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unsign Study Habits How Your Sun Sign Might Affect Your Study Habits!

Dont forget that the Sun's influence is merely a tendency, an inclination, and not a compellation. Blaming one's bad study and work habits on one's sun sign, or any other heavenly influence, will score you no points with the professor! Aries (March 21 to April 20): While everyone else thinks it, you are the one most likely to ask "Why do I have to take this class?" You do your best working on assignments that you think are going to help you in the future; assignments that are not building up the skills you plan on using get less attention. Left to your own devices, you would rewrite the entire curriculum. Taurus (April 21 to May 21): You are hard working and have a tendency to put your job ahead of your class work. And when your professors do not cut you slack for having a job, you get bull-headed and speak your mind, a habit that can lead to more trouble. Try to make time for your studies; it will lead to a better job. Gemini (May 22 to June 21): You are easily distracted by bright shiny objects and ambitions. Some may call you an "airhead." Your problem is that you have so many projects going on at once that you do not have the time and energy to fully concentrate on any single task. Cancer (June 22 to July 22): The most traditional of all the sun signs, you are most likely to be still using the first method of studying and research that you were taught, even if there are better ways to learn the material. You are also most likely to bring comfort food to the study group meeting and to suggest a semester-end potluck. Leo (July 23 to August 22): Leos love being the center of attention. Thanks to that, Leos are the most likely to try to become the star of any class that they take. Unfortunately, they are so busy performing that occasionally, they don't pay enough attention to the lectures. When working in a group, Leos will try to selfappoint themselves as the group leader. Virgo (August 23 to September 22): You are easily side-tracked by maps, graphs and various trivial details that can not be easily fitted into your papers. Your textbooks tend not to be underlined, not because you do not read them, but rather because you do not want to ruin them. You are the least likely to sell your textbooks back. Libra (September 23 to October 22): As a student, you strive to maintain balance in your schoolwork as you do in all the other areas of your life. You believe that the purpose of your electives is to allow you to take classes that

expand your horizons and better understand the world. You are likely to end up majoring in the humanities. Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): You are very passionate about your favourite subjects and learn the material quite easily. Too bad, that is not true for the subjects that bore you which become a struggle to absorb. When it comes to study groups and partners, you try to pick the most attractive people to help you with your studies; then you spend half your time flirting with them. Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): You study in bursts of hot energy as the mood strikes you. If you are not in the mood, you tend to put assignments off. Unfortunately, this leads to term papers being ignored until the last moment, along with the rest of your homework. Try to develop a habit of doing a little bit of writing or research everyday, so that you are not caught so often doing things at the last moment. Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): "How is this class going to help me make more money?" is your big question about every class that you take. You are ambitious, eager to climb both social and career ladders. By the time, you finish your degree, you are determined to have an effective network of contacts; therefore you collect contact information from anyone who shows promise in your classes. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): You have a tendency to drift off in daydreams while studying due to your strong imagination. Yet your imagination is also what empowers your intuition allowing you to take leaps of understanding that others find puzzling. If you can learn to add structure to your imaginings, you can develop a powerful memory. Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Being born with your sun in Pisces, you are the one that is most fascinated by the scandalous bits of any subject; things that the professors would rather not talk about capture your attention. Your sun sign helps you understand the murkier aspects of your favourite subjects; it also makes you the most prone to losing your textbooks.

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