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NOGALES Math Files for CONGRESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2004 Metrobank-MTAP-NCR Math Challenge Division Orals - Grade 6 A.

15-second questions 2 points each 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Arrange the digits in 4716 to make the biggest and the smallest numbers. Write 82 million, 45 thousand, 3 in symbols. Find the value of (12 x 18) (12 x 8) by using the distributive law in reverse. Write 103 + 105 as one number. Water makes up 70% by weight of the human body. Nick has a weight of 45 kg. How many kg of water make up Nicks weight? The product of two numbers is one. If one number is 2 the other? 4 17 cm. 14.3 P400 1:10 B. 7. 8. 9. What digit must replace 3 in 837 to make it divisible by 11? The base of an isosceles triangle is 4 cm more than a leg. If the perimeter is 43 cm, find the base. The sum of two numbers is 42.9. If one number is twice the other, what is the smaller number? 2 , what is 3

7641, 1467 82,045,003 120 101,000 31.5 3 8

10. What is the regular price of a dress that is sold for P320 at 20% discount? 11. What is the ratio of 25 cm to 2.5 m?

30-second questions 3 points each 1:25 15 P320 79 m2 4 h 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If a school has 6000 pupils and 240 teachers, what is the teacher to pupil ratio? Three times a number plus 17 equals 62. What is the number? For working for 1 hours, a man was paid P60. At the same rate how much will he be paid for a day of 8 hours? A room is 11 m by 9 m. There is a 5 m by 4 m carpet in the middle. What area of the room is not covered by the carpet? One morning an electrician spent 1 hours on his first job. 2 hours on his second job and hour on his thrid job. How many hours did he work that morning? Of 120 students, 55% are girls. How many are boys?



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NOGALES Math Files for CONGRESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL C. 1-minute questions 5 points each 1. Water flows out of a pipe at the rate of 10 liters per minute. At that rate, how long will it take to fill a tank 12 dm by 9 dm by 8 dm? Sixteen squares are put together to form a bigger square. If the perimeter of each small suqare is 24 cm, what is the area of the big square? One number is 4 more than twice another number. If the sum of the two numbers is 97, find the smaller number. Frank received a bonus of P5,000. He gave of it to his mother. 1 His motehr gave of her money to her sister Marta. How much 5 did Marta receive? In a closing out sale, a sala set costing P15,000 was sold for P12,300. What was the percent discount? What is the least number of students needed for different dances if the teacher wants to be able to put them in groups of 6, 8 or 10?

86.4 minutes

576 cm2


31 P250

3. 4.

18% 120

5. 6.

Clincher questions 10,000 15 1. 2. How many hundreds are there in a million? In a bus, the ratio of the number of people standing to the number of people sitting is 5:16. If 48 people are sitting, how many are standing? On a trip, Mr. Cruz drove for 2 hours, stopped for lunch and then drove again for 1 hours. If the whole trip took 5 hours, how long did he stop for lunch?

45 min or h


Do-Or-Die questions 2.3 cm 1. A pipe has a diameter of 2.0 cm. If 1 cm is added to its circumference to make it larger, what is the new diameter to the nearest tenth of a cm? Use = 3.14 1 . The 3 second result is squared and 1 is added. If the result of the 4 operations is 50, what is the original number? A number is divided by 2 and the result is multiplied by



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