDE statement in a... Read More

We get a report screen: "Goods issue: Problem Log" during the delivery process when activating Post Goods Issue button. Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 Question : We get a report screen: "Goods issue: Problem Log" during the delivery process when activating Post Goods Issue button. We want to include our own error message to this list if the selected batch is not on a customer defined table.... Read More what is availability check, how to configure it. Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 When we create a sales order, there are several basic functions which are executed automatically for the dynamic order management . among these basic functions ,availability check and transfer of reQuirements are crucial. Read More What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order(which check system considers) what are the IMG settings for the same. Added on Thu, Dec 24, 2009 ATP Check is checking of availablty Quantities i.e ATP = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock) Availbilty Check is an integral part of business process it determines the if the desire... Read More Name two ways to start a transaction. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Dynamic Menu Command Field Read More Why do you create user-specific parameters? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 They supply defaults to R/3 fields. If a field is indicated, the system automatically fills in default value. Depending on the field definition, the entry can also be replaced with a value entered by the user. (Concept of PARAMETER ID) Read More Name the three different kinds of messages in the R/3 system. What is the difference between them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A message can have five different types. These message types have the following effects during list processing: A (=Abend): The system displays a message of this message type in a dialog window. After the user confirms the... Read More If you want an end user to see a specific menu after logging on the R/3 system, how could you do that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 User maintenance transactions allow the system administrator to create and maintain user master records. This includes the generation and assignment of authorizations and authorization profiles. Read More In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This... Read More Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions. Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach... Read More Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you... Read More What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the: sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales) plant/division (if the accounts are to... Read More Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Many to One. Read More What is the central organizational element in purchasing?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Purchasing Organization. Read More Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Many to Many to One. Read More Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes in CO . Read More What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one... Read More Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one... Read More Give a definition of plant (in SAP). Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects. A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and... Read More Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales Organizations. Read More Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects). A plant can be subdivided into locations... Read More Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More How many shipping points can you assign to a plant? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Many. Read More How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 None. Read More What is the structure of data in the customer master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Different data is maintained in each of the three areas: General data, like address and telephone number, etc., is maintained for every customer. This data is only identified by the customer number, not by company code... Read More Would you have different customer numbers if your customer was serviced by more than one company code? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More Would you have different customer numbers if your customer was serviced by more than one sales organization? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More A material is produced in plant Boston, plant Dallas and in plant Chicago. How many different material master number do you need? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Only one. Read More Is it possible to have different data for the same customer for different sales areas? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Give examples of general data in the customer master record ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Address, Control data, Marketing, Payment transactions, Contact person, Unloading points. Read More Give examples of general data in the material master record ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This level contains the data applicable to all individual group companies, all plants, and all warehouses/stores belonging to an enterprise (corporate group). Examples of general data are details on a material's design ... Read More Give examples of company -code-specific data in the customer master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This data is only of importance to the accounting department. It includes, for example, data on insurance and account management. Company code data only applies to one company code. If you edit the customer master record you must... Read More Which plant-specific data do you find in the material master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This level contains the data for each branch or plant location within a certain company. The data important to Purchasing is stored at this level. Examples of this data are the maximum and minimum order quantities of a material and... Read More If a customer wishes to receive goods on Tuesdays only, how could you ensure that in the SAP R/3 system? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This can be done by specifying goods receiving hours - Time schedule of ship-to party which specifies the days and times that goods can be delivered. Read More Do you find any sales prices in the material master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Name at least five different partner functions. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Examples of partner functions in Sales and Distribution: sold-to party, ship-to party, bill-to party, payer. Examples of partner functions (roles) in Materials Management: ordering address, supplier of goods,... Read More Can you assign a material to more than one division? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More If you want to create language specific sales texts for your material master, would you have to create a new material master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More What is a material type and which material types do you know? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, trading goods, operating supplies. Read More Name the four standard industry sectors in SAP for the material master. For what do you use them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Branch of industry. The industry sector groups together companies according to their activities (for example, plant engineering and construction, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry). ... Read More For what or why do you use the classification system in sales? Give examples of objects you can classify in R/3. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 For e.g., Variant Pricing of configurable products. Objects can be customers, products, condition types. Read More Does storage-location specific data in the material master record apply for each plant? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This level contains the data specific to a storage location. Stock levels are an example of the data maintained for each storage location. You access the storage location data by entering the plant and storage location codes. This... Read More

Name at least four views of the material master record. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Accounting : Valuation and costing information. Examples: standard price, past and future price, and current valuation. Materials planning and control: Information for material requirements planning (MRP) and consumption-based... Read More What is a Bill of material? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A bill of material is a complete, formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly. The list contains the object number of each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. The components are... Read More Is the BOM used in the PP module only? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Also used in SD. Read More Explain what a routing is? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Routing contains the operations required in production, and the production resources/tools, material components, and test equipment required to produce the product. Read More What is a work center? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A work center is an organizational unit where a work step is carried out, producing an output. The work center defines where and by whom an operation is to be carried out. A cost center is assigned to each work center in the work... Read More What are the two possible ways of control for the cost of a material in the material master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Standard Price, Moving Average Price. Read More What is a valuation class? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Allocation of a material to a group of G/L accounts. Along with other factors, the valuation class determines the G/L accounts to be updated as a result of a valuation-relevant transaction (for example, a goods movement). ... Read More A customer master record in SD is also an A/R(accounts receivables)in FI. When you create a customer master record you also have to specify the reconciliation account. For what is the reconciliation account used? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account in G/L accounting, to which automatic entries are posted during a business activity. It is generally the case that several subledger accounts post to a common reconciliation account. This ensures that the developments in the... Read More Briefly describe the types and structure of the sales document and give examples of data that you find on the different levels. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales-related business transactions are recorded in the system as sales documents. There are, broadly speaking, four different groupings of sales documents: Sales queries, such as inquiries and quotations Sales orders ... Read More Do you always have to have a material master record number when you enter an item on a sales document (inquiry and quote)? If not what would you have to use to be able to enter information at item level? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Customer Material Information or Material Description. Read More If a customer doesn't place an order with you after you have sent him a quotation, what happens to the quotation document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Remains active till the end of validity period. Read More Can you have alternative items in a sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More If you reference an inquiry when creating a quotation ,would the inquiry be updated? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Can you copy one inquiry to many quotations ? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More

Can you copy several previous documents into one sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Do you always have to copy the entire quantities at item level when you reference a previous document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More Can you make sure that business data in a sales order is only possible to maintain at header level? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More From where is the delivering plant transferred into the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer Master, Material Master. Read More Which partner function is relevant for the delivering plant? The sold-to-party , bill-to-party, payer, carrier or the ship- to- party? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Ship-to party. Read More Can you manually change the delivering plant in the sales order once it was defaulted from the master data? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Can you have different incompletion logs for different item categories? Schedule line categories? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More If a document is incomplete can you still save the document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More What's the advantage of using text as a reference instead of duplicating it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Can be modified if needed. Read More What three sources provide data for the creation of a sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Material Master, Customer Master, Previous referenced documents. Read More Can you change addresses of partners manually in the sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Name several input tools that make order entry faster and give a definition of them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer Material Information, Product Proposal , Referencing Documents. Read More In which business environment would you use only the single-line entry screen to create and save the order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Telephone Sales, Simple Business. Read More If you do not specify the delivering plant in the sales order, what could the system then not do? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Delivery Scheduling. Read More Name two ways to control that customers can receive only certain materials? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Material Listing, Exclusion. Read More What does the item category control? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 General Data - Should pricing be carried out for the item? - When should an item be regarded as completed? A quotation item, for example, can only be regarded as completed if the entire quantity has been copied into a sales... Read More Name the influencing factors for determining the item category in the sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales Document type, Item Category Group, Higher Level Item, Item Usage. Read More Name the influencing factors for determining the scehdule line category in the sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Item Category, MRP Type. Read More What does the sales document type control? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

General Data - Can the document be entered only with reference to a preceding document? - Should the existing customer-material info record be taken into consideration? - Should the delivery date be proposed? ... Read More Can the sales document type be determined by the system? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More In R/3, can you automatically substitute one product for another? How? What would you have to create? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Product Selection / Material Determination. Read More What's the difference between checking availability with or without replenishment lead time (RLT)? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 With RLT : Availability check is done only upto end of RLT. If material is not available the date on which RLT ends is displayed as Material Availability Date. Without RLT : Availability check is unrestricted. Displays... Read More Name at least three item categories? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Standard Items : AFN, AGN, TAN. Free of charge Items: AFNN, AGNN, TANN. Non-stock Items : AFX, AGX, TAX. Text Items : AFTX, AGTX, TATX. Read More Why would you use different item and schedule line categories? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Item categories are defined to provide additional control functions for the sales documents and thus meet the demands resulting from the different business transactions. The items in a sales document are divided into one or more... Read More Can you change existing standard item categories? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Can you create new sales order types? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Different dates will be calculated in order entry scheduling . Can you name the lead time variables that will be taken into account? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Transportation lead time, Pick/pack time, Loading time, Transit time . Read More If you run out of stock in a specific plant can you check if there are quantities available in other plants? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More When you carry out availability check, which quantities or movements can the system take into consideration? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The following elements can be included in the availability check: Stocks : safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock. Inward and outward movements : purchase orders, purchase... Read More Give some examples of sales document types (description, not necessary the short code) that already set up in the standard system? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Indicator used to control the processing of the various sales documents which are defined in the system. E.g., OR, SO, BV, KR. Document types allow the system to process different kinds of business transactions, such as... Read More Can you maintain texts for a specific customer and store them in the system? If yes, where? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Customer Material Information. Read More When the system checks availability which scheduling would it use first? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Backward Scheduling. Read More Name the influencing factors for the determination of the availability date? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The following data is required for determining this date: - Route from the shipping point to the ship-to party location o ... Read More Name the three delivery possibilities when there is not enough stock available?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 One Time Delivery, Complete Delivery, Partial Deliveries. Read More What is the function of item category group? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. It defines, for example, that pricing does not take place for a free of charge item, such as a business gift; or that inventory management is... Read More On sales order, when the system confirms 20 pieces to be available at a certain date, would these 20 pieces still be available for other new sales order coming in later? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More What is a delivery group and why would you use it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The complete delivery and delivery group functions enable you to combine some or all of the items in a sales order so that they are delivered to the customer together. The system determines automatically the latest delivery... Read More What is backorder processing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The backorder processing functions enable you to list relevant sales documents for specific materials and process them from the point of view of availability. You can assign available to promise (ATP) stock to outstanding... Read More Can you link items in a sales order? If yes, when would you do that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Promotional Items. Read More For what would you use BOMS in sales? What two methods of BOM processing do you have in sales order entry? How can you control if the system should/should not explode a BOM in the sales order. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. A BOM for a bicycle, for example, consists of all the parts that make up the bicycle: the frame, the saddle, wheels, and so on. When... Read More Credit limit checks is an example of a very close link between which two SAP modules? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 SD & FI. Read More What are the two techniques in delivery scheduling? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Backward Scheduling & Forward Scheduling. Read More How does a third party deal work? Do you use a special sales order type for that? How could the system know that you want to process a third party deal? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 By specifying item category as TAS using double-line entry in the sales order. No special order type is available. By the item category group and/or material type in Material Master . Read More Name the several steps in consignment processing. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Consignment fill-up, Consignment issue, Consignment pick-up, Consignment return. Read More Whats the difference between consignment pick-up and consignment return? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In consignment pick-up... Read More Can you control that an end user cannot copy a quote of customer A to a sales order for customer B? If yes, where? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. By customizing Copying Control for header data. Read More Give some example for data that is copied from the customer (sold-to, payer, ship-to) to the sales order as well as for data that is copied from the material? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 General data, payment... Read More What is returnable packaging processing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Returnable packaging consists of materials that are stored at the customer location but which remain the property of the company. The customer is only required to pay for the returnable packaging if he does not return it by a... Read More How many documents do you create when you release, deliver and invoice the first order from a contract? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Three : Sales order, Delivery note, Invoice. Read More What types of output can you have in sales? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Printer, Telex, Fax, Mail, EDI. Read More Can you automate output processing ? Do you always have to specify it manually? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 yes. No. Read More Describe the flow of data from the sales order into the delivery for header and item and schedule line level data? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Header Header Item Header, Item. Schedule line Item. Read More Name a few prerequisites that have to be fulfilled if you want to create a delivery for the order. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Header Level There cannot be a delivery block at header level. The sales document must contain at least one item due for delivery before a delivery can be created for this document. Item Level and Schedule Line Level ... Read More If you create a delivery, would this automatically update the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. The delivery status of the entire order results from the delivery status of the items. Until all items in the order have been fully delivered, the order has the status "Partially delivered". The entire document acquires... Read More Name the different ways of creating deliveries. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Partial Deliveries, Complete Deliveries, Deliveries without reference, Grouped Deliveries. Read More How does the system determine the shipping point and the route in the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A shipping point can be determined for each order item. How the shipping point is determined depends on three factors: The shipping conditions from the customer master record (Shipping screen). A condition might be that the goods... Read More Can you change the shipping point determined in the sales order manually? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More If you have several shipping points in a sales order at item level. What would that have on the delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Each item will individual deliveries. Read More At which different levels can you specify pick/pack and loading time? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Shipping point determination level : loading time. Route determination level : pick/pack time. Read More Where do you specify the departure zone and the arrival zone for route determination? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Shipping point, Ship-to party. Read More Why would you carry out availability check in the delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The availability check is calculated using planned inward and outward movements of goods. Therefore the delivery situation might have changed in the meantime due to unforeseen circumstances, such as lost output. The availability check... Read More Where would you store partial/complete shipment agreements and over/under delivery tolerances? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer Master and Customer Material Information. Read More Explain the effects of printing out the picking list. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Updates the picking quantity in the delivery. Read More How does the system automatically determine the picking storage location in the delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Storage Condition. Shipping Point. Plant. Read More What is a transfer order and for what would you use it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Document used to support every stock movement in the warehouse. It contains all the important movement data, such as the material to be transferred, the quantity to be transferred, the storage bins involved, and so on Read More Define a shipping unit? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Combination of materials which are packed together in a shipping material at a particular time. Shipping units contain items which in turn are made up of shipping units or delivery items. Read More What effects does goods issue have? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 When the goods have left your plant, the business transaction is regarded as completed from the point of view of shipping. When goods are issued, the following functions take place in the system: The material stock is reduced by... Read More How can you delete a good issue? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 You cannot cancel a goods issue posting in isolation. You are also unable to change goods issue quantities. If you make a mistake when processing a delivery, or if the goods are damaged leaving your plant and cannot be delivered, you... Read More Is it possible to work without specifying a pick/pack or loading time for a shipping point? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More When do you initiate packing activity-before or after goods issue? What is the material type for shipping material? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Before goods issue . VERP. Read More When you post goods issue after packing, which two documents do you create? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Picking List, Invoice. Read More Can the delivery quantity and the picking quantity in the delivery document be -different? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Could you explain what condition technique in SAP is? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Hierarchy of elements defining a data combination which leads to certain actions. In pricing the condition technique refers to the method by which the system determines prices from information stored in condition records. In Sales... Read More Please explain graphically the relationship between the four basic elements in condition techniques? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Procedures Condition Types Access Sequence Condition Tables Condition Records. Read More Explain what a pricing procedure is? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The primary job of a pricing procedure is to define a group of condition types in a particular sequence. The pricing procedure also determines: - Which sub-totals appear during pricing - To what extent pricing can be... Read More Explain what a condition table and an access sequence is and the relationship between them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. A condition record is how the system stores the specific condition data that you enter in the system as condition records. For... Read More What is a condition type? What are the two main groups of condition types? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A condition type is a representation in the system of some aspect of your daily pricing activities. For example, you can define a different condition type for each kind of price, discount, or surcharge that occurs in your business... Read More Is SD the only module that uses condition technique? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More

