Assignment # 6 Solution: MS MS y T y T N N

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Assignment # 6 Solution

Question 1:
a) Analysis of Variance for CIRCUIT TYPE
Source DF SS MS F P
CIRCUITT 2 260.9 130.5 4.01 0.046
Error 12 390.8 32.6
Total 14 651.7

Reject H

c) 99% Confidence interval on the mean of circuit type 3.
3 0.005,12 3 0.005,12
32.6 32.6
18.4 3.055 18.4 3.055
5 5
10.60 26.20
y t y t
n n

s s +
s s +
s s

Question 2
a) Yes, the different batches of raw material significantly affect mean yield at = 0.01 because
p- value is small.
Source DF SS MS F P
Batch 5 56358 11272 4.60 0.004
Error 24 58830 2451
Total 29 115188
b) Variability between batches
11272 2451
Treatments E

= = =
c) Variability within batches
2451 MSE o = =
Question 3
a) Analysis of Variance of HARDNESS
Source DF SS MS F P
TIPTYPE 3 0.38500 0.12833 14.44 0.001
SPECIMEN 3 0.82500 0.27500 30.94 0.000
Error 9 0.08000 0.00889
Total 15 1.29000

Reject H
, and conclude that there are significant differences in hardness measurements
between the tips.

Fisher's pairwise comparisons
Family error rate = 0.184
Individual error rate = 0.0500
Critical value = 2.179
Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)
1 2 3
2 -0.4481
3 -0.2981 -0.2731
0.5481 0.5731
4 -0.7231 -0.6981 -0.8481
0.1231 0.1481 -0.0019
Significant difference between tip types 3 and 4
Question 4
a) 1.
0 1 2
: 0 H t t = =

: at least one 0
H t =
0 1 2 3
: 0 H | | | = = =

: at least one 0
H | =

b) Analysis of Variance for DENSITY
Source DF SS MS F P
Temperat 2 940534 470267 1053.10 0.000
furnacep 1 7771 7771 17.40 0.001
furnacep*temp 2 750 375 0.84 0.456
Error 12 5359 447
Total 17 954413
Reject H
for both main effects and conclude that both factors are significant.
d) Fisher's pairwise comparisons
Family error rate = 0.1187
Individual error rate = 0.0500
Critical value = 2.131

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)
800 825
825 -517.43
850 -27.77 452.23
47.10 527.10
There are significant differences in the temperature levels 800 and 825, and 825 and 850.
Therefore, temperature level 825 is different from the other two levels.

Question 5
Term Effect Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 175.250 0.5467 320.59 0.000
A 17.000 8.500 0.5467 15.55 0.000
B -1.625 -0.812 0.5467 -1.49 0.157
C 10.875 5.438 0.5467 9.95 0.000
D 8.375 4.187 0.5467 7.66 0.000
A*B -0.125 -0.063 0.5467 -0.11 0.910
A*C -0.625 -0.313 0.5467 -0.57 0.575
A*D 9.125 4.562 0.5467 8.35 0.000
B*C -0.250 -0.125 0.5467 -0.23 0.822
B*D 1.250 0.625 0.5467 1.14 0.270
C*D -1.250 -0.625 0.5467 -1.14 0.270
A*B*C 0.750 0.375 0.5467 0.69 0.503
A*B*D -0.500 -0.250 0.5467 -0.46 0.654
A*C*D -0.000 -0.000 0.5467 -0.00 1.000
B*C*D 0.125 0.063 0.5467 0.11 0.910
A*B*C*D -1.625 -0.812 0.5467 -1.49 0.157

Factors A, C, and D are significant as well as the interaction AD.
Question 6
a) Effect ABC is confounded with blocks, where A = juice, B = exercise, C = delay

b) In this model with blocking there are no significant factors.

Factorial Fit: y versus Block, A, B, C
Estimated Effects and Coefficients for y (coded units)
Term Effect Coef
Constant 103.38
Block 2.13
A 19.00 9.50
B -8.00 -4.00
C 14.75 7.38
A*B 1.25 0.62
A*C -18.00 -9.00
B*C -25.50 -12.75

Sum of Mean F
Source Squares DF Square Value Prob > F
Block 36.13 1 36.13
Model 3233.63 5 646.73 206.95
A 722.00 1 722.00 231.04 0.0418
B 128.00 1 128.00 40.96 0.0987
C 435.13 1 435.13 139.24 0.0538
AC 648.00 1 648.00 207.36 0.0441
BC 1300.50 1 1300.50 416.16 0.0312
Residual 3.13 1 3.13
Cor Total 3272.88 7
Thus, the effects of juice as well as the interactions between juice and delay and exercise and
delay were marginally significant. Additional degrees of freedom for error are needed and the
normal probability plot of the effects does not indicate significant effects.

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