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The Three Little Pigs

Remember when you use the script, the instructions in the parenthesis () are just to tell the puppets what to do, you do not say those words out loud. Go here to get some ideas for your props. Go here to read some helpful hints to help you create a sensational puppet show. (Scene One) Narrator: Once there were three very peculiar, little pigs. They were brothers. One brother loved to eat, one loved to sing and dance. The other brother was, well he was practical. On this particular day two of the pigs, Higgle and Niggle, were getting ready to build their new houses. Higgle: (from off stage) Come on, Niggle, get away from that window. You've already eaten six bubble gum ice cream carrots, twenty chocolate covered corn cobs, and who knows how many potato peel malts! Now stop looking at that candy in the window and come along. We must get to the fields and build our new houses. Brother Walter has almost finished his brick house and we haven't even started yet. Niggle: (Higgle and Niggle enter) Walter is a boar.

Higgle: It's true. Walter doesn't even know how to sing or dance the way his very talented brother does. (Higgle begins to sing and dance around the stage) It seems to me that all Walter ever thinks about is that dumb old brick house of his. (Niggle nods) After all, Mother split her meager fortune so that we could go out into this cruel, hard world and live better lives than her own poor, undernourished, underfed, half-starved, famished... Niggle: (during last speech Niggle has begun to sob louder and louder until he finally interrupts Higgle) Ah, don't worry Mom, I'll eat a million peppermint parsnips just for you. Higgle: There, there Niggle. I think the parsnips will have to wait. It's time to go build our houses. Now you go that way, (gestures toward one side of the stage) and I'll go this way. (gestures toward the other side of the stage) And I'll come visit you when you've finished your house. Niggle: (begins to walk off his side of the stage) You know, thinking of Mom always makes me hungry. I'll start building as soon as I eat a little snack. Higgle: (watches Niggle walk off stage) Good luck, Niggle. Now let's see, before a pig can find the right place to build a house, he must sing a song and dance a little dance. Build one, cha cha cha, build two, cha cha cha. (hums as he exits) Hugo: (just as the pigs exit, Hugo pops up center stage and looks slowly from one side of the stage to the other. There you go Hugo, you very clever, masterful, marvelous, handsome and oh so hungry wolf, you. (looks at audience) Did you see those fat juicy little pigs? Um, um, um, um um! What tasty suppers they would make. (begins to pace) A plan, I must come up with a plan. (stops) I've got it! I'll use the old huff and puff trick. I bet with a little practice I'll be eating a fresh piggy for supper. (takes a loud breath and blows loudly, everything including stage shakes) Haven't lost the

old touch. Well now, let's see, should I start with this pig? (starts off stage right) Or maybe that pig? (doubles back stage left) Hmmmm, oh it hardly matters, before the end of the night I'll serve them both (chuckles) to myself. (walks off same side of stage as Higgle) Here piggy, piggy. Here you cute little piggy you. (end of scene one) (Scene Two) Narrator: Higgle and Niggle worked and worked on their houses. At least they worked as hard as Higgle and Niggle could. Niggle: (from off stage, sounds of hammering and Niggle's shout as he hits and hurts his thumb. Niggle and the house rise on stage slowly) Ouch! Well now, that's what I call a house rising. (laughs) And that's what I call a pretty fine house. (Niggle begins inspecting house) Yep, best straw money can buy. You know, I think it's time to go inside to eat a well deserved snack. (Niggle walks around behind house so he is not visible to audience; then goes down stage.) Hugo: (enters, sees the house, nods to audience, looks back at house) Hummm. The question is, how does a clever wolf get the pig out of the house? Ha! I've got it. (clears throat) Ding dong, ding dong... ice cream, real fresh ice cream. Come get your ice cream while it's good and cold. Come and get it. Niggle: (peers out from around the house) Ice cream? (sees Hugo) Why that's a wolf, and he doesn't have any ice cream at all. He's just trying to get me out of my house so he can eat me for super. Well, I'll show him that I'm not any dumb old pig. (yells to Hugo) Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. Mr. Wolf, I'm going to stay here in my safe little house until you go away! Hugo: Safe little house? (laugh) Don't make me laugh. If you won't come out then I'll have to huff and puff and blow your house down. (takes a huge breath; Niggle should be right behind house on stage; Hugo blows and the house disappears in a very quick, straight downward motion; Niggle is left just standing there; he looks down, looks left then right; runs off stage) Hey, no one ever told me that pigs could run. (Hugo runs after Niggle) You big bundle of lard, you come back here right now! (end scene 2) (Scene Three) Narriator: Well, it looks to me like Hugo may have a little bit harder time catching the pigs than he first thought. Let's check in on Higgle and see how he is coming along with his house. Higgle: (standing beside twig house) Figaro, figaro, figaro...home sweet home, home sweet home, home sweet home... Niggle: (enters running) Higgle, oh Higgle! The wolf is after me! The wolf is after me! Where can we hide? Higgle: Now don't you worry about a thing, little Niggle. I've built a fine, strong house. Just come on inside and relax. No one will get us here. (while delivering the last line the two pigs disappear into Higgle's house)

Hugo: (Pops up on stage, laughs) Clever, clever wolf. By letting the first one go, I've laid a trap to catch two in one blow. Piggies, piggies, don't be clowns. If you don't come out, I'll huff and puff and I'll blow your house down. (laughs) H & N: Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.

Hugo: Okay kids, you asked for it. (huffs with great drama; same action as before with house disappearing in quick, clean action) You're not going to get away from me this time! (Niggle starts to run, Hugo follows; Higgle chases them both and bumps into Hugo from the back; Hugo stops and turns around) Oh, a wise guy, huh? (takes off after Higgle; Niggle repeats the bump in the back trick) Niggle: Na na na na na. (Hugo chases Niggle off stage; Higgle follows them both; all three come running back; Hugo is in the lead and the pigs are chasing; Hugo keeps running off the stage) Higgle: Whew! That was too close for comfort. Come on, Niggle. Walter will know what to do. (both pigs run off stage in the opposite direction from Hugo's exit) Hugo: (returns on stage from the same side he exited) Now where did those pigs go? (follows pigs off stage running) (end scene three) Walter: (standing beside his house) Let's see. I'll put the garden in over here. And the garage in over there. And... (Higgle and Niggle enter running and out of breath) Higgle: Niggle: Higgle: Oh Walter, you have to save us! THE WOLF IS AFTER US.... AND HE HUFFS AND PUFFS AND HOUSES JUST FLY ALL OVER THE PLACE!


Walter, he's big and ugly...and he's very hungry.

Walter: Hello Higgle, hello Nigggle. Fine weather we're having. You two seem a bit upset. Why don't you come inside and we'll talk it over. (Walter leads into the house; Higgle and Niggle follow) Higgle: Niggle: And he was saying naughty things about pickled pig's feet. And roasted pork ears. Walter, he is a very bad wolf.

Hugo: (enters laughing) Three little pigs. Count them--one, two, three. One for my appetizer, one for my main course and one just for dessert. Yum, yum, yum. (toward house) Okay, you in there. That's right, I'm talking to you pigs! Come on out. There's no reason to fight me any more. I'm too strong and powerful... not to mention hungry. So come on out right now. All Pigs: Hugo: Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins. (huffs and puffs with all his might)

All Pigs: Hugo: All Pigs: Hugo: All Pigs:

(giggle loudly) (huffs and puffs with all his might again) (giggle louder than the first time) (huffs and puffs with all his might one more time) (giggle as loud as they can)

Hugo: (shaking with rage) Ohhh those pigs! (stops) But wait, I have an idea. (disappears off stage, sounds of grunting and groaning; he appears on top of the house from back) Hugo, you are so clever, so clever.. (goes over to chimney, looks in, looks at his own body, then back in chimney) You know, they just don't build chimneys the way they used to. Oh well, here goes. (falling sound, then ganging and chattering; wolf disappears behind house; the following chase scene takes place back stage; it can be as long and as loud as your imagination makes it) Hugo: Higgle: Hugo: Walter: Higgle: Niggle: Higgle: Hugo: Come back here, you pig, you. Gotcha. Ouch, why you.... Hey, who turned out the lights? Gotcha. Let go of me, you nit wit. Oh, sorry. Here piggy, piggy, piggy.....piggy.

All Pigs: Ah Ha. We Gotcha! (they all come out of the house, pigs are all upright and proud; Hugo is slumped over..order is Walter, Hugo, Higgle Niggle) Higgle: Niggle: Well, what do we do with him now? Why don't we build a cage and keep him for a pet?

