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HRM vs HRD HRM stands for human resources management, which refers to the art of managing all aspects

of the human work force at a company or organization. HRM aims at providing an optimal working environment for employees to fully and freely utilize their skills to their best to achieve the companys intended output. As human resources management usually applies to big companies and organizations, it has sub categories, among which is HRD, which stands for human resources development. This is a component of HRM that focuses on nurturing employees skills. Because the process of hiring new employees can be long, expensive and cumbersome, most companies employ the strategy of HRD to promote longevity of employees within the company because through this an employee is likely to progressively scale up the managerial ladder. Human resources management of a company is often an independent department of its own composed of various sections including recruitment and retention, performance and appraisal management, HRD and compensation sections. But HRD does not only focus on development of skills but also focuses on the personal development of employees. Because peoples needs and expectations are ever growing and changing this section of HRM is specifically there to help employees cope with such and prepare them for future uncertainties. Generally speaking, professionals working within the HRM department must have excellent people skills although this is more so with those particularly working in the HRD section. The HRD section needs to have professionals with impeccable people management skills as they need to be able to realize talent within people from a cross section of backgrounds. The HRD section is concerned with identifying strengths and weaknesses among different employees and devising training means that aim at making those skills complement the other. HRD aims at developing a superior workforce so that the company and individual employees may achieve their work goals in the customers service. It can take on a formal approach as in a classroom or laboratory training in a case where it may apply. It may also take the informal route where an employee receives coaching or simple mentorship from his superior, usually a manager. Summary: 1. HRD is a sub section of HRM, i.e. HRD is a section with the department of HRM. 2.HRM deals with all aspects of the human resources function while HRD only deals with the development part. 3.HRM is concerned with recruitment, rewards among others while HRD is concerned with employee skills development. 4.HRM functions are mostly formal while HRD functions can be informal like mentorships

Difference between Human resource management and personnel management Human resource management is flexible where as personnel management is burocratic. Human resource management is bottom up approach where as personnel management belives in top down approach. In Human resource management organization structure is organic where as in personnel management organization structure is mechanistic. Human resource management is people oriented where as personnel management is task oriented. Human resource management see long term prospective where as personnel management see short term prospective. Human resource management belive in facts and identified solution where as personnel management belive only on number.

Points of Difference between Personnel Management & HRD

No. Dimension Beliefs & Assumptions 1 Contract 2 Rules Guide to management Action 4 Behaviour Referent 3 Managerial Task vis--vis 5 Labour 6 Nature of Relations 7 Conflict STRATEGIC ASPECTS 8 Key Relations 9 Initiatives 10 Corporate Plan 11 Speed of Decision LINE MANAGEMENT 12 13 14 15 Management Role Key Managers Communication Standardisation Personnel Management Careful delineation of written contracts Importance of devising clear rules/mutuality Procedures Norms/custom & practice Monitoring Pluralist Institutionalised Labour Management Piecemeal Marginal to Slow Transactional Personnel/IR Specialists Indirect High (e.g. parity an issue) Negotiation Separate, marginal task Job Evaluation (fixed grades) Separately negotiated Collective bargaining contracts Regularised through facilities & training Many Restricted flow Human Resource Development

Aim to go beyond contracts Can-do outlook; impatience with rule Business need Values/Mission Nurturing Unitarist De-emphasised Customer Integrated Central to Fast Transformational leadership General/business/line managers Direct Low (e.g. parity not seen as relevant) Facilitation Integrated, key task Performance related Harmonisation Towards individual contracts Marginalised (with exception of some bargaining for change models) Few Increased flow

16 Prized management skills KEY LEVERS 17 Selection 18 Pay 19 Conditions 20 Labour Management 21 Thrust of relations 22 Job categories & grades 23 Communication

24 Job Design 25 Conflict Handling 26 Training & Development Foci of attention of 27 interventions

Division of Labour Reach temporary truces Controlled access to courses Personnel procedures

Teamwork Manage climate & culture Learning companies Wide ranging cultural, structural & personnel strategies

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