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Title: In Heaven Fandom: After School Pairing: Park JiYoung(Kahi)/Kim JungAh. Disclaimer: About as real as a barking duck.

Summary: From a father's perspective. A/N: This is like another perspective to the Sixth Station. This was written in honour of the lovely Ish unni, who turns 21 today. I love you, unni and I hope you enjoy this. Happy birthday. <3

In Heaven
She woke up to the smell of bacon frying. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she noticed that there was a cold space next to her. Pouting slightly, she got out of the bed slowly, stretching as she did so. The floor was cold against her feet and the chatter traveled up the stairway. A smile graced her face when she heard a soft cooing sound. Appa! Youre awake! The blonde rushed from the table, a huge smile on her face. Her school tie was askew, Kahi laughing at it. Jin Ah pouted and turned her head around, whining to the grinning brunette at the stove. Omma! Appa is making fun of me! JungAh chuckled softly and tilted the eggs on the pan onto the chewing Bekahs plate, the older pair of the sibling nodding in thanks, one hand covering her moving mouth. Jin Ah tugged on Kahis hand, the older woman chuckling when her youngest daughter whined at the resistance met. After a hard(?) battle, Jin Ah raised her arms, triumphant at managing to seat her father at the table. Kahi pressed her fingers against the corner of her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing at her youngest antics. It was hard to believe that the blonde was a shy girl, judging the way she acted at home. It worried her how dependent Jin Ah was on her family. She should know that nothing is forever. One day, they will leave. Unni! Hurry! Were going to be late for school! Jin Ah placed her plates neatly into the dishwasher, jumping up and down in front of Bekah who was shoving her toast into her mouth. Mrhph mphgm JungAh tapped the brunette on the head lightly. Chew. Swallow. Then answer your sister. Kahi watched in amusement as Bekah swallowed the bread with difficulty, the brunettes face turning red from the effort. I said, weve got time. And you have your own bicycle! Ride to school by yourself! Dont want to! The two siblings argued on the way out of the door, somehow not forgetting to kiss their parents goodbye.

JungAh smiled and shook her head, hands coming to rest on Kahis shoulders. Should I be worried that they fight so much? Kahi patted one of the hands, her head tilting up to rest on the younger womans abdomen. No. When it comes down to it, the both of them will do anything for each other. JungAhs eyes crinkled into a smile. Then I have nothing to worry about? Kahi shook her head and closed her eyes, her cheek warm against JungAhs shirt. * She was sitting on the doorstep, holding that same brown bag again. As she watched with a broken heart, she had no idea what to do. A tear hung on her eyelash when an older girl came out of the door, attempting to convince the girl sitting on the doorstep to come in. * Omma! Jin Ah bounced up to the cuddling couple on the sofa and wriggled her way between them, Kahi giggling as she made space for the tall blonde. JungAh stroked Jin Ahs hair lightly. Yes? Jin Ah pouted. Im bored! Kahi laughed and pressed the remote, turning on the television. There! Watch some cartoons with you? Jin Ah nodded happily and settled in her mothers arms, Kahi shaking her head at the childish antic. I swear, youre turning thirteen soon and you still act like youre four. Jin Ah gave her a toothy grin and snuggled with JungAh, the younger woman shooting her wife an amused look when Jin Ah answered back cheekily. You turned cartoons on for me! Does that make you five? Kahi gasped playfully before lunging forwards, fingers tickling the blonde. Jin Ah shrieked and twisted violently. Moments later, tickling Jin Ah somehow turned into ganging up on JungAh, the brunette gasping breathlessly for help. Bekah came out of her room, glasses perched on her nose and took one look at the scene on the sofa. She clucked her tongue and moved forwards.

JungAh reached out pitifully. Bekah Help your Omma? The smirk on Bekahs face did not bode well for JungAh. The house was filled with laughter. * She placed the keys on the counter, curious to know why the house was so quiet. Looking through the rooms, her eyebrows met in the middle when there was no one home. She moved to the kitchen and found two post its on the fridge. Appa, Omma, Im over at Fany unnis place. Weve an assignment! Wont be back late! Anything just call! -B. Went to the butterfly park with Jin Ah. You know how it is with saying no to this girl. Love you1 Be back soon! -J. She scoffed and tried to push down the growing smile. She should be angry or at the very least, resentful that she got left alone. JungAh was right though, it was impossible to say no to Jin Ah. Kahi stretched and yawned sleepily. Oh well, Ill just take a nap till they get back. * Kahi woke up to hair tickling her nose. Opening her eyes blearily, she found Nana shaking beside her, the thunderstorm crashing outside. The magnitude of the fight she had with JungAh came crashing down on her, her eyes aching from the tears she had shed earlier. For now, she pushed the fight out of her head. Her daughter needed her. Her room door creaked open silently and she jolted up abruptly, wary of the intruder. JungAh pressed a finger to her lips. When she came close enough, she whispered softly. Well talk later. Right now, I have a child to take care of. Kahi nodded tightly, allowing JungAh to squeeze onto the bed. Jin Ah was still trembling, but when her mothers soothing voice filled the room, the sleeping girls tremors came to a pause. Another figure appeared at the door, Bekah trudging in with her pillow. Kahi motioned her oldest daughter to come to the bed. Four people on one king sized bed was probably pushing it, but with the rain pattering against the window panes and lightning painting the skies, Kahi wouldnt have it any other way.

Especially not if JungAh smiled at her like that, knowing instinctively all would be forgotten. * The two sisters ran on the beach excitedly, JungAh yelling after them to be careful. Jin Ah waved a hand over her head before yelping when Bekah tackled her into the water. Soon, shouts filled the air, the two siblings splashing water at each other. Kahi shook her head and continued setting out the food happily, having won the rock paper scissors game on who was going to keep an eye on the two troublemakers. While Kahi usually had no trouble keeping the two girls in line, there was something about the beach and the sea itself that brought out the worst in both Bekah and Jin Ah. I hate you. Just saying. JungAh shook out her wet hair, the brown locks dripping water onto the picnic table. Kahi merely laughed. I won, fair and square. JungAh scowled. While it was supposed to be threatening, at least to Kahi, Kahi merely thought that it was too adorable. She made her feelings known by squeezing the scowling girls face between her hands. So. Cute! Yah! Bekah stopped wrestling with her sister when her father yelled out loud, Kahi running away from a red faced JungAh. Jin Ah took the chance to push Bekah face first into the water. * Appa. Appa! Kahi woke up with a start, her cheek disconnecting with the warm leather almost painfully. Bekah was staring at her worriedly, her fingers taut against the material of the sofa. Appa, Omma and Jin Ah arent back yet. Kahis immediately shot off the sofa, hands grabbing at the phone on the coffee table. No missed calls or messages. Kahi felt the panic bubble in her chest. A moment later, her worry was well placed. Miss Park? You have to come to the hospital right away! Bekah wasnt even buckled properly when Kahi gunned it out of the driveway. JungAh and Jin Ah.

This cant be happening. * Jin Ah was yelling at the brunette, Lizzy for taking away the brown bag. Kahi knew the contents of that bag by heart. It contained a phone which has probably about a thousand missed calls, all from her because she cant let go of the number which housed JungAhs voicemail. It has a book, JungAhs favorite, Art Of War by SunZhu. JungAh always said that dealing with Jin Ah was like dealing with an entire army. There was a wallet, in the picture compartment was an old Polaroid picture with the four of them in it, all looking happy. And finally, a wrapped present, a necklace with a heart shaped pendant with their familys initials carved into it. She had disagreed, telling JungAh that Jin Ah would probably lose it on the way to school or something. JungAh had gone to buy it without her knowledge. Looking back, she shouldnt have done that. She moved forwards when Lizzy gestured towards Bekah and her, her oldest daughter moving forward to hug the sobbing blonde. She joined the hug, whispering the words that Jin Ah needed to hear, but probably wouldnt accept. She gave the brunette who smiled so much like JungAh a nod of thanks. Lizzy walked away, a small smile playing on her face as she nodded in response. Kahis arms tightened around her daughter. * JungAh threw the cake in her face, the brunette laughing when she wiped it from her brow. She glared at the three laughing females menacingly and brought up the plastic knife in her hands. You guys are so DEAD! Jin Ah shrieked happily and crawled under the table away from her, Kahis fingers missing her by inches. Suffice to say, by the end of it, the living room was covered with pieces of cake, the four of them piled on top of each other tiredly. Kahi groaned and ran her hand through her sticky hair. Im using my birthday power and making you guys clean this. JungAh smacked her soundly on the thigh. Were cleaning together. Bekah whined in agreement, Jin Ah nodding sleepily on her mothers lap. * She stared at the red sign with wide eyes. Beside her, Bekah was gripping the drink in her hands tightly, her mouth moving

in a soft prayer. When the doors opened, her heart lifted slightly. Dont worry, Miss Park, your daughter is going to be fine. Her heart shattered when the other pair of doors swung open, Bekah bursting into tears at the doctors expression. Kahi didnt need to listen to the words to know what had concluded. Im truly sorry, Miss Park. But we did what we could. Miss Kim She didnt make it. A family broke that day. * Her daughter was devastated, distraught. Jin Ah has always been a quiet child, unless she was up to no good but Kahi knew that this amount of silence while crouched on the porch was unnatural. Yet, she didnt know what to do. * Their lives were finally returning to normal. Jin Ah was going back to school. Kahi made sure that Lizzy was in that school that she enrolled in. Jin Ah needed someone to look out for her. Bekah finally accepted that entrance into the National University. Kahi? Kahi was trying to move on to the best of her ability. The house was silent that night, the lack of cries that came with Jin Ahs nightmare spoke volumes of her success. Or rather, being able to tell that Lizzy could help Jin Ah. She spoke out to the night. JungAh yah. I hope that in your eyes I did well. Her eyes slipped shut. I miss you. She was about to fall asleep when lips ghosted on her ear. Her back stiffened when a familiar coo filled her hearing. You did well. Im proud of you and I miss you. For the first time since JungAh died, Kahis tears flowed.

Title: Of Piggyback Rides and Foxes Fandom: After School/Orange Caramel. Pairing: Nana/JungAh (Omma/Daughter), Im Jin Ah(Nana)/Park SoYoung(Lizzy). Disclaimer: About as real as a barking duck. A/N: JungNa for Ish and LiNa for Lim.