Walter: Hold it, hold it, hold it! The only things you two are going to build are houses. And this time your are going to build them right. Understand? Higgle: Niggle: Walter: Yes Walter.

Yes Walter.
And as for the wolf, we are going to take him to the zoo where he can't

do anyone else harm. Hugo: Walter: (looks towards the audience) I wonder if they serve good lunches there! Tut, tut, come along now. Let's go.

All Bow! Job Well Done!!!

The End

Characters: Narrator Little Red Riding Hood Mother Wolf Grandmother Woodsman
SCRIPT: Narrator: Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived in a village near the forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a very nice red riding cloak, that is why everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood: Did you call me, mother? Mother: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to her house and take her this little basket with some bread and honey. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother. Mother: But dont stop in the forest, and dont talk to stranger. Do as I say, and get soon to your grandmothers house. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother. Narrador: And Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with the little basket for her grandmother who lived in a nearby village. Along the way, she saw many beautiful flowers in the forest. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what a beautiful flowers! I will take some to my grandmother. Narrator: She left the little basket in the ground to pick up some flowers, when suddenly Wolf: Good morning Little Red Riding Hood! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf. Wolf: Where are you going so early? Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmothers house to take her this little basket with some bread and honey. Wolf: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha and does your grandmother live far from here, Little Red Riding Hood? Little Red Riding Hood: Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest in the first little house in the village the one with the white door. Wolf: Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do you see that road? Little Red Riding Hood: Yes,I do. Wolf: Just follow that road and you will get soon to your grandmothers house. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, yes I will, thank you! Wolf: Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her mother who told her not to stop in the forest and to get soon to her grandmothers house. Meanwhile, the wolf knocked at Little Red Riding Hood grandmotherhouse. Grandmother: Whos there? Wolf: Its me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a basket with some bread and honey. Grandmother: Come in my little daughter, push the door. Narrator: As soon as the wolf entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hoods grandmother. Then he put on a nightgown, jumped into bed and waited for the little girl. A few minutes later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmothers house. She knocked at the door.

Wolf: Whos there? Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, its me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood. I came to bring me a little basket with some bread and honey. Wolf: Come in my little daughter, push the door. Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight to her grandmothers room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her grandmothers clothes. Wolf: Come in, my little girl. Rest for a while Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood sat in a chair, and looked at her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother how large arms you have! Wolf: They are to hug you better, darling. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, how big legs you have! Wolf: They are to run faster, sweety. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, how big ears you have, grandmother! Wolf: They are to hear you better, honey. Little Red Riding Hood: And how big eyes you have! Wolf: To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, and why do you have those big teeth and that big mouth? Wolf: They are to eat you better! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Narrator: And the Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf fell asleep. Meanwhile a woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw

the door opened. He entered, looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf. Woodsman: Oh! The wolf is sleeping! And hes so fat! I hope I am on time! Narrator: Then he took the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, thank you, good woodsman. Grandmother: This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now you will never disobey your mother again. The End

Papa, Hansel and Gretels kind father, and a wood-cutter. Mama, Hansel and Gretels mean and selfish mother. Hansel, nice and a little younger than Gretel. Gretel, nice and has a good head on her shoulders. Witch, evil and cannot see very well. Papa Bear, frustrated by his child. Mama Bear, the peace-keeper in the family. Baby Bear, a lazy child. Goldilocks, broke into the Bears house. Snow White, out for a nice walk with the hunter. Hunter, supposed to kill Snow White. Little Red Riding Hood, a tough little girl. Wolf, tried to trick Little Red Riding Hood. Prince Charming, a vain man looking for the woman of his dreams. Guard, in charge of the glass slipper. Three Ladies in Waiting, accompany the queen. A Flock of Crows, eat the bread crumbs. A WHITE BIRD, a friend and helper to Hansel and Gretel. The set consists of three locations: the interior of Hansel and Gretels house, the forest, and the interior of the witchs candy house. The three locations can be done quickly and economically. The two interiors can be done by just adding a cage for Hansel when it is the witchs house and removing it or turning it around to show a plain wall when it is Hansel and Gretels house. The forest can be done in front of the curtain if you have one or could be done in front of the house set or even on the floor in front of the stage. You can even do it on the floor in front of the stage. The main thing to remember is to make the scene changes quick so you will maintain the interest of the audience.

