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Gua sptimo cuatrimestre Recuerda que esta gua se complementa con las prcticas virtuales Primer parcial: unidades

1 y 2 Segundo parcial: unidades 3 y 4 Tercer parcial: unidades 5 y 6 BUSINESS START UP 1 La metodologa sugerida es que realices las prcticas de acuerdo al cuatrimestre que ests cursando y a la unidad de tu inters, posteriormente puedes apoyarte con algn compaero que tenga mejor nivel de ingls y te asesore informalmente, o si prefieres acudir con uno de los asesores de ingls para que te canalice. En todas las prcticas escritas se esperan textos de 50 a 60 palabras.


General tips: Always remember the following: . The subject you are writing about . Who you are writing to (If this is the case) For example, if you are writing an email to a senior manager, the register (text) will be quite formal, but if you are writing to a close colleague, you may use quite an informal register (text)


1- Using the present simple talk about what you do using the time phrases: usually, always, every week, never, sometimes and generally. 60 words. 2- Using the present simple talk about what somebody you know does using the time phrases: usually, always, every week, never, sometimes and generally. 60 words. 3- Using the present continuous to talk about your plans for this week using the time phrases: now, at the moment, this week, currently, this month , today. 60 words.

4- Using the present continuous talk about what somebody you know is doing next week using the time phrases: now, at the moment, this week, currently, this month, today. 60 words. 5- If you are working talk about your job. If you are studying , think about someone you know and talk about their job. 60 words.


1- Why do you think its important for job seekers to know about the culture of an organization before accepting a job? 60 words. 2- Talk about the corporate culture of a company you know. 60 words.


60 words each practice 1- Using the past simple tense, talk about the history of a company you know well. 2- Talk about what you did last month at your job or school. 3- You are out of the country on business. Write and email to your boss and tell him what you did in the last four days. 4- You are out of the country on business. Write an email to your fianc and tell him/her what you did in the last four days.


1- Describe your favorite website on the internet. 60 words. 2- You asked your secretary to photocopy some handouts for a presentation you are going to give. However, you now find that you will need ten extra copies of each one. 60 words. Write a note to your secretary: . Thanking her for doing the copies . Asking her to do the extra ones . Telling her where to leave them 3- You work for the finance department of a company. A customer has telephoned to say that you have charged her too much for an order. 60 words. Write an email to your assistant: . Giving the customers name . Explaining why the customer thinks the amount is wrong . Asking her to check the invoice and get back to you 4- You work for the finance department of a company. A customer has telephoned to say that you have charged her too much for an order. 60 words. You have already written an email to your secretary concerning the complaint. Write an email to your best friend and share that with him/her.


1- Describe some office objects you know. What are they used for? What are they made of? 60 words. 2- Talk about the whole process of leasing a vehicle or any type of equipment. 60 words. 3- You had a seminar this morning and a few things went wrong. The overhead projector broke down. You moved to another seminar room that didnt have electricity. Then when the electricity was restored, the power point presentation was accidentally deleted. Write and email to your boss and report what happened. 60 words.


1- Talk about a companys background you know well using the present passive. 60 words. 2- Products are made using some sort of process. Talk about the process of a product you know well using the present passive. 3- What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing a production process? 60 words. 4- What are the advantages and disadvantages of offshoring ? 5- What do you understand by Outsourcing and Offshoring? Also, give some examples. 6- You may not know the whole process of manufacturing a car. But may have an idea of how it is manufactured. Talk about the manufacturing process the best you can. 60 words.

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