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Threats to Information Security & Logical Access

Information Security Management - Week 2 -

Thursday, March 1, 12

Intelligence News Fact Data
Thursday, March 1, 12

Safety Surety Protection

Thursday, March 1, 12

Information Security
Very wide scope From developing policies to implementation
of user access to a new le

Thursday, March 1, 12

Aspects in Information Security

Security Policy Organizational Security Asset Classication Personnel Security Physical Security
Thursday, March 1, 12

Aspects in Information Security

Communication & Operation Management Access Control System Development & Maintenance Business Continuity Planning Compliance
Thursday, March 1, 12



Security Policy



Thursday, March 1, 12

Organizational Security
Written Security Policy Framework for Implementing the Policy

Support from Senior Manager Security Awareness Program Report to Steering Committee Role of Business Unit in the Overall Security Process

Thursday, March 1, 12

Asset Classication
resource resource resource resource resource resource




Thursday, March 1, 12

Personnel Security
Deals with people who work in the

Creating Job Desc. Performing Background checks. Helping in the recruitment process. User Training
Thursday, March 1, 12

Thursday, March 1, 12

Physical Security
CCTV Lighting Fence HVAC Backup Power
Thursday, March 1, 12

Communication & Operation Management

Ensuring no one has the ability to commit
and cover up a crime

Making sure the development system are

kept separate from production system disposed in a secure manner

Making sure that systems that are being

Thursday, March 1, 12

Access Control
Authentication Authorization

Routers Firewalls Desktop operating system File server Applications

Thursday, March 1, 12

System Development & Maintenance

Patch management Checking for security holes and proper
coding practices

Thursday, March 1, 12

Business Continuity Planning

Keep the systems running in the event of a

A formal plan must be written, tested, and

revised regularly

Thursday, March 1, 12


Reviewing and testing an information

system for completeness and adequacy

Thursday, March 1, 12

Common Threats
Internal Threats External Threats 60%-80% network misuse comes from
inside enterprise

Thursday, March 1, 12

Information Security Triad

Integrity Condentiality Availability

Thursday, March 1, 12


Thursday, March 1, 12


The action of safeguarding the accuracy and
completeness of information and processing methods.

Thursday, March 1, 12


Ensuring that information is accessible only

to those authorized to have access to it.

Thursday, March 1, 12

Ensuring that authorized users have access
to information and associated assets when required.

Thursday, March 1, 12

Fault-Tolerant System
RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive

Stripping & Mirroring

Thursday, March 1, 12

1 Errors & Omissions

Attack Integrity Component. Solution: Least Privilege. need add support staff Solution: Adequate & Frequent Backup.
Thursday, March 1, 12

2 Fraud & Theft

Attack Integrity Component. Solution: Well-dened Policies Solution: MD5 algorithm

Thursday, March 1, 12

3 Malicious Hacker
Hacker: Penetrate a system, look around
for possible things. destroy the data.

Cracker: Penetrate a system, damage/ Phreaks: Penetrate a phone system, use

organization phone.

Thursday, March 1, 12

Hacker Methodologies
Reconnaissance Scanning Gaining Access Maintaining Access Covering Tracks
Thursday, March 1, 12

4 Malicious Code
Any code that is designed to make a system
perform any operation with the knowledge of the system owner.

Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse, Logic Bomb.

Thursday, March 1, 12

5 Denial-of-Service
The attack makes sure thath no one gets
access to the network.

Ex: Flooding the system

Thursday, March 1, 12

6 Social Engineering
Manipulates others into revealing

information that can be used to steal data, access to systems, access to cellular phones, money, or even your own identity.

Thursday, March 1, 12

Human nature
The desire to be helpful A tendency to trust people The fear of getting into trouble The willingness to cut corner
Thursday, March 1, 12


Thursday, March 1, 12

Require anyone there to perform service to show proper identication. Establish a standard that passwords are never to be spoken over the phone. Implement a standard that forbids passwords from being left lying about. Implement caller ID technology for the help desk and other support functions. Invest in shredders and have one on every oor.

A Policy should be:

Thursday, March 1, 12

Not contain standards or directives that may not be attainable Stress what can be done and stay away from what is not allowed as much as possible Be brief and concise Be reviewed on a regular basis and kept current Be easily attainable by the employees and available via the company intranet

Find a Potential Breach in your Campus Determine the Potential Threats.

Thursday, March 1, 12

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