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YS FLIGHT SIMULATION SYSTEM 2000 (Free) United States and Japanese Aerobatic Screensaver ($15, free to try) 3D Dogfight Screensaver ($15, free to try) 3D Landing Screensaver ($15, free to try) Concorde Screensaver Delux (Free) YSFLIGHT Scenery Editor ($15, free to try)

Availableat YSFLIGHT.COM Airplane Software Section

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Introduction System Requirement Launching The Program Terminating The Program Instant Flight If the program does not run fast.... Configuration Dialog Option Dialog Changing Key/Mouse/Joystick Assignment Prepare To Fly - Free flight - Air combat - Instant dogfight - Intercept Mission - Close Air Support Mission - Configure Day/Night, Fog, and Wind - Re-trying the Previous Mission Flying an Airplane (Keystrokes, Mouse and Joystick) Weapon System Navigation Aid (ILS and VOR) And RADAR Network Play Flight Record Utility If you are interested in 3D Graphics programming Contact Information Appendix A - Notation of the position Appendix B - Sample missions Appendix C - Anti Ground Attack missions Appendix D - Command Parameters Appendix E - Configuration Files

If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2, and would like to use the network mode, please read this page, too. (*)Please also refer to the YSFLIGHT2000 support page. YSFLIGHT2000 support page is linked from

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Take off and land Dogfight with computer airplane Attack ground targets Fly a formation leader Trail smoke to draw a picture in the sky

Fight against your opponent over network

You can choose your airplane from more than 30 modern airplanes. Like other flight simulators, you can change viewpoint while flying. You can watch your airplane from outside, from the opponent airplane's view, missile view, etc. When you are watching from the outside, you'll see the motion of thelandinggearandrotationofpropellerifyouareflyingapropellerairplane.

System Requirement
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Windows95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XPandLinux Pentium200MHzorfaster 64MB or larger DirectX3.0orlater.

If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2, and would like to use the network mode, please read this page, too. Followingdevicesarerecommendedbutnotrequired.

Joystick. It's better if the joystick has a POV control. Even better if you have a throttle lever, and don't forget a rudder pedal :-)

(*LinuxversiondoesnothavedialogboxesandGUIfeatures.Youneedtomodifyconfiguration files directly when you want to change settings.)

Launching the program

[Windows version] You can launch a program from choosing an item from: START MENU -> Program ->YSFLIGHTSIMULATIONSYSTEM2000 Youcanchooseoneofthefollowing.IfyoukeepSHIFTkeypresseddownwhilestartingthe program,theprogramalwaysstartinnormalwindowmode(notfullscreenmode).See"Option Dialog" for more details. YSFLIGHT2000 Non-OpenGL YSFLIGHT2000 OpenGL Non-OpenGL version. Polygons are flat-shaded.TypicallyrunsfasterthanOpenGLversion when PC's graphics card is NOT equipped with an OpenGL accelerator. OpenGL version. Polygons are smooth-shaded.TypicallyrunsfasterthanNon-OpenGL version when PC's graphics card is equipped with an OpenGL accelerator.ThegraphicsqualityisbetterthanNon-OpenGL version.

Ifyouarenotsurewhichexecutablestouse,pleasetrybothandusewhicheveryoufeelcomfortable.(MostoftherecentgraphicscardsareequippedwithOpenGL accelerator, though). [Linux version] Please move to the directory in which you extracted files, and type: % ysflight "%"hereisshowingaprompt.So,youreallyneedtotypeonly"ysflight"Iftheprogramdoesn'tstart,pleasealsotry: % ./ysflight It will work if . (current directory) is not included in path. Please also read the command parameterssection.There'snoNon-OpenGLversionforLinux.

Terminating the program

Choose File->Exittoterminatetheprogram.

Instant Flight
OK. Let's fly before going into boring explanations. The following steps will take you to the airfield. (In Linux, please start the program by typing ysflight -flyyfs fly_f22.yfs,insteadofsteps1to5.Casesensitive.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Launchtheprogram. PressESCkeytoterminatethedemonstration. Choose File->Load Choose fly_f22.yfs, and press OK.

5. Choose Simulation->Fly.Atthispoint,youmaygetawarningmessagesaying "Joystick is not connected or configured" If you have a joystick connected, and still getting this warning, you might not have configured the joystick in the control panel. Go to StartMenu->Setting>ControlPanel->Joystick,configureitandtryagain. If you do not have a joystick and you don't want to have this warning, go to Configuration and turn off joysticks, or buy a new joystick :-) 6. Center the joystick. If you don't have a joystick, you have to use mouse instead of joystick. You can move mouse to know the correspondence of mouse cursor and joystick position. 7. Move the stick to the center before proceed. Press any trigger button, mouse button or space key to go to airfield.

8. Ready to fly!

Now, you are ready to fly. I don't explain the details of the flight dynamics here. I hope you know how to fly an airplane :-) So, press TAB key to turn on afterburner. It's F-22. You'll experience incredible acceleration. After getting 120kt, slowly pull the stick back (move mouse down). If you pull the stick too much before getting enough airspeed, your airplane's tail will hit the ground and you'll lose your airplane. So, please make sure you have enough airspeed, then pull the stick slowly. Then, the airplane will take you to the air. Have fun! You can read about detailed control in "How to control?"section.

If the program does not run fast...