Scenes with sound effects 1 Hansel and Gretels house-trumpet fanfare, bell tower tolling. 2 Deep in the Forest with an exterior of the the witches candy house to be slid out from the side or revealed by partially opening the curtain. 3 In the Witchs house-scene changing music. 4 Hansel and Gretels house. 5 In the Witchs house. 6 In the forest 7 In the Witchs house. 8 Deep in the Forest. 9 In the Witchs house. 10 Hansel and Gretels house.

SCENE 1 HANSEL AND GRETELS HOUSE (PAPA sets down a vase of flowers on the table to finish a nicely prepared breakfast for his family. He smiles at the kind thing he has done for his family and picks up his ax, crosses to stage left, and is about to leave when MAMA enters from stage right as she gives a big yawn.) PAPA: Good morning, my sweet wife! MAMA: Dont talk to me until I get my hot chocolate. PAPA: Well, Im going to chop wood now. MAMA: Bye. PAPA: I made a big breakfast for you and the kids. MAMA: Oh, you shouldnt have! PAPA: Nothing is too good for my family! MAMA: It looks delicious! (She tastes it.) Oh, thats good! PAPA: Be sure to leave some for Hansel and Gretel. MAMA: (Sits at the table.) Who? PAPA: Our children? MAMA: Oh, them. PAPA: (Crossing to center.) Good bye, now. Do I get a kiss? MAMA: Sure. (She blows him a kiss with very little enthusiasm.) PAPA: Yes, well. Bye. (PAPA exits stage left to go to work. MAMA looks at the other two plates meant for HANSEL and GRETEL and pours their food onto her plate.)

MAMA: (Calling down the hall.) Hansel! Gretel! Its time to get up! Its almost time for breakfast! GRETEL: Coming, Mama! MAMA: Hansel! HANSEL: Im coming! MAMA: Hurry! Theres apple strudel and sausages! Also, Ive got eggs and fresh milk! (Enter HANSEL and GRETEL from stage right. They come around MAMA to the other side of the table.) GRETEL: I cant wait to . . . wheres our food? MAMA: You havent made it yet. HANSEL: You just said there was apple strudel GRETEL: And sausages. HANSEL: And eggs. MAMA: And fresh milk! But it is all for me. GRETEL: Dont we get some? MAMA: (Copying her.) Dont we get some! Always thinking of yourselves! Now get cooking and make some more! GRETEL: We dont have time to cook breakfast and eat it. MAMA: I know that! Im still hungry, so cook me some more and Ill eat it while you two are at school. HANSEL: But MAMA: Dont whine! I hate whining. I cant take any of your complaining. (In a high voice mimicking them.) Im hungry. Im thirsty. I need a blanket. I dont want to sleep outside in snow! I havent eaten in days! (Back to her own voice.) I cant wait for each morning when you leave! GRETEL: Wheres Papa?

MAMA: Hes out cutting wood to sell. He has to work hard to make enough money to make me happy. (We hear a trumpet fanfare. MAMA stands and she with HANSEL and GRETEL cross over to stage left to look out onto the street.) HANSEL: Who could that be? GRETEL: (Looking out the window left.) Theres several soldiers and a very handsome man on a white horse! MAMA: That looks like Prince Charming! Wait! A beautiful gold carriage is stopping too! Several very beautiful women are stepping out of it. Is that Queen Wattle E. Otcha? (A knock on the door left.) HANSEL: (Crossing off to the door.) Ill get it. MAMA: Hello, handsome! (MAMA opens the door. Enter the GUARD who is carrying a very richly decorated shoebox.) GUARD: His highness, Prince Charming! PRINCE CHARMING: (Entering from left and crossing past the GUARD.) Hello, lowly, undeserving subjects! MAMA: Your Highness! GRETEL: Are you Prince Charming? PRINCE CHARMING: Why yes I am. Do you know why my mother named me Prince Charming? MAMA: No, why? PRINCE CHARMING: Because she thought Prince Incredibly Good-Looking was too hard to spell! (He laughs at his own joke.) But seriously, I have come here on important business. I am looking for a young lady. GRETEL: Im young! MAMA: Im a lady! (HANSEL and GRETEL start to chuckle.) And not a peep out of you two!

