Automatic Control Systems Division: Director's Message

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ISA Division Newsletter

Summer 2003

Automatic Control Systems Division

Directors Message
By Harry Elliott, PE, CFSE

Directors Message ACOS at ISA EXPO 2003 ACOS Sessions at ISA EXPO 2003 ACOS and the Web AACC Call for Papers Technical Papers: .NET Industrial Automation PLC Formal Control Methodologies Technical Information Sources Report from Dr. Gao Division Officers 1 2 2 3 3 4

am amazed at the diversity of people I discover in the controls industry and in ACOS. We live on different continents. We toil in different industries having differing types of control challenges. We have different education, both formal and practical. We come from academia and from the field. Yet, all of us seem to find a fascination and excitement in working on and solving control problems. When we have the opportunity, most of us like to share our experiences with others. Increasingly, the most used bond among us is via the World Wide Web. Articles in this newsletter discuss ACOS and the Web. Your thoughts, ideas, and contributions on how the diverse ACOS community can better use the www can help all of us. Please read these articles and consider them. The two technical papers are from ISA 2002 ACOS technical sessions. They reflect the diversity found in ACOS. I will try to get at least two additional papers from these sessions posted to the ACOS local web site. Perhaps a link posted to the web site will provide access to vendor sites containing much the same technical information as two or three of the papers given. In this way, a significant portion of the papers having wide interest can be made available to Members all over the world (see related article). While this wont duplicate the benefits of those who attended ISA EXPO 2002 or will come to Houston for ISA EXPO 2003, it provides a good benefit for $7/year Division dues. Division positions are available for Director-elect, Facilitator, Webmaster-elect, and Newsletter Editor. The newsletter will most often be distributed via e-mail or be posted on the Division Website, so this position will work with the Webmaster(s). I look forward to ISA EXPO 2003 in Houston and hope to see you there. Harry Elliott, ACOS Director Phone: (281) 340-3907 Fax: (281) 340-3939 Email:

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Summer 2003

ACOS at ISA 2003

Through efforts of the ISA Technical Conference ACOS Division Session Coordinator, Steve Weygandt, five ACOS technical sessions have been programmed for ISA EXPO 2003, 21-23 October 2003, in Houston, Texas. In addition, a joint technical session has been programmed through the combined efforts of the ACOS, Glass and Ceramics, and Textile Divisions. Bob Hubby is Program Chair for the Glass and Ceramics and the Textile Divisions. Papers are expected to appeal to a broad range of attendees. They include: ISA03-P037, Control System Security and Version Management ISA03-P119, A Robust Set of Tuning Equations for Cascaded Pi-P and Pi-Pi Controller Architectures for Industrial Self-Regulated Processes ISA03-P023, Thermodynamic Based Temperature Control of Batch Reactors. Information is available on these and other papers as well as the two ACOS tutorials. Contact Steve Weygandt at While anyone is welcome to attend the Division Honor and Awards Luncheon, ACOS will have a table of eight. For complementary tickets for this table, contact Preference will go to ACOS ISA EXPO 2003 organizers and presenters.

Technical Conference Schedule for Automatic Control Systems Division (ACOS)

ISA EXPO 2003, 21-23 October 2003, Houston, TX

TUESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2003 ISA03-S020 Tuning and Feedback Control

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Session Chair: Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Presentation(s): ISA03-P037 ISA03-P119 Using Filtering to Improve Performance (co-sponsored by G&C and TXD) Michel Ruel, Top Control Inc A Robust Set of Tuning Equations for Cascaded Pi-P and Pi-Pi Controller Architectures for Industrial Self-Regulated Processes Royman Lopez, Universidad del Norte Thermodynamic Based Temperature Control of Batch Reactors Paul Nelson, Dow Corning Corporation, POB 0994 Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306



Applied Control
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Session Chair: Trevor Arnold, Standard Automation and Control Presentation(s): ISA03-P028 ISA03-P137 ISA03-P232 Squared Model Predictive Controller Performance on the Shell Standard Control Problem Michael Boudreau, P.E., Richard, Wayne and Roberts Adaptive Feedback/Feedforward PID Controller Willy Wojsznis, Emerson Process Management Difference Controller a New Controller Proposal Jose de Jesus Rodriguez-Ortiz, ITESM Campus monterrey Depto Mecatronica Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306


Tools for Automated Control

Time: 3:45 - 5:15 p.m. Session Chair: Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Presentation(s): ISA03-P229 ISA03-P025 ISA03-P209 Real-Time Six Sigma John Gerry, ExperTune Inc Advanced Automation: No Magic Wand Matthew Bothe, CRB Consulting Engineers Save Time and Money on Process Control System Factory Acceptance Testing using Process Simulation Martin Berutti, MYNAH Technologies Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306

ACOS Division Newsletter

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Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Session Chair: Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Presentation(s): ISA03-P193 ADO.NET Enables Process Control Integration with S88 (Tutorial) Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306 Marketing Theme: Standards/Compliance Location: 306


MPC - Model & Multi-Variable Predictive Control

Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Session Chair: Thomas Kinney, ExperTune Inc Presentation(s): ISA03-P056 ISA03-P079 ISA03-P087 Tuning of Multivariable Predictive Controllers using Genetic Algorithms Kaku Saito, Petrobras / CENPES Practical Model Predictive Control Structures for Non-self Regulating (Integrating) Douglas Cooper, University of Connecticut Performance Monitor Raises Service Factor of MPC Thomas Kinney, ExperTune Inc Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306


Languages of Automated Control

Time: 3:45 - 5:15 p.m. Session Chair: Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Presentation(s): ISA03-P130 Algorithm Description Languages in Process Control Applications Douglas Humphrey, Invensys Systems

THURSDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2003 ISA03-S026 Modern Control Systems

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Session Chair: Peter Wojsznis, Emerson Process Management Presentation(s): ISA03-P127 ISA03-P228 User Interface for Adaptive Tuning Peter Wojsznis, Emerson Process Management Dynamic Modeling of the Plant Gas System: Process Control and Design Applications Aleksandr Muravyev, Automation & Control Technologies, Inc Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306 Marketing Theme: Control Location: 306


Benefits of Field Based Control

Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Session Chair: Steve Weygandt, Invensys Systems, Inc. Presentation(s): ISA03-P197 Benefits of Field Based Control (Tutorial) Kurt Zech, KI Engineering LLC

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Summer 2003

ACOS and the Web

You can access the ACOS Web site through ISA staff maintains the main Web site with content focusing on the ACOS and ISA. The local site, maintained by the ACOS Webmaster Chuck Cuyulis, has a technical focus. In addition, ACOS Members can join the Division listserve. These tools are available for us to provide each other technical information. We especially contribute to the local Division Web site. Three suggestions for contributing to the Web site are: What Web sites have you found that have useful technical content? The site currently divides the links by categories so vendor sites with useful, general technical information are acceptable. Provide a book review that would permit the addition of another topic on the site. Provide your suggestions on Web site content. Send comments to either or both Chuck Cuyulis at or Harry Elliott at harry.elliott@ Additional technical articles will be added to the site. Requests for specific control questions can be broadcast to the Members of the Division listserve. By responding, we share our knowledge and opinions with others in the field. Pick the ISA listserves that best meet your interests. Benefits come from asking, reading, and responding! The primary means of communication for the Division have been newsletters, technical presentations, and ISA and American Automatic Control Council. Future Division newsletters on paper aremost probablyhistory. For a majority of the Members, regular attendance at shows other than local and conferences is not economically feasible. The future of the Division will depend heavily on www tools.

Call for Papers2004 American Control Conference

The American Automatic Control Council will hold the 23rd American Control Conference (ACCC) from 30 June to 2 July 2004 at the Boston Sheraton Hotel in Boston, Mass. Held in cooperation with eight member societies, including ISA, the conference focuses on the fields of control, automation, and related areas. Papers are solicited in the form of regular manuscripts (6 proceeding pages) and short manuscripts (2 pages). The conference also calls for proposals for invited sessions, tutorial sessions, interactive sessions, and workshops. Nominations are also solicited for the best student paper competition. The new ISA Review Chair for the ACC, Dr. Zhiqiang Gao, encourages all ACOS Members to participate in this conference. Dr. Gao, associate professor and director of the Center for Advanced Control Technology at Cleveland State University, and his group have been working extensively with industry partners in developing nonlinear PID, fuzzy logic, wavelet controller, and one-parameter tuning technologies. As an ISA Officer, Dr. Gaos main goal is to facilitate across-the-board collaborations between practicing engineers and academic researchers. The ACC provides a great opportunity to initiate a dialog between the two parties. It is also a place for ACOS Members to sharpen their skills by attending sessions, such as the Practical Techniques in Control Engineering workshop, and by picking brains of top experts in all areas of controls. The practitioners and researchers in ACOS are also encouraged to submit papers on the history, the state of art, and the technical challenges for a particular industry sector. For more information, Dr. Gao can be reached by email at or by phone at (216) 687-3528. See the related article in this newsletter entitled Report from Dr. Gao. For more information on the conference, consult its Web site acc2004/index.asp or contact one of the following conference organizers:

View ISA 2002 Technical Conference papers, .NET Industrial Automation

Steven L. Weygandt, PE, Invensys Production Management Dave Hardin, PE, CSDP, Invensys Production Management

PLC Formal Control Methodologies: Does Academia Supply What Industry Demands?
Houshang Darabi MIE Department (M/C 251) University of Illinois at Chicago 2039 ERF, 842 W. Taylor St Chicago, Illinois 60607 Rupa Sampath MIE Department (M/C 251) University of Illinois at Chicago 2039 ERF, 842 W. Taylor St Chicago, Illinois 60607 David Naylor Starthis, Inc. 10600 W. Higgins Road Suite 414 Rosemont, Il 6061

General Chair
Jason L. Speyer Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department University of California-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597 Tel: (310) 206-4451 Fax: (310) 206-2302 Email:

Program Chair
Lucy Y. Pao Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0425 Tel: (303) 492-2360 Fax: (303) 492-2758 Email:

ACOS Division Newsletter

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Technical Information Sources

By Harry Elliot, ACOS Director
Where do you get your technical information? Consider the bargain rate now available on ISA Transactions, edited by Russ Rhinehart, for papers that have been reviewed and selected. ISA Members can subscribe to ISA Transactions for a limited time at a reduced rate of only $39, instead of the normal Member rate of $70 and the current Nonmember rate of $310. Information about the journal and how to subscribe can be found at Many times the technical information we need to do our jobs is only available from a vendor as it is vendor specific. For general technical information I have found useful sources include: List serves such as the ACOS or other ISA community listserves. These allow you to ask questions of others. Web searchesI have had moderate success using search engines. ISA Standards and the ISA Member standards benefit has been a bargain. ISA show proceedings have been useful when I remember what I want and other times when I have the patience to search through several disks. Division Web sites. As Division interests do overlap, I have used PMCD and POWID Division Web sites for useful articles. What would you like to see added to the ACOS Web site? Textbooks, handbooks, and other control books. But I try to avoid buying too many. The way a book has been useful to others would help. This is a service that the Division Web site could provide if contributors are available. One of the ways ISA has served the industry is through promoting useful instrument and control books. Only a few instrument and control publications were available 37 years ago when I began searching. Once I saved magazines and used articles. My policy is now to discard them after scanning unless I find a compelling reason to do otherwise. Serving as a paper reviewer. The paper review process improves the quality of papers first by screening, and secondly providing a second (or third) look at the content and presentation of the content. I remember not liking the harsh comments of an anonymous reviewer of a paper I had written. However, I also knew that his remarks were valid, and were considered when I revised my paper. Even though a reviewer reviews papers in his general field of expertise, papers have a different viewpoint or new way of approaching problems. As a reviewer, you will expand your knowledge.

Report from Dr. Zhiqiang Gao

(This report is extracted from an e-mail from Dr. Zhiqiang Gao of Cleveland State University to ACOS Director Harry Elliott. Reprinted for general interest and to encourage interactions between industry and academia. Please send any comments directly to Dr. Zhiqiang Gao, Things are going quite well in Cleveland. Im trying to work with ISA headquarters to set up a tutorial session on tuning techniques at this years ISA EXPO. If it goes, Ill see everyone soon in Houston. My student, Shahid Parvez, presented a Wavelet Controller at the last ISA conference and received quite bit of interest. As you know, ISA is making a major effort to reach out to the R&D communities. I thought the ACC provides a nice forum for this purpose. It is known in the IEEE Control System Society as a more applied conference. I will try to work with Lucy Pao and her committee to make ACC even more attractive to practicing engineers. (See also Call for Papers.) In particular, I will be proposing to the program committee to hold a session, or sessions, and bring the top guns from industry and academia to address the following: 1. The state of industrial control and automation 2. The industry challenges in going beyond PID 3. Examples of the R&D communitys contribution to a whole industry sector, such as fuzzy logic, etc. 4. Critical skills needed for todays control engineers At the ACC, we may call this the Industry-Academia Forum. The speakers could include senior industry automation leaders as well as a senior officer from ISA. Russ (Rhinehart of OSU, Past ACOS Director), thanks to you for pushing me into this. Your wisdom is, as always, welcome. Best wishes to you all, Zhiqiang Gao, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director Center for Advanced Control Technologies Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cleveland State University Stilwell Hall Rm316, 1960 E. 24th Str. Cleveland, OH 44115 Phone: (216) 687-3528 Fax: (216) 687-5405 Email: Web:

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Summer 2003

20022003 ACOS Division Officers

DIRECTOR Harry Elliott Phone: (281) 340-3907 Fax: (281) 340-3939 Email: harry.elliott@ WEBMASTER Charles Cuyulis Phone: (201) 768-1942 x26 Fax: (201) 768-8591 Email: chuckc@ HONORS & AWARDS CHAIR Rajinder Soni Phone: (281) 752-3579 Fax: (281) 597-3060 Email: rajinder_soni@ PROGRAM CHAIR Steven Weygandt Fax: (949) 727-3270 Email: sweygand@ A & T DEPARTMENT VP Roger Blais Phone: (918) 631-2554 Fax: (918) 631-2721 Email: roger-blais@ A & T DEPARTMENT VP-ELECT Jerry Clemons Phone: (304) 647-1771 Fax: (304) 645-4236 Email: jerry.m.clemons@ STAFF CONTACT William Palmer Phone: (919) 990-9359 Fax: (919) 549-8288 Email: DIRECTOR ELECT Open DIVISION FACILITATOR Open WEBMASTER-ELECT Open

Connecting People and Ideas in Automation + Control

ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society 67 Alexander Drive P.O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Phone: (919) 549-8411 Fax: (919) 549-8288 E-mail: ISANetwork:

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