PESTEL Analysis

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Appendix 1.

0 PESTEL analysis of childrens market Political

Government policy (for example, education, public health and so on) affects children to some degree. (Unicef, 2011) The healthy development of children conditions such as poverty, inadequate health care, nutrition, safe water, housing, environmental pollution, disease, and malnutrition threaten the future of children and therefore the future of the societies in which they live. (Unicef, 2011) Family benefit levels increase when children are included in the application for benefit (e.g. SNAP/food stamps, low-rent public housing) or (TANF, the child tax credit, the dependent exemption) (Isaacc et al. 2011) Changes in society are having an impact on children. Transformation of the family structure, globalization, shifting employment patterns and a shrinking social welfare net in many countries all have strong impacts on children. (Unicef, 2011)


Increase in disposable income- 75% of family disposable income spent on children (Euromonitor, 2011) Inflation; The consumer prices index annual inflation stands at 4.5 per cent in August 2011. Which impacts on household spending (Office for National Statistics, 20110) The prospect of a double-dip recession consumer confidence dwindles to recession levels (Monaghan, 2010). Exchange rates; changes in exchange rates will encourage households and firms, at home and abroad, to alter their behaviour, as they would whenever price changes (Economics online, 2011). Unemployment. Unemployment has two potential effects on household spending. Firstly, the unemployed spend less because of their lower personal income, and secondly, unemployment causes negative expectations, even for those employed, and this can act as a curb on spending and a stimulus to saving (Economics online, 2011).

Social factors

population growth, and increase in life expectancy (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011 Decline in birth rates regional population shifts (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011) Blurring of age groups; KGOY (kids getting older younger) (Euromonitor, 2010) Change in family structure and relationships; they were born in an era where the total number
of births per woman fell below 2. Therefore, generation Z are close to their parent than any generation

Technological Children are IT savvy

Environmental Global warming; Children are seeing a lot of TV about global warming and the drought. It's very visible to them and they are worried it's going to get worse.'' Vivienne OakleyThe Sunday Telegraph February 18, 2007 Kids' environmental concerns Legal Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, declared that children need safeguards and protections separate from those of adults and that these protections should begin even before birth. (Poe, T., 2011) EU Directive 89/552/EEC TVWF - Art.16: general principles concerning advertising aimed at children Child Labor Law- employment law As a result of the inherent dangers associated with the employment of children, the United States (along with other developed nations) have instituted a series of laws which protect children against inhumane employment (Laws com , 2010)

School attendance and absence: the law (Drict gov, 2011).

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