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A research paper Presented to

Mrs.Lorenza S.Mabini Faculty of Concepcion Integrated School Concepcion,Marikina City

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Subject English IV


Joyce Pascual Ariel Asusano Jacob Dalmacio Marjohn Degrano Ronnie Boy Gervacio Jazrell Mendoza Lykha Lydia Merillo Lordex Navarro Edizon Sanchez Lyca Soberano February 28, 2012

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to thank the Almighty God for his divine guidance in making this research study.

The researchers would like to express the deepest appreciation to Mrs. Lorenza S.Mabini who has the attitude and substance of a genius; he continually and convincingly conveyed an interest to the research and an excitement in regard to teaching. Without her assistance and persistent help this study would not been possible.

They would also like to thank the family of Jacob Dalmacio for sharing their resources in making this study possible. their warm support, assistance and prior relative knowledge to the study played a big role in shaping and improving the research paper.

In addition, they would like thank to the parents,who have given them substenance morally, spiritually and financially, and allowing them to participate in the research work. Lastly, they would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the students that serve as our respondents.

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLE .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .........v CHAPTER I.THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem .... 2 Theoretical framework .3 Significance of the problem .................................3 Scope and Delimitations ..5 Definition of Terms .5 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURE Foreign Literature ......7 Local Literature .11 Foreign Studies ..12 Local Studies ..15

Chapter III. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Research Method ..18 Respondents of the Study ....18 Locale of the study .19 Research Instrument .19 Data gathering Procedure .20 Statistical Treatment of the Data ..........21 CHAPTER IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA References ....22 Appendices ...23

CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter presents the background of the study, theoretical framework, and statement of the problem, significance of the study, delimitation and the definition of terms. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The researchers choose this topic because they want to know the ideal courses of the graduating students of Concepcion Integrated School Secondary Level Batch 2011-2012. We wanted to give certain information to the parents and students which courses are in demand in order to get a job nowadays .Moreover, we wanted to give an idea our fellow students who going to choose their typical course, because they need to think if they can pass their course taken, as I know many of the college student, shift in another courses because they think, they not fit in their courses and sometimes they fail. One thing I give information about to students who cannot take up in college degree, due to poverty .All we can suggest, there are vocational courses so that the students cannot stop to teach their dreams. But, if they wanted to undergo to take up degree courses, it depends to the university or else the student. Will go back to zero studies. Somehow there are schools or government institutions implement low tuition fees or down payment of fees .So that parents cannot hard to pay for order their child wanted to study just like TESDA Sometimes there are students just look up courses, but they know want specialized it is .(E.g.BSBA-Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Management Marketing, HRM-Culinary etc.) they should know what specialized they are or else they will fail.

Statement of the problem Determine the career preferences of the fourth year students of Concepcion Integrated School. Specifically, it sought to answer the following question: 1. What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of the following variables. 1.1Gender; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Family Socio-Economic Status; and 1.4 Family Income 2. What are the career preferences of the students respondents? 1.1 Childhood Aspirations 1.2 family and Relatives 1.3 Peer and Friends 1.4 In demand jobs 1.5 Values 1.6 Area of Specialization 3. What are the bases of the students in choosing their career?

Variables Respondents Questionnaire



Statistical Treatment and Analysis of Data

Career Preferences of Fourth Year Students.

Figure I. Conceptual Framework of the Study Career preferences of the studies depends on family social economic factor family socioeconomics is depends on how the government process the courses that in demand in our country and abroad Individual factor depends in students if he/she like that courses. Family income is the most basic in career preferences because if the parent of students is dont have an income the student will be able to be study in collage and choose their career peers influences is the one reason why some student is faid to their studying in collage Significance of the Study Education is the totality of learning acquires by individual which is inherited to another, while career is serve as it's application. The collaboration of these two fields plays a key in improving individual's competence and professionalism and serves as their personal achievement. Therefore, this study is deemed essential to the following stakeholder for the following reasons:

To the Students. The respondents are the heart of the research because ultimately they develop the awareness of themselves, strength, and weakness, for their career development by continually summarizing and reflecting upon what they are learning from home, school, and community. In totality, students are in charge of their own choice. Their future depends on their own decision. To the Parents. In this research study, parents will realize how important they are as a source of encouragement in which children are free to explore different areas of career preferences. The study will look forward in giving their children an assurance to acquire quality education that would enable them to obtain a better job, opportunity, better income and brighter future. To the Teacher. This study gauges information to the teachers to the EARVHS as to the preferences of students that they can focus on the skills needed by the students if ever the latter would enable to pursue the career they have chosen. To the School Administration. The result of the study will help the school administration in putting up an effective, integrated career that they can focus on the skills that will serve as a very helpful tool in guiding students toward making the best career decisions. To the Researcher. The process and outcome of this study will produce great satisfaction, competence and professionalism to the field. Although the topic of the study is focused on the career which belongs to the field known as "Industrial Psychology", the purpose is to have a diversity and idea about the field and rather than understanding the abnormalities the human behavior.

