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consulting. Baker Hughes has its headquarters in the America Tower in the American GeneralCenter in Neartown, Houston.

Responsibilities: Responsible for the design and development of Reports, I n t e r f a c e s , C o n v e r s i o n s , Enhancements and Smart Forms & Scripts. Reports Developed an ALV report for legal entity reporting, which shows open line item detailsand summary for specified vendors, customers and GL accounts. Developed an ALV report of sales order data by master, order by day. Developed aP r i c e A s s i g n m e n t r e p o r t t o d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r a l l o f t h e s a l e s o r d e r s h a v e b e e n assigned to a price plant, whether any plus ups or o r d e r c u t s h a v e o c c u r r e d , a n d whether the stock transport orders are in synchronization with the price assignments.The users could dril ldown on sales order numbers to display transaction VA03 and on stock transport orders to display transaction ME23N. LSM Workbench Developed a data migration from Legacy System to SAP R/3 using LSMW for OpenSales Orders using VA01 and VA02 transactions. Created LSMW routines to migrate Maintenance Plan data from legacy data extracts intoSAP. Enhancements Used MM06E005 functional exits to validate purchase orders and make it mandatory for end-users to input required fields. Modified User Exit on VL02N transaction to pop up warning message if loading pointfield is blank under certain conditions. SAP Scripts Made use of SAP Standard Report Program RSTXLDMC to upload TIFF f i l e s a n d display as Standard text. Modified Print programs RVADIN01 and RVADDN01 to print invoice and bill of lading asper the clients requirements. Client: Air Liquide, France Sep07 - Jan 08Company: Infosys Technologies LimitedRole: SAP ABAP Technology AnalystModules: FI/CO, SD, MM and PP. Environment: SAP R/3 4.6C, ABAP/4, Oracle 9i and Windows 2000.A i r L i q u i d e i s a m a j o r F r e n c h c o m p a n y s u p p l y i n g i n d u s t r i a l g a s e s a n d s e r v i c e s t o v a r i o u s industries including medical, chemical and electronic manufacturers. Founded in 1902 it issecond on the world market in its field, operating in ove r 70 countries. It is headquartered inParis, France. Description of the project The project dealt with Archiving all IDOC related data which has t h e s t a t u s p o s t e d successfully.IDocs are stored in several database tables. To keep the access times small (to reduce thedatabase load), without losing any IDocs, we archive the IDocs at operating system level.These archives can then

be moved to external storage media, such as disks (using ArchiveLink) or magnetic tape. 7 The process follows two steps: Firstly the IDocs are archived. Secondly, the IDocs in the database which are archived are d e l e t e d f r o m t h e database.T h e I d o c a r c h i v i n g t o o l s w e r e d e v e l o p e d w i t h t h e A r c h i v e D e v e l o p m e n t K i t ( A D K ) , w h i c h supports object-oriented programming methods. Responsibilities: Responsible for the design and development Maintaining logical and physical path Searching the right IDOC to be archived in Preprocessing Run the Program for archiving (RSEXARCA). Deleting archived IDocs from the database (RSEXARCD) Read the IDocs from archive file (RSEXARCR). Retrieve IDocs from the archive into the database (Reload) (RSEXARCL) Customize the Archiving object in SARA Scheduling the DELETE program. Client: Syngenta AG Apr 07 Aug 07Company: Infosys Technologies LimitedRole: SAP ABAP/4 Consultant.Modules: FI/CO, SD and MM. Environment: SAP R/3 4.6C, ABAP/4Syngenta AG is a large global agribusiness which markets seeds and pesticides. Syngenta isinvolved in biotechnology and genomic research. The company is a leader in crop protection,and ranks third in total sales in the commercial agricultural seeds market. Sales in 2008 wereapproximately US$ 11.6 billion. Syngenta employs over 24,000 people in over 90 countries.Syngenta is listed on the Swiss stock exchange and in New York. Responsibilities: Responsible for creating and modifying reports, Data Loading, Validations using enhancements,creating Smart forms and modifying SAP scripts. Reports Created an interactive report to list out all purchase orders generated in a particular period for a specific vendor and purchase order type using selection screens. Developed a report to display open purchase orders for the production materials.

Generated a report that displays list of sales order shipping and invoice details usingdynpros. Generated a summary report to list the total amount of invoices for a G/L account. Created material wise stock overview report for drill down analysis using ALV. Module Pool Created a Module Pool Program using Screen Painter, which gives the details of theVendor, Customer and Material in a single Transaction. BDC Developed a BDC program to migrate Material Master Data from legacy system to SAPR/3 database using Session Method. 8 Developed a BDC program for Vendor Master using Batch Inputs and Sessions, whichw o u l d u p d a t e r e c o r d s i n V e n d o r M a s t e r T a b l e a n d c r e a t e n e w e n t r y f o r C u s t o m e r s depending on the source data file of external system. Performance Tuning Modified existing customer programs to add functionality, fix errors, a n d i m p r o v e performance. Used Runtime analysis to test the performance of the Programs and thus tune them for improved performance. SAP Scripts/Smart Forms Modified standard layout set MEDRUCK to get the c o m p a n y h e a d e r a n d l o g o , s u p p l i e r address, delivery address, total purchase order value and general terms and conditions. Client: Pearson Publications Aug 05 Oct 06Company: Vetri Software India Private LimitedRole: Junior Processor Environment: SAP Testing Pearson Publication helps children and adults to teach, business people t o m a k e g o o d decisions, and readers to wise up or wind down with a good book. Their businesses feel thegrowing demand for effectiv e education and highquality information in the global knowledge economy, and share a common purpose: to help our customers live and learn.W i t h 3 4 , 0 0 0 e m p l o y e e s b a s e d i n m o r e t h a n 6 0 c o u n t r i e s , w e d r a w o n c o m m o n a s s e t s , processes and share a common purpose: to help our customers live and learn. Pearson is listedon the London and New York stock exchanges (UK: PSON; NYSE: PSO) and in 2008 we had sales of 4,811m and operating profit of 762m. Responsibilities: Through knowledge of QA methodologies and the QA lifecycle for white box,black box, functional, customer-oriented testing. Development of detailed test cases, documentation to design the overall testingscenarios.

Designing the test plan for SAP applications Developing Test scripts and describing the test data requirements to achieve thedesired test coverage

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