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Spring Equinox Message 2012- Crossing The Rainbow Bridge and Cutting The Umbilical Cord.

So much is happening and there is so much love and joy and light in our world today! It has taken me awhile to wrap my own mind around some of these things as they are so all encompassing. I receive information in visions so I need to interpret those visions. This is much more different than channeling words from some entity. Yet, this is my way and this is my message for humanity spring 2012. 2011 was a great year and saw the final activation of the new Unity Grid section by section beginning a year ago last spring and starting from 8th density working its way downward. 4th Density earth ascended in August of last year and earth ascended as a 3D crystalline light powered new earth at Thanksgiving followed quickly by the ascension of 2nd and 1st density in December. This completed the actual birth of the new multi-dimensional earth and astounded all life in the universe! 1st and 2nd density remain attached to the New Earth as the placenta or after birth that still nourishes the new fetus until it can exist directly on the nourishment of light itself. At that point in December of this year the umbilical cord will finally be cut and the birth process complete. This was the birth of the first ever multi-dimensional living and organic planet that extended from 1st density through 8th density. Earth and its organic life forms existed as complete and self-sustaining through the energy dynamics of the new Unity Grid. Not only did organic life exist as 3d crystalline light powered but also throughout time as 4d, in multiple timelines as 5d, as different dimensional realities as 6d, and as its own miniature universe as 7d. This new Earth was all created at 8d through the Unity Grid using neighboring universes as power sources. Imagine the shock and surprise! An entire miniature universe of organic life! Not endless reaches of space filled with empty stars and lifeless space, but an entire universe of organic life! Infinite explorations of infinite complexity. This New Earth was the New Game and set the standard for the rest of the universe to follow. It immediately came under the highest levels of protection at the universal level, not at the lower galactic level, and for the first time life was allowed to create its own way unhindered. Restrictions were removed. Single celled amoeba began to create the new earth, single blades of grass began to create the new earth, the birds and all other living things began to create this massive collective dream of a new crystalline powered 3d earth that operated under new rules with new ways of manifesting.

The common people began to create, create food, shelter, homes and jobs for their families and loved ones. Communities began to reach out with helping hands as hearts began to open at all levels of experience. In the meantime many of those individuals 4th density and higher had other ideas and began to create schemes, to continue creating in the old fear based ways. These became and are still becoming increasingly in conflict with this New Earth. They had their own ideas of what ascension was and what it was not. It still hadnt happened yet. The powers that be were still in control, the Galactic Federation still hadnt saved us from the Orions and Armageddon still had not come which prevented Jesus to come and save us as well. But in an increasingly volatile world life just plodded along doing the best it could, creating itself anew each day and walking this mine field of toxic thought. We owe todays world to the dreaming of the lower life forms and we should be ashamed at our own refusal to create new life, be ashamed at our inability to break free from the mental and emotional conditioning that now only holds us through habit. We do not create because we have become too passive to create. This brings us to 2012 and this coming year. At the beginning of 2012 new earth aligned for the first time with the galactic center and received an inpouring of light and vitality. These were augmented by solar flares and many flu like symptoms as life struggled to find its way in the creation process. Those space brothers and sisters of this and neighboring galaxies were told in no uncertain terms to back off. This new sacred life was no place for petty galactic politics and alien agendas. The Unity Grid began to purge itself of negative and hostile life forms. While Gaia allowed everyone to ascend, those bent on destruction of life will be eliminated. We saw this as nothing happening, but in reality much was happening, much was being prevented from happening. Now at the spring equinox the new earth aligns for the first time with the Universal Center, that great center around which all galaxies within our universe spin. The energies of the Universal center are activating the Rainbow Bridge and will continue this process throughout the rest of the year level by level from the top downward. The Rainbow Bridge is what allows life and awareness to cross over to being fully sustained by light. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge is what most think of as Ascension. All life forms have already ascended but dont realize it yet. Many remain trapped in the creation of old thought. As these life forms cross the Rainbow Bridge they will become free of the placenta, of the after birth of 1st and 2nd density reality. Life will no longer be sustained through chemical digestive processes but nourished entirely through light. 1st and 2nd density will drop away leaving only the higher densities to live in and experience. It is the action of the solar flares that are softening the DNA patterns and gradually releasing each awareness from its 1st and 2nd density prison. As the solar flares continue this

process of disentangling from 1st and 2nd density will continue as well until it concludes in December of this year as foretold and prophesied. The first to cross the Rainbow Bridge will be those 8th density light workers. This is already beginning to happen and earth keeper councils are forming to guide New Earth with the protection and support of the highest universal powers. New Earth is sacred and its continued advancement is of the utmost importance. This spring will see 7th, 6th and 5th density life forms cross over the Rainbow Bridge with 4th density crossing in August and 3rd density in November. This should follow last years patterns of activations. But these will be final activations and the reality of what is happening will not be able to be hidden or over looked. Those that pass over through physical death will still remain visible and available to loved ones. There will be an increase in psychic phenomenon that will baffle science. It is these phenomena that will be the trigger for the greatest social change. It will be seen and experienced that life and awareness do indeed exist independently of physical life. This will revolutionize our entire world and we finally get our priorities in line and join our lower brother and sister life forms in creating the earth experiences that we desire. Bright blessings,


This message may be shared as long as it remains intact. Copyright Joe Bandel 2012.

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