Scope and delimitation The researchers conducted a study about the Career Preference of Fourth year Students of Concepcion Integrated School batch 2011-2012. The study targets only two hundred twelve respondents who answered all the questions on the survey form to be able to determine their reactions and responses on the choices of their career. Definition of terms The following terms were used in the study. Their operational Meaning had been considered. Career. A field or a pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public professional or business life. In this study, career is the application of education whereby it is the totality of the acquired knowledge. Career Preference. This term refers to the courses that the students want to take into. Individual factor . This word means that the students desire for a preferred profession. "In-Demand Jobs. refers to the majority of present occupation which many companies are in need for the particular job. Family Income. The combined gross income of all the members of a household derived from their wages and summary Preference. other term for recommend; the power or opportunity of choosing

Socio-Economic Status. The word refers to course that the family wants to their children to be , perspective. Socio-Demographic characteristics. Refers to sex, age, parent's educational attainment, parent's occupation, size of income and sibling's position. Values - refers to the motivated drives the individual is striving to achieve aspirations in life.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Career preference is the process of decision-making. A great number of studies Researches, p- and write-ups has been conducted for a period of time and still emerged as one of the top-priority researches due to rapid changing and need of time. This chapter is the presentation of literature and studies from foreign to local which may directly or indirectly bearing to study at hand relevance to present studies will give a big picture why these literature and studies form foreign to local are used.

Foreign Literature According to Howard and III stressed out that whenever students are in their high school experience they are the center of learning In traditional high school the center of the system is the content or subject not student learning. Howard and III present a system to promote the shift from traditional content or subject -centered high schools to student centered which is called as collaborative career pathways a system of organizing the student learning interests and aptitudes around career paths. It provides a structure for student to reference their learning and comment each year of their high school experiences It allows students to plan and practice their skills while creating a smooth and successful transition to a post -secondary option. Goffredson development theory of occupation aspiration describes how people become attracted to certain occupations self-concept in vocational development is the key factor to career selection and people want jobs that are compatible with their self-image the key

determinants of self-concept are ones social class, level of intelligence and experiences with sex-typing Roe's need approach emphasized that early childhood experiences play an important Local studies according to the study conducted by Siguan Jr (1994) it was found out that the students selfconcept showed no significant influence on their career preferences the school The academic achievements of students proved to be significant related to their career preferences The school were students came from had no influence on their choice of career he recommends that a more improved and function guidance provided in school to help students make sound career choices the guidances councilors and teachers Classroom teachers are encouraged to do their best in improving teaching learning processes considering that academic achievement of student their chosen course. This could be drawn from the required level of the course in contrast with their level of preferred intelligence. The necessity of developing a career development program was needed in order to prevent any misfits and assists student in the process of crystallizing their career in life she recommended that this program be effectively implement. Personal interests, abilities, skills, and values are the most influential factors in coming chosen occupation by the participants according to Pabiton (2007). This implies that like other graduating students in high schools students, the participants seemed to have chosen occupation. She also noted that the students that the students be given all the chances to learn and develop the skills and attitudes for various occupations. she recommends that career counselors could give more emphasis on this environmental factor during individual and small group career counseling.

Foreign Studies The effects of career goals on students was a subject of a 2003 study conducted by Richard T. Lapan, Bradley Tucker, Se-Kang Kim, and John F. Kosciulek. In this study, the authors evaluated the impact of four career development curricular strategies to help high schoolers have successful post-high school transitions. The four curriculum strategies studied were as follows: 1- Organized curriculum, which is the organization of classes around a specific career goal, 2Relevant curriculum, which uses teaching instruction to demonstrate to students the relevance of course content to the world of work, 3-Work-based learning experiences, such as job shadowing (the student has the opportunity to go to a workplace and see what someone actually does in a job), and 4- Connected learning activities, which connects and integrates learning in school and career-relevant workplace settings. Additionally, the authors believe that there are three support groups, which they call Stakeholder Support. The three levels of stakeholder support are: (a) school counselors, (b) teachers, and (c) multiple stakeholders, such as parents. Stakeholder support is necessary to make the students development and transition as smooth as possible (Lapan et al., 2003). The authors hypothesized that career development, curriculum strategies, and stakeholder support would each explain significant portions of the variance in student satisfaction that their education was helping them to attain their educational and career goals. Also, it was hypothesized that career development, curriculum strategies, and stakeholder support would each explain significant portions of the variance in the level of education required by the students anticipated setting immediately following high school. Finally, the authors hypothesized that curriculum strategies and stakeholder support would each explain significant portions of the variance in career development (Lapan et al., 2003).

