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Discuss the Mission, Vision, and Features of Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC)

The vision of Restructured Basic Education Curriculum implies that the learners should learn not just academic subjects but also the subjects that would prepare them for adult life. This mission specifies in the human nature of an individual. They should learn in order to become a patriotic, humane, environmentally sensitive, and God-fearing citizen of the Philippines. If students became successful in the future, they will contribute more in the society and they can help our society to become progressive. The vision states that the learner must be functionally literate, meaning to say they must learn in order to become creative in the future because if they are productive it will assure that our country will be a progressive one, we can produce our own source of income. Equipped with life skills, so that they may use these skills in the future because the curriculum revised in order to prepare students for adult life, these skills may help to develop themselves as a human being. Appreciative of Arts and Sports, we all know that arts and sports developed personality of an individual, and also to give importance to our culture because those two things are part of our culture especially arts, Art is life, everything we see is a product of art. Imbued with the desirable values, we enter schools or we attended school in order to learn, we must learn things not just for academic purposes but also for the development of spiritual aspect of human. Every individual must be a Makabayan, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Maka-Diyos or Patriotic, Humane, Environmentally Sensitive, and God-fearing, because those four characteristics proves that you are a good citizen of this country. Those are the things that the vision of Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC).

According to Restructured Basic Education Curriculums (RBECs) mission, is to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all. Each individual must learn the basic education which mean, all of us should study and finish at least until secondary level or high school for us to be functional in our own society. This quality basic education helps us for our adult life because we can apply what we learn from elementary until high school, as we all know based vision of RBEC that not just academic subjects and aspects were taught during elementary and high school but also the preparation for adult life. It is said that in this mission, that education should be accessible to all that is why there are public schools which provide free education or no tuition fee and it must be for all regardless with the financial position and intelligence of the students, we also have a concept of scholarship that gives incentive to the students who has a high grades or good standing in school when it comes to academic subjects. This concept of scholarship may help students to provide financial needs and also of may help to encourage students to study hard because as I said a while ago, it has an incentive, this incentive motivate learners to study firmly. The second statement Lays the foundation for lifelong learning and service for common good. If you have excellence when it comes to basic education, we can have a lifelong learning because we can get ahead of the foundation of learning like what our ancestors did, that is why until now we are doing this for the future generation. Heres one thing, we all know that learning is a neverending process, even we are adult or at the middle age we still learn, the learning does not stop after we graduate college because even we are already teachers we have so many lessons to learn. Like what teachers are doing today, they teach students not because to have a source of income but it is more on responsibility. We, teachers serve as an instrument to the success of our students. Teachers also did their job for the common good, for the sake of future generation. This mission means that our basic education should be free for all and must have a quality, meaning to say, since it is a basic education we need to have a high level of learning.

The features of Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) aim to overcome the curriculum. It says that we have five learning areas which are: English, Mathematics, Filipino, Science, and Makabayan. The subjects English, Filipino, Mathematics, and Science are the subjects that teach the students in dealing in the intelligence of the learners. It helps improve the cognitive aspects of an individual. Another learning area under this curriculum is Makabayan, they include it in the curriculum because the government believed that a good citizen is not just who can solve Mathematics problems, can speak English, and knows scientific theories but also who has a good heart, God-fearing and people who has a apprehension in his surroundings. Makabayan included in the curriculum to develop perfect human being in the society. The subject Makabayan teaches the students how to learn, the Basic Education Curriculum reformed so that we conquer skills not only in professional aspect but also for real life preparation. With the use of this subject, learner can apply practical knowledge and for the students to have deeper appreciation in Filipino culture, to develop critical thinking, to be good citizens of this society. The Department of Education wants to imposed students to be Makabayan, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Maka-Diyos patriotic, humane, environmentally sensitive, and God-fearing, to develop the whole human being. Critical thinking and creative thinking are not only in pure professional skills. Makabayan is said as the laboratory of life consist of Sibika at Kultura/Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika (SK/HKS); Edukasyong Panatahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP); Musika, Sining, at Edukasyong Pampalakas (MSEP). As you can see to those subjects, it is not more on practical skills, Health, Culture, History, Geography, Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Livelihood Education, these skills is for the preparation for real life and development of good citizenship. If Makabayan is not included in the curriculum, we produced graduates who doesnt have concern with the society, do not understand the difference between right and wrong, our society is prone to violence, corruption, and war, no concern to the environment and maybe citizens who doesnt recognize God as our Creator.

The RBEC introduced to us, students, the value of education and how we can use our learning for the preparation for adult life.


Philosophies that are embedded in the Curriculum

Major Philosophies:
There are philosophies that are implanted in our curriculum. These philosophies are related in the program of study in the Philippines. Here are some of these:

Idealism is embedded in the curriculum, since it emphasizes the mind, soul, and spirit of an individual. It also focuses in the idea or assumption of the spiritual nature of a man. It aims to contribute to the development if the mind and self of a learner. This philosophy is entrenched in the curriculum because as the definition says that it emphasizes mind, soul, and spirit meaning to say there are subjects in the curriculum that would help individual develop those three aspects, for example, in the subjects Mathematics, English, and Science, the students develop their thinking skills because of the activities that they did with those particular subjects. Also the Makabayan subjects like Values Education that may develop the soul and spirit of learners because this subject teaches students the true meaning of life, it is more on the whole aspect of human nature, also on how they value their fellow human being, the difference between right and wrong and if their actions are related to Gods Law, that are the scope of the subject, Values Education. In the MSEP (Musika, Sining, at Edukasyong Pampalakasan), this subject focuses on practical knowledge of the students and those practical knowledge mat help build up the mind and self of learners, the activities of this subject are Music, and we all know that music can enlighten our soul and it is a two times

prayer. Arts, we can develop our creative thinking which is under the mind aspect because we are thinking for a masterpiece that will show your personality because every artwork that you will do, will reflect into your individuality. In Physical Education, it will develop the physical characteristics of the learner or its physical appearance. That is why Idealism is embedded in the curriculum.

Also Realism is related in the curriculum because we knew that realism focuses in the existence of reality, body of knowledge. It aims to provide the student with the essential knowledge will need to survive in the natural world. Its existence for reality and body of knowledge, like in the subject Science, we all know that sciences deal with the facts they conducted experiments to prove that the idea is true. Also in Mathematics, there are terms that they use that are related to the existence of reality and body of knowledge, like theories and postulate. We say that it is a theory if the idea is not yet proved or the explanation is not accurate, lack of evidences to prove it, and we say that the idea is postulate if it is already proven. In the subject English, there are topics related in Realism like there are law using capitalization and those laws are universal or it cannot be change even time goes by. In Values Education, it teaches us about the existence of man, where we came from, also there is a concept of universal law which states that only women can carry a baby with their womb. In the subject HKS (Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika), under this subject is the lesson about History of our country, Civics and the Geography of the Philippines. The EPP (Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuyan) this subject develops the practicality of students like doing household chores, and others that are related in livelihood education, it is still based on reality because they are coping skills in order to prepare them in facing the real world. Realism is also one of the philosophies that we can relate under the restructured Basi8c Education Curriculum (RBEC).








experiences. It aims to make adjustment in changing society and to teach children to be comfortable in their learning environment. We cdan apply this philosophy in the subject MSEP (Musika, Sining, at Edukasyong Pampalakasan) because activities done by this subject helps to develop the personality of the students, and some activities are need to have knowledge, in Physical Education, there is a term Psychomotor, it means psyche, mind first and then motor the action, You thing before you act. And that is the connection between the knowledge and experience, another example statement of this is You cannot teach what you didnt know. You must have to have an experience of something or background before you teach it because it will be easy for you explain if you have done it with yourself. More example of this are those subjects who focuses on practical aspect like EPP (Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan), this subject is more practical exams, another one in MSEP is the Physical Education, since it is physical, the students will enjoy the learning because of physical activities and other recreational activities done under this subject and because of that, the students will be comfortable while they are learning because they say that if the students are not comfortable there is no learning or I should say that the learning is not totally happen. Those are the relationship of the RBEC under the philosophy, Pragmatism.

Educational Philosophies:

Perennialism, it emphasizes the everlasting importance, truth is universal and unchanging, focuses in good, true, and beautiful, it is influenced by the philosophy Realism. It aims to develop the power of thought and search for the

dissemination of truth. Meaning to say, Like in Realism, it is more on factual information and truth, example of this is the subject Science because it gives reason on how things are made and why it exist, science formulates operation and experimentation to prove things. It deals with the facts. Also my example in Realism that the subject Mathematics has a theory-postulate term, in Values Education focuses on the reality of men, how they exist in this world, where they came from, in HKS (Heograpiya, Ksaysayan, at Sibika), which emphasizes on the History of the Philippines, Culture and Values of Filipinos and those things are related in the real existence and that is the concept of Perennialism.

Essentialism, it is concerned with the revival of efforts in the direction of teaching the fundamental tools in learning. It aims to fit the man to perform justly and skillfully in all aspects. This philosophy is embedded in the curriculum because every learner starts in basic and fundamental like in subject Mathematics, you cannot go to decimals if they dont know the four basic operations namely, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, in Science, the concepts starts on basic information until they reached the complicated situation, in MSEP (Musika, Sining, at Edukasyong Pampalakasan), if you will study it, you start first in the fundamental imformation, in Arts, you will first know how to draw different lines before you will know how to draw, and in Physical Education, you will execute first the fundamental dance steps before you really know how to dance the different genre of dances. That explains why Essentialism is embedded in the curriculum.

Progressivism, it is more on Pragmatism/Experimentalism and mak9ing adjustment. It aims to meet the needs of a growing child and the school must be a pleasant place for learning. We all know that they enter school to learn things that cannot be taught at home. The understanding of a child is leveling up it means it goes up as they grow. It has a relation with the Blooms Taxonomy,

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation, as you can see, knowledge is purely recalling, comprehension is understanding, application, it means you can now apply your previous learning, analysis, you are analyzing the thoughts, synthesis, you are thinking with the possible actions or answers, and evaluation, the highest level of learning, it is said that if you already know how to evaluate, the learning happened successfully. It also has a relation with the Dales Cone of Experiences, as the cone goes to its maximum level, they all use the senses, Dale believed that if you just read it, 10% of it is what you remember, if you listen to it, 20% of it will be remembered, if you watched it, a combination of sight and hearing, you remember 30% of it, if you watched demonstration, 50% of it will be remembered, 70% of what you say and write, and lastly, the highest level is you can say it as you do something and that is 90%.

Reconstructionism, emphasizes the idea of constant change in order to make solutions to problems. It aims the need for social change. That is why DepEd revised the curriculum in order to find solutions and answers to the societal problems. The subject that may relate in this philosophy is Makabayan, before, subjects that are under Makabayan was separated but now, DepEd compacted those subjects thats why these subjects have a relation to each other and one of those relations is their aim to develop the whole personality of learners not just academically but also practically.


Look for the Curriculum of Physical Education and select what year then describe the competencies, scopes and coverage and how it arrange.

