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Communication at Work

Communication at Work Communication at work is a vital element for any business. Without communication, employers could not tell their employees how to perform the tasks that get the products to the stores so consumers will buy the product. The store managers could not communicate with the sales people how to properly display the products the consumers will buy. Without communication, a safety manager could not show the employees how to perform their tasks in a safe manner. Work place communication is an important cog in the machine that drives any business. In any line of business, effective communication is essential. In a single day, an employee may have to communicate with half a dozen different people, including clients, co-workers, employers, and suppliers. It is worthwhile, therefore, to take some time to consider the importance of effective communication and the way to achieve it (Burris, 2005). The author explains his concept by discussing, The Six Step Towards Effective Communication at Work. The steps are as follows: 1. Be clear; in the modern world, language is often veiled in false complexities, doublespeak, and vagaries all to protect the speaker from having to defend his or her own words. But this kind of communication is no communication at all. Neither our clients nor our coworkers will be able to understand us, and it will be difficult for them to accomplish any of our expectations; so when speaking with a client or fellow employee, be as clear as possible. As the poet William Butler Yeats once said, "Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people." 2. Get to the point; "Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much." You value your time; it is only right that you should take pains to value the time of others. Clients and fellow workers will be more responsive if you are direct and concise. They will be more likely to focus on your words if they know you are not inclined to wander off onto unhelpful tangents. If you say too

much, your listeners may tune out, and as their minds wander, they could miss your most crucial points. 3. Be personal; Getting to the point, however, does not mean you should communicate in a cold, cursory manner. Let your audience know you care about them as individuals as well. Let your communication take their concerns into account. They will know, then, that their input is important to you. 4. Listen; communication is not a one way street. You have to be willing to listen as well as to speak. As James the Apostle once said, "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak." 5. Think before you speak; It reminds us not to rush into words, but to think about what we say before we say it. If we do this, we can avoid misunderstandings, and, in moments of annoyance, we can avoid saying something we might later regret. In addition to being swift to hear and slow to speak, we should, "be slow to wrath." 6. Do not be overly negative; it is necessary to expose and tackle problem situations in order to solve them, but we must also take time to accentuate the positive. By being overly negative, you can destroy a person's desire to achieve or assist. But by pointing out one or two positives to balance every negative, you can encourage others to achieve their full potentials. Communication isn't always easy, but effective communication makes your everyday life easier. So be clear, get to the point, be personal, listen, think before you speak, and avoid extreme negativity. Not only is communication important to get a point across or to get a task completed, but what if the person you are talking to is of the opposite sex. How does gender play a role in communication? Does gender play a role in communication? The Venus vs. Mars thing has been hashed over, and the irrefutable fact remains: In general, men and women think and speak differently. Whether the reason is nature or nurture, (Stafford, 2008), the effect is the same in home and workplace relationships. Men and women may not understand each other because they process and share information in different ways.

Stafford goes on to say, Communication can be difficult even among people who speak the same language. Every generality has exceptions, but in the main, Men think compartmentally. Women think globally. Men typically separate their thinking into mental "filing cabinets," work, home, play. That's why men can fall asleep 10 minutes after a fight that leaves a woman tossing and turning all night, Women connect everything, and when they remind men about the connections, men perceive it as nagging, women multitask; men juggle one ball at a time." Men speak in short declarations, stating the bottom line first. Women speak in paragraphs with historical narrative and conclusions at the end. Men generally speak to report facts; women speak to build rapport. Men are destination-oriented. Women think the journey is as important as the end. Men focus on getting answers fast. "Sometimes that means the command and control model." For women, the consensus model of decision making is more natural, and the formula used to solve a problem is as important as the answer itself. For everyone, it is a reminder that all the talk about parity and equality slams up against some fierce biological and cultural forces. When we're having trouble communicating at work, it may help to consider whether fundamental sex-based differences are the reason. Then try a different approach (Stafford, 2008). Whether it may be a co-worker is explaining a simple task to a beginner, or a flight control officer of an aircraft carrier guiding in a jet pilot, good communication is essential in keeping all forms of business safe and efficient. Without a constant flow of information, any organization would be hard pressed to succeed. By applying the six steps mentioned above, I believe anyone is capable of effectively conveying their thoughts or message. In addition, if needed, there are gender and cultural trainings available to enhance effective communication. Everyone is different,

we all process information in a different way and at a different rate. With proper training and awareness, communication does not need to be a chore, or an issue, it can be an enjoyable activity free of stress and confusion.

References Burris, S. (2005). Six Steps Towards Effective Communication at Work. Retrieved from n.html?cat=3 Burton, S. K. (Spring 2006). Without Trust, You Have Nobody: Effective Employee Communications for Today and Tomorrow.. Public Relations Strategist, Vol. 12 (Issue 2), p32-36. Retrieved from vid=4&hid=17&sid=2b799cee-6f81-4df6-912b-b33fca729709%40sessionmgr11 Staff (2008, June 22). Men and women think differently, and that affects communication at work. The Kansas City Star. Retrieved from %3d#db=nfh&AN=2W62W64072643452

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