PRINCE CHARMING: I dont mean just any young lady. Im looking for a certain young lady that came to my party last night. MAMA: What did she look like? PRINCE CHARMING: She was . . . Wow! And her dress was like . . . Whoa! HANSEL: What else do you remember about her? PRINCE CHARMING: She was a great dancer. And her face she . . Okay, I didnt have my glasses on. When I wear my glasses I dont look quite so, so charming. But one thing I do know is that she left a glass slipper. The girl whose foot fits in the slipper will be my wife and will live with me in the castle forever! She will have servants to do every single thing for her for the rest of her life! MAMA: Pick me! Pick me! PRINCE CHARMING: Youre foot must fit the shoe! (Both MAMA and GRETEL take off their shoes and hold out their feet. HANSEL walks over to watch them.) Hand me the glass slipper. (The GUARD hands him the shoebox. PRINCE CHARMING takes it and holds it for a second. Suspicious, he shakes the box. We can hear broken glass bouncing around in the box.) You dropped it didnt you? (The GUARD bows his head.) Boy, are you in trouble! (The GUARD crosses right, sits at the table, and starts eating MAMAS breakfast.).) Well, I guess Ill have to find my princess some other way. (He crosses to stage left..Enter the LADIES IN WAITING from stage left. They make a line facing the audience.) 1ST LADY IN WAITING: Her majesty! 2ND LADY IN WAITING: The Royal Leader of the Empire! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: The Highest Royalty of the Commonwealth! 1ST LADY IN WAITING: The Supreme Leader of All She Surveys! 2ND LADY IN WAITING: The Exalted Queen of Everything Good! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: The Guiding Light to All Who Behold Her! ALL LADIES IN WAITING: Queen Wattle E. Otcha! (The LADIES IN WAITING start singing and doing the hand movements to Wattle-E-Otcha, Wattle-E-Otcha, Doodle-E. Do, Doodle-E-Do. Enter the QUEEN. )

QUEEN: (Saying the following line as she crosses center.) Oh, please stand! There is no need for kneeling! (To the LADIES IN WAITING.) Why arent they kneeling? Make them kneel right now! Lets try that again. (The QUEEN exits out the door.) 1ST LADY IN WAITING: Kneel down right now! MAMA: Why? 2ND LADY IN WAITING: Because shes the queen! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: And shell chop off your head if you dont! 1ST LADY IN WAITING: And lock you up in prison! MAMA: After Im dead? 2ND LADY IN WAITING: Yes. And then shell have you cut you into little pieces! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: And feed you to her the royal gold fish! MAMA: Yuck! (The family kneels.) PRINCE CHARMING: (At the door.) Mummy! They are ready! QUEEN: (Peeking her head through the door.) Its about time! People just dont know their places! They stand around like they are my equal! PRINCE CHARMING: No one is your equal, Mummy. QUEEN: I know that! After all, I am the queen! How many queens are around here? PRINCE CHARMING: Just one, Mummy. You are the Queen and there arent any others. QUEEN: And dont you forget it! PRINCE CHARMING: No, Mummy. QUEEN: Now Im coming to come back in. Make sure everyone does everything right this time!

PRINCE CHARMING: Yes, Mummy. (She exits back outside.) PRINCE CHARMING: Ladies, you can start now. 1ST LADY IN WAITING: Her majesty! 2ND LADY IN WAITING: The Royal Leader of the Empire! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: The Highest Royalty of the Commonwealth! 1ST LADY IN WAITING: The Supreme Leader of All She Surveys! 2ND LADY IN WAITING: The Exalted Queen of Everything Good! 3RD LADY IN WAITING: The Guiding Light to All Who Behold Her! LADIES IN WAITING: Queen Wattle E. Otcha! (The LADIES IN WAITING sing again and do the hand movements to Wattle-E-Otcha, WattleE-Otcha, Doodle-E. Do, Doodle-E-Do. The QUEEN enters.) QUEEN: Oh, please! Theres no need to kneel! Please get up! You are such sweet subjects! MAMA: (Running over to the QUEEN) Oh, Your Majesty! It is such an honor to meet you! QUEEN: It is, isnt it! MAMA: I have always wanted to shake your hand! (She takes the QUEENs hand.) QUEEN: (Panic-stricken.) AHHHH! She touched me! Quick! Clean my hand! 1ST LADY IN WAITING: Yes, Your Majesty! (The LADIES IN WAITING quickly produce towels and a spray bottle and clean off her hand.) QUEEN: Oh, that is better. (To MAMA, sweetly.) I know you are just a lowly peasant and therefore you are not capable of learning much, but I must tell you that if you touch me again I will have you killed. Is that understood? MAMA: (Taking a step back.) Yes. I wont do it again. QUEEN: Thats a good peasant. (To PRINCE CHARMING.) Did the slipper fit any of them?