What is a condition supplement and why would you use it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A condition supplement is a supplement for a particular condition type. For example, you can include a supplement every time you apply a material price. The supplement can contain various discounts. During pricing, the system... Read More Which partner function is relevant when it comes to tax calculation in the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Ship-to party. Read More Name at least three different condition types in pricing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Price, Discounts, Freight. PROO, K007, KF00. Read More You can create scales for prices and discounts. Name the four possible scale basis in R/3. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Value, Quantity, Gross weight, Net weight, Volume. Read More Where would you specify that a condition type is a discount or a surcharge? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In Condition Type Details Screen. Read More If somebody adds price elements manually in the sales order or if somebody changes a discount the system determined automatically, do you have a possibility to see that in the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More You want to list all condition records for a certain material or a certain sales organization. How would you do that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 By creating Pricing Reports. Read More Does the pricing procedure apply for the pricing data at item level or for the pricing data at header level? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Both. Read More When you create a header condition manually in the sales order the system can copy the values in different ways to the items. Where would you specify how the system should process? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Condition Type. Read More Which data do you have to maintain in SD so that the system can determine the sales taxes in the sales order automatically? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Tax rate with or without Jurisdiction. Read More Can you explain what a statistical condition is? Give an example for a statistical condition? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 VPRS. Read More For what do you use customer hierarchies? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Pricing , Rebate. Read More Can you track cumulative values in R/3? If yes, it could be based on what? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Maximum Value, Maximum Orders, Maximum Quantity. Read More If you want to make sure that conditions records apply for a certain time period only what would you have to do? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Validity Period to be specified in condition record. Read More What is a group condition? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Condition which can be used to determine a scale value based on more than one item in a document. The system groups the items using either the condition key for the appropriate condition record or a separately defined condition key. Read More Name the influencing factors for pricing procedure determination during sales order entry? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer, Sales Document Type and Sales Area. Read More Can you copy condition records? If yes, are there any restrictions? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Yes. Field specific. Read More If you create a new condition type-do you also have to create a new condition table and a new access sequence? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Where can you specify that a condition is mandatory? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In Pricing Procedure. Read More Tax jurisdiction processing is a close link between which two modules? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 FI & SD. Read More Do you have to create a condition record for taxes in the SD application? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Can you delete an invoice? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. You can cancel it and create cancellation document. Read More When you create an invoice in SD, how do you post it to FI? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Select Billing document Release To Accounting. The system displays a message that the accounting document has been saved. If the billing document contains an error, the reason for not forwarding the document is displayed. If... Read More When you create an invoice can you carry out pricing again? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More From which documents can you create a proforma invoice? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Based on sales order or delivery. Read More Do you transfer a proforma invoice to FI ? If yes, how? If no, how do you customize the system in a way that the proforma invoice is not transferred to FI? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Billing status not assigned to proforma invoice. Posting bock in the billing document. Read More When you create a credit memo request do you always have to refer to a sales order or any other previous document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Only sales order. Read More In R/3 how can you make sure that invoices for a customer are always created at a specific date? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Billing Schedule. Read More Can you combine deliveries into one invoice? When would you do that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. If the header data and header partners for specified delivery or sales order are identical and if requirements for splitting do not apply. Read More Can you combine orders into one invoice? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes Read More Can you split deliveries into several invoices? When would you do that? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes . If the data from the related reference documents differs in the header fields of the billing document. The system will automatically split the invoice. Read More For what do you use the billing due list? What previous step in the process is necessary that a delivery appears in the billing due list? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Selection criteria sold-to party, billing date or receiving partner. a. ... Read More Name the five possible influencing factors for account determination for invoices? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Chart of accounts of the company code Sales organization Account assignment group of the customer (from the customer master record, Billing screen, Account group field) Account assignment group of the material (from the... Read More