Of Piggyback Rides and Foxes.

JungAh favored Nana the most. Everybody could see that.

Nana loved JungAh the most.

Everybody could see that as well.

Yet, no one really understood the bond that the two girls had, one playing the mother and the other playing the daughter. Kahi had long given up on trying to understand both girls, content to playing second fiddle to JungAh, should Nanas affections come to a spilt road.

Nana would never do anything to hurt JungAh.

Everybody knew that as well.

Ever since that particular episode in that Playgirlz variety show that they did, Nana had developed the habit of asking for a piggyback ride from the older woman. It wasnt life threatening or even health endangering, seeing that the girl was practically lighter than a feather.

But for JungAh, it was somewhat dangerous, seeing that her immune system and stamina was weaker than a tissue.

That being said though, JungAh never said no. She would smile that motherly smile before lowering her body, Nana jumping on her back lightly and nuzzling into brown hair.

It affected the older woman somewhat, but JungAh always did it.

The woman never did know to say no to Nana. Not for something so simple that made the younger girl so happy.

It went on for months.

Then it stopped.

JungAh was confused.

It stopped right after her second bout of a cold, a particularly bad one brought on by chilly weather and lack of sleep.

Nana stopped asking for piggyback rides.

And JungAh missed the feeling of holding her daughter on her back.

She asked around, asked whether the other girls said anything to discourage the younger girl from it.

None of them had any idea what was going on. They thought Nana had moved on to a new fad or something.

Lizzy, however, kept her mouth shut and looked away.

JungAh pouted. Lizzy yah, tell Omma.

Lizzy kept her mouth shut and mimed zipping her lips.

Park SoYoung.

Lizzy shook her head. Youre going to have to ask Jin, Omma.

JungAh sighed.

The younger girl had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night, be it to go for a run to clear her head or sit at the kitchen table nursing a cup of hot chocolate.

JungAh was somewhat relieved that tonight was hot chocolate night. She didnt think that she would have the strength to search for the younger girl through the neighborhood.

Jin Ah?

The younger girl turned towards her and smiled. Omma! Youre awake! Do you want one?

She gestured to the cup in her hands.

JungAh shook her head. I have a question for you, Jin Ah.


She felt somewhat stupid, asking about something like this but it bothered her.

Why havent you asked me for a piggyback ride anymore?

The younger girls face softened and she tilted her head embarrassedly.

Because you were sick.


Nana drew the cup closer to her body and smiled. Omma was sick. So I dont ask. I want Omma to be better before asking. I dont want Omma to go into the hospital.

JungAh felt her eyes tearing.

Nana loved JungAh the most.

Everybody knew that.

But nobody knew exactly how much the younger girl loved the older girl.

Her one and only Omma.

* Lizzy couldnt believe her ears.

And eyes.

Or rather, she just couldnt believe what she was witnessing in general.

Sexy fox?


Is this what happens when she leaves Nana to her own devices?

Wasnt the older girls nickname Chic Doll?

She replayed the video.

Nickname wa Sexy Kitsune desu!

What in the world?

Im Jin Ah had so much explaining to do once she got her butt back home.

Or rather, when she flies over there.

She glared at the older girl, Nana looking considerably confused over her expression. Lizzy could see that the blonde was thinking on the things that she might have done to anger the younger girl, and Lizzy could also see that the Sexy Fox debacle never made it into her head.

Im Jin Ah.

The confused expression turned into a stricken one.

She knows that she is in trouble now. Lizzy never uses her full name unless she was pissed.

What was that interview about?

Lizzy felt her anger melting at the sight of thoroughly confused puppy eyes.


No. She must hold on to that anger.

That interview.

Nana leant back and tilted her head coquettishly.

What interview?

The sexy fox one.

Oh. What about it?

Lizzy felt like strangling her. Sexy fox? Really? Your nickname is Chic Doll!

The smile playing on Nanas lips did not bode well for her. Not when the combination of a raised eyebrow was thrown in.


The older girl got off the bed and sauntered over to Lizzy, the younger girl feeling her breath catch in her throat.

A whisper blew past her ear, fingers pressing into the notches of her spine.

Well Do you want a demonstration on why I said that?

Fingers traveled up of her back and pulled forwards, Lizzy bracing herself against the wall.

When lips met hers, she forgot about everything.

Sexy what?

Title: The Story of How Appa Asked Omma Out Pairing: JungHi w/ mentions of LiNa Rating: pg-13 A/n: So I was chatting with limchop and we were talking about After School when I found out that she had only seen one video of the epic boob rub that's part of the Playgirlz choreography in where instead of Kahi doing the rub, it's JungAh. I got inspired and wrote this; it's unbeta'd, so forgive me for any mistakes.

The Story of How Appa Asked Omma Out

Appa? Looking up from her guitar, Kahi saw Lizzy standing in the doorway of her room, a questioning look on her face. Smiling, Kahi motioned the younger girl in as she set her guitar aside, patting the space next to her on the bed. Chuckling when the girl sat down with a bounce, Kahi leaned back against the headboard. Noticing the somewhat conflicted look on her face, Kahi got right down to business. Whats up SooYoung? I wanted to ask you something. Seeing her looking uncharacteristically nervous, Kahi was about to ask Lizzy what was wrong when the girl opened her mouth. Howhow did you first ask omma out? Surprised, Kahis eyes widened a bit, wondering where the sudden question came from. Its just Lizzy continued, her fingers fiddling with the loose thread hanging on her shirt. II wanted to ask JinAh out on a date, but I wanted to be romantic so I asked Bekah and JooYeon unnie for advice and they told me to ask you about how you asked out omma. Eyes widening even more, Kahi cursed the two in her mind, knowing that the duo was most likely off somewhere laughing their heads off at the moment. Ahh, SooYoung, II dont think the way I asked your omma out would be considered very romantic Coughing, Kahi felt her cheeks heating up as the memory of the event flashed through her mind. Noticing Kahis reaction, Lizzy became genuinely curious then, tilting her head to the side as she regarded the leader. Why not? How did you ask her? Clearing her throat, Kahi concluded that Lizzy wouldnt leave her alone until she found out, so she shifted around a bit, getting comfortable, knowing it would take a while. Well, this was back during the Ah! promotions, before then actually. We were rehearsing our choreography for Playgirlz for the special stage with Dambi

[2008] I cant believe were doing a special stage with Dambi-shi before we debut! Kahi couldnt help but grin at JungAhs enthusiasm, the younger woman practically bouncing off the walls of the practice room. As she sat there stretching, going over the dance moves that she had created with one of the companys choreographers in her head, Kahi made a mental note to herself. Today may be one of the best days of your life. Remember it.

After all, its not every day when you work out a dance that involved the need to have JungAh run her hand along your chest. Getting up with a hop, Kahi turned to JungAh, a somewhat nervous grin on her face. You ready? ~*~ When they had finally gotten to the part that Kahi was so anxious about, she paused the music and turned to JungAh, the other girl surprised from the sudden stop. Whats up unnie? Did I make a mistake? No, youre doing great, Kahi said with a shake of her head, grinning when JungAh let out a relieved sigh. Its just that this is the part where things change up a bit. Coming up behind JungAh, Kahi placed her hands lightly on her waist, doing her best to ignore the sensation of her heart speeding up as she worked through her nerves. Weve been doing the basic steps for a while now, but as you probably figured out, were switching up who sings which lines, since Bekah isnt performing this with us. Seeing JungAh give a nod, Kahi continued. So with the change comes a slight change in the steps. Originally, when Bekah raps All the play girlz in da place to be, thats when were given time to set up for our part. Since Im the one rapping that now, our roles are reversed. Moving JungAhs body into position, she ignored the questioning look the girl gave her in the mirror, and instead posed her arm. Now, originally when you sing your part- Kahi slowly brought her hand through JungAhs posed one, running it up her stomach, around her breast, and popped off with a slight push, too busy focusing to realize that JungAhs breathing had become strained ever so slightly. My hand comes up and over, and you pop your chest out with my hand. For this performance however Kahi moved in front of JungAh then, holding JungAhs hands, guiding them along the same path that hers had just taken, pressing down on her chest a little harder as she added the popping move as well. For this performance, youll in my spot and Ill be in yours. Although come to think of it, there's no popping this time, so ignore that. Spinning around to face JungAh, Kahi saw that JungAh was biting the bottom of her lip hard, her grip on her microphone tight, knuckles white from the pressure. JungAh? Are you okay? Growing worried when JungAh didnt answer her, Kahi shuffled her feet hesitantly, looking elsewhere. If you dont like it, I can try to change it if you want- No! JungAh interrupted, her cheeks blushing at her sudden outburst. I mean, the choreographys fine. Lets keep practicing, yeah? Smiling at Kahi as she tucked her hair behind her ears, JungAh gave her a bright smile, and started up the music once more. ~*~ They had been practicing for hours now; it was a side effect of Kahi being a perfectionist. After seeming to perform the routine for the umpteenth time, Kahi was about to suggest that they were done for the day when surprisingly, JungAh requested a run through one more time. Both of them were sweating at this point since the air conditioner had randomly stopped working an hour ago; Kahi had pulled her hair up into a bun while JungAh had taken off her shirt, leaving her in nothing but her sweatpants and a tank top. Getting into position, the two went through the dance again, practically on autopilot as they moved to the beat of the music. However, the heat must have been taking a toll on them, because when the two leaned to the side to do a wave, Kahi heard

a squeak behind her before she felt JungAh grab her hand and pulling her down. Unprepared for the sudden weight, the two fell to the ground, with Kahi on top of JungAh as she lost her balance. Letting out a breath at the sudden impact, Kahi found herself pressed against JungAh, a blush immediately rising to her cheeks at their position. Kahi was about to ask JungAh if she was all right when she heard a quietly muttered fuck it from the girl below her. That was all the warning she got before JungAh pulled her down into a kiss, hands trailing along her neck and into her hair. Kahi found herself throwing caution to the wind, her hands trailing down JungAhs body, fingers grazing against the bare skin of her belly asAPPA! Kahi started, stopping her recollection to notice the visibly mortified face of Lizzy, the girl squeezing her hands tight over her ears as she looked at Kahi with a combination of shock and horror, having heard much more information about her so-called parents than she ever wanted to know. Letting out an embarrassed chuckle, Kahi closed her eyes as she scratched the back of her head, a light blush coloring her cheeks. Whoops. Wasnt supposed to tell you that much You think?! You didnt even ask her out! You just went straight on to having your way with her! Sputtering, Kahi pointed to herself, her voice full of disbelief. Me? What do you mean I had my way with her! She kissed me first! Yeah, but you took advantage of the situation! Youre the one who made the choreography; you probably planned all of that to happen! Silent, her mouth agape, Kahi could only look on as Lizzy practically ran out of the room, muttering to herself about how horny her appa was. Kahi was still staring helplessly at the door five minutes later when JungAh walked in, asking what was wrong with Lizzy and why the younger girl had suddenly hugged her and told her not to let appa take advantage of her anymore and why Bekah and JooYeon had burst out laughing when they overheard her. Kahi didnt have an answer for her. She could only lay back in bed and bring the pillow over her face, letting out a frustrated scream as JungAh looked on, staring at Kahi amusedly before going out to prepare dinner. JungAh figured that shed find out what had happened eventually. She had her ways.

Under The Rain With You

I dont necessarily think its wise to stand in the rain. "Im not necessarily doing this by choice. The bus is running late.

"Have you thought to seek shelter from the rain? Unless you like hypothermia.

I didnt think it would rain this badly.

I take it youre not a fan of thunder. Jung Ah leaned against the wet bus stop pole, rain colliding with her skin and hair at every counting moment. The sidewalks were drenched with puddles of rainwater, and the city grew hazier with every growing moment. She pulled her sweatshirt closer around her, cursing herself for not choosing a bus stop with a cover. As she leaned against the pole, and as countless cars drove by in the rainy wake, puddles sloshing at their tires, she felt a vibration near her arm. She reached into her jacket and, making sure to shield it from the rain, read the text message.

Unnie, where are you? Jooyeon unnie and I are starving ):Get a girlfriend to drive you places !-Bekah
Jung Ah rolled her eyes; she sometimes wondered if her friends would ever be able to function properly without her if she didnt take care of them like a mother. She placed the phone back in her pocket and gazed out towards the seemingly flooded city of Incheon. The park parallel to her position reeked of wet grass and the outline of hills peeked out beneath the gray horizon. She checked the watch on her left hand

She puffed air out of her mouth and sighed. The bus never usually came this late. She may have been one of its sole occupants, but it should still be punctual right? Suddenly, her skin and hair and clothes felt void of the ever continuous precipitation. Above her she heard the slightly distant sound of rain hitting a padded surface. Once she looked up she saw a black umbrella above her head and when she looked to her left she saw who held it. The owner of said umbrella was a tall, auburn-haired beauty, with bright and mature eyes and the most adorable dimples Jung Ah had ever seen. Her teeth were pearly white and her skin was flawless. Before Jung Ah could utter a word, the other spoke first. I dont necessarily think its wise to stand in the rain. The woman said, her voice firm and gentle. Im not necessarily doing this by choice. The bus is running late. Jung Ah replied, finding herself wondering why she was telling a stranger her business. Thats a shame. You shouldnt be out here alone and being soaked in the rain. Ill stay with you. It was only at that moment that Jung Ah realized how cold she really was, the wetness of her sweatshirt seeping into the pores of her skin. You really dont need to do that. Jung Ah insisted. Who said anything about need? I want to. My conscience wouldnt be able to handle it if I let something this beautiful catch a cold. The beautiful figure replied, eyes twinkling as her smile grew larger.

Jung Ah merely smiled back, not caring that a random woman was catering for her umbrella need or that she had just called her beautiful. I dont even know your name. Kahi. Park Kahi. And your name? Jung Ah. Kim Jung Ah. Jung Ah stuck out her slightly wet hand and Kahi gratefully shook it, letting her hand linger on the other girls soft skin before letting go. So Jung Ah-sshi, how long have you been waiting for this bus? About 20 minutes now. Have you thought to seek shelter from the rain? Unless you like hypothermia. Oh I love it, really! The fact that Id die from cold is so thrilling, honestly! Jung Ah replied with a smile that was tinted with much sarcasm, to which Kahi chuckled. Youre cute. She said, allowing Jung Ah to feel the only heat that was left in her body sail upwards into her cheeks. T-Thank you. Where were you coming from? Kahi turned and gestured to an area that was lost in the heavy precipitation that continuously stomped down onto their umbrella, forcing Jung Ah to move closer to the other girl, her wet hair tickling the base of Kahis throat. The dance studio down the road. I had a free class and felt like taking a walk. In the rain? I have an umbrella. Whats your excuse? Kahi teased. Jung Ah pouted, as she gazed back over the gloomy skyline. I didnt think it would rain this badly. Your attire proves that thought. Kahi said, gesturing to Jung Ahs now soaked cartoon sweatpants and her loose-fitting jeans. Well, Im not a weatherman so therefo- Her sentence was cut off by a loud clap of thunder scared the living daylights out of her. It surprised her so much that she ended up nestling her face into Kahis chest and clutching the sides of the girls jacket. Kahi free arm immediately wound itself around Jung Ahs waist. I take it youre not a fan of thunder. Kahi spoke teasingly once more. Jung Ah took her head out of the womans chest and faintly blushed again.Im not. And sorry for ummyou know. Kahi simply chuckled, Dont worry about it, glanced to her right and saw a navy blue bus pull up next to the stop, its tires sloshing in the puddles beside the road. It pulled to a stop and its doors creaked open. Looks like Im your good luck charm. Your bus is here. Y-Yeah it is. Thank you for allowing me to share your umbrella. Id do it again in a heartbeat. Kahi smiled, ushering Jung Ah away from the pole and towards the bus so that the driver would not grow impatient. I think I should at least get the pleasure of walking you to the bus. Jung Ah said nothing, and allowed the older girl to lead her towards the open bus doors. Jung Ah walked up the wet stairs, paid her money to the unruly bus driver and towards her usual seat in the middle of the not so occupied bus. The only

people on it were a sleeping ahjumma, a tousled young man that fairly resembled the bus driver and a teenage girl in school uniform, who sat in the back of the bus. Jung Ah wiped away a circle of mist on the bus window with her forearms sleeve, and through the beads of water that clung to the outside of the window, she could see Kahi smiling and leaning against the same pole they were standing at before, waving at Jung Ah through the window. Timidly Jung Ah smiled and waved back, her fingers dancing across the air, before she felt the buss engine rev up, slowly pulling away from the bus stop. She continuously looked through the window at Kahis figure, which had yet to move from her statue-like position. She craned her neck to look through the window as the bus picked up speed, until Kahi was just a speck amidst fog and rain in the distance. *** 20 minutes later, Jung Ah entered her apartment, throwing down her jacket onto the coat rack and shuddering as her body speedily began to heat up. She rubbed her hands together and peered into the kitchen, seeing nothing but a kettle and a half open pack of crackers on the counter. She continued walking into the apartment until.. Unnie! She was wrestled to the couch by two blooming and beautiful women; one in her teens and the other in her early twenties. Jooyeon ate the last of your bananas! Daass notch frueee The taller of the teens spoke, food obviously stuffed into her mouth. Jung Ah cringed, Yah, Lee Jooyeon. Chew before you speak. And would you two fatties mind easing off of me? Bekah and Jooyeon complied, pulling their unnie out of the burgundy couch. Unnie, what took you so long? We got worried. Bekah pouted. The bus was late, dont worry. I am a grown woman you know. Your appetite proves that statement correct.Jooyeon added, skipping happily towards the kitchen in search of more food. Ill get you for that, Giblet! Jung Ah retorted, to receive an evil chuckle in return. You need a girlfriend to drive you places and keep you sheltered from the rain and from getting a cold unnie~. Like how Jooyeon has Uee unnie. Bekah persisted, using her rare aegyo to win over her unnie. Suddenly, the thought of the auburn-haired and umbrella-holding goddess from not too long ago appeared in Jung Ahs mind, a smile unconsciously spreading across her face. Well talk later Bekah. I need to take a hot shower. Jung Ah said, walking towards the bathroom with a large smile spread on her face, much to Bekahs confusion. Suddenly, Jooyeon appeared next to Bekah, chewing exceptionally loudly on a handful of chips. Whats up with her creepy smiling? Jooyeon asked, bits of potato chips raining here and there. I was wondering the same thing. ***

Jung Ah unni~. Neh? Jung Ah replied meekly, raising her gaze from her novel to wherever the voice had called her from; the kitchen. Would you go to the grocery please? Bekah asked, cupboards closing with a resounding smack and opening with a squeak as she went through what little food was there. For what? Gee, Jung Ah. The girl asks you to go to a grocery store; its a MYSTERY what she could possibly want. Jooyeon replied smartly from the couch, not even turning to see what annoyed expression Jung Ah would have on her face. Jung Ah merely rolled her eyes, What exactly do you want me to get Bekah? Hmmm, well the bananas, apples and pears are out, the milk is spoiled, the bread looks like moss, the cereal box is.well, just a box, we have no ramen and the rice is 95% finished. Oh and some candy while youre at it. Bekahs voice called out cutely towards her last statement. Jung Ah chuckled, setting down her book and rising out of the chair, turning to glance out of the window behind her. Outside of their high rise apartment building gray clouds were whirling into a mix above the city, setting in a slight gloom for the later afternoon. A brisk wind shifted through the atmosphere every now and again, letting whoever outside feel a pleasantly cool chill. A sweater wouldnt be too much right? Youre lucky I love you or else you would all be starved right now. Jung Ah said, pulling out a pink sweater from the coat closet, and picking up her keys off of the coffee table. Sliding the sweater over her body and slipping her feet into a pair of sneakers, she prepared to leave until Bekahs voice drew her back in. Oh and go to the grocery down the street. Theyre having sales! Offering a grunt of agreement Jung Ahs exited the warm apartment, and into the semi-chilly hallway, glad that she was already clad in sweatpants. She trotted towards the elevator and waited until it passed the 8 floors until the ground level, and exited the elevator and the door to the apartment complex, making her way to the closest grocery. *** 20 minutes later, Jung Ah was in warm grocery store, exiting the 7th aisle that housed cereal and moving towards the fruit aisle, whistling a light tune that she had heard on the radio earlier on. She pushed the cart towards the apple stand and let it rest there; weighing two Red Deliciouses in either one of her palms, wondering which one would taste better. Once she decided that the apple in her right hand had better form, she placed the one in her left on top of the pyramid of apples. Only to have the entire display crash about her feet, red apples rolling in every direction, knocking a 3 year old boys ankles. Frantically Jung Ah got on her knees, picking up as many apples as she could with her arms and dumping them over the now-ruined pyramid. When she bent back down and picked up another apple, a warm and slightly calloused hand rested on top of hers. When she trailed her eyes from the persons hand, to their arm, to their face, she was met with the same auburn haired beauty that she had seen not too many days ago. Kahi, that was her name right? Jung Ah thought, as they both simultaneously rose out of their bending position and stood, both hands still resting lightly over the apple. Jung Ah blushed as she realized the position they were in, although despite being awkward, it felt comfortable. And as usual, before she could speak Kahi beat her to it. Need help? She asked, a seemingly teasing smile that exploited her gleaming teeth and impeccably gorgeous dimples. /Jung Ah pouted, glancing around them to notice that there were indeed multiple red apples scattered around the vicinity. Avoiding the question, she in turn asked, Are you stalking me maam?

Kahi chuckled, taking the apple from Jung Ahs palm and placing it back into the pyramid. Of course not. Its just that your thinking face was so.cute. T-Thank you. Not a problem. But Ill think youll need a new apple. Kahi noted, the one that was in Jung Ahs hand falling from it in the process, and was now dented and oozing apple juices. No, of course not. I would definitely have bought that one. Jung Ah smiled, suddenly growing bitter at the fact that Jooyeons sarcasm seemed to be rubbing off and on her. Kahi looked at Jung Ah for a moment, before breaking out into another wide and dazzling smile. You really are adorable. Im 28. Im 30, and youre still adorable. Kahi said, leaving Jung Ah blushing slightly once more before she grabbed a random group of apples and stuffed them into the grocerys plastic bag. She placed them into the cart and went for the handlebar, unaware that Kahi had taken her place right beside her. Jung Ah plucked up another apple, and when she turned she could see Kahi standing next to her, smiling as adorably as it seemed she always did. You dont mind if I tag along do you? Kahi asked. Um, n-no, not at all. Jung Ah said without much thought, surprised when Kahi rested both of her hands on top of Jung Ahs that were on the handlebars as well, giving her a smile and continued pushing the cart.Is that all youre getting? Yes. My roommates are fatties. Jung Ah grumbled as they both pushed the cart towards the checkout counter. How subtle of you. Kahi chuckled, as they both found a cashier and parked the cart behind the other sole occupant of the line. Can I ask you something? You just did. A glare from Jung Ah, that was more cute than threatening, caused Kahi to laugh again. Yes, you can ask me a question. Why are you being sofriendly? Even though we just met once. Im not usually this friendly. My cousin describes me as a dragon on its period. At this Jung Ah burst out laughing, her eyes curving up into crescents that twinkled under the grocery lighting.Then why are you being friendly to me? Kahi shrugged, the shoulders of her plaid shirt riding up as she did so, I dont know. Maybe I like you. She said, pushing the cart ahead as the customer before them was finished. Jung Ah was surprised. Surely she had not meant it the way Jung Ah had interpreted it, but it made her flutter on the inside all of the while. Jung Ah shrugged it off, reaching into the cart and taking out the box of cereal and placing it on the moving platform, as Kahi did the same with the small bag of rice. 27,588 won. The chubby cashier said, once both women had piled the groceries onto the platform, had them scanned and had them packed into bags. Jung Ah handed him her credit card, waited for the payment transaction to be complete and received a smile, a Have a Good Day and her credit card back. As she slid it into her back pocket, she was also surprised when she saw Kahi pile a

good portion of the shopping bags into her hands, leaving only two for Jung Ah to carry. The cashier leaned over to her and whispered, You have a wonderful girlfriend. S-S-Shes not my girlfriend. Jung Ah said, hastily, to which the cashier only continued smiling. Oh. Well, whoever gets her will surely be lucky. He added, with a wink. Jung Ah smiled nervously, picking up both bags and gesturing to Kahi, who was pushing the cart, that they should exit. What was he talking to you about? Kahi asked as they walked towards the exit, jealousy not so easily hidden in her voice. Just discounts and such. As they reached the covered waited area, Jung Ah could already feel the wavering mist of rain carried by wind as it hit her face, the rhythmic pattering being associated with the cars of the parking lot that crashed through the beginning to form puddles. The rain was starting to come down hard, harder than it had the last time. The clouds had already grown darker and the rain was beginning to seep towards her feet. She cursed, Why does this always happen when Im dressed like this? Seriously! Behind her she heard an all too familiar chuckled, and a click and a whoosh accompanied by it, and she turned to see Kahi who seemed to have procured an umbrella out of nowhere. Its fate! She declared, fixing the bags onto her forearms and grabbing hold of the open umbrella as she walked towards Jung Ah.May I see you to your car~? she added, with such a fake manly accent that Jung Ah couldnt help but laugh. I walked here. Oh. Well then. May I see you to your home~? Why would I allow that? Jung Ah asked, half joking, half serious. Because I have your groceries..and an umbrella. Fine. You got me with the umbrella. So your groceries mean nothing to you? Kahi, said, faking a gasp, as she and Jung Ah walked underneath the umbrella, into the full power of the pounding rain, thunder erupting from the skies like a lions roar. Yes. Well, except my bananas. No one touches my bananas. I have your bananas. Well yes, but if I took out my wrath against you for having my bananas, then Id have to walk alone. The words slipped out of Jung Ahs mouth before she could even put thought behind, only did Kahis smug smile. So, you enjoy walking with me, eh?

If I say yes, would that kill this topic? Possibly. Then, yes. Another, much louder clap of thunder shook the city, startling Jung Ah into Kahis arms, with the older girls hand firmly placed around her waist, their shoulders now touching. Kahi said nothing, simply enjoying the feeling of the other girl wet, body placed upon hers. Their steps moved in sync, the shoes squishing against the wet cement road, their faces moist with droplets of water that escaped the umbrellas protective padding.

So, Kahi-sshi. Umm, youre a dancer right? Jung Ah asked, obviously trying to pry away any discomfort that she then felt. Yes. I hope to become like BoA-sshi one day. Kahi said, eyes misting over at the thought of her dream coming true. This Jung Ah noticed, and she immediately inferred that Kahi was a goal-oriented person.What do you do? Kahi countered. Iermuhbreathe? No kidding? I do that too! Dont mock me. Jung Ah pouted, pressing herself against Kahis side to veer her around a corner, secretly wanting an excuse to get closer to her. But youre so cute when you pout. Do you enjoy calling me cute? Do you enjoy breathing? Yes. Then thats my answer. Kahi smiled once again, feeling victorious when Jung Ah absentmindedly rested her head on Kahis shoulder. Are you always this Casanova-ish? No. It just came out a burst of thin air. Im good right? Jung Ah chuckled, Sure. Why dont you tell me more about yourself, so that this conversation wont just consist of you calling me cute. What a letdown. Anyway, there isnt much to me. I own a dance studio, I wish to become a professional dancer and singer and I like rain. No wonder I always see you when it rains. It was only twice. Call me out, why dont you. Are you sure you dont sing? Kahi asked suddenly, being veered to a large brick apartment building that she assumed was Jung Ahs. They walked towards the steps of the building, wet grass and moistening cement following them with the every step. Kahi walked Jung Ah underneath the covered entrance of the apartment building, where she would be dry from rain, and stepped back. Why do you ask? Your voice is pretty. Kahi handed her the grocery bags that she had, to which Jung Ah gracefully accepted. You sure you can handle that? Kahi joked. Im stronger than I look thank you very much. Just checking. Well um see you around? Jung Ah thought a minute, looked at Kahis pouting face, and then decided.

Yeah, you will. *** FOOD! Jooyeon and Bekah nearly tackled Jung Ah as she stepped through the threshold, abducting every bag that she had in her arms. Both starving humans ran towards the kitchen, hunger taking over all sense of human mentality as they tore through the bags for food. Jung Ah inspected her body, and once she had assured herself that she had all of her appendages in the right places she followed them to the kitchen. Jooyeon was already chewing on an apple, bringing Jung Ah memories of the few minutes that she had with Kahi, making her smile at the thought. Jung Ah yah~, what are you smiling about? Jooyeon said, breaking Jung Ah from her trance to be greeted with a suspicious expression. What are you talking about, Giblet? Jung Ah asked, using every bit of self control she had to not stutter at being caught in the act. You know what Im talking about. Does it have anything to do with that lady from downstairs? H-How do you know about that?! Jung Ah screeched, where as Jooyeon just shrugged and moved over to Bekah, attempting to steal one of her chocolates, but failing as her hand got slapped away. There was a package downstairs. When I went to get it, you were out there flirting it up with some hottie. I-I-I, W-W-We THAT WAS NOT FLIRTING! She defended hastily, not noticing her increasing octaves. Please. If you hadnt entered the building, you would have eaten her face. Unnie~, is that true? Bekah piped up, finding this conversation was getting quite interesting. No, Bekah. Never listen to Jooyeonie. She has issues. Jung Ah retaliated, smirking when Jooyeon made a You die gesture.It was just a friend who lent me her umbrella, thats all Jung Ah plucked off a banana and trailed into the living room, preparing to immerse herself in her book once more. Once she was out of ear shot, Bekah whispered to Jooyeon, Do you really think its just a friend? Not a chance.

Title: Sometimes The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants. Pairing: Kim JungAh/Park JiYoung (Kahi). Disclaimer: As real as magic unicorns. A/N: Wrote this for Ishfeeny. My manager, limchop, shall deal with any complaints!

Sometimes The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

Sometimes Park Kahi finds it difficult to be Park Kahi. Dont get her wrong, she loves her life. Finally a shot at her dream, awesome dancing skills, lovable members, kind and loving wife that somehow resulted to seven children (the last one being a recent addition), and did she mention a loving wife? And there lies her problem. JungAh. And her seven kids. Now, normally, Kahi would not have a problem with photo shoots. In fact, she understood the need for it, it was essential for celebrities to take pretty pictures of themselves, and otherwise how else will they be able to capture the fans attentions? But really, did they need to sex them up that much? Like, she knows that their group is well known for being sexy and what not, Kahi herself didnt mind because for some reason, sexy is equated to her in everyones brains. But her members, her children, her precious wife, they did not need to be as decked out like they were right now. She winces at the amount of thigh Nana was showing, the girl barely looking like she was nineteen, the leader spotting the looks that Lizzy was sending over to the staring men in the room. She had exited the studio when it was Bekahs turn, the dark haired girl maturing way beyond her innocent image during their Ah! Days, Bekah practically eye sexing the camera. More importantly, she barely manages to keep her temper in check when it was JungAhs turn, the girl licking off the icing off of her fingers while the camera snapped away in front of her. Dont get her wrong and neither is she biased, JungAh looked gorgeous all the time, even better when their hairstylist didnt butcher her style that day and her sexiest when she sports the long hair. But there was something very wrong with the way the photographer had to snuff out his excitement every time JungAh laughed into his lens, fingers dirty from the frosting. Scratch that, Kahi is just pissed that the photographer had the audacity to grin lewdly while taking her babies pictures. She is troubled by her overprotectiveness, seeing what JungAh had told her about influencing Nana but she was sure that as protective as Nana was over Lizzy, the blonde did not have the same NC-17 thoughts running through her head while simultaneously trying to formulate plans to kill and dump the photographers body. Kahis anger and worries were quell after the long day on set, sitting at the sofa while chuckling at JooYeon attempting to get the remote from Uee, Nana sitting on the floor with Lizzy pressing soft kisses onto her chin, her face expressionless while looking at her two unnies fighting, E-Young was learning how to paint from Bekah and Raina was watching over them carefully, afraid of being punished should any paint fall to the floor. JungAh slides next to her carefully and grins, pressing a kiss to the bottom of her chin. Someone worked hard at keeping her temper today. Mmmm.

JungAhs smile was evident, the brunette brushing away her bangs from her face. Should this someone get rewarded? Kahis face lit up. I can kill the photographer? JungAh laughed and shook her head. We need him for the album pictures. You know that. The leader slumped in her seat unhappily, not noticing the way JungAhs fingers were dancing over her toned abdomen. Yeah well, he did not need to leer at you like that. Or contain his drool when my babies are on screen. Her girlfriend laughed again and pressed a smile into her neck. Just bare with it for a moment. If it makes you feel better, Bekah said she wasnt eye sexing the camera. She was thinking of ways how to dispose of the body of the man you killed. Glad to know at least one of my kids understand me. Unlike the wife next to me. Hey, I have to play the saddened widow who gives you conjugal visits. Kahi huffed and crossed her arms. I wish you would be less sexy though, Jung. JungAh snuggled into her side, eyes crinkling into laughter when JooYeon tackled Uee onto the ground. And what should I retort to that, JiYoung? Yes, husband, I shall obey your every word. Nanas head snapped over to the squeal that her father was making, the blonde shaking her head at the two oldest, JungAh tickling Kahi mercilessly before eyeing the two second oldest who were tussling on the floor. She sighs and buries her face into Lizzys hair, the girl in her arms giggling at E-Young wiping a blue streak on her face. Jin? Were stuck in a mad house, we are.

Title: Youll Never Know Hurt Until Youve Experienced Heartbreak. Pairing: Kim JungAh/Park JiYoung (Kahi). Disclaimer: As real as magic unicorns. A/N: Wrote this for Ishfeeny. Hope you guys would like it and maybe Ill continue with this pairing or something. Does not follow the timeline to my LiNa world. Also, if I ruined JungHi in any way, please feel free to visit me in my hole. Meters near the center of the Earth. Be careful. I have nuclear weapons.

Youll Never Know Hurt Until Youve Experienced Heartbreak

It wasnt a big secret that JungAh loved Kahi. Or that Kahi loved JungAh. In fact, one would have to be blind to have missed the obvious affection the pair had for each other, be it during radio boras or variety shows, the pair would be moon eyed over each other, not giving a damn over the world. And you would expect it, seeing that JungAh has been with Kahi since the beginning of time (Not really, but one would understand what it meant). Which brings about the younger members frustrations. Because while the entire world knew that the pair loved each other, said pair did not know it themselves. Both believe that the other merely loved each other as friends. JooYeon swears up and down that for all of Kahis bravado and bravery, their leader was quite a coward, for the lack of a better term, the older girl forever worrying over JungAh from behind the scenes like some stalker, to sulking in her room with a tub of ice cream in her room when JungAh moved back in with her parents due to her weak body conditions and proneness to illnesses. Uee sighs when JungAh pouts at Kahi, the leader oblivious when she drags her favourite daughters to the practice room for some choreography perfection, the second oldest forever worrying over the oldest who doesnt seem to care for her health. She sighs deeper when JungAh pleads with her eyes for Kahi to not let her go, to tell her parents that she would be able to take care of JungAh, so that the second oldest would be able to stay by her side. Bekah reassures JungAh when the mother of the group gets jealous of Kahi and Dambis friendship, the orginal maknae soothing the worries of the second oldest and reaffirming that that was all to Kahi and Dambis relationship. Friendship. Raina merely bites her lip and keeps silent, the girl feeling like she didnt have the right to interfere with something that has gone on long before her admission to After School, the chubby faced girl merely looking on to her faux parents with a sad look on her face before turning away. Lizzy and Nana supports the both of them, the two forever scheming of ways to make their parents see that the both of them would work, Nana following Lizzy blindly in whatever pranks the brunette would attempt to pull before receiving punishment from JungAh, Kahi looking from behind with an amused smile. The two would then high five in their success, success at bringing the two oblivious people closer together, be it through painting the kitchen with flour or hiding all of Kahis pillows. It was E-Young that placed their perspectives into gear, a single sentence from the nave little one. Nana unni! Appa and Umma are so cute together! When I get a boyfriend, I want my relationship to be just like them! The two adults turned to each other and blushed when eyes met, the stained glass and cotton wool that they were sporting over their eyes were removed and everything was brought to light. And the children breathed a sigh of relief, Nana patting the youngest gingerly on the back, E-Young looking extremely confused.

Title: Thank You Pairing: JungHi, blink-and-you'll-miss-it!LiNa Rating: PG A/N: I wrote another AS ficlet! Yay me! Which reminds me, I need an AS icon or two. With that said though, robin_20 , my beta...where did you disappear off to? :[

Thank You
It was surprisingly cold outside, but Kahi didnt care. She figured it wouldnt be long until she warmed up anyways. Tugging the zipper up on her jacket just a little bit higher, she did a few extra stretches before breaking out into a slow jog, the streets of Seoul empty seeing as it was only four in the morning. Running was a stress reliever of sorts for Kahi; she didnt do it often, but whenever she had to let off some steam the first thing she reached for was often her running shoes, leaving the dorm with an off-hand comment saying shell be back later. But as she ran through the streets, steadily picking up speed, she had a feeling that this run wouldnt help her today. When Bekah had told her that she wanted to graduate, it took every fiber of Kahis self-control to not fall on her knees before the younger girl and beg her to stay. While she loved all of the girls, Bekah was special to her. Bekah had been there from the start with her and JungAh and JooYeon, and Bekah was often times the one shining light that would cheer them up when they were down. Bekah was gone now. And as selfish as she was, Kahi wasnt upset over that. Well, that was a lie. She was upset over that, but time had passed since Bekah first told her of her plans. Time had allowed Kahi to cope and come to terms with Bekahs seemingly sudden departure. No, what Kahi was upset about was the sudden question that had wormed its way into her mind and refused to leave since its inception. What Kahi was upset about was the idea of the other members leaving before her. Kahi had always had the assumption that she would be one of the first to leave. She had planned it in her head that she would leave when the group seemed ready, seemed able enough to function without her. She had never even factored in the possibility of one of her members leaving before her. When SoYoung had first left, it wasnt hard at all; while she saw SoYoung as a friend, it was clear that her heart wasnt into the group. When it came time for her to leave, it seemed only natural. Bekah, on the other hand So now all Kahi could think of were various what if scenarios running through her mind. What if JooYeon or Nanawhat if one of them wanted to leave before she was ready to let them go? There was one particular fear she had that was clutching at her mind and her heart, but she refused to acknowledge it, foolishly thinking that if she avoided the thought of it, it would never come true. Kahi had slowed to a walk now, exhausted. She had been running for a good hour now; her bangs were matted to her forehead as she was soaked in sweat, her breathing labored as she made her way towards the door of their dorm building, when a soft voice caused her to stop in her tracks. I was wondering when youd be back. You were gone longer than usual. Looking up, Kahi was surprised to see JungAh standing at the door, her body wrapped up in a large blanket, her hair sticking up in odd directions, a slight sleepy look in her eyes. Smiling at the surprised look that Kah gave her, JungAh waddled towards her, the oversized blanket hindering her movement ever so slightly. Stopping in front of Kahi, JungAh opened her arms, waiting for Kahi to step in. Im all sweaty Kahi protested weakly, shock still evident in being caught in her running routine. Trying to back away, Kahi found herself helpless as JungAh pounced and wrapped her fully in the blanket, enveloping her in a hug. J-JungAh Kahi whispered, hating herself for stuttering. She tried to gently push the younger woman away, as the comforting gesture she gave her was slowly bringing forth tears she was desperately trying to suppress. Youre a babo sometimes, you know that? Sputtering, Kahi could only pull back slightly in confusion, seeing a cheekily smiling JungAh staring back at her. Bringing Kahi

in again, and hugging her tightly, the two stayed there for a while, Kahi slowly relaxing in JungAhs embrace. Ill never leave you, you know. Confused, Kahi moved to look at JungAh, only to find herself stuck; JungAhs hands were securely wrapped around her waist, and her head was nestled against Kahis neck, preventing the leader from taking a look at her. You forget how well I know you JiYoung-ah, JungAh said softly, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of Kahis neck. You think I dont know whats running through your mind right now? How scared you are of having them leave you? Of having me leave you? Im not- Kahi started, her voice cracking as she tried in vain to deny what JungAh accused her of. You dont get it, do you? Pulling back, JungAh stared at Kahi, her eyes curving upwards as she gave Kahi a brilliant smile. Im not leaving until you are. It doesnt matter if youre going to leave in one year or five or even ten. You could be going on forty-five and if youre still stupidly in this group, I will be too. Bringing up a hand to softly wipe away Kahis tears, JungAh drew the blanket up over them a little bit more, covering their faces as she leaned in and gave Kahi a chaste kiss on the lips, rubbing their noses against each other as she settled once more in Kahis arms. So, with that said, lets go inside, yeah? We dont have any schedules tomorrow, so Ill put on the kettle for some hot tea. Ill probably make some cocoa too, seeing as Im pretty sure Lizzy and Nana are spying on us right now. Startled, Kahi looked off to the side, able to just catch a glimpse of two disappearing heads from the door, one with a long mane of blonde hair. Shaking her head, Kahi turned her attention back to JungAh, as she finally let a smile grace her face. Drawing in the younger woman for a tight hug once more, Kahi whispered the one thing she constantly wanted to say to JungAh. Thank you.