PRINCE CHARMING: No, Mummy. QUEEN: Thats a relief! Are you really set on marrying the person who fits the slipper? PRINCE CHARMING: Oh yes, Mummy. She was . . . Wow! And her dress was like . . . Whoa! QUEEN: Yes, you told me that before. But these subjects are so . . . filthy. PRINCE CHARMING: They arent that bad. QUEEN: I guess you could get used to them if they were properly . . . disinfected. PRINCE CHARMING: Besides, I want to find someone who will want to marry me. Where will I find a woman like that? (MAMA, GRETEL and the LAIDIES IN WAITING all raise their hands and start saying Ooh! Ooh!) PRINCE CHARMING: Its the girl whose foot fits the slipper or Ill stay single forever. QUEEN: Wheres the slipper now? PRINCE CHARMING: Well, we had some problems with that. QUEEN: What? PRINCE CHARMING: The guard dropped it. QUEEN: Then why am I standing around in this dump instead of in the castle? Im leaving this instant! (The QUEEN exits out the door left followed by her LADIES IN WAITING singing Wattle-EOtcha, Wattle-E-Otcha, Doodle-E. Do, Doodle-E-Do as they leave.) QUEEN: (Offstage.) Charming get out of there before you catch something! PRINCE CHARMING: Well. . . Bye! (Prince Charming exits out the door as the guards stand up.) GUARD: Thanks for the breakfast. (He exits left.) MAMA: Thanks for? GRETEL: What breakfast?

MAMA: (Crossing to the table and holding up an empty plate.) MY breakfast! He ate my breakfast! (We hear a loud bell tolling.) MAMA: Its almost time for school! HANSEL: But dont we get any breakfast? MAMA: The guard ate it all! GRETEL: But Im starving! HANSEL: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! GRETEL: Cant I take a granola bar? MAMA: Stop complaining and get going! You have a long walk through the deep, dark dangerous forest to get to school. HANSEL and GRETEL: But Ma! MAMA: Whats the punishment for being tardy? GRETEL: No, not the rack! (HANSEL and GRETEL hurriedly exit out the door left.) MAMA: (Calling out the door.) See you after school!

SCENE 2 DEEP IN THE FOREST (The forest is dark and foreboding with tall trees. HANSEL and GRETEL enter from stage left looking around at the strange and unknown place. They stop at down left center.) GRETEL: I think we took a wrong turn somewhere! This doesnt look like the way to school! HANSEL: It sure is dark and scary! (Enter SNOW WHITE and the HUNTER from stage right.) GRETEL: Look, some people are coming!

HANSEL: Hey! Over here! SNOW WHITE: What? I think I see some children over there! HUNTER: Its just your imagination. SNOW WHITE: (Crossing left.) No, lets go talk to them. HUNTER: Wait! SNOW WHITE: Hello there. Im Snow White and this is the Hunter. HUNTER: Hello. GRETEL: Were so glad you came! Were lost in the forest! HANSEL: Can you help us? SNOW WHITE: Of course we can! HUNTER: (Crossing to SNOW WHITE.) No, we cant. SNOW WHITE: What are you talking about? Were just out on a little hunting trip alone. GRETEL: Wheres your bow and arrow? SNOW WHITE: Its a . . . Where IS your bow and arrow? HUNTER: Uh, I forgot it. SNOW WHITE: (Starting right.) We can go back to the castle and get it. HUNTER: (Grabbing her arm to stop her and pulling her back.) NOOO! I mean no, I dont think we should do that. The queen was very clear we shouldnt come back to the castle. SNOW WHITE: Well we have to go home sometime! HUNTER: No, WE dont. SNOW WHITE: What are you talking about? HUNTER: (He takes her arm and pulls her a few steps right.) Lets just keep walking. We still have go hunting.