Can one business area be valid for several company codes? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More What are the two possible ways to transfer sales data to business areas? Where do you specify which way you want to use? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales) plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products) Read More There is an interface between SD and FI in invoicing . can you think of another interface between SD and FI? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Credit check, Tax calculation, Cost estimate. Read More What is rebate processing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer's sales volume over a specified time period Read More What is a product hierarchy and for what can it be used? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Alphanumeric character string for grouping materials by combining various characteristics. The product hierarchy is used for evaluation and pricing purposes. In Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC) : Structure consisting of the... Read More Can you name the two types of billing plans in the standard R/3 system? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Periodic billing, Milestone billing. Read More Explain what the IMG is? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Tool for configuring the SAP System to meet customer requirements. Also referred to as the 'Implementation Guide'. Read More Explain how you can use the R/3 project Management in an implementation? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 For each business application, the implementation guide explains all the steps in the implementation process tells you the SAP standard (factory) settings describes system configuration work (activities) and opens the... Read More Once you have activated the company IMG can you still add modules/areas? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More What is the procedure model and how can it be used in an implementation? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The R/3 Procedure Model is both the methodological framework for the implementation and upgrade processes and a powerful tool that supports you at every stage of the implementation process. The R/3 Procedure Model provides ... Read More Explain shortly what the SAP business Navigator is and how it can be used in an implementation. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The Reference Model integrated into the R/3 System The various ways into Business Navigator (the views) help you call just the models and list displays you need in the R/3 Reference Model You can access other R/3 System... Read More What two ways of number assignment for documents or master data do you know? Explain the difference between them. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Internal & External. Read More Can you share master data between several sales areas? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More What does the account group of the customer control? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Number assignment, Screen Layout Read More What are the two influence factors for field selection for customer master record maintenance? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account Group, Transactions. Read More Name at least five features that you can control for the sale document type?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Text, Partner, Pricing, Taxes, Output, Delivery. Read More Give an example of when you would specify that a sales document can only be created referencing another sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Returns can only be created referencing sales order. Read More Why do you have different sales document types in R/3? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 For business transactions. Read More Name at least three features controlled by the sales document type? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Pricing, Taxes , Delivery. Read More Name at least five features that you can control for the item category? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Pricing, Relevance for delivery, Relevance for billing, Incompletion log, Partner, Tax. Read More Name at least five features that you can control for the schedule line category? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Relevance for delivery, Availability check, Transfer of Requirements, Goods Movement, Purchasing and Incompletion log. Read More Explain how the system can automatically determine the item category in the sales order. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales document type + Higher level Item category + Item category group + Item Usage. Read More Explain how the system can automatically determine the schedule line category in the sales order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Item category + MRP type. Read More Once the system determined the item level schedule line category automatically in the sales order, can you still change it manually? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More At which levels in the sales document can you have different incompletion procedures? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales Document Type, Item Category, Schedule Line Category, Partner Functions, Sales Activities. Read More What is the item category group? Where do you maintain it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. It defines, for example, that pricing does not take place for a free of charge item, such as a business gift; or that inventory management is not carried... Read More What do you control at item category level in the delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Relevance for Picking, Determination of Picking Location, Minimum Delivery Quantity. Read More Do you have schedule lines in the delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No. Read More Item categories from the sales order are copied into the delivery. What happens if you add a new item in the delivery how can the system still automatically determine the item category for the delivery? If, yes, what do you have to do? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 You can only enter an item that is not dependent on an order in a delivery if the delivery permits the item category for that item. The item category is determined on the basis of the delivery type and item category group in the... Read More What does the billing type control? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The document number The partner functions allowed at header level The partner functions allowed at item level The billing type that can be used to cancel the billing document The transfer status of the billing... Read More When you think of the document flow what do you control for it in customizing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

You can specify for a particular sales document type, which document type is to be assigned to copied reference documents, and which item categories or schedule line categories are to be copied. You must also make specifications... Read More You can specify partner procedures for the customer master (linked to the account group) and you can specify partner procedures for the sales document. Can you have different partner procedure at sales document type and item category level? If yes, w Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Q : You can specify partner procedures for the customer master (linked to the account group) and you can specify partner procedures for the sales document. Can you have different partner procedure at sales document type and item... Read More What is a partner type? Give some example? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The partner type is an indicator which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer "KU". Read More You want to set up a new condition type. Name the necessary steps you have to do If you want the system to determine the new condition type automatically during sales order entry? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Check to what extent you can use the condition types contained in the standard SAP R/3 System. Create new condition types by copying a similar conditions type and changing it according to your requirements. One reason for creating... Read More When you think of the five possible elements necessary for the account determining during posting of a sales invoice where from does the system get the information? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Chart of Accounts, Sales Organization, Payer, Material Master, Account Key. Read More Name the necessary steps to setup a route? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Define the transportation connection points which mark the beginning and end of a leg Define the leg by specifying the transportation connection points at the beginning and end Define the modes of transport and shipping... Read More What is the scope of check during availability check and what do you specify with it? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Stocks Safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock. Inward and outward movements purchase orders, purchase requisitions, planned orders, production orders, reservations, dependent... Read More Where do you assign text determination procedures for customer master records and for documents? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account Group, Item Category. Read More Can you make texts mandatory for a customer master or a sales document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More Give examples for standard output types in SD. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Order Confirmation, Delivery Note , Invoice. Read More Can you specify when output should be created? If yes, what possibilities do you have? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Print out, Mail, EDI, Fax. Read More What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, and storage location determination? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Answer1: Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order / delivery or invoice (and anything in between) Account determination: For transferring financial and... Read More What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organisation, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account... Read More What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap Legacy Code? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Answer1: It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy... Read More

What do you do really in pricing determination and what are the main differences between pricing procedures? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Answer1: Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure. ... Read More What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu path Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done. Read More What and where types of copy controls we change Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. (Ex.) In... Read More How to and where to maintain copy controls Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Check for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types) Read More What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master... Read More What is the difference between the Availability check 01 (Daily requirement) and 02 (Individual Requirement) in material master? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are... Read More What is a Division in SAP SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A division is a product group that can be defined for a wide range of products or services. Customer specific arrangements can also be made in a division. A sales organization can have many divisions. Read More What is a sales office in SAP SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A sales office is a geographically located unit of a sales organization. Read More What is the transaction code for creating a customer in SAP SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 VD01, VA01, XD01 Read More What are the basic elements of a customer master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 The sold to party, the ship to party, bill to party, and the payer record. Read More What are inter company customers? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 These customers represent the sales customers within the same client but between different company codes. Read More What is a one time customer? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This is a general customer that is created for those customers for which you do not want to create separate records. This customer can be reused. Read More How does the SAP system knows which fields to turn on and off when you create a customer master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Using the account group which is assigned to the customer. Read More Who defines the account groups? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Normally these are defined by the finance team. Read More Who is a payer in the customer master record? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Payer is the individual or company who will settle the invoices for products or services sold. Read More Can you give me some tables in SAP SD for customer master? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Some of the tables are KNVV, RF02D, KNA1 etc Read More

What are some of the examples of Global settings? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Currencies, countries etc. This data is application independent. Read More What is a sales organization? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales organization is an organizational unit that sells and distributes products and negotiates terms of sales and is responsible for all the transactions involved with a sale Read More What is the purpose of material master data? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Master data responsible for representing all information related to products or services that a company produces or sell. Read More What is the transaction code for creating a material/article in SAP? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 MM41 for creating article in SAP IS Retail and MM01 in SAP Industry solution for creating a material. Read More How do you extend a material, which transaction? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 MM01 Read More What are some of the views in a material master? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Basic data, additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view. Read More What is a base unit of measure in material master? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 This is a unit of measure used as a basis for all the transactions, all movements of quantities will be converted to that base unit of measure which is specific to an article. Read More Can you have specific customer material information entered in SAP? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes, VD51 is the transaction or inside VA02 also you can add customer material information records. Read More What is a customer group? Give me some examples. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customer group is 2 digit numbers that is configured within IMG and allows logical grouping of customers. For example you may want to group International customers, Domestic customers or military customers separately. Read More What are some of the tables in SAP SD? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 VBAK - Order header VBAP - Order Item VBEP - Order schedule line LIKP - Delivery Header LIPS - Delivery Item VBPA - Partners VBFA - Document flow Read More How would you find which table is being used in a particular field? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Bring your cursor to the field in a transaction and press F1 and then technical info. Read More How would you find all the tables in SAP? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 SE16 (or) SE11. Read More What are some of the material master data tables? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 MARA - Material highest level data MBEW - Data referring to accounting MVKE - Data referring to sales MARC - Data at the plant level WLK1 - Listing information MARD - Data storage locations Read More What do you mean by drop shipment? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A drop shipment is based on an order from a customer to a Distributor. The distributor initiates the shipment by Informing the wholesaler. Read More What is the use of sales area? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales area is the geographical aspect of that particular Company code, from there we can generate the reports. Read More How does the rule MALA decide the picking location? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