I designed this program so that you can enjoy if you have a PC that are faster than Pentium 500MHz. But, you'llhavetoturnoffsomefeaturesorlowertheresolutiontorunthisprogramonrelativelyslowerPCs. First, if you chose OpenGL version, it will not run on relatively slower PCs. So, please choose standard version. (See Launching the program) Your choice of the field will affect the speed. Most air fields have many facilities, hangars and other ground objects. If your PC is not very fast, the program cannot take care of those ground objects quickly. However, the field "SMALL_MAP" does not have many ground objects. If you want to fly a dogfight or an endurance mode, you may not care much about the ground. In such cases, choosing "SMALL_MAP" willbebetterintermsoftheprogramspeed.Incontrast,amap"TOHOKU",whichisavailableafter 20010718version,isheavy.YouneedatleastaPenIII450MHzandafastgraphicscardtoplay TOHOKU map without stress. If you still feel slow, you can go to Configuration Dialog and turn off some features. Choose Option>Config and press "Draw Fast" button. Settings will automatically be customized for relatively slower PCs. You can turn off some more features to speed up, but I do not recommend. (For the detail, see Configuration Dialog) If still you feel slow after turning off features, you can lower the resolution. Then, go to Option Dialogandchooselowerresolution. If you are running this program under Windows NT, you'll feel some short stopping while flying. Typically, when you change throttle setting, fire a gun, stop firing a gun etc... In such case, go to Option Dialogandturnoffsound.ThisWindowsNT'sstoppingiscausedbyWAVplayingfunction.

Config Dialog
In the Configuration Dialog, you can configure graphics features and simulation features. Each setting means: [Default Tab]

Default Environment You can choose DAY or NIGHT. Default Airplane The airplane chosen in this list will first show up in the airplane selection screen. Default Field The field chosen in this list will first show up in the create-flight dialog.

Default Position The start position chosen in this list will first show up in the create-flightdialog. [Game Tab]

Black Out If this box is on, when you apply a high G force, you will lose visibility gradually, and finally will be blacked out. (If high negativeGforce,willredout). Mid Air Collision If this box is on, when you collided with another airplane, your airplane will get damage, and typically, will crash. If this box is off, your airplane will never collide with anotherairplane. Can Land Anywhere Ifthisboxischecked,youcanlandanywhere.However,ifthespeedistoofast(likemorethan20kt)theairplanewillvibrateviolently,andendsupcrashingortailstriking. Rudder Auto Coordination If this box is on, computer automatically control the rudder to eliminate sideslip of the airplane. To be fair, it is applied to all airplanes flying (except recorded airplanes). In actual flight, a pilot has to use rudder pedal while turning so that the airplane will not have side slip. It is called "turn coordination". But, I guess many users do not have a rudder pedal, and it is a pain to coordinate a turn by keyboard. So you can turn on this box. Precise Simulation If this box is on, the program computes dynamics at least every 50ms. If this box is off, the program computes dynamics once when a screen is refreshed once. Usually, refreshing a screen takes more time than 50ms. So, if this box is off, the simulation is less precise. (I don't recommend you to turn off this box. You may try if thisprogramrunsreallyslowonyourPC). Always show HUD If this box is checked, HUD is shown even when you are looking at your airplane from the outside. Do not Use Instrument Panel If this box is checked, the program draws Head Up Display no matter if the airplane has an instrument panel or not. Always Draw Player Name If this box is checked, player name is always visible. Draw Virtual Joystick If this box is checked, small virtual joystick will be drawn on the screen while flying. F8 Camera Delay If this box is on, external airplane camera (assigned to F8 key by default) follows the airplane with some time delay. Do not show an airplane on radar if it is below XXXX ft. The airplane flying below XXXX ft and far from the player airplane will not be shown on the radar. [Graphics Tab]

Draw Shadow If this check box is on, the shadow of the airplane is drawn precisely when the airplane is flying low. If this box is off, still the shadow is drawn, but the shadow is roughlydrawn. Draw Shadow of Dead Airplane Ifthisboxischecked,theprogramdrawsshadowofcrashedairplanes. Draw Ordinance If this box is checked, the program draws ordinances loaded on the airplanes. Draw Coarse Weapon If this box is checked, the program draws weapons with less polygons so that it can draw scenes faster. Horizon Gradation Ifthischeckboxison,you'llseeagradationonthehorizon.Ifthisboxisoff,nogradationonthehorizon. Draw Cloud Asitis. Solid Cloud / Flat Cloud If Solid Cloud is chosen (default) the cloud will have some volume, otherwise (if Flat Cloud is chosen) the cloud will not have volume (just flat). Airplane Graphics Automatic : Draws high quality model when an airplane is close to the viewpoint, and low quality model when far away. Always High Quality : Draw high quality model regardless of the distance from the viewpoint. AlwaysCoarse:Drawlowqualitymodelregardlessofthedistancefromtheviewpoint. Draw Light in Daylight If this box is checked, runway lights and city lights are visible in DAY mode. Smoke Configure type of smoke, how long the smoke remains and the resolution of the smoke. You can choose a type of smoke from: towel, solid, circle and noodle. Towel smoke looks like a lo---ng towel. Solid smoke is most similar to actual smoke. But solid smoke takes more time to draw than other types. Noodle smoke looks like a lo---ngnoodle.Itcanbedrawnquickly,butdoesnotlooknice. If you choose circle smoke, the smoke is drawn as a sequence of circles. it cannot be drawn very fast, also does not look good. So I don't recommend it. I just experimentally implemented this feature. Remain ?? seconds, means as it is. Draw every ?? steps specifies the resolution of the smoke. If you specify smaller number, the resolution becomes better, but the drawing will be slower. By default, smokeisdrawnevery4steps. [OpenGL Tab]