The study was conducted in rural areas of a large Midwestern state. The authors used a total of 347 8th graders (206=girls and 141=boys), 281 10th graders (160=girls and 121 boys), and 256 12th graders (143=girls and 113=boys). Lapan et al. (2003), randomly selected the students to represent both a wide range of academic achievement levels and extent of participation in school-to-work activities. The students were required to answer a survey. Each grade level had to complete a different survey with different time limits. The older students needed additional items to assess the wider range of activities that were available for them. Also, there was a requirement that all data collection activities for 8th, and 10th graders should be completed within one class period (Lapan et at., 2003). The value of studying the differences between students with career goals, and students without, will help us learn why students who set goals early have more self-confidence. The purpose of this paper is to analyze, compare, and interpret numerous research studies on the effects of career goals on students. I gathered my data from periodicals, and research studies. Although studies have different methods, modes, and measures, the results are almost unanimous that students, who are certain about their career choices, are more likely to be successful and self-confident than those who are uncertain. 2nd article: According to the study conducted by Garcez (2007), it was found out that by increasing career development activities which includes setting career goals, students had a higher selfesteem. Maybe even more important, however, is that students were more satisfied about the education they were receiving. This will, in turn, hopefully lead to students having a deeper desire and commitment to succeed in their education. another outcome of higher self-esteem, is that those students chose more difficult goals than students with low self-esteems. she noted that

the excellent detailed plan for teaching parents and teachers how to teach young students to set career goals. The plan requires a total community effort through educators, parents and businesses. students must be given an opportunity to identify and explore their desired careers. They can accomplish this through the "School to Work Transition" or "Job shadowing Program". Through the cooperative efforts of the entire community, students can identify career choices, set career goals and have higher self-esteem at an early age. Ultimately, they will further their education and have better chance of succeeding in the "do or die" world live. Local literature According to Elmer (1989), career planning is life goal-setting. Without it such a plan, it is easy like making a journey to an unfamiliar destination without a map. he proposed a Career Planning Guide that will help the students in choosing their appropriate course from planning a career, steps in planning career, goal setting, and self-understanding. Also, it reveals that guidance and counseling is intervention of underemployment individuals and career preparedness must be initiated. Correlates of Career Decisions Among Children of Overseas Filipino Workers Catherine O. Espero

Majority (94%) of the respondents indicated that they decided to pursue college education, only 4% chose to pursue technical vocational program, and merely 2% decided to work after high school. These results support a local study which concluded that almost all Filipino youth dream of going to college (Youth Study, 2001) and finish their education (Gastardo-Conaco,

Jimenez, & Billedo, 2003). They are also congruent with other local studies which found that the respondents preferred courses which would lead to white-collar jobs (MayeGuanzon, 1980; Amilbahar, 1983).

Majority of the children of OFWs who participated in this study exhibited independence when it comes to making post secondary career decisions. They chose a career path (i.e., pursue college) that leads to white-collar rather than blue-collar jobs. Many preferred college and for those who decided to pursue technical-vocational program, they preferred post secondary occupations which are service-oriented and do not require special skills. Furthermore, the career decisions of the children of OFWs are neither dependent on selected internal factors such as birth order, expressed interests, expressed motivation, and gender; nor on external factors like parents educational attainment, parents occupational status, family, relatives, friends, school personnel, and media. Factors other than academic achievement like migration plans, socioeconomic status, parental attachment, and parental expectations might have accounted for the influence on their career decisions. It is therefore recommended that further verification of the results be made through the employment of a larger sample. Further research about career decision making can be explored using different respondents like college and tech-voc students; variables such as measured educational and occupational interests, selfefficacy in making career decisions, socioeconomic status, parental expectations, and parental attachment; and methods like case study and longitudinal study. A study on the career decisions and migration plans of the children of OFWs can likewise be investigated. Policy makers may create items for guidance counselors to enhance the career guidance programs of public secondary schools. This is in response to the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 (R.A. 9258)