Runner's High
Kahi was driving her SUV down the road. Her phone vibrates in the car's cup holder. Kahi presses a button puts on her bluetooth head set on. "Kahi speaking, How can I help you?" Kahi asked. She took a left at the stop light. "This is your manager. You've been assigned to another client. Her address is 4354 King Street." the voice said on the other line. "Yep! I'll get there as soon as possible." Kahi said, she hung up the phone and turned on the radio. "T-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uh. T-R-Y, pick it up, you'll never catch me, oh no. Nunbu shige bitnaneun nareul ttara, oh, oh, oh. Gashik jeogin maldeureun bi useo beoryeo, ha, ha, ha. Yeppeugi man han neoneun deo isangeun, no, no, no. Jjarithan eumak soge deonjyeo beoryeo bang, bang, bang" Kahi sang as she drummed on her steering wheel. She turned into the gated house and parked in the designated parking area. She gets out of her car and looks at the address. "4354 King Street." Kahi looks at the massive mansion in front of her. "Wow, this house is bigger than the other one I went to." Kahi thought to herself. She walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. An old man answered the door. "Hello there, are you the new fitness trainer for our Ms. Kim Jung Ah?" the old man asked. Kahi nodded and lifted up her duffel bag. "Yes, that's me." she said excitedly. The man smiled. "I'm the butler for Ms. Kim. Please let me know if you have any questions and Ms. Kim is in her bedroom." he informed Kahi. Kahi bowed to the butler and made her way into the house. She walks upstairs and finds Jungah in the bed, sleeping. Kahi walks over to the bed and glances at the sleeping Jungah. "Wow, she's really pretty." she said loudly. Jungah began to stir in her bed. "Who is that?" Jungah said in a tired tone. Kahi smiled. "Hey, it's Kahi, your trainer. Ready to get you fit!" she said enthusiastically. Jungah sits up in her bed and looks at Kahi. Kahi was wearing a white sports bra, and long black athletic pants. Her abs were very defined and toned. Jungah's eyes were on Kahi's toned stomach, she wanted to touch it badly. At that moment, Kahi's voice interrupts Jungah's fantasy. "Excuse me. Ms. Kim. Are you going to get ready?" Kahi asked. Jungah focuses her attention back up to Kahi's face. "Sorry, I am." she says as she gets off her bed and walks into the bathroom. Kahi makes her way downstairs to the basement floor and finds Jungah's gym. "Woah, she has a lot of equipment." Kahi says as she looks around. The whole gym is equipped with treadmills, weight stations, bicycles and other fitness machines. Jungah opens the door and comes into the gym. She is wearing a pink tank top and short black shorts. "Let's stretch first." Kahi advised. Kahi and Jungah both stretch out their arms and lower body. "Do you think you can stretch my legs." Jungah asked, as she situated herself on the floor. Kahi nods and grabs one of Jungah's leg and pushes towards her. Jungah lets out a small moan. Kahi pulls away. "Are you okay?" she asked a bit concerned. "No just push it harder. I had to do a photo shoot last night, and my legs hurt like hell." Jungah replies back. Kahi smiles and continues to stretch Jungah's legs. They both ran on the treadmill, and watched the T.V. that hung above. The celebrity news show came on. "This morning, we talk about the latest scandals that celebrities have. Including a hot story about Korean's sweetheart Kim Jung Ah." the announcer lady says. Kahi stops the treadmill and looks at Jung-ah. "Scandal?" she asked, bit curious. Jungah stopped her treadmill and wiped her face. "It's stupid. Some paparazzi found me in my vacation home with a man....that man was my brother." Jungah confessed. Kahi wiped her neck with her towel. "Oh...isn't it hard to deal with those paparazzi? They basically tell lies about you, and all you can do is accept it?" Kahi asked. Jungah gets off the treadmill and sits on a nearby chair. "Yes, it hard to deal with the media, but that's part of my job. I try my best to show the best sides of me, but all they want is the bad parts like scandals." Jungah said as she played with her water bottle. Kahi walked over to Jungah and sat down next to her. "Well I commend you for showing the best side of you. That's all you can do. If they want to twist stories about you, then let them. You'll have one person who knows that all those stories are a

bunch of bull-shit."Kahi replied back, smiling. "Who's that person?" Jungah asked. "Me!" Kahi said smiling. Jungah hit Kahi with her bottle. "You are so lame, Kahi." Jungah teased. Kahi smiled. "You know what? We should do something to release some of that pent-up anger you have." She runs to her bag and takes out 2 pairs of boxing gloves. "Here you go." Kahi said as she put the gloves on Jungah's hands. "What is this?" Jungah questioned. "It's boxing. It will help you release your anger. " Kahi put on her gloves. "Every time you punch me, yell out something that frustrates you." Kahi instructed. Jungah nods and position her hands. "Ready? GO!" Kahi yelled. Jungah began swinging at Kahi, but Kahi managed to block them. "Come on Jungah, you can do better than that." she said. Jungah punched Kahi hard in the stomach. "DAMN PAPARAZZI" Jungah yelled. "GOOD!" Kahi yelled back. Jungah hit Kahi hard on the arm. " FAKE SCANDALS" Jungah yelled again. "GOOD!" Kahi yelled back. Jungah punched Kahi in the face, Kahi fell back and held her face. "RUMOR---Oh shit Kahi." Jungah yelled but then silenced herself. Jungah crouched next to Kahi. "I'm sooo sorry." Kahi held her face. "It's okay....I'm fine." she muttered underneath the glove. Jungah pulled away Kahi's glove and saw a bruise on her cheek. "Oh shoot, Kahi. I bruised you." Jungah said worried. "I'm fine, trust me." Kahi said closing her eyes. Jungah leaned closer to Kahi's cheek and softly kissed the bruise. "Is that better?" Jungah asked. Kahi opened her eyes and smiled. "Yes. Thank you for the kiss." They look into each others eyes. "You have beautiful brown eyes, Jungah." Kahi said as she gazed into them. Jungah smiled and kissed Kahi softly on the lips. "I released all my anger because of you. And now I feel better... Would you like to fill me up with something?" Jungah asked, as she pulled away. "Like, love?" Kahi answered, unsure. "Exactly."Jungah kissed Kahi hard. Kahi and Jungah rolled on the gym floor. Kahi finally managed to get on top of Jungah. "I'll give you all the loving you need." Kahi whispered, her breath tickled Jungah's lips. "Just kiss me" Jungah said back. Kahi smiled and kissed Jungah on the lips. Kahi's lower body grinds with Jungah's, eliciting a soft moan. Kahi continues to kiss Jungah, while her center rotates small circles against Jungah's. Jungah bites on Kahi's lower lip. "God Kahi, rub harder."Jungah said as she thrusted her hips closer to Kahi's The friction that developed in between Kahi and Jungah caused their centers to leak a warm clear liquid on their underwear. They both could feel it. Jungah then flipped Kahi over, resulting with her on top. She took off her tank-top revealing her pink bra. She leaned in and kiss Kahi's chest. She pulled Kahi's sport bra off of her, and took Kahi's now exposed breast in her mouth. Kahi gasped at the warm tongue that licked her hardened nipple. Kahi began to stir underneath Jungah, but Jungah held her down. She pinched Kahi's other breast with her other hand, and continued to suck on the breast that was in her mouth. Jungah travelled down Kahi's stomach. Her tongue manoeuvring its way down the creases of Kahi's abs. She reached Kahi's athletic pants and stuck her hand inside of it. She could feel Kahi's wet underwear at the tips of her fingers. "Youre wet." Jungah teased. "I can make you wet too." Kahi said. She gets up and pulls Jungah to the shower room that is connected to the gym. Inside are marble walls all around and a steam-fogged door. Kahi presses the button on the wall and all the shower heads in the room go on, causing steam to spread all around. Kahi presses Jungah hard against the marble wall. She takes off Jungah's bra and attacks her neck with hard kisses. Jungah let out a loud moan. The heat from the steam, mixed with Kahi's roughness causing Jungah to get even more aroused. Their pants/shorts were soaking from the water and from their own liquids. Kahi pulled down Jungah's shorts, her hands teased Jungah's soaking underwear. "Please, Kahi." Jungah moaned as she bucked her hips towards Kahi's hand. Kahi smiled and slipped out of her long pants. She threw it on the side and then thrusted her hips against Jungah's. Jungah screamed loudly, as she embraced Kahi, holding her tighter.

Kahi pulled down Jungah's wet underwear, and inserted two fingers into her. Jungah scraped Kahi's back, the pain she felt in her lower area was building up. "Faster. Kahi." Jungah moaned loudly. Kahi continued to thrust her fingers, while she started to lick Jungah's neck. Jungah's skin was wet from all the water, making it slippery for Kahi's tongue. She moved down and reached Jungah's round breast. She latched her teeth on Jungah's hard nipple. Jungah yelped at the sudden pain, but it was then soothed by Kahi's soft tongue. Kahi added another finger and started to thrust faster into Jungah. "Kahi, I'm going to.."Jungah moans, Kahi takes out her fingers and position herself in front of Jungah's wet core. Clear hot liquid oozes out of Jungah, and Kahi licks it up, she then sucks on Jungah's swollen clit, releasing more of the liquid treat. "Stop, Kahi....I can't take anymore." Jungah said weakly. Kahi goes back up to Jungah. Kahi presses her lips with Jungah, the taste of her cum, is still present on Kahi's lips. Jungah licks Kahi's upper and lower lip and then slides her tongue into Kahi's parted mouth. Their warm tongues dance with one another, as the cold water from the shower, drips down their faces. Kahi lifts Jungah and carries her out of the shower room and into the guest bedroom. She lays her on the bed and hovers above her. "You must be tired. We had a rough workout today." Kahi teased, she pulled the white bed sheet over the both of them. The soft bed covers engulfed their still wet bodies. Jungah touches Kahi's face, her fingers tracing Kahi's jaw line. "You are probably the best trainer Ive ever had. No one ever made my heart race like that." Jungah said, a small smile appeared on her face. Kahi planted small kisses on Jungah's cheek and lips. "Well I guess I'll be your full-time trainer?" Kahi asked. Before Jungah could answer, the door opened. Kahi hid underneath the sheets. Jungah looked up and saw her butler. "Ms. Kim, I've been looking for you. You have a press conference this afternoon. Do you need anything before I leave?" he asked. Jungah smiled and patted the bed cover, that laid on top of Kahi. "No, I have everything I need right here."