Fog Ifthisboxischecked,theprogramdrawsfog,whichincreasesrealityalittlebit.OnlyavailableonOpenGLversion.Thisoption,however,requiresacardthatcan draw OpenGL graphics fast. Z-Buffer Quality It specifies quality of Z-BufferinginOpenGLversion.Youcanchooseoneof"LOW(FAST)","HIGH","VERYHIGH",and"SUPERHIGH."LowerZ-Buffer qualitygiveshigherframeratio,butyou'llseesomeobjectsthatarenotsupposedtobevisible.HigherZ-Buffer quality gives better graphics and you'll less likely see objects that are not supposed to be visible, but by sacrificing frame ratio. Transparent Object (OpenGL only) Some objects (typically afterburner) become semi-transparent if it is checked. Transparent Smoke (OpenGL only) Smokes become semi-transparent if it is checked. Transparent Vapor (OpenGL only) Vapor become semi-transparent if it is checked. Reduce Peep Hole Made by Transparent Polygons (OpenGL only) Transparent polygons sometimes makes peep holesinwhichyou'llseesomethingthatissupposedtobehiddenbyanotherobject.Perfectlyeliminatingsuchpeep holesiscomputationallyintensive,andwillmaketheprogramveryslow.However,Icanreducesuchpeepholesbyslightincreaseofcomputation.Ifyouturnthis checkboxon,theprogramwilltrytoreducesuchpeepholes.Anexampleoftheeffectofthischeckboxisshownbelow. <-"ReducePeepHoleMadebyTransparentPolygons"off.Thehorizonthatis supposed to be hidden by the hangar is visible through a peep hole created by the propeller polygon of A6M5.

<-"ReducePeepHoleMadebyTransparentPolygons"on.Thepeepholeis gone.

Use Display List for Drawing Cloud Ifthisboxischecked,theprogramuseswhatiscalled"displaylists"fordrawingclouds.Ifthegraphicscardhassufficientmemorybufferforstoringdisplaylists,the drawing performance should increase. Withoutdisplaylists,theprogramtransfersallpolygonseverytimeasceneisdrawn.Iftheobjectisstaticanddoesnotmove,theprogramendsupwithsending exactlythesameinformationeachtime,anditcreatesconsiderabletransactionofdatabetweenCPUandthegraphicscard.Insteadofsendingthesamedatamany times, the program can transfer a chunk of data to the graphics card only once and later tell the graphics card to draw the chunk of data already stored in the graphics card'smemory.Bydoingthis,theprogramonlyneedstotellthegraphicscardtheidentificationnumberofthechunkofdatatodrawthesamething.Forexample,if amissilemodelconsistsof1000polygons,theprogramneedstosend1000polygonstothegraphicscardforeachframeifitdoesnotusedisplaylists.Ifthatmany

polygonsarestoredinthegraphicscard'smemory,theprogramonlyneedstosendoneintegernumbertothegraphicscardtodrawtheobject.It'llsavetimefor drawing graphics significantly. Use Display List for Drawing Weapons If this box is checked, the program uses display lists for drawing weapons. Use Display List for Drawing Explosions If this box is checked, the program uses display lists for drawing explosions.. Use Ground Texture If this box is checked, the program uses texture to draw maps. Use Runway Light Texture If this box is checked, the program uses texture to draw runway lights.

Option Dialog
In Option Dialog, you can change the resolution (full-screenornormalwindow)andsoundon/off.Option "Remember Window Position and Size" is effective only when the screen mode is "Normal Window" mode.Ifthisoptionison,theprogramrememberspositionandsizeofthewindowwhenthewindowis closed, and restores the same position and size when it starts for the next time. If you change a screen mode in OpenGL version, you may encounter some problems due to incompatibilitiesofvideocarddrivers.IfyoucannotstartupOpenGLversionafterchangingtheresolution, try one of following three options. (1)StartYSFLIGHTwithpressingSHIFTkeydown.Theprogramwillalwaysstartinnormalwindow modeifyoudoso.Then,gotoOptionDialogandsetthescreenmodebacktonormalwindow. (2) If option (1) doesn't work, choose "YSFLIGHT - RESET SETTING" from "Start Menu" -> "Programs" ->"YSFLIGHTSIMULATIONSYSTEM2000."Thiswillinitializeallthesettings. (3) If option (2) doesn't work, start the Non-OpenGL version and go to Option Dialog to set the screen mode back to normal window. (4) If none of the above two options works, re-install YSFLIGHT. If all three options fails, you should suspect problems of your video card driver or something other than YSFLIGHT.

Changing Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick Assignment

Youcanchangefunctionalitiesassignedtojoystick,mouse,andkeyboard.Tochange assignments, please choose: "Option"-> "Config Key/Mouse/Joystick Assignment" The dialog shown on the right will appear. In the dialog, choose a functionality in list boxes, and click "Change" button to change the assignment.Forexample,ifyouwanttoassignAxis3ofJoystick2tothrottle,click"Throttle" in "Joystick/Mouse Axes" box, and click "Change" button located right of "Joystick/Mouse Axes."Then,chooseJoystick2Axis3,(check"Reverse"ifnecessary)andclick"OK." You can also save your assignment to a file by clicking "Save" button, and you can load your assignment when you re-installYSFLIGHT,orupgradetoanewerversion.However, if you load the assignment configured by an older version, no key or button is assigned to a new features added in a newer version.If you upgrade YSFLIGHT to a newer version, and if you load your key assignment, please assign new features to appropriate keys or buttons manually. If you need to reset the assignment back to the default assignment, click "Default" button.

Prepare to fly
There are the following four types of flights in this simulator.

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Free flight Air combat Instant dogfight Intercept mission

Free Flight Infreeflight,therearenootherairplanesthanyourairplane.Youcanjustpracticeflying.Followthestepsbelow. 1. Choose Simulation->Create New Flight 2. Choose your airplane.