SNOW WHITE: With what? You dont have a bow and arrow. HUNTER: I do have a great big knife! SNOW WHITE: I guess that will work. Bye, bye! GRETEL: But arent you going to help us? SNOW WHITE: Well if you are still here when we come back, well take you home. Cross my heart hope to die. Bye now! (SNOW WHITE and the HUNTER exit right.) HANSEL: Wait! GRETEL: Shush! I think I see some animals! Quick! Get behind the tree! (They hide. Enter PAPA BEAR, MOMA BEAR, and BABY BEAR from right.) BABY BEAR: Are we there yet? MAMA BEAR: Well be home in no time. BABY BEAR: Im hungry! (They stop down center.) MAMA BEAR: Ive got some porridge cooling off for you. When we get home it will be juuuuust right! BABY BEAR: My feet are tired! Why do we need to go on a walk? Why cant I just stay home? MAMA BEAR: Look at the pretty trees! BABY BEAR: Brown bark and green on top, right? If youve seen one tree, youve seen them all. PAPA BEAR: Dont talk that way to your mother! BABY BEAR: I just want to go home and play video games. MAMA BEAR: Dont you want some exercise? BABY BEAR: I dont like exercise. I want to play my Xbox!

PAPA BEAR: Would you get her under control? MAMA BEAR: Shes just being a child. PAPA BEAR: Grrrrrr! I cant wait until we all hibernate! (The BEARS exit left. Enter LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD from stage right and enter the BIG, BAD WOLF from stage left.) BIG, BAD WOLF: What are you doing little girl? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Im Little Red Riding Hood and Im going to my grandmas house? BIG, BAD WOLF: Is your grandmother deliciousI mean is she a nice grandma? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Very nice. BIG, BAD WOLF: Whats in the basket? (The WOLF reaches in. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD slaps his hand.) LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Keep your paws out of there! Thats for my grandma! BIG, BAD WOLF: For a little girl you can hit pretty hard! LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: So you better stay on my good side! Well, Ive got to be going! See you later! (Exit LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD stage left.) BIG, BAD WOLF: Shes going to her grandmothers house! Well, so am I! And I can get there way before she does! (Exit WOLF right.) GRETEL: I dont know if well ever get back home! HANSEL: Dont worry, Gretel! Ive been dropping bread crumbs the whole time weve been walking! GRETEL: You have! Thats great! So all we have to do is follow the bread crumbs home and everything will be okay!

HANSEL: Lets go! (We hear the sound of many CROWS cawing.) GRETEL: Whats that sound? HANSEL: Look out! (Enter from left a large group of CROWS flapping their wings and eating things off of the ground. They wander around pecking at the ground for a few moments. They then flap their wings and exit right cawing.) GRETEL: Now, lets go. HANSEL: Yes its this way. (They walk a few steps left.) Or is it that way. (They take a few steps right.) Or is it that way over there? (They take a few steps downstage. Suddenly, HANSEL bursts into tears.) GRETEL: Whats a matter, Hansel? Why are you so upset? HANSEL: (Sobbing.) I cant find my breadcrumbs! GRETEL: Why not? HANSEL: I think the crows ate them! GRETEL: They what? HANSEL: I hate those birds! GRETEL: Thats not a nice thing to say! HANSEL: Were lost in the forest and we are going to starve to death and die! GRETEL: No, were not! HANSEL: Yes, we are! They will only find our bones! GRETEL: Ew! HANSEL: They will use us for Halloween decorations! GRETEL: We have to remain calm! The most important thing to do it remain calm! (Pause.) Ahhhh! (She bursts into tears also.)

HANSEL: I wish we had something to eat! My blood sugar is really low! (Enter a WHITE BIRD from stage right.) HANSEL: Look at the pretty bird! WHITE BIRD: (A little afraid.) Chirp, chirp? GRETEL: Dont be afraid, little bird. HANSEL: Come here. WHITE BIRD: Chirp? GRETEL: Were lost and we dont know how to get home. HANSEL: Can you help us? WHITE BIRD: (Nodding its head.) Chirp! (Motioning for them to follow her stage left.) Chirp! Chirp! GRETEL: I think it wants us to follow it. WHITE BIRD: (Frantic nodding.) Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! HANSEL: What do you think we should do, Gretel? GRETEL: I think we should go with it. WHITE BIRD: (Nodding, she crosses to stage left and motions for HANSEL and GRETEL to follow it.) HANSEL: Lets go! (The curtain opens to reveal the candy house of the WITCH. HANSEL and GRETEL see it and stop.) HANSEL: Look! What is that over there! GRETEL: Its a house! Weve found civilization! (The WHITE BIRD runs over and grabs GRETELs arm and tries to pull her away from the house.) WHITE BIRD: Chirp! Chirp! (HANSEL and GRETEL run over to the house and start knocking on