Dancers or Lovers
-Pledis Company Van"Curse these small seats and how we dont have big vans like SNSD and SJ." Kahi grumbled quietly to herself, her shoulders were touching two other members from her group. "Then again, these seats do help me stay closer to Jungah." Kahi thought, she felt Jungah's hand fall upon her lap. The younger girl had fallen asleep, her body letting loose all the muscles she was tensing up in order to not be of discomfort to the people around her, but Kahi wasn't complaining. After School Red and Blue just finished performing at Music Core, they got raved reviews and the Playgirlz and boyz love the song. Kahi thinks a lot about her career, her age, her group members and especially one special person...Jungah. "Nothing more than just a friend, Kahi." the leader scolded herself in her mind, she picked up Jungah's hand and placed it back on the owner's thigh. Practically ending the fantasy that Kahi was making in her head, it was a dirty fantasy. "Hey girls! Jungah is sleeping in the car again." the second youngest girl Lizzy said, this brought everyone attention to Jungah's sleeping face. "How bout we draw on her?" Nana suggested, only the younger group seemed excited about such an immature act. Usually Kahi was all for pranks, it made her feel young any time she pulled one, but this one was one was going to touch Jungah. "How bout you all get some rest. We have an hour or so before we make it back." Kahi suggested. "Come on Kahi! I think Bekah left a permanent marker somewhere in one of these pockets." The younger dongsaengs whined, they were disappointed that their leader wasn't up for the prank. "Fine go look for the marker." Kahi bit her lip nervously, she could hear the girls in back shuffling around in their seat, searching for the pen. Kahi looked inside the arm rest near Jungah, a lonely sharpie was hiding in there. "Thank god." Kahi thought, she picked up the marker and hid it in her pocket. "Did you guys find one?" Kahi asked, hoping there wasn't another sharpie laying around. "No..." the girls answered, sounding a bit depressed. "Well I guess we can do it to someone else next time." Kahi said, turning around and giving her band mates a small smile. "Ok!" the young girl's cheered. As the van grew quiet, Kahi checked that all the girls were sleeping. The sounds of soft snoring and deep breathing filled the small van. Kahi leaned over Jungah, pressing the window button down, as a small crack appeared on the top, she pushed the sharpie marker out of it, letting the marker hit the pavement road they were currently traveling on. "Do you like the view?" a low voice whispered in her ear, Kahi turned and saw Jungah awake and smiling. "Sorry, I just needed some fresh air."Kahi said, she then saw Jungah's eyes peer down to her own legs. Kahi's hand was resting on the latter's right thigh, her fingers in the space in between Jungah legs. "Jungah. I'm so sorry." Kahi retracted her hands, placing them politely on her own lap. "It's okay, you needed fresh air, right?"Jungah asked, her eyes sparkled with tint of curiosity. "Yea..It was getting a little stuffy." Kahi replied, fueling her lies with more lies. "Okay. Well I'll be sleeping. Let me know when we get back home."Jungah closed her eyes, and was soon happily sleeping again. "Phew that was close.." Kahi muttered, she could still feel an odd sensation on her palm, the one that was on Jungah's legs previously. She looked at the young girl that was sleeping beside her, Kahi's eyes softened. "Me and you could never be...But why do I keep thinking about you." -Pledis Company"Good work girls. Get a good rest in your dorms. I'll see you bright and early for your photo shoot tomorrow." The managers said, all the girls piled out of the van, bowing to their manager as they stepped out. "Good Night Oppa." each girl said, all of them herded back into their company's dorm room. "Jooyeon, tell the others that I will be in the dance room." Kahi told her fellow band-mate. "Yah! We already had a concert tonight, and you still feel like dancing?"Jooyeon asked, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Jooyeon, pwease just let me be." Kahi playfully drummed on the latter's shoulder, a cute pout was added into the mix. "Aish you. Just remember to get some sleep, ok?" Jooyeon caressed Kahi's cheek, the leader smiled. "Yeah, I will." Kahi replied, she watched as Jooyeon walked up the stairs, disappearing around the corner. After visiting the changing room, Kahi was in her athletic wear, a bra and sports shorts. She placed a towel around neck,

turning on the stereo as she walked into the dance studio. Bending her legs into long lunges, she began to stretch out her tense muscles. "Maybe I shouldn't dance. My legs are burning..." Kahi complained, she stretched her right leg more, trying to get the soreness to disappear. "In the Night Sky" boomed through the speakers, Kahi stood back up and got her feet in a rhythm. Kahi did a couple dip moves, combined with sexy arm flaring. "jinelgoya gogoya." Kahi imitated Nana's squeaky voice, she stopped dancing, letting out a couple chuckles. "What are you doing Kahi? There is no way you can imitate Nana." Kahi laughed, she lowered herself on the ground, lying on the cold wood panel floor. "Gogoya..." Kahi whispered, a smile pressed on her lips. Jungah was leaning against the see-through mirror, her body was hidden by the shadow of the dark hallway. She saw everything that Kahi was doing, the leader's silliness made Jungah smile, which was hiding behind her warm hands. With the leader on the ground, Jungah found this to be the perfect time to surprise the girl. She quietly opened the door, sliding her way through the door frame. Kahi felt a slight pressure on her abdomen, then she felt something light grazing her face. "What?" Kahi opened her eyes, and saw Jungah sitting on top of her, with a sharpie in her hand, tracing Kahi's face with imaginary drawings. "You should watch out when you sleep. Someone might draw on your face." Jungah giggled cutely, she lifted the pen to Kahi's eyes, showing the leader the cap was still on. "I was awake in the van. So I heard you spared my face, so I'll spare yours." Jungah stated, Kahi still looked confused. She didn't know why Jungah was sitting on her stomach, just a little movement from the latter, sent waves of pleasure up and down her body. "Thanks for sparing me...I guess that makes us even." Kahi joked, she lifted herself up from the ground but was pushed back down by Jungah's hands. "Before you go, I have a question to ask you.." Jungah said, she leaned back up, straightening her body in an upright position. The view that Kahi was seeing was beyond words, Jungah was exuding dominance and confidence, which aroused the leader even more. "Go. Ask me anything." Kahi told Jungah, the younger girl crossed her arms. "Do you like anyone?" Kahi's mouth grew super dry as Jungah's question entered her mind. "What.." Kahi asked, thinking she heard the question wrong. "Do...You...Like....Anyone..." Jungah enuciated, she raised one eyebrow, waiting for the leader to respond. " see that's a difficult question to answer.." Kahi uttered, Jungah shifted her body a little, she didn't seem content about the leader's answer. "No..I don't." Kahi lied, the expression on Jungah's face seemed relieved, this caused Kahi to be more confused. "Does she not want me to like anyone? Or is she happy I don't like her?" these thoughts entered Kahi's thinking bubble. "Do you like anyone?" Kahi asked, turning the question on her fellow dance mate. Jungah never used any sort of aeygo before, but her face lit up like the brightest star in the darkest night, her lips pressed together, stopping her from letting out an adorable giggle. "Yea..I do." she simply said. Kahi tried not to show it but her eyes turned dark and angry, her body tensed under Jungah. "Oh really who..." Kahi asked calmly. The girl was close to exploding into a jealous rage. "Manager Oppa. He took me out for noodles a few nights ago." Jungah answered, a weird teasing smile appeared on her face. "Manager...Oppa? That ajusshi....on a noodle date with Jungah?" Kahi questioned, she could picture Jungah and her manager sharing a hot bowl of noddles, slurping a long noodle in both their mouths, imitating the famous kiss scene from Lady and the Tramp. "UGHHH!" Kahi screamed inside her mind, she thrashed her body side to side, attempting to get Jungah off of her so she could bolt out the door in disgust. Jungah took a strong hold of the leader, pinning her knees in on both sides of Kahi's body, her hands grabbing the latter's arms and keeping them above Kahi's head. "You're cute." Jungah giggled, her eyes had a kiddish twinkle to it. "What?" Kahi muttered, she wasn't sure if Jungah just called her cute. Jungah leaned in closer, her nose rubbing against Kahi's. It took a few seconds for Kahi to realize how close Jungah was, her heart skipped into a faster rhythm, the girl above her seriously "took her breath away." Jungah brushed her fingertips along Kahi's chiseled cheekbone, then down to the girl's lower lip, playfully tugging at it with her thumb. The leader's eyes were caught it Jungah's, the latter's stare was too intense for Kahi to ignore. "I should go back up." Kahi stated, Jungah was still playing with Kahi's lip with her fingers. "No.." the younger girl protested. "No?" Kahi asked, she was slightly befuddled. "Manager Oppa will be mad if we don't get rest...I'm sure he will be more upset with you, since you two have a relationship." Kahi said, those last words stung her heart once it left her lips. "Relationship...please. I don't like Manager Oppa." Jungah said, Kahi's eyebrows furrowed. "I thought you said..." Kahi felt a Jungah's finger close her lips together. "That was just a test. I knew you would lie to me when I asked you who you truly like...I know for sure that you like me." Jungah confessed. A warmness covered Kahi's cheeks, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, she felt like throwing up. "No! Oh...I mean I don't like you..." Kahi panicked, her words were getting caught in her throat, her hands became clammy. Jungah's eyes arched happily, her lips puckered a bit. "Liar..." she whispered, she

leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on Kahi's dry lips. Kahi wouldve said something at the moment, but she knew if she opened her mouth, she would start babbling like an idiot. "Come on. I want to take you somewhere." Jungah stood up, leading her best friend to a small nook in the corner of the dance studio. "This is where Joo-yeon and Uee sleep during practice. I don't think they will mind if we use it." Jungah kneeled onto the blanket that was set out on the wooden floor, she looked back up at Kahi who was still standing. "Get in here, Kahi." Jungah giggled, Kahi was frozen for a bit, but soon kneeled down next to Jungah. Their lips connected once again, Jungah was exploring Kahi's mouth with her curious tongue. "I think...I should go.." Kahi kept protesting, she knew that she wanted this, her dreams have finally come true, but why did it not feel....right. Jungah pushed Kahi away, quite forcibly. "I'm practically throwing myself on you. But all you do is reject me more and more. I've seen what you do for me Kahi. How you protect me from the band members, how you always take care of me. I thought you liked me, I wanted to make sure of it tonight. But I guess I was wrong." Jungah snapped, she gave Kahi a disheartened look, making the leader feel only guilt. "Jungah.." Kahi spoke, Jungah ignored Kahi and stood up. Kahi forced her hand out, grabbing Jungah's wrist securely. With a fast swift pull, Jungah was back on the blanket, underneath Kahi. The leader's lips dove deep into Jungah's, not even a chance to breathe for both girls. Jungah's long legs wrapped around Kahi's legs, their bodies pressing harder into one another. Kahi opened her eyes and saw Jungah's eyes closer, she couldn't believe she was kissing the girl of her dreams...her dreams had come true. Kahi had the younger girl's upper lip in between her lips, softly sucking on the pink flesh tenderly. "...I want you..Kahi.." Jungah whispered, her arms rolling down the leader's back. Kahi pulled away from the kiss, giving the girl an odd look. "You want me where?" Kahi asked, her innocence made Jungah laugh. "No..I want you...sexually." Jungah rephrased her sentence. She lifted her shirt off, unclasping her bra soon after. "Uh..." Kahi mumbled, it still didn't register in her brain that Jungah wanted to have sex with her, so she just sat there like a doofus. Jungah took hold of Kahi's shorts, ushering the piece of fabric down the leader's legs. The motions of Jungah rustling the pants off Kahi, made her bra fall to the floor, exposing her beautiful plump breast to Kahi. The leader brought her hands up to Jungah's chest, smoothing her thumbs over the soft brown nipples. The latter's attention went straight to Kahi's hands, the feeling she got from them were too hard to ignore. "Do what you want with me..I'm yours." Jungah assured, she laid on the blanket, bringing Kahi over her. The older girl left her hands on Jungah's mature breasts, letting her fingers do cycles of small circle around the stiff nipples. Her lips moved up and down Jungah's face, laying butterfly kisses along her ear, nose and cheek. It took a few minutes for Jungah's body to be taken over by Kahi, her body was now in the hands of the beholder. With her mouth on Jungah's, her left hand on a breast, her right hand was streaming down the younger girl's body, slipping into the girl's shorts. Kahi's hand found Jungah's wet underwear, the girl was sensitive, especially in the spot that her hands were at. Teasing strokes up and down the latter's underwear with her pointer finger, Jungah's hips began to buck with want and need."Fuck..Kahi." Jungah swore, Kahi was a bit surprised by the girl's words, seeing as Jungah never swears unless she is frustrated...A smirk appeared on Kahi's face. Moving the underwear aside, she managed to slip one lonely finger into Jungah's sweet hole. With her mouth agape, Jungah lets a moan escape her lips, her arms tightening around Kahi's shoulders. The leader moves down the latter's body, engulfing the younger girl's left right breast into her mouth. There was a symphony of sounds, hard breathing and sucking from Kahi, moans of pleasure from Jungah. Kahi was getting frustrated from the restricting fabric that protected Jungah sacred womanhood. She looked up at Jungah, the girl was hot and bothered but she managed to give a nod of approval. "Let me just take this off." Kahi whispered seductively, she lowered her hands on the strap of Jungah's spandex shorts, pulling it off slowly. Despite the darkness in their secret spot, Kahi could still see Jungah's sex gleaming with wetness. Kahi aligned her covered cunt with Jungah's, teasing the girl senseless with her grinding. The wetness spread onto Kahi's underwear as she humped the girl underneath her, her wetness was soon evident on her underwear as well. "This feels fucking good." Kahi whimpered, she loved the closeness that she and Jungah were sharing at the moment. "Here let me go on top." Jungah flipped Kahi over, tearing the leader's underwear off and pushing it to the side. "How bout this." Jungah asked, she aligned her core with Kahi's, their nether regions were moving in sync with each other. The feeling was so raw but it felt good nonetheless. "Fuck...Jungah.." Kahi held onto the girl's waist, letting her hips rotate in circles. Jungah brought one finger to her mouth, sucking on it lustfully, trying to compose herself from cumming too early.

As Jungah shamelessly grinded Kahi, the leader couldn't help but ogle at her bouncing breasts. She took each one in her hands, groping them with lust. "Dirty girl..Ride fuck." Kahi hissed, her words fueled Jungah sexual drive, she began bouncing on Kahi's waist. Wetness was smearing all over Kahi's lower abdomen, her thighs were just as dirty. She leaned up, holding the younger girl closer to her. The dancer took Kahi's lips, and sucked on it furiously. Kahi moaned into Jungah's mouth, the vibration from it tickled both their lips. "Faster..." Jungah mumbled, she was nearing her release. Kahi leaned back a little, sealing her hold on the younger girl's tight waist. Using her as leverage, Kahi was able to guide Jungah into a thrusting motion, both of them relishing the amazing feeling that was coming from it. The girl on top had her hands crinkled underneath Kahi's sports bra, she never got the chance to touch her leader yet, how unfair. As their lips continued to move deeper and passionately into each other, Jungah took this opportunity to massage Kahi's breasts. "" Kahi groaned, she seemed to like what Jungah was doing. It was only a matter of minutes, the rolling feeling in their lower abdomen, the non-stop moaning and harsh breathing. "I'm close" they both said. It was all because of their teamwork, Kahi knew exactly what Jungah wanted and vice-versa. With enough energy in her, Kahi flipped Jungah back onto the baby blue blanket, her legs were intertwined with the outline of Kahi's waist. Kahi continued to makeout with her lover, as she pounded recklessly into Jungah's cunt. "Mm...." Jungah moaned, her screams were muffled by Kahi's tired mouth. "Kahi!" Jungah screamed, she clawed at Kahi's broad shoulder blades, creating welts with her fingernails. As Jungah's liquids spewed out of her hole, so did Kahi's. It was sticky and wet, Kahi felt bad for the blanket. "Oh god..." she groaned, she stuck her finger by her slit, it was raw and swollen from all the fucking. Kahi was presented with a finger to her mouth, apparently Jungah wiped her own cum off and was giving it to her as a gift. " want me to lick that?" Kahi asked, a bit skeptical. The younger girl smiled, she coated Kahi's lips with the sticky substance. Just before Kahi could wipe her lips with her tongue, she was met with a kiss from the latter. "This tastes good." Jungah cooed, she sucked on Kahi's lower lip till all of it was gone. The two dancers exchange glances, it seem like a bittersweet moment for them. "I-I..." they both said, there were no words they could say to make it less awkward. Kahi watched as Jungah began to redress, the leader only had to put back on her shorts and underwear, so it didn't take too long. "I had a great time...You have some nice moves." Kahi blurted, her eyes met with Jungah's, the girl laughed. "Thanks Kahi...Well I'll see you later.." Jungah left without another word, leaving Kahi in the nook place by herself. "You have some nice moves? What the fuck, Kahi." the leader scolded herself, how could she sound like a loser at the worst possible moment in her life. "Was this just some fling? Or are we more?" Kahi pondered, she laid back on the blanket, using her forearms as a pillow. -Next DayThe actions that Jungah was displaying seem to answer Kahi's doubts. Manager Oppa was getting lots of attention from Jungah for some odd reason, it ticked Kahi off but she really couldn't do anything about it because well....that was her manager. Practice ended really early, and Kahi wanted to go running around the block. Before she could even head out the door, one of her hairdressers passed her a note. "Meet me outside. Near the garden." Kahi read the note, she stepped outside of the company's doors, heading down the stairs. Following the cement path, she went around the building and saw Jungah on a stone bench with a bowl next to her. "It's cold out here, Jungah." Kahi scolded, she ran over to her fellow bandmate, taking off her jacket and wrapping it around her. "I wanted to give you something...I'm not good with words, but I was able to make something for you." Jungah smiled, she pointed to the bowl that was resting on the bench. It was a big bowl of noodles, in a hot steamy broth. There was a written message made out of strips of eggs, it said "I love you, Kahi." Kahi was lost for words, she was upset at herself for thinking that Jungah didn't care for her. "Jungah...I don't know what to say." Kahi muttered, her heart was racing at this moment. The younger girl's face turned a tad gloomy. "Oh...well it's okay if you don't feel the same way...I just...hmm well you could still eat the noodles." Jungah joked, her words seemed scattered, her voice quivered with sadness. Kahi got down on her knees, coming face to face with Jungah. She placed her two palms on Jungah's knees, hoisting herself up to the latter's lips. A simple but passionate kiss was stowed upon Jungah's cold lips, her pink lips were soon warmed by Kahi's hot breath. "I love you too, Jungah. I love you so much." Kahi whispered, her forehead pressing against the younger girl's forehead. Jungah couldn't contain her happiness, she hugged Kahi with her whole body. Kahi giggled at Jungah's childish ways, it was cute to her. "Come on baby. Let me feed you some noodles." Kahi stood up and sat next to her lover. "Okay!" Jungah scooted closer to Kahi, her mouth wide open, her tonsils were in view. "Yah! You don't need to open your mouth that wide." Kahi teased, she lifted Jungah's chin, closing the girl's mouth slightly. Twirling some noodles in the chopstick, Kahi guided the delicious noodle to Jungah's mouth. The younger girl ate it happily, placing a kiss of gratitude on Kahi's cheek. "I can't

thank you enough for helping me. I know you need to watch all of our members, but I'm glad that you take care of me the most..." Jungah said, with a smile. "No matter what I'll be there whenever you need something.." Kahi reassured, she took a sip of the broth to soothe her cold throat. "Is that so? Well I need another favor to ask you, love." Jungah asked, Kahi nodded. "What is it?" she asked back. "Be with me forever." Jungah asked, her cheeks blushing at the cliche words. Kahi smiled back at Jungah and nodded. "I will....I promise."

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