YoucanchooseyourairplanebyUP/DOWNarrowkeys.IfyoupressSHIFT+UPorSHIFT+DOWN,thecursormovesquicker.Youcanalsochoose ordinancesbyQ,A,W,S,E,D,R,F,TandGkeys.Theselectedordinances,however,maynotalwaysbereflectedinthesimulation.Forexample,ifyouare about to start Endurance Mode, and if you turned off "AAM", AAMs will not be loaded to your airplane no matter how many AAMs you selected in this screen. The airplane first show up on this screen is the one selected in Config Dialog Youcanalsosearchanairplanebykeywords.Tosearchairplanes,pressCtrl+Fandthentypekeywords.Forexample,ifyoutype"F"and"EAGLE" separated by a space, only airplanes whose name includes the both key words will be shown. (*Ifyouareusingsmallerresolution,lessthan512x384,youwillnotseethisscreen.Instead,you'llseeadialogbox,bywhichyoucanchooseyour airplane.) 3. Chooseairfield,player'sstartposition,wingmenandwingmen'sstartpositions.(Ifyouclick"ChangeAirplane",youcanre-choose your airplane.)

4. If you want to save this setting, choose File->Save. (You can restore this setting by File->Load). 5. Choose Simulation->Fly 6. Center the joystick, and press a button or space key to go! Air Combat Youcanflyanaircombatmission.Followthestepsbelow. 1. Choose Simulation->Create Air Combat. 2. ChooseAirfield.

3. Setairplanes,initialpositionandlevelwithAirCombatdialog.

Eachitemsofthedialogmeans: Type of airplane As it is Position Level Please refer to Appendix-A Choose the level of the airplane from Novice, Veteran, Ace, Deadly or Lethal

Don't use AAM No airplane can use Air to Air Missile if you check this box. This check box will take you to the classic machine gun dogfight 4. If you want to save your setting, choose File->Save. (You can restore this setting by File->Load). 5. Choose Simulation->Fly 6. Center the joystick, and press a button or space key to go! Instant Dogfight Since 2000/07/03 release version, you can fly an instant dogfight. In this mode, if you kill opponent airplanes, new opponent airplane will be generated and will attack on you. The dogfight is limited to 15 minutes. No opponent airplane will be generated after this time period. If you survive 15 minutes of the air combat and if you kill the remaining enemies after this time period, you'll have chance to land to the base alive. To play Instant Dogfight, choose "Simulation"->"Fly Endurance Mode". Intercept Mission Inaninterceptmission,youtakeoffwithyourwingman(wingmen),andinterceptattackers.Toplayaninterceptmission,choose"Simulation" -> "Intercept Mission." Close Air Support Mission Inacloseairsupportmission,youneedtodestroyenemytanksattackingyourbase.Toplayacloseairsupportmission,choose"Simulation" -> "Close Air Support Mission." Configure Day/Night, Fog, and Wind To configure Day/Night, Fog, and Wind, select "Simulation" -> "Set Environment" after creating flight or dogfight, before selecting "Simulation" -> "Fly." Or, you can choose default environment in Config Dialog.(Configurationby"Simulation" -> "Set Environment" overrides the configuration of Config Dialog.) Re-trying the Previous Mission

You can re-try the previous mission by choosing "Simulation" -> "Retry Previous Mission"

Flying an Airplane (Keystrokes, Mouse and Joystick)

Youmaywanttoprintoutthekeyassignments.So,Ipreparedindependentpageforit. [CLICK HERE TO READ]


CANuseakeyboardtocontrolelevatorandaileron,ifyoureallywant.PleaseseeChanging Key/Mouse/Joystick Assignent to change settings.

Head Up Display
I didn't believe my eyes when I realized that I forgot to write the explanation of HUD two years after I released this flightsimulator.So,nowIaddtheexplanationbelow(2001/12/02)

(1)Ammuition.>><<indicatestheammunitionisselected,andreadytolaunchbytrigger1. (2) Bank angle indicator (3) Climb/Descend ratio (x100 feet/minutes) (4) Heading angle indicator (5) Airspeed (kt) (6) Attitude of the airplane. (7) Altitude (ft) (8) Mach number (9) G force (10) Throttle setting (11)Velocityvector.ActivatedbyVkey. (12) Landing gear, brake, flap, and spoiler (airbrake) (13) Elevator, aileron and rudder (14) Remaining fuel

Weapon System
After 2000/07/03 version, the way to control weapon system changed from the previous version. You have to choose a weapon by 2 key or trigger 2 of the joystick, and fire it by 1 key, SPACE key or trigger 1 of the joystick. There are four types of weapons (and smoke) as follows. GUN AAM Machine Gun. No guidance. And, it has no effect against a huge target like bridges and aircraft carriers (except the gun loaded on A-10A Thunderbolt2). Air to Air Missile. The missile is guided to the locked on target. You can fire from any direction, but you have higher chance to kill the target when you firedtheweaponfromthebehindthetarget.


AirtoGroundMissile.Themissileisguidedtothelockedontarget. Rockets. Flare to fool anti-air missiles. 500lb Free Fall Bomb. No guidance. Most effective when it directly hits the target. But, if you dropped the bomb close enough to the target, you can destroyit.

SMOKE It'snotaweapon,butyoucanoperatesameasaweapon. Available weapons depend on the airplane.

Navigation Aid (ILS and VOR) And RADAR

Press 'I' keytoturnonILS.NextfigureshowsILSindicatorontheHUD.

A horizontal line with "GS" shows a glide slope which is the ideal vertical path. The GS line indicates relative deviation of the glide slope with respect to the current position of the airplane. If the GS line is drawn above the center of the HUD, it means the ideal path is above your airplane. So, you have to add throttle and pull the stick. Or when the GS line is below the center of the HUD, the ideal path is below your position. In such case, you have to reduce throttle and release the pressure on the joystick. Similarly, a vertical line with "LOC" indicates the ideal horizontal path. This horizontal guidance is called "localizer". The LOC line indicates the relative deviation of the horizontal path with respect to the current position of the airplane. If the line is left of the center of the HUD, you have to turn left. If the line is right of the center of the HUD, you have to turn right. In summary, both lines shows the direction to which you should go. For example, if you see the line above, you should climb up, or if you see the line left, you should turn left. Whenyoulostyourposition,youcanuseVORtofindoutyourposition.TouseVOR,pressLkey(inthestandardkeyassignment)andchooseaVORstation. You'll see the indicator as shown below.

You can turn bearing by 7 key and 8 key (in the standard key assignment). VORtellsthefollowing.Let'ssayyourairplaneheadingisequaltothedirectionthatbearingisshowing.Then,thecoursedeviationindicatortellswhichsideofyour airplane(leftorright)theVORstationislocated.Iftheindicationbesidethebearingshows[FROM],thestationisbehindyou,orifitshows[TO],thestationisin front of you. It'sabitconfusing,isn'tit?Here'samoreeasywaytouseVOR.Justturnthebearinguntilthecoursedeviationindicatorcomestothecenterandtheindication besidethebearingbecomes[TO].Then,ifyouflytothedirectionthatthebearingispointing,you'llreachabovetheVORstation. Or,turnthethebearinguntilthecoursedeviationindicatorcomestothecenterandtheindicationbesidethebearingbecomes[FROM].Then,thebearingindicates the direction of your airplane from the VOR station. Also RADAR equipment is available for air combat and anti-ground attack. You can turn on the RADAR or change the RADAR range by 3 key or trigger 3 of the joystick. The RADAR range cycles through OFF -> 5 miles -> 10 miles -> 50 miles ->(repeat). The RADAR has three modes as Anti-Air, Anti-Ground and Bombing. The mode changes automatically when you change the wapon of choice.

(Anti-Air mode)

(Anti-Ground mode)

(Bombing mode)

In Anti-Air mode, X marks show the ground objects and square marks show airplanes. White marks are friendly objects and Green marks are hostile objects. A small tip of line attached to the square show the flying directions of the airplane. Anti-Ground mode is almost same as the Anti-Air mode, but it shows more objects in front of the airplane than ones behind the airplane. In Bombing mode, the circle on the radar shows the estimated impact point of the bomb. If you are flying B-2 or Tu-144, you can carpet bomb referring to the circle and the cross mark.

Network Play
CAUTION:IfyouareusingWindowsXPServicePack2,youneedtounblockYSFLIGHTfromWindowsFirewall. Please follow this link for more information.
Since 20001125 release version, YSFLIGHT2000 features network play. More than one player can fly a same airspace and fight against each other. Or you can cooperatively attack heavily defended ground target. If your PCs are connected to a high speed (10Mbps or faster) connection, you may be able to fly a formation of 6 airplanes and perform an aerobatic flight. I haven't tested how many players are practically possible, but theoretically, the program must accept 17 players at maximum. Since 20021205 release version, you can play Endurance Mode and Intercept Missionoverthenetwork.Youcancooperativelyattackagainstcomputerairplanes ordefendyourbasewithyourfriend.Tostarttheendurancemode,pressEkeyintheservermenu.TostarttheInterceptmission,pressBkeyintheservermenu. IfyouwanttoterminatetheEndurandemodeortheInterceptmission,pressTkey.(PressingTkeydoesnotdeletealreadyflyingcomputerairplanes.Youhaveto take care of them anyway.) In the network play, you may get damage even when you don't see any bullets or missiles striking your airplane. In such a case, your opponent's airplane is seeing his bullet or missile striking your airplane. It is because there is always some delay in transmitting position information. This problem can be moderated if I write a smart codethatexpectfuturepathoftheairplane,however,insteadofmakingmycodesmart,Imadearuleofthenetworkplayasfollows. Say user A is flying an airplane P in computer X, and user B is flying an airplane Q in computer Y. If user A fired a weapon and the weaponstrikesairplaneQineitheroneof(orboth)computerXorcomputerY,airplaneQgetsdamage. In summary, if you really see your airplane being hit, or your opponent sees his weapon striking your airplane, you get damage. Consequently, even you think that your opponent's bullets are strayed from your airplane, say 20m behind you, you shouldn't stop your maneuver to avoid opponent's attack. If you are flying at 200m/s, and if the network delay is 0.1 second, you'll see your opponent's bullets strayed 20m behind you when your opponent is seeing his bullets striking directly your airplane. And, this is a game to play happily. Don't begin fist fight screaming "Hey, your bullet didn't hit me! You did something unfair!". Your opponent is not unfair. It is a nature of network play. If you want to fly with a friend who is apart from you, you may want to chat with your friend while flying, though, YSFLIGHT2000 itself does not transmit texts for chatting.Insuchacase,youcanopenanexternalchattingprogrambesideYSFLIGHT2000'swindow.However,whileyouarechattingwithyourfriend,you cannotcontrolyourairplane.Inordernottocrashyourairplanewhilechatting,youcanuseauto-pilot.IfyoupressBS(backspace)key,yourairplanewillflya holdingpatternuntilyoupressBSkeyoncemore. But,Idon'trecommendtousevoicechatandYSFLIGHT2000atthesametime.ExperimentsshowedthatWindowsmayfreezeifyoutrytouse voicechattingprogramandYSFLIGHT2000atthesametime.YoucanavoidthisproblembyturningoffYSFLIGHT2000'ssoundeffects.However, even if you successfully start YSFLIGHT2000, practically you cannot fly with your friend over network because the network-load of voice transmission eats bandwidth up and YSFLIGHT2000 cannot transmit airplane's position, state etc. To play over the network, one player needs one computer. And, one computer must work as a server. The other computers must connect to the server as clients. The figure on the right shows an schematic image of the network connection. A player in front of the computer can join the flight either when a computer is working as a server or when a computer is connected to the server. To begin a server, choose Network menu -> Server and type your name. To access to a server as a client, choose Network menu -> Client, and type your name and the network hostname of the server. The server address is shown undertheservermenuasfollows.So,youcantellittoyourfriendbyphoneorchatprogramor in whatever way you have.

However, when your PC is sharing an IP address with another PC(s) (eg. when a PC is connected via dial-up router), or when your PC has more than one network connection (eg. dial-upconnection+LANcard),thisaddressmaynotbevalid.Insuchacase,pleaseaskyournetworkadministratorforthecorrectaddress. (Pleasedonotaskmeaboutthehostaddress.ItdependsonyourPC'senvironment,andIamnotyourtechsupport.I'msufferingfromoverwhelmingE-Mail of thiskindofquestion.I'llignorethemall.) CAUTION: When a YSFLIGHT version of the client does not match a YSFLIGHT version of the server, the client may get the following message and be rejected from the server.

If you see this message, please upgrade both the server and the client to the latest version of YSFLIGHT. (*1YSFLIGHTofversion20021205ornewerhasafeaturethatsmoothesthemotionofairplanesbehindthenetwork.However,ifaserverora client is running YSFLIGHT of older version than 20021205, this feature does not work.) Now you are ready to join the flight. If you press 'J' key, you can go for a flight instantly. Or, before going, you can change your airplane, start position and your IFF code(IFF:IdentifyFriendorFoesystem).Keystrokesareexplainedinthefollowingtable. A S J L D C E B T ESC 1,2,3,4 Choose airplane Choose start position Start flying List users (on the client, flying users only) Dispelluser.(Serveronly) Lockserverandblockallfurtherlogonrequest.PressingCkeyagaintounlocktheserver.(Serveronly) Start the Endurance mode Start the Intercept mission Terminate the Endurance mode or the Intercept mission Terminate server or client Choose IFF code. IFF stands for "Identify Friend or Foe system". You cannot lock on an airplane which has same IFF code (thus, your missile will not be guided toward the airplane with same IFF code)

To choose an airplane or a start position, use arrow keys, UP arrow and DOWN arrow. If you press UP or DOWN key with SHIFT key, choice moves faster. PressSPACEkeytodecide.(YoucanpressESCkeyorENTERkeytodecide.ESCwillnotcancelyourchoice). When flying with more than two players, be careful not to begin a flight at the same position, or you will end up with mid air collision as soon as you start a flight. I am not assuming to use this network play feature between the PCs that are located in a remote places. I am assuming all PCs are in the same room and players have voice communications. So, the program itself doesn't have chatting capability. If you want to chat with your opponent while flying, please run another chatting programsimultaneously. You can configure network-play options by Network menu->Network Option. If you choose Network menu->Network Option, the following dialog pops up.The followingtableexplainseachitem. General Tab

Network Port USERNAME

Specifynetworkportnumberfornetworkplay.Thedefaultportnumberis7915.A client cannot connect to a server if network port numbers doesn't match. Specify a default username.

Server1 Tab

Field StartPosition IFF Record Flight Config Intercept Mission Disable Chat Accept Connection Only from the Same Version Reset Server Every

Specify a field that you use in a network play. A server has a right to choose a field. So, this"Field"isvalidonlywhenyourPCisworkingasaserver. Specify a default start position when your PC works as a server. You can change the startpositionby[S]keyafteryoustartaserver. SpecifyadefaultIFF(IdentifyFriendorFoe)codewhenyourPCworksasaserver. Ifyoucheckthisbox,theprogramrecordsflightwhilerunningaserver. Change settings of the Intercept mission. If this box is on, the users cannot send/receive text messages. Ifthischeckboxison,theserveracceptsconnectionsonlyfromthesameversion.Ifthis boxisoff,theservermayacceptconnectionsfromalittleolderversions.(However,new features, like new weapons, are not available in the older versions. Youcanchoosetheintervalofresettingtheserver.Whentheserverisreset,alltheusers areloggedout,andneedtoconnectagaintocontinueplaying.Theserversendswarning messages 30, 15, 10, and 5 minutes before reset. If N times is chosen for this option, and Reset Server Every X Hours is set, the server will terminateautomaticallyafterresettingNtimes.Thisoptionmaybeusefulifyou'dliketo runaserveronlyonweekends.

Stop Server After Resetting

You can configure the network options so that it resets every 6 hours, and stops the serverafterresettingninetimes.Then,setataskschedulersothatitlaunchesfsmaino.exe with the options "-server Server -autoexit"at6pmeveryFriday.Then,theserverstarts at 6pm on Friday, reset at 0am, 6am, 12 noon, 6pm on Saturday and Sunday, and stops at 0am on Monday.

Server2 Tab

Ground Fire Use AAM/AGM Use Gun/Bomb/Rocket

If this check box is on, AAAs and SAMs will fire at airplanes during the network play. If you check this box, the program allow to use AAM/AGM in the network mode. The serverhasrighttodecidetoallowornottoallowAAM/AGM. If you check this box, the program allow to use Gun/Bomb/Rocket in the network mode. TheserverhasrighttodecidetoallowornottoallowGun/Bomb/Rocket.

Disable Radar Gun Sight Disable Third Airplane View Notify Take Off / Leave Show User Name Mid Air Collision Black Out Can Land Anywhere Radar Alt Limit Client Tab

If this check box is on, radar gun sight (or lead gun sight) is disabled in all the client regardless the configuration of the client. If this check box is on, no player is allowed to see other airplane's activities by using view control (by default F3 key.) If this check box is on, the server notifies clients when a user takes off or leaves the airplane. This option controls if the username is shown always, never, only within 1000m, only within 2000m, or only within 4000m. This option controls if "Mid Air Collision" option in the network mode is same as server, enabled, disabled, or do not control (up to the client.) This option controls if "Black Out" option in the network mode is same as server, enabled, disabled, or do not control (up to the client.) This option controls if "Can Land Anywhere" option in the network mode is same as server, enabled, disabled, or do not control (up to the client.) If "Same as Server" is chosen, the lowest altitude that an airplane is visible on the radar on the clients will be set to the same altitude as the server.

