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The Computer Whiz 1. How will you handle the problem if you were Cyruss supervisor?

If I were Cyruss supervisor I will do the same way like what the supervisor said, I will

talk to Cyrus about the problem or the violation that he committed, I will explain it again for him to remember all the thing that he needed to know about the policy in the company and I will give him another chance for him to cope-up with the violation that he committed so that our relationship as supervisor-employee will grow and that will affect the company the best impressions and best supervisor-employee relationship.


If you were the union steward, how will you help Cyrus? If I were the union steward, I will help Cyrus in the way that he will surely understand all

the things that I will tell him, I tell him or explain him that what he does was very wrong but in soft voice. I will also help him to go in the office of the supervisor and try to explain and try to ask for another chance for the violation that he committed. If not I will let him do the suspension that our supervisor had given to him.


Recommending for Promotion


If you were in the shoes of Tory, what would you do? Who would you recommend? If I were in the shoes of Tory, I will recommend Gaspar as the supervisor because he has

the knowledge in the things in the company rather that John that graduated only in high school even though he was a hardworking employee and liked and respected by everyone, its not enough in helping to run the company but Gaspar as he was graduated in Bachelors Degree in Business Management in this case he has the knowledge in helping the company to grow up or for the company not to fall.


What are the factors to consider in promoting an employee? The factors to consider in promoting an employee are few of this following the attitude,

knowledge, capacity, understanding, patience, power of authority of the employee.


Disciplinary action


As the arbitrator, do you think the employer had just cause to discipline Elly?

As the arbitrator I think the employer had just cause to discipline Elly because of his

inattentiveness in the task that he was ask to do in that reason or case he can just to cause the other subordinates in the company by being inattentive in that task. it cause him a lot to discipline also his self even though his not on-duty still it is his responsible to do it because he is ask to.


If the unions opposition to the mandatory corporate meeting encouraged employees not to participate, why should not the union be held responsible for directing the employees to attend?


The strict evaluator


Why do most people expect higher evaluations than they receive?

People expect much in evaluation than we receive because we are expecting much in

our self that we believe in our capacity that we can do everything just by our self thats why we expect much or we expect higher evaluation in times of evaluation or sometimes we believe that in higher evaluation we expect that we will be promoted as soon as the result will come out. We believe that good record in the company will help us in future employment in other company if the contract will expire. And it also helps us, like what I said in promoting in a higher position for higher salary.


What is wrong with this performance evaluation process and what can be done to improve it?

The wrong in the performance evaluation was the evaluation itself, the evaluator and

the person who were evaluated because maybe envy, or maybe because the evaluator was the one who sees the truth in the performance of Samuel, or maybe because in his past evaluation there happens a favoritism in the company.


If Samuel and Marissa were members of different religious groups, how the problems with performance appraisal process could be separated from allegations of discrimination.

The problem could be separated with the performance appraisal process from

allegations of discrimination by not including the religion in the company problem because religion are not included in the company and in the performance appraisal are includes observation or testing in the capacity of the employee.


The overpaid bank tellers


If you were on the banks Human Resource Committee, what would you do regarding raises for the tellers?


Critique the banks policy of giving merit increases which range from 0-12%, depending on job performance.


How much faith should the human resource committee place in the accuracy of the wage survey?


Is there a need for the bank to change its wage and salary policy?

There is a need to change the wage and salary policy in the bank because it can help the

employees to work harder in order to gain more but if will the reason for the employer to V. The unsatisfied department chair


Aremeritsalary increases always based on merit? why or why not?

Merit salary increases based on merit because


If you were Dean Tolentino, how will you explain your decision to give equal percentage salary increases for all department chairs to Roman?


What should Roman say to Dean Tolentino at their meeting? What are the long-range benefits of a true merit program? What are the problems associated with the lack of such a merit system department chairs? How likely is the discussion to change Dean Tolentinos decision and future behavior? Why? If the Dean does not change his policy, what are the long-run implications for the college?

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