Level: Third Year High School

SCOPE Music Music of India


Elements of Music Indian Folk Songs Indians Musical Instruments Thailands Lullaby Polyphonic Satisfaction Thai Musical Instrument The Gamelan Orchestra Indonesian Instrument Indonesian and Philippine Music Today African Music

Music of Thailand

Indonesian Music




and Latin America


American Musical Instrument Music of Latin America Latin American Musical Instrument

Arts Arts in Culture and in Various Eras Elements of Art

Arts in Egypt Arts in Middle Ages and Renaissance Similarities and Differences of World Art and Philippine Art

Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Folk Arts of Egypt, Greek, Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe

Egyptian and Greek Contribution in the Field of Arts

Art Example During Middle Ages and Renaissance Elements of Arts Used During the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Characteristics of Artworks in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Importance of Art in the General Content of Sociocultural Development

Dance, Cinema,

Theater, International Folk Dances (La Cucaracha, Patty Cake Polka, Varsovienne, Barbary Bell)

Photography, and Print Making

Importance of Different Dances Forms Elements in Latin American Dances and European Ballet


Characteristics of Latin American Dances Characteristics of European Ballet Importance of Masks in Africa, Papua New Guinea and Greek Theaters

Theater Forms from other Countries Philippine Countries Movies and Movies from other

Physical Education Physical Fitness

Scientific Concepts and Strategies in Physical Education

Body Mass Index (BMI) Muscular Fitness Test Flexibility Fitness Test Cardio-respiratory Endurance Test Sports Talent Identification Test Table Tennis (game rules) Badminton (game rules) Sepak Takraw (Rules and Officials of the Game) Volleyball (Rules and Officials of the Game)

Individual Dual Sports Team Sports


Health Community Health (Prevention Pollution) of

Solving Community Health Problems Proper Waste Management Preventive Measures Against Pollution


Causes and Effects of Pollution to Health Reproductive Health, Birth and Infertility Fertilization Causes of Infertility Appropriate Attitude towards Infertility Prevention and Treatment of Infertility Appropriate time to be Married Uplifting the Familys Quality of Life Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases Factors in the Development of Disease Health measures to Prevent and Control Communicable Diseases Common Non-communicable Disease Cardiovascular Diseases Medicinal and Herbs

Population Education (Reproductive Health)

Disease Education

Drug Education Barbiturate and Alcohol

Effects of Barbiturate Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and Barbiturates

Alcohol False Beliefs and Reasons why People Drink Alcoholic Beverages

Effects of Using Alcohol


Alternatives to Prevent Alcohol Abuse When and when not to Use Barbiturates

MAPEH are learning areas that provide venues for self-expression. Students are encouraged to express their ideas, show their talents and skills freely and expressively, through the different activities given to them. It allows the students to understand and discover meaningful concepts and principles of this subject. It arranged in simple to complex, before, in the past years like first year and second year, other simple concepts were taught but as the students are leveling up, the topics will be more challenging to them. Students will gain knowledge about different genre of Music in different countries, they will be familiar to the concepts about those topics, they also learn how to play different instruments that they used. In Arts, they will be familiar with different artworks in different period like in Middle Ages and Renaissance period; also, they can learn how to execute different international folk dances because it is also included in the topics that are taught. In Physical Education, they will discuss about the different scientific concepts and strategies in Physical Education and the individual and dual sports. And what are the proper and basic execution of those sports. And lastly in Health, the topics that included are how to solve different societal problems, proper waste management, about the reproductive health, fertilization and etc. They will familiarize with those problems of our society and it will help them to think maturely because those topics are based on real life problems. After taking up this subject, students will develop their concern with the culture of other countries and with the different societal problems.


Critique the RBEC


I agree that Makabayan was relegated because its components are what you feels need in order to become well-equipped with the skills needed to become a responsive citizen to the demands of its society. For instance, the EPP is a subject wherein pupils need to know the skill for everyday living and its time some shortened. The Hekasi provides learning to become a Nationalistic citizen. MSEP teaches pupils to become responsible for his wellbeing as well as others. These subjects were decongested in terms of time allotment. With the shorter time allotment, learning in these areas were also limited. Science was also shortened, learning in this subject is to develop critical thinking and to become more sensitive to the environment.

I believe that learning in English, Filipino and Mathematics are best applied in Makabayan because it shows practice and how to apply it.



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