Host Address Start Position IFF RecordFlight Outside the Tab area Set Default

Specify a default hostname to connect when your PC works as a client. Specify a default start position when your PC works as a client. SpecifyadefaultIFFcodewhenyourPCworksasaclient. Ifyoucheckthisbox,theprogramrecordsflightwhilerunningaclient. Set all configurations to the default values.

Flight Record Utility

- Decimating a flight record When you fly a very good flight, you may want to show your flight record to your friend by sending the flight record by E-MailorbypostingitonyourWebsite. However, a flight record file tends to be big, often too big to send by E-MailortostoreinyourWebspacethatyourinternetserviceprovidergaveyou.Insucha case,youcan'decimate'yourflightrecordtoreducethesizeofaflightrecordfile. CAUTION: These operations are not undoable.Irecommendtosaveyourrawflightrecordbeforedecimationforbackup. Therearetwowaystodecimateaflightrecord.Onereducesthetimeprecision,andtheotherreducesthespaceprecision.Toreducethetimeprecision,choose "Flight Record Utility"->"SetTimePrecision"andspecifythetimestep.Defaulttimestepis0.05second,thustheflightrecordistakenonceevery0.05second.By specifying larger number, you can reduce the size of a flight record. To reduce the space precision, choose "Flight Record Utility"->"SetSpacePrecision"andspecifythespaceprecisioninmeters.Thedefaultspaceprecisionis0.01, whichmeanstwodigitsafterdecimalpointwillbestoredintheflightrecordfile.Byspecifyinglargernumber,youcanreducethesizeofaflightrecord. - Editing a flight record Youcanalsochopoffsomeportionoftheflightrecordthatisnotveryspectacular.Toedityourflightrecord,choose"FlightRecord Utility"->"EditFlightRecord."Youwillseeascreensimilarto"ReplayFlightRecord",butyouwillseeadialogasshownontheright. Meaning of each buttons and textboxes are as follows. CAUTION:Theseoperationsarenotundoable.Irecommendtosaveyourrawflightrecordbeforeeditingfor

backup. T0, T1 Jump Capture Time marker (you can manually type in a number or capture the current position by "Capture" button) Jump to the time marker Capture current time to a marker

Delete-Between T0 Delete flight record between T0 and T1. and T1 Delete-Before T0 and after T1 Play- || Play- > Play- <<< Play- << Play- >> Play- >>> Delete flight record before T0 and after T1. (Thus, only between T0 and T1 will remain). Pause Play at 1x speed Very fast rewind Fast rewind Fast forward Very fast forward

If you are interested in 3D Graphics programming

This flight simulator is built using Blue Impulse 3D Graphics SDK and YS Geometric Calculation Library. Blue Impulse 3D Graphics SDK is designed for interactive 3D visualization programs. I developed it for my master's thesis research project. It runs in a acceptable speed even in a relatively slow platforms. One advantage of the toolkit is cross-platform capability. Actually, if I re-compile source code of this flight simulator in SGI or X-Window environment, it runs (Except dialog boxes and joystick features. I just used #ifdef WIN32,#endif for those WIN32 depending part). Another advantage is scalability. If you build a program in a relatively slower platform, you'll want to use flat-shadedversion.But,youcangetsmooth shaded version just by re-compilewiththelibraryfileofOpenGLimplementation. YS Geometric Calculation Library provides wide variety of 3D calculation features, including basic vector classes, matrix classes, shell classes, intersection/collision detection.....Thislibraryalsohastemplateclasseslikearray,linkedlistetc. Bothtoolkitsarefreeandopensource.PleasevisittheWebsite.
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Blue Impulse 3D Graphics SDK YS Geometric Calculation Library

But, it doesn't mean I'm going to open source codes of YSFLIGHT2000. I have no plan to open the source code of this flight simulator. Only source codes of toolkits are open. BlueImpulse3DGraphicsSDKisafoundationtoolkitofYSFLIGHT2000.But,itdoesn'tmeanthatyoucaneasilymodifyexistingairplaneorcreatenewairplane inYSFLIGHT2000.BlueImpulse3DGraphicsSDKisageneralpurpose3DGraphicstoolkit.ButitisnotdedicatedtoYSFLIGHT2000.

Contact Information
Comments are welcome. Send E-Mail to:

In both address, I can read E-Mail written in either Japanese or English. Web-Page: Related Web-Page: AIRPLANE SOFTWARE-Downloadcool3Dairplanescreensaversetc. Airplane Photo Gallery-Tonsofairplanephotos.

Appendix A - Notation of the position

RWxx_yy Ontherunway."xx"meansthedirectionoftherunway."yy"meansthepositionnumber. NORTHxxxxx_yy, SOUTHxxxxx_yy, North,south,eastorwestoftheairfield."xxxxx"meansthealtitude(ft)."yy"meansthepositionnumber. EASTxxxxx_yy, WESTxxxxx_yy

Appendix B - Sample missions

There are several example missions. You can choose them from File->Load, then choose Simulation->Fly. Iwritebriefexplanationsofeachmission.

fly_f22.yfs This file is used in Instant Flightsection. A6M5vsB29.yfs A formation of B-29isapproachingMisawaairbase.TakeoffinA6M5ZeroFighterandinterceptthebomberformation.Giveappropriatecommandsto your wingmen to make the mission successful. P51vsG4M.yfs AformationofG4MBettyisapproachingyourbase.TakeoffinP-51Mustangandinterceptthebomberformation.Giveappropriatecommandstoyour wingmen to make the mission successful. fleetbattle1.yfs Takeofftheaircraftcarrierwithyourwingman,flyeast,anddestroyenemyfleetbeforetheydestroyafriendlyaircraftcarrier.Afterthemission,returntothe groundbase,orthecarrierthatyoutookoff.Youneedtogiveappropriatecommandstoyourwingmantowinthebattle. fleetbattle2.yfs Takeofftheaircraftcarrierwithyourwingman,flyeast,anddestroyenemyfleet.Fightersareguardingtheairspacearoundtheenemyfleet.Usemidrange missiletodestroysomeofthem,anddestroytherestoftheminadogfight.Afterthemission,returntothecarrierthatyoutookoff.Youneedtogive appropriate commands to your wingman to win the battle. concorde_in_hawaii.yfs TakeoffKonaInternationalAirportinHawaiiisland,turnleftheading310,climbmaintain45,000ft,andyouareclearedforMach2.0!WhenOahuislandis close,descendanddeceleratetopreparetoland.FlysouthofOahuislandwithheading260,altitude2,500ft.Make180degreerightturn,andyouare clearedforILSapproachrunway8LofHonoluluInternationalAirport.Finalapproachspeedis160kt.UsePageUp/PageDownkeytomovevariable geometry nose (or droop nose) to gain downward visibility! badiamond.yfs bidiamond.yfs tbdiamond.yfs Fly a formation leader of world famous "United States Navy Blue Angels", "United States Airforce Thunderbirds" or "Japan Air Self Defence Force Blue Impulse". At the beginning, you'llbeonrunway.You'llseeanotherthreeairplanesbehind(useMkeytolookback). To take off, turn on afterburner and push the throttle to the max power (press TAB key once and press Q key until the power becomes max, or just push your throttle lever forward if you haveanexternalthrottlelever). After air-bourn, keep the nose 10 to 15 degree pitch. Press B key or use POV to look back periodically. You'll see the #4 airplane sliding into its position. After #4 took in position, turn off the afterburner and reduce the power to the half of military (press TAB once again and pressAkeyuntilthepowerbecomeshalf,orjustpullyourthrottleleverbacktothatpower). Again,useMkeyorPOVcontrol,waituntilotherairplanescatchupyou.Youcanmakesmoothturnduringthisprocedure. At this point, you can fly what ever you want. But, remember that you are the formation leader. You must not perform a rapid maneuver, especially lateral maneuvers (rolling). You have to fly really nice and smooth. You also should not use max power or minimum power with airbrake. If you fly so, they cannot keep up with you because other airplanes have the same flight dynamic characteristic (no more acceleration or deceleration). You also have to keepbetween200ktand500ktuntillanding. If you pull your trigger 1 or 2, other airplanes will draw a smoke with you. You can try, diamond roll, diamond loop, and whatever diamond something maneuverwithtrailingsmoke.YoushouldkeepplusG(morethan2.0Gisgood)whileyouareperformingaformationaerobaticmaneuver. Finally,youshouldlandyourairplanetotherunway.Yourwingmenwilljustfollowyou.So,youhavetolandexactlyonthecenterlineoftherunway. Try!

l l l

Appendix C - Anti Ground Attack Missions

After 20000226 version, anti air artillery and surface to air missiles are added. So, you may want to attack heavily defended ground targets. Each map has heavily guarded ground targets. Why are they within just 20 to 30 km of the airbase? Please don't ask me that question(^_^;) But, you can attack them. Some maps also has the start position "CLOSE BY THE GROUND TARGETS". If you choose it, you'll start flying several miles away from the ground targets. Otherwise, please takeoff and search the targets by yourself. They are heavily guarded by anti air artilaries and surface to air missiles. Attack them by your AGMs (anti ground missiles) and machineguns! Please see also Close Air Support Mission.

Appendix D - Command Parameters

The following command parameters (options) are available for both Windows and Linux versions. -h -help Show help.

-keymenu Use key menu. -replayrecord Filename Replay flight record. -freeflight Airplane Field Position Fly Free Flight. -flyyfs Filename Load .YFS and fly. -endurance Airplane Field NWingmen WingmenLvl UseMissile Endurance Mode (15 minutes dogfight) NWingmen : 0 to 2 WingmenLvl : 1 to 5 UseMissile : 0(not use) or 1(use) -intercept Airplane Field Stealth Escort HeavyBomber Bomb NEnemy NWingmen Intercept Mission (15 minutes base defense) Stealth : 0(not allow stealth) or 1(allow stealth) Escort : 0(not allow fighter escort) or 1(allow fighter escort) Bomb : 0(not allow bomb) or 1(allow bomb) NEnemy : 1 to 5 NWingmen : 0 to 2 -server Username Start server mode. -client Username ServerHostName Start client mode. -netport portNumber Specify port number (valid only when -server or -client is given.) -autoexit Exit after flight. (Ignores -keymenu.) -saveflight Filename Save after flight. -listairplane Show airplane list. -listfield Show field list. -liststartpos Fieldname Show start position list. -setdefaultconfig Set default configuration. -setdefaultnetconfig Set default network configuration. -setdefaultkeyassign Set default keyboard assignment.

-setdefaultoption Set default option.

Appendix E - Configuration Files

LinuxversiondoesnothaveGUIdialogsforchangingconfigurations.So,youneedtomanuallymodifyconfigurationfiles.Theexplanationsoftheconfigurationfiles are found in document/configfiles.txt If you screw up the configuration files, start the program with the following four options: -setdefaultconfig -setdefaultnetconfig -setdefaultkeyassign -setdefaultoption If you have any questions or comments, please give me an E-Mail! You can reach me by the following address.

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