1. SHIPPING POINT 2. PLANT 3. STORAGE CONDITION 4. STORAGE LOCATION Read More What is the difference between customization and configuration? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Customization word used for Master Data maintenance. And Configuration word used for pricing Procedure Determination. Read More Explain about smart forms? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Smart form - it is a form. Basically it is using in output. Read More How sales document is structured? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Header responsible for all the documents Item for materials Schedule line for quantity and delivery Read More In sales order how system does picks up plant? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 We assign particular material master to particular Plant it picks up from there. Read More Without delivery can you do billing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Without delivery invoice is not possible. Read More Could you explain about sales deals? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Company Has Launched a new product, for a that material you Want to have a promotion for this you will creating a sales deal and assign it to sales promotion and you maintain condition groups. Read More What is the use of pricing date in condition type? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 It shows date of calculation of pricing procedure for that Particular document. So that in future you can see the date On which pricing calculated for that particular doc. Read More Can you explain about Higher-level item category and item usage Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales Document Type (OR) + Item Category Group (NORM) + ... Read More Why do you need project IMG? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 IMG is required for the purpose of customizing and Configuration. There is no role of functional consultant Without it. Read More How we assigned sales organization to delivering plant? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Path: SPRO-IMG-Enterprise Structure-Assignment-SD-Assign Plant to Sales Organization/Dist.Channel T.Code: OVX6 Read More How to extend material and customer to other sales areas? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales area is a combination of, dist channel & Division. Division is a logical grouping of products. So u Cannot extend material to other sales areas. But u can Extend customer to other sales areas through... Read More How can we process out bound deliveries without shipping point? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Shipping point is a mandatory Organizational unit for outbound delivery process. Read More While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you have shipping and billing partner function tab pages, client wants to shift all important fields in billing like payment terms, incoterms , and tax classification into shipping tab pag Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Field Selection will help you maintain the fields relevant To Shipping, Ship to party function will be able to see only shipping related fields. Read More Why do I use condition indexes? How do you activate them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Condition Index is used to search all the conditions Records for a particular condition type (eg PR00). We Activate condition index in the customizing screen of the Condition type. Menu Path: SPRO>>Sales &... Read More Is it possible to release change request, without releasing task. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Once we can release the task, then only we can release the Change/customizing request. Read More Product attributes means?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Product attributes is nothing but the features of product. Read More Can one have multiple packing for delivery? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 YES WE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE PACKING FOR A SINGLE DELIVERY Read More Explain EDI and its usage? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Edi - it helps for data transfer That means from sap or non sap to sap Read More To extend material one plants to another plant what are the configuration you done in your project? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 We have to create in new plant as we have followed for First plant, where as in first plant system will give Internal number but for second plant we have to mention Material number. Read More What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1-master data 2-transction data. Read More How to stop PGI? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 IN CREDIT MANAGEMENT WE STOP THE PGI BY THROUGH CREDIT LIMIT OR THROUGH CUSTOMIZATION. Read More How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Support to client- 1- implementation method 2- Correction method Read More Can we assign multi distribution channel to a single customer in sap SD sales process. If yes then how? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 While creating customer we need to assign the customer to The respective sales area, we should copy from previous Sales area in XD01 through reference Read More what is the difference among sales deal promotion price, price agreement? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales deal promotion-- specific product for a period of time price will be less than MRP. Price agreement-means an agreement between customer and Vendor for a specific product or with a specific price... Read More From Which Tcode can I view customer wise back order (Open Order?) Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 V_RA Read More What is retro active billing? Who is will create this? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Retro active billing means rebate process. When ever the customer reaches the target quantity or volume in specified time Peried.we issues the credit memo for the customer. Read More Where do you assign Movement Type? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 We assign movement type in schedule line category. Read More Can anyone explain about Purchase Order & Purchase Requisition? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In third party if a customer places an order if the Material is not available in our company if the order Document is saved automatically purchase is raised.withthe help Of this purchase group is created ... Read More in one sales order there are two materials can maintain two different pricing procedures for these materials? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 No, u cannot maintain 2 separate pricing procedure for same Material in single order. But u can change the price Manually by selecting the material and then the conditions Tab....u can also see the changed status as... Read More List the Basic Steps for SD configuration. Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1. Enterprise structure 2. Partner determination 3. Master data 4. Business process customization 5. Pricing 6. Output determination Read More What is accounting group? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Accounting group is simply the classification of customers, Whether its sp, sh, bp, or py, and it also controls the Fields in cmr. Read More What are the differences between invoice and billing document?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Billing Doc is the broad view Invoice (F2) is one of type of billing doc. Read More What is pricing? How will it affects the billing procedure? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Pricing has the basic price of the item. It also has the Discounts, Taxes, Rebates, & also the Cost of the item. Read More What is act key? And how it works? Normally how many pricing procedures do in implementation? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Account key determine a correct G/L account to be posted the data corresponding G/L accounts. You need to assign a G/L account to account key that is assigned to a condition type in a pricing procedure. Read More Tell me account key and accruals? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A/c keys determine a correct g/l a/c to be posted the data corresponding g/l a/c. All customer Rebate accounts are posted in accruals. Read More What is the docu.flow? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Inquiry Quotation Sales Order Delivery ... Read More What is the transfer order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Transfer order is basically picking order where u pick the Material from storage and loading area or picking area Read More What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of installation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). Read More What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main differences between one pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Pricing prosier determination-----Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure. Pricing prosier----Pricing prosier is the... Read More What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common division?????? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master... Read More Can you deference between contract & scheduling agreement? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Scheduling Agreement--- is the agreement between consumer and Company having fixed delivery dates and fixed quantity. Contract--- is the agreement between company and consumer for certain period of time. Read More What is PMIN? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 PMIN is a Condition type to define minimum prices. It can be Control minimum prices below which a material should not be sold to the customer. Read More Explain About Dunning Procedure? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Dunning procedure is used in credit management if Customer does pay back his amount, then using this dunning Procedure Company sends reminders to customer then after That company has to take legal action. Read More What is client requirement in Schedule Line Category? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Schedule line category is nothing but delivery date and Delivery quantity is must. Read More In how many places we can block the Sales Document? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales document can be blocked at three places depending on The customer risk categories, they are 1. Sales order level (high risk customer) 2. Delivery level (medium risk customer) 3. Goods issue level (low risk... Read More What happens if we check 'exclusive' indication in access sequence, and what happens if we do not check?

Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Basically access sequence finds the exact condition record in cond.table by search statuary with the help of exclusive indication. Read More Can anyone tell about types of free goods? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1) In paste: 25% extra more -its inclusive 2) When you buy paste you get a brush free, its exclusive. Read More Difference between plant and storage location? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 A plant is a manufacturing unit and it is a place where Materials have to be kept. Storage location is a place in plant, where in materials Has to be stored Read More Do u have any link for customer master and credit management? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 We can maintain individual customer credit limit in customer Master. In t.code (fd32).we can define the total credit limit For sales area and credit limit for individual sales area. Read More Explain about sales order cycle? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 INQUIRY QUOATATION ORDER DELIVERY BILLING Read More What is the relation between sales organization and company codes? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Many to One Read More Sales order is created 1st November for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods(2+1 free goods).At the time of delivery on 15th November you have shortage of brushes by 40. Offer closed on 15th November. How do you solve in this scenario? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 At 15 Th Nov 40 shortage tooth paste have given 100% free Goods discount.Cond type is R100. Read More Can one create delivery with reference to the project? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes. Read More What is the difference between cash sales and rush order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 In rush order if a customer places an order delivery will Take place immediately billing will be letter. In cash sale if a customer places an order delivery and Billing will be on the same day. Read More How system picks up pricing while doing billing? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 From Sales Order Read More Diff between business sale cycle nd customer sale cycles? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Contract is the business sale cycle and schedule line is the cycle. Read More How do we control the credit checks with specific to distribution channel and division? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 By assigning credit control area to specific sales area Read More CAN YOU CONFIGURE TWO DIFF FREE GOODS ITEMS FOR ONE SINGLE ITEM? EXAMPLE- ON PURCHASING OF ITEM A U WANTS TO GIVE ITEM B & C FREE .IS IT POSSIBLE? HOW? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Yes it is possible by the exclusive free goods. Read More Can you delete order? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 YOU CAN DELETE THE ORDER BUT THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY TRANSCATIONS ON THE PARTICULAR ORDER. Read More What makes Listing & exclusion Work differently than each other? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Listing--- only the materials which is applicable to the Customers. Exclusion--- The materials which is not applicable to the Customers Read More Which partner function realent for credit limit? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sold to party is relevant for credit limit Read More Explain what a condition table and an access sequence are and the relationship between them? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009

Condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. Access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type. Read More From which documents can you create a Performa invoice? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Sales order or delivery. Read More There is an interface between SD and FI in invoicing. Can you think of another interface between SD and FI? Added on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 Credit check, Tax calculation, and Cost estimate. Plant Read More What does the material type control? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Finished goods. Read More What is the purpose of the request number which is generated when u save a customization?? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 That is used to move your non-cross client customizations. Read More What is the difference between General Item Category Group and Item Category Group? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Item category group--- is used for SD to configure the item Category and how this item behaves in sales order. General Item category group--- determines the category of the Item like, trading goods, service... Read More In which scenario order and billing has different pricing procedure? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 When we use rebate. Read More What is the use of update groups in credit management? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Update group check the how many orders are open &order Reference, how many orders are open in delivery and delivery Reference, how many orders are open in billing. Read More Explain how diff between ITEM and schedule line sales document? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 ITEM:-In this the system shows all the details of the Item, like material, pricing, or it may be free good, shipto- Party, batch, etc. SCHEDULE LINE:-It is about delivery date and delivery Quantity. Read More If you generate bill more than credit limit then what will happen? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 How can you go for billing? System will block at order level Or delivery level only. Read More Can we rename movement types? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 We cannot rename movement types Read More Basic elements of condition technique? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 There are 5 basic elements of condition technique: 1. Creating condition table(s), 2. Access Sequence, 3. Condition Type, 4. Procedure, 5. Placing the Condition type in the Procedure. Read More What are the Steps in consignment processing? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Company fills the goods at customer site, Still it is the property of company, is called as Consignment fill up, (CF) When the customer consumes the material company issues the Invoice is called as consignment issue (CI)... Read More What are the Techniques in delivery scheduling? Added on Wed, Dec 30, 2009 Backward scheduling & forward Scheduling. Backward scdg-- System calculates Requested delivery date. Forward Scheduling--- If the material is not avl. On that date the system calculates the earliest... Read More Is it possible to change existing standard item categories? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Yes, its is possible in SAP but u never do this method Because u have a lot of problems because suddenly u need for Standard functionality in this case u couldn't remember Read More What are the delivery possibilities, when there is not enough stock available? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 When there not enough stock system will give the next Delivery date by checking the availability of that quantity of Material. Read More What is Delivery group and what is its purpose??????????

Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Delivery group is grouping of all sub items to be delivery at one time. Mostly used in bill of materials. IT IS MORE REQUIRED IN BOM WHEN U SPECIFY THE DELIVERY OF DIFF MATERIAL AT THE SAME TIME WHICH COMES UNDER A HEADER... Read More What is Partner type? Example it? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 One type of Partner-- who supplies goods is called VENDOR. One type of Partner-- who Purchases from you is called CUSTOMER. One type of Partner-- who works for you is called Employee or Personnel. One type of Partner-- who... Read More Item category group? Where you maintain it? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 For standard material item category group is Norm For Bom material item category group is Erla/lumf For Third party material item category group is BANS. Read More What is Condition type? Tell me the main groups? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 A condition type is one which describes the what the purpose Of that condition types are used to define how the particular condition is going to perform. Read More Explain the Steps to setup a route? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 A Route is part of shipping which is determined 1. Departure Zone 2. Shipping conditions 3. Transportation Group 4. Transportation zone Read More What is Material type control? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Material type control is similar to account group control For customer master. The material type and the industry Are working helps to control the data Material. Read More Can we get deleted sales order numbers? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Firstly u cannot delete the sales orders once they are saved You can only cancel the sale order or reject the sale Order, in that case you can get the rejected sales order Numbers. Read More What is difference between the header level condition and item level condition? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Header level conditions are for the whole document, while Item level condition is for the particular item only. Read More What is main purpose of maintaining the master data? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Coz master data is responsible for all the records like Sales order, delivery and billing and as well as in Customer payments. It is mandatory Read More On what tax is calculated on base price or net price Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 We can calculate tax on both (net price/gross price) as per Requirement because options are available Read More What is the access sequence for header conditions? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Access sequence is a search strategy which finds the right Condition record from the condition table. Read More What is difference between the item proposal and dynamic proposal? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Item proposal--- in which we will manual selects the items from the list of items for that particular customer, It contains material and quantity what the customer regularly purchase. Next time if the customer comes and places an... Read More What is material determination? Can you do two materials for one material? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Material Determination is nothing but an alt. material to the original material. With 2 materials we cannot swap. Read More Where do you maintain factory calendar? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Factory calendar is maintain in plant Factory calendar is used to fix up the working dates and Holidays. Read More How many cons. Does u have in your project?

Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Depending upon client requirement. Generally we r using these Condition types. Price - PR00 DiscountK004/5/7 Tax - MWST Read More Difference between discount and rebate? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Rebate--- is an agreement between Sales Org. rebates is a special discount which occasionally gives. Special discount paid to a customer once he achieves sales volume in a given period of time. Discount--- is a general disc.... Read More Relationship between company code and sales organization? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 ONE to MANY Read More HOW YOU CHANGE SOLD-TO-PARTY INTO SHIP-TO-PARTY Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 You cant change sold to party to ship to party. But you can Change ship to party to sold to party because sold to party will be having all the partner Functions. Read More How is pricing procedure determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Sales Area, Customer pricing procedure & Document pricing Procedure. Read More How is item category determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Sales doc type, Item category group, item usage, higher level item and item category all these purpose by default item category come. Read More What is condition exclusion? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Condition exclusion groups contain group of discount Condition types from this customer will not receive all Discounts but receives one best discount of all. (ov32) Read More What is condition supplement? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Condition supplement: If company wants to give discount irrespective of any Combination till certain period condition supplement will Use. System by default proposes the discount along with Base price in the pricing... Read More Third party sale? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 A third-party sales process generally happens when you Cant make delivery to the customer due to insufficient Stock or some other reasons. In that situation normally you Will go for third party sales process. Read More What is transfer order? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Transfer order is an internal document to move goods from Storage to picking area Read More Fields in material master? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Basicdata1, basic data2, sales org1, sales org2, sales general plant data, sales text, mrp, purchasing data and accounting Read More Types of billing? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 1 order related billing 2 delivery related billing 3 Performa invoice for order 4 Performa invoice for delivery 5 credit memo 6 debit memo 7 cash sale Read More What is the diff. between billing and invoice? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Invoice is whenever we can send to the goods send to the customer because to check the Goods. Billing document is a total goods bill. Read More How is access seq. controlled? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Access Sequence is controlled by the accesses. It can also be Controlled by requirements, but requirements only determine Read More How is step and counter differentiated? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Step--- Number is used to specify the sequential order for Condition types. Counter--- is used when two or more Condition Types required The same Step Number. Read More

What is use of customer group? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Customer group is represented the different-2 customer statically point and it define the customer pricing and discount. Read More Where is shipping conditions stored? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 In material master data, and shipping determination Read More How is plant determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Plant is determined by material and shipping point determination Read More Why does u maintain sales office? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 A Sales office establishes contact between the firm and the Regional market. It represents the business different-2 areas. Read More How is storage location determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 It is determined by Plant + Storage condition + Shipping Point Read More How is shipping point determined? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Shipping point will be determined based on the shipping Conditions, loading group and delivery plant. Read More in third party how sales order changes to purchase req. automatically? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 In a third party in schedule category we have a field Called purchasing requisition. Scheduling category is cs purchase req is automatically generate and we want generate with transaction code me51 to create purchase req. Read More what is integration between SD, MM&FICO? Can any body give me this is? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 1. Assign our sales organization and distribution channel To plant which is the highest organizational element in Materials management and sales organization highest element in sales distribution For Fico Point We... Read More How can we supers the fields i.e. sales office and sales group in VA01 create order initial screen? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 U goes for sales area data and in that u can Supers, optional, and also mandatory, u can done which Element u wants like sales office. Sales group and, etc Read More What is line item? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Line item is a row where all the details of particular item whenever you get the all information of particular item then double click on the row. Read More Explain to me in detail Alternate condition base value and alternate calculation type? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 ALTERNATE CALCULATION TYPE This function allows you use a formula finding the value of the condition type, instead of standard condition technique. ALTERNATE CONDITION BASE VALUE The alternative... Read More If we have three sales areas & single customer. How to extend one customer to three sales areas. Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 You will go to xd01 transaction code and you will use Reference data to copy another sales area Read More If we have three plants & one material no. Then how to extend single material to all three plants. Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Use T_Code MM01 and enter the same material with Organization and plant as you require. The message will Appear "Material has been extended". Read More What is the purpose to differentiate the sales document type? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 If there are different business process, if you want to In that case you can configure different document types (For ex. domestic sales you can create order type DOR & for export sales you can configure EOR). You can also... Read More How to configure partial deliveries? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Check the box in customer master or in delivery type (LF) Check partial delivery indicator. Read More

If one company can maintain one customer number for different sales areas is it possible with out any changes. Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 No it is not possible because one company can have only use one customer number. Customer Number is a unique feature in SAP. Read More What is the difference between General Item category and item category group in MM01 Sales org 2 Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Item category: It is an indicator that determines the characteristics of a Document item Item category group: It define the characteristics of the material and what the role in sales order Read More What are the parameters that u can see in FD32? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 U can see address of the customer, Central data, status and payment history of the customer. Read More What does u mean by exclusive in access sequence? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Exclusive is a track point for access sequence if the Exclusive indicator is set, if a valid condition is found by the system in a cond. table, it will stop Searching and will not go to next cond.table. Read More What does u mean by accruals? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 All customer Rebate accounts are posted in accruals Read More BOM used in which modules? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 MM, PP, SD, CRM Read More How can we assign one credit limit to two customers? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Create a customer group and then assign it to CCA. Read More Bill of material means? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Bills of material means combining a group of materials in Two products. In which included header level item and item level item. When header level item is relevant for pricing then item level item is not, when item level item is... Read More Tell me some different partner functions? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Sold to party --- The person who places the order. (SP) Ship to Party --- The person who receives the goods. (SH) Bill to party ---The person who receives the Bills (BP) Payer --... Read More Diff. between inquiry and quotation? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Inquiry--- is just a simple document showing the interest Your customer on products and services. Quotation--- is a legal agreement you offer to you Customer. You agree to the customer that you will charge a ... Read More Relation ship between sales organization and plants? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Many too many Read More We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, M, B and G. How can we overwrite default types in SD? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Exchange rate gets copied from the customer master record. Exchange rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the sales screen. Read More How can we delete the Sales Orders? How can invoices be cancelled or deleted? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 You can very well delete sales order using transaction VA02, but with a constraint that no subsequent document is created against it. You cannot delete an Invoice. You can only cancel it with (VF11) if the relevant accounting document... Read More We want to explode Bill of Material automatically at time of Order entry and explode Equipment BOM in the sales order. What are the setting required? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Use item category that is configured for bills of material for having sales BOM to explode automatically. Standard SAP item categories are: TAQ - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM header level TAP -... Read More what do you assign distribution channels and divisions?

Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Sales Organizations. Read More What is CR (change request) in support project? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 The Change Request is that request when you do some thing New in customizing or configuration in the system. Example: When ever working with pricing condition record, the Current Support project has only 3 Key combinations,... Read More When u r creating sales order what is meaning of search Terms or search term 1/2. Would any one plz. Explain me? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Search term or Search term 1/2 is not only available in Sale order alone. It is also available for master records. the purpose of search term is to simplify your search. Search term and search term 1/2 could be a... Read More How the configuration is done for the automatic appearance of delivery date...loading date....transportation dates. Picking date...packing date...etc when we create delivery after sales order transaction? Step-wise configuration answer will be Appr Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Pick, pack date and loading date picks from the shipping Point. Transit, transportation time picks from the route. We configured pick, pack dates and loading dates in shipping Read More Is it possible to block a material for sales order? Is it possible for the blocking customers in the same? Way...if so.How? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Yes u have to go to the MM02 & there go to sales Org 1 tab Page there u maintain cross distribution chain after that This material is block for sales. If block a material for Plant then u should maintain in MM02... Read More Does anyone know how to split a bill into more than one for? A single sales order? Or How to do multiple deliveries? And also...if multiple deliveries are happening to create one invoice for various deliveries or sales Orders? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Go to copy control for billing documents choose order to Billing copy control for ex: choose or to f2, find out for Item category TANS, you will not find. So go to new entries And add TAN Item category from there you... Read More When I am trying to create material I dont find tax Option under sales organization 1, and in customer master Also? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Use t.code this assign tax code to the required Country. Read More What makes a customer a Sold-to? How can you check? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Customer is regarded as sold to party when he is acting as Person who is buying goods, products can be shipped, he is Billed, and he is Paying for the invoices generated. You can clarify your doubt while creating a... Read More If I want to configure the partner determinations for sales Manager and general manager if the sales manager is Bossiness partner in sales order he should only give 5% Discount and general manager should can give 10% discount How could I conf Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 By using ASAP Methodology we can implement according to There requirement Read More What do you mean by condition index, how you configured in you project? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Condition index means keep the all condition records what Ever you maintained for particular condition type. If you want process this you should be active index in Condition type Read More What do you mean by POD (proof of delivery) what is the use Of pod? What are the con figuration you done in your project? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 POD is the Proof of Delivery which confirms the Ship to Party received the goods. You can configure POD in the following Path. SPRO - IMG - Logistics... Read More Can one specify user specific dates in delivery documents? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 NO WE CAN'T SPECIFY USER SPECIFIC DATES IN DELIVERY DOCUMENT IN STANDARD sap Read More What are the different types of source system?

Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 SAP R/3 Source Systems, SAP BW, Flat Files and External Systems. Read More What are datasets? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 The sequential file is called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP. Read More Why should I hire you? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Interview Answer: The easy answer is that you are the best person for the job. And dont be afraid to say so. But then back it up with what specifically differentiates you. For example: You should hire me because Im... Read More Why should we give you this job? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Interview Answers: This is the time to give them your USP - Unique Selling Proposition - or what makes you different from all the other applicants. Its really worth working out and practicing your answer to this before the... Read More Why do you want to leave your current employer? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Interview Answer: State how you are looking for a new challenge, more responsibility, experience and a change of environment. Read More Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Certainly. You can run BW without R/3 implementation. You can use pre-defined business content in BW using your non-SAP data. Here you simply need to map the transfer structures associated with BW data sources (Info Cubes, ODS... Read More Different types of ERP? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle Financials, Siebel, PeopleSoft. Among all the ERPs most of the companies implemented or trying to implement SAP because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages. Read More What is SAP? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 SAP is the name of the company founded in 1972 under the German name (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package. Read More Why do you usually choose to implement SAP? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. Its highly configurable, highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency; you can capitalize on economics... Read More What is IDES? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation. Read More What are WF and its importance? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of cross-application processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, and the data, which needs to be processed (business... Read More What is SAP R/3? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. Takes care of any enterprise In R/3 system all the three servers like presentation;... Read More What is the team size? Duration of the project. Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Hardly the team of the SD will be 4 to 5 and entire team of the project will be around 20-24 (all modules like fi/co, SD, mm, pp, hr, QM, pm). If its big project, it will be around 40. Team size means the employees who you are working... Read More How to close the backorders? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010

Through availability check and TOR you can close the back Order process. Read More Can any body explain the life cycles of SD & MM Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 1. Enquiry - Customer enquires about the Products services That was sold by a company - VA11 2. Quotation - Company Gives a Quotation for the products and Services to a Customer 3. Sales Order -... Read More An order item with different shipping point copied into the sales deliveries? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 YES, BUT DELIVRY SPLIT WILL BE RESULED. Read More Explain the business flow of an implementation project? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Project preparation Business blue prints, Realization Support Read More What are incoterms? Where do we fix them? Where do you find in regular process? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Incomers or international comm. terms and u find in CMR - Sales area Data - billing Tab. Read More What is the difference between PGI cancellation and returns order? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 PGI cancellation--- is done before the transportation of goods. Return order--- means its already transported reached customer in requested date. Read More Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code (T001) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Company is created by FI Consultant. The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -... Read More Maintaining Sales Organization (TVKO) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Sales Organization is an organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check Sales organization Read More Maintaining Division (TSPA) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Division is a way of grouping materials, products, or services. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check division Read More Assigning Division to Sales Organization (TVKOS) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign division to sales organization Read More Setting up Sales Area (TVTA) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 All the sales are made from a particular sales Area. For creating a Sales Order Sales Area is compulsory. IMG ->Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Set up sales area Read More Define, copy, delete, check plant (T001W) Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Plant is created by MM Consultant. IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check plant Read More Can u give some master data in MM and SD.? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Master Data MM: Material Master, Info Records, Source List, Vendor Master. Master Data SD: Customer Master, Condition Records, Metrical Determination, Item Proposal Read More What is ERP and SAP? And why implementing SAP in an organization? Explain the special features of SAP over other ERPs? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 ERP---- ERP is a package with the techniques and concept for the integrated management of business as a whole enterprise. ERP is software designed for basic process of company software. SAP----sap is an enterprise information and... Read More Why you are looking to change your job? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Basically I look forward to this job as good career Move. Moreover I think I can do better with more Responsibilities and at higher level. Read More

I have created the outbound delivery and have done PGI & made factory invoice but when I try to make the final invoice , it is not allowing to make the final invoices system is showing the error "Delivery type ZINC cannot be invoiced Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Just go to sales Document Type (VOV8), Check for Sales Order - > Delivery Type -> Billing type assignment and correct accordingly. ... Read More While creating material stock, I am getting an error Posting Period 2003 to 2007 open Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 This error behind the reason 1 youre system is not stole that period Read More The net price is zero. Can any body tell what the problem would be? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 Because we not maintain the base price of material. So that we use vk11 for base price. Read More WHEN U CREATING THE DELIVERY, THE SYSTEM SHOWS LIKE NO ZERO EA MATERIAL <XX> AVAILABLE. HOW TO RECTIFY? Added on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 The system is giving error because material is not available in plant so check the material mb1c.

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