the door. The WHITE BIRD is frantic, but does not dare to get any closer to the house to help them.) GRETEL: Help! HANSEL: Open the door! GRETEL: Were starving! HANSEL: We havent eaten since last night! GRETEL: We might die any second! HANSEL: Its no use! No one is home! GRETEL: What are we going to do? (She leans back and part of the house breaks off. She holds it looking around.) HANSEL: Now youve done it. The owner is going to call the police on you! (She hides the broken piece behind the porch.) GRETEL: Yuck! My hand is sticky! HANSEL: Maybe the paint is wet. GRETEL: (Sticking her fingers in her mouth.) Mmmm! Its sweet! HANSEL: Sweet? What are you talking about? GRETEL: I think the house is made of candy? HANSEL: Are you nuts? No one builds their house out of candy. GRETEL: We just saw three talking bears and you think a candy house cant be real? HANSEL: I see your point. (He breaks of a piece of the house and starts to eat it.) This is some of the best tasting siding I have ever tasted! GRETEL: How many houses have you eaten? WITCH: (Offstage. Sweetly.) Who is out there? Do I have visitors? HANSEL: Who is that?

(The WITCH enters from stage right and looks at HANSEL and GRETEL.) WITCH: Is someone out here? I cant see too well, but I can smell two little, delicious young people out here! Come out, come out wherever you are! (She sniffs the air. HANSEL and GRETEL hide stage left.) Im getting closer! Come out, little dearies! WHITE BIRD: (Coming between the WITCH and HANSEL and GRETEL.) Chirp, chirp! WITCH: I cant wait to meet you, you little sweeties! Arent you hungry? I know I am. WHITE BIRD: Chirp, chirp, chirp! WITCH: Get away from me, you crazy bird! (She finds them.) There you are! Oh, how nice! Two sweet children! (Coming between them and putting her arms around their shoulders.) So cute and juicy! What are your names, dears? HANSEL: Im Hansel. GRETEL: And Im Gretel. WHITE BIRD: (Crossing to the WITCH.) Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! WITCH: Get away, you stupid little bird, before I cook you up and eat you for lunch! WHITE BIRD: (Complaining and giving up on poor HANSEL and GRETEL. She shakes her head as she exits left.) Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp! WITCH: Now where were we? Hansel and Gretel! What sweet names! Which one is Hansel. I cant see as well as I used to. (HANSEL raises his hand.) How nice! And you must be Gretel! (Leaning in to see her.) Youre a very cute little girl! So what brings you to my house? HANSEL: We got lost in the forest. WITCH: Lost in the forest? So no one knows youre here? GRETEL: No. WITCH: Well isnt that scrumptious! You two look so yummy! HANSEL: Do you have anything to eat? WITCH: So youre hungry? GRETEL: Starving.

WITCH: Well, well, well! Maybe I can have you for dinner! HANSEL: That would be wonderful! WITCH: Will you come inside? GRETEL: Thank you. (They exit stage right.)

Spring has come, said the bougainvillea Crimson, orange, cream and yellow Making a flower wall along the road I bring happiness to all. Wait, said the little flower on the edge of the kerb I, too, blossom though I am small Every now and then a little child walks past, sees me at her height And happily smiles. Doesn't that make us comrades on the road!

Oh, why does the sparrow build a nest in the rain? Won't the downpour wash the nest away? Asked the child, to her grandmother. Monsoon is a time when there are lots of worms, and that means food for the little ones! That's why sparrows build a nest in the rain, said the grandmother with a smile

Minty is a naughty kit Tell her 'stand' - she's sure to sit She laps up milk without a trace But give her curds, she'll turn her face! Minty is a naughty kit Tell her 'come' and she'll just quit Tell her 'Run!' - she'll sleep all day Call her - and she'll run away!

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich Here's what she said to me. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be. When I was young, I fell in love I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead Will we have rainbows, day after day Here's what my sweetheart said. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be. Now I have children of my own They ask their mother, what will I be Will I be handsome, will I be rich I tell them tenderly. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.

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