13 Council of Student Organizations: Minutes of The Meeting

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13th Council of Student Organizations

Minutes of the Meeting

IMC # Meeting Type: Standing Venue: Council of Student Organizations Room, Office of Student Activities Date: Friday, 10 February 2012 Time Started: 1:57 p.m. Time Ended: 4:00 p.m. Opening and Closing Prayer: Ms. Valdellon

Attendance: Position Moderator Vice-Chairman Secretary General Finance Office Audit and Inventory Officer Cluster Heads Combat Sports Communications Performing Arts Publications Sciences Social Sciences Socio-Spiritual Team Sports Visual Arts Remarks Ms. Kristine Anne P. Valdellon Martin Luis T. Malabanan Corbin Oscar David B. Ipapo Josemaria T. Onglao Matthew M. Mandanas Jericho Martin P. Capinpin Clyde S. Maramba Erwin Guile M. Dizon Juan Miguel Carlos B. Abola Theodore Roland A. Banzon Luis Rafael S. Coloso Elijah Giancarlo B. Mallari Danilo Lorenzo S. Atanacio Zuriel Alkian C. Tan


*All are present unless otherwise indicated.

Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012

Agenda: I. Teddies Deliberations* II. Cluster Head Elections III. Secretarial Reminders IV. Meeting Adjournment

Meeting Proper: I. Teddies Deliberations A. Empowering Capacity 1. Loyola Book Club a. Requested 1st year students to join their module for Kids@Work to educate and promote literacy. 2. ACLC a. They invite non-org members to join their outreach activities. 3. Ateneo Debaters a. They hold summer debate modules for grade school and high school students and allow them to watch tournaments. b. Pulled out because it is a yearly activity. 4. Art Guild a. They held an exhibit of student works about conformity which was open to the public. 5. Teatro Baguntao a. Enlist outside actors B. Commitment 1. Blue Book a. They are the most efficient edition of Blue Book in 5 years. 2. Bukal 3. Usap-Kamay 4. Video Club a. They generously volunteer to document every event. 5. Ateneo Debate a. Sacrifice time to train for competitions 6. Ultimate a. Many people go to training without the field. 7. IndAK a. Regular training. 8. Dulaang Sibol a. Regular training. 9. OMNI a. Continued participation in fair even if not asked. 10. Teatro Baguntao a. Rehearsals. 11. Economics Club a. Implemented business project and regularly attend seminars. Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012

12. Math a. Continued module at Kids@Work despite less attendance of facilitators. 13. Glee Club a. Rehearsals. C. Team 1. Grafiction a. Sacrifice a lot of time outside of org period to finish their tasks. b. Assisted Publications-Communications Cluster during Comm. Arts Month. 2. Ateneo Debaters a. Family-like atmosphere 3. Club Explore a. A lot of togetherness during the cluster night 4. SEALS a. Members are comfortable with each other b. Have their own retreat c. Prepared for all activities during the cluster night 5. IndAK a. Super close members 6. Teatro Baguntao a. Super close members 7. Dulaang Sibol a. Super close members b. Angel system 8. Akay a. So loving of each other 9. Flag Football a. Always dogpiling b. Always happy while playing 10. Soccer a. Always stay and discuss together after org period 11. Ultimate a. Different members across year levels always know what are happening to the others 12. Usap Kamay a. Closeness because of small number of members 13. Bukal a. Closeness because of small number of members 14. Ateneo Computer Club a. Stay together during fair manning their booth 15. Hilites a. Mentoring system for new and younger members 16. Zoom a. Mentor system b. Facebook page Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012

D. Verve 1. Glee Club a. Performances at different events. 2. Taekwondo a. Competitions 3. Karate a. Competitions 4. Blue Book a. They are always working. 5. IndAK a. Events inside and outside of school 6. Il Voce a. Events inside and outside of school 7. Outdoors Club a. Always planning for climbs 8. Klub Kulinarya a. Find lessons to learn 9. Ateneo Ultimate a. Always preparing for tournaments b. Trying to organize tournament for all high school students 10. SWaK a. Hands on with garbage E. Individual 1. OMNI a. They always have teaching sessions to develop their skills. 2. Capoeira a. Every Wednesday and Friday, they have training and extra voluntary training on Monday and Saturday. b. Mixed training 3. Hilites a. Each member has specific assignment for new issue b. Editors help develop writing skills further 4. IndAK a. Soloists during performances b. Choreographers are assigned point persons 5. Glee Club a. Each member has to learn something new during training. 6. Chess a. Always learning new strategies during org sessions 7. ACIL a. Hold teaching seminar every year along with follow-ups b. Visual aids are checked every week for quality c. Partner system is used for teaching sessions 8. Usap Kamay a. They learn about sign language every session 9. SEALS Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012


G. H. I.

a. Activities such as Major Speaking Task and Project Proposal with someone to evaluate their members performances b. Have mentors 10. Akbay a. Conduct own teambuilding with org members as participants 11. Ateneo Debate a. Rigorous training brings out more from the person b. Tournaments allow members to hone their potentials 12. Nihonggo Dantai a. Teaching system of giving homework to people b. Teach people Japanese during org session 13. Advertising Society a. Workshops 14. Samahang Sumusulat sa Filipino a. Write many outputs 15. Teatro Baguntao a. Allow members to portray different roles 16. KZT a. Competitions hone members skills 17. Ateneo Motors a. Hands-on activities 18. Badminton a. Have training and regular tournaments b. Offer incentives for winners of tournaments 19. Discovery Club a. Rotational Leadership 20. Weight Training a. They monitor themselves in their own training program for the org. Alignment 1. Outdoors Club 2. Blue Book 3. Akay 4. Hilites 5. Dulaang Sibol a. Dulaang Sibol operates independently from the school and do not adhere to the schools systems and policies. Hence, cannot be considered for Alignment. 6. ACIL 7. ASM Outreach 1. Akay a. School supplies drive Integration 1. ACIL (and ACED) 2. Akay (and CSIP and ACED and ACIL) Reminders Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012

1. Review all nominees for awards and find further justification (or disqualification). 2. Follow up on assigned tasks for awards ceremony. II. Cluster Head Elections A. All elections should proceed during scheduled cluster meetings in the following week. B. Approved Candidates for Elections 1. Combat Sports i. Jorge Eustaquio, 3D 2. Performing Arts i. Arik Gatchalian, 3F ii. Avie Alcantara, 3K 3. Social Sciences i. Gab Aasco, 3G 4. Socio-spiritual i. Raphael Andrew Rayos, 3M 5. Team Sports i. Juan Kyle Nathan Lim, 3A 6. Visual Arts i. Jake Espiritu, 3B ii. Dan Oliver Barcarse, 3A C. The Communications cluster head will be by appointment procedure (interview), as no organization head wants to run for the position. Secretarial Reminders A. Cluster Heads should submit the following to the Secretary-General 1. Cluster night write-up 2. Cluster night planning files 3. Cluster night pictures 4. Cluster and organization activity pictures 5. Soft copies of organization requirements previously unsent Sanggu-HS Reminders A. Ushers for Prom will be ushering tomorrow, 11 February 2012; assignments have been given out by ACO. B. Practice for Tribute to Fr. RB at Thanks Giving and Social Involvement Mass will be on Monday, 13 February from 3:50 to 4:30 p.m. 1. Costume will be similar to Fr. RBs attire. Meeting Adjournment A. Next Meeting 1. Date: 14 February 2012 2. Time: 3:00 p.m. 3. Venue: Council of Student Organizations Room, Office of Student Activities




Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012




Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Mataas na Paraalang Ateneo de Manila School Year 2011 - 2012

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