which aims to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines. Guidance counselors should help students see various educational and vocational options and develop realistic goals. Since most students want to pursue college education, and given the importance of academic proficiency for higher education, guidance counselor should identify students who have college aspirations but are lacking in academic proficiency and help them develop strategies to achieve their goals. Likewise, guidance counselors should give the parents proper career guidance and orientation to help facilitate their childrens career decision-making.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, population and sample study, research instruments, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data. The study used research instruments used data gathering procedure. The study uses a descriptive survey method used to assess socio-demographic characteristics such as sex, age, parent's educational attainment, parent's occupation. size of the family; the expressed career choices, preference of the student in choosing a career and anticipated problems that affect the career choices of senior high school students of CIS (Concepcion Integrated School of Academic year (2010-2011). Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering , classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices and beliefs, processes and trends, and a cause-effect relationships and then adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without aid of statistical treatment. The study uses statistical treatment and data gathering is quantitative.

Population and Sample Plan Distribution of Population and Sample Size in Concepcion integrated School

Concepcion integrated School Student

Frequency 212

Percentage 100%

3.1 Research Instrument The instrument used was researcher-made survey questionnaire to gather the needed data for the student's profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn based on the researcher's knowledge, readings, studies, professional literature, published and unpublished thesis relative to the study. In the preparation of the instrument, the requirements in the designing of a good data collection instrument were considered; open-minded options were furnished to accommodate the knowledge preparedness of the respondents.

The research design consists of two parts. The first part is the profile which includes the data on gender, age, socio-economic status, educational attainment of their parents. The second part of the survey questionnaire relates to the Statement of the problem. The questionnaire will help the researcher know how the students of Concepcion Integrated School. Preference for the use of structured questionnaire is premised on several research assumptions such as a). The material cost in conducting the survey questionnaires method. b). less pressure for immediate response and giving the students the feeling of freedom of anonymity. 3.2 Data gathering Procedure Questionnaires are administered to the prospective subjects. The researcher use the time allotted for vacant to avoid distractions of class discussions. Some questionnaires are given to students scattered in the schools quadrangle. The students were given time to answer the questions.

After the data gathering, the researcher will collect it for tallying the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used in the study. 3.4 Statistical treatment The researcher recorded the response of the students on the tally sheets and put it in table forms. The researcher uses random sampling technique to gather the results quickly of the 212 respondents. Gender of the Respondent Gender Male Female Total Total Respondent 100 112 212 Percentages 47.17% 52.83% 100%

Table shows that out of 212 respondents, 47.17% are male and 52.83% are female. This implies that there are more females who participated in the research than males. Age of Respondents Age 15 16 17 18 Total Respondents 67 119 19 6 Percentages 31.60% 56.13% 8.96% 2.83%

19 above Total

1 212

0.48% 100%

Table shows that out of 212 respondents 31.60% of them are 15% years old, 56.13% are of 16 years of age, 8.96% are 17 yrs. Old , 2.83% of them are 18 years old and 0.48% of them ages 19 years old and above. Majority of the respondent ages are 15 and 16.

Education attainment of the Respondents Educational attainment Elementary Highschool Collage Graduate Vocational Total: Respondents 5 128 43 33 3 2.36% 60.38% 20.28 15.56 1.42% Percentages

212 Table shows that majority of the respondent is graduate in High school. Socio-economic Status of the Respondents Socio-economic Status Low Average 35 152 Total Respondents 16.51% 11.79%




25 212

71.70% 100%

Table show that out of 212 respondents 16.51% of respondents said that there parent have a low income 11.79% of the respondents said that there parent a average income of 71.70% Passible courses of the respondents


Respondents 46 37 31 33 10 10 4 14 5 34 11 3

Percentage 17.97 14.45 12.1 12.89 5.08 3.91 1.56 5.47 1.95 13.28 4.29 1.17


4 2 2 7

1.56 0.78 0.98 2.73

TABLE shows that out of 256 respondents 17.97%of them said that they want to take HRM. 14.45% prefers criminology, 12.1% wants Accountancy, 12.89% prefer Engineering courses, 5.08% favor tourism, 3.91% for MASSCOM, 1.56% have preferences on COMSCI, 5.47% wants I.T and the remaining have preferences on education, arts, nursing, automotive, AB-AS and others. Most of the respondents prefer courses like Engineering, HRM and Criminology. Schools of the Respondents School PUP PLMAR Ateneo FEU Infotech MPC UP ICCT TIP New Era Total respondents 70 79 15 5 2 12 3 2 6 3 Percentage % 33.01% 37.26% 4.08% 2.36% 0.94% 5.66% 1.42% 0.94% 2.83% 1.42%

UST STI Others

3 2 10 212

1.42% 0.94% 4.72% 100%

Table shows that majority of the student choose PLMAR as the preferred school with 37.26%.

Bases of the Respondents Factors Socio-Economic Status Peer Pressure Individual factors Family Income Respondents 42 3 72 95 212 Percentage % 19.38% 1.42% 33.965 44.81% 100%

Table shows that Individual factors greatly affect the career preference decision of the respondent5s. This does mean most of the students prefer courses at their own will and based on their wants and where they can enjoy and excel in it.

1. Elaine Markus Howard and Pamela J. III. career pathways: preparing Students for Life. Corwin Press; A Sage Thousand Company. thousand Oaks California c2004, p . 1 2. factor affecting career Preference of 4th year students by Buenavido E. Siguan Jr. Leyte Institute of Technology; graduate Scholl of Tacloban City; March 2004 Soriano, A.S and Roces A Career Guide. Baguio Allied Printers: 420 Magsaysay Ave. Baguio City


This chapter presents the distribution of respondents according to gender, age, highest educational attainment of parents; Socio-economic status; the possible courses that they want to take up in college, school they preferred and the bases of the students in choosing their career.

Career Preferences of Fourth-year Students of Concepcion Integrated School Secondary level batch 2011-2012. 1. On the profile of the students respondents

Gender Male Female Total

Table 1 Distribution of Respondents according to Gender Frequency Percentage % 100 47.17 112 52.83 212 100

Table #1 shows that out of 212 respondents 47.17% are male and 52.83% are female. This implies that in the study, the female respondents out-numbered the male.

Table 2 Distribution of Respondents according to age Age 15 16 17 18 19 above Total Total Respondents 67 119 19 6 1 212 Percentage % 31.60 56.13 8.96 2.83 0.48 100

Table # 2 reveals that out of 212 respondents 31.60% of them are 15 years of age, 56.13% are 16 years old, 8.96% are 17 years old, 2.83% are 18 years old and 0.48% are 19 years old and above. The majority of the respondents age 16 years old. Table 3 Distribution of Respondents according to the Highest Educational Attainment of their Parents Educational Attainment Elementary High School College Undergrad College Graduate Vocational Total Total Respondents 5 128 43 33 3 212 Percentage % 2.36 60.38 20.28 15.56 1.42 100

Table # 3 shows that majority of their parents attained their highest level of education in a Secondary level.

Table 4 Distribution of the Respondents according to Socio-Economic Status Socio- Economic Total Percentage Status Respondents % 35 16.51 Low 152 71.70 Average 25 11.79 High Total 212 100 Table #4 shows that out 212 respondents, 16.51% said that their parents have a low income while 11.79% said that their parents have a high income. 71.70% or the majority the respondents said that their parents have an average income.

Table 5 Distribution of Respondents according to the possible courses that want to take up Courses Respondents Percentage % HRM 46 17.97 Criminology 37 14.45 Accountancy 31 12.1 Engineering 33 12.89 Tourism 13 5.08 Mass Communication 10 3.91 Computer Science 4 1.56 Information Technology 14 5.47 Architecture 5 1.95 BSBA 34 13.28 Education 11 4.29 Fine Arts 3 1.17 Nursing 4 1.56 Automotive 2 0.78 AB-AS 2 0.78 Others 7 2.73 Total 212 100 Table #5 shows that out of 212 respondents 17.97% said that they want to take Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM). Table 6 Distribution of Respondents According to School School Respondents Percentage % PUP 70 33.01 PLMAR 79 37.26 ATENEO 15 7.08 FEU 5 2.36 INFOTECH 2 0.94 MPC 12 5.66 UP 3 1.42 ICCT 2 0.94 TIP 6 2.83 NEW ERA 3 1.42 UST 3 1.42 STI 2 0.94 Others 10 4.72 Total 212 100 Table #6 shows that majority of the students chose PLMAR for their course.

Table 7 Distribution of Respondents According to the bases of the students in choosing their career Bases Total Respondents Percentage % Socio-Economic Factor 42 19.81 Peer Influence 3 1.42 Individual Factor 72 33.46 Family Income Factor 95 44.81 Total 212 100

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