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TITLE : How to relate antenna gain concept with fundamental concept of optical lens ABSTRACT Microwave refers to the

technology of transmitting information or power by the use of radiowaves whose wavelengths are conveniently measured in small numbers of centimeters. Microwaves are widely used for point-to point communications because their small wavelength allows conveniently-sized antennas to direct them in narrow beams, which can be pointed directly at the receiving antenna. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The term Antenna Gain describes how much power is transmitted in the direction of peak radiation to that of an isotropic source. Antenna gain is more commonly quoted in a real antenna's specification sheet because it takes into account the actual losses that occur. Antenna Gain is sometimes discussed as a function of angle, but when a single number is quoted the gain is the 'peak gain' over all directions. A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which transmits and refracts light, converging or diverging the beam. A simple lens consists of a single optical element. A microwave lens can be made from paraffin wax. 2.0 CONTENTS In optical science and engineering light is commonly controlled by redirecting the wave front of propogation radiation by lens, mirror and diffraction element. Antenna gain perform well in line of sight appplication. Lens play a similar role to that reflector in reflector of the antenna. They collimate divergent energy. The antenna will radiated more energy in same direction in others. An optical provides a very narrow gain function. We can view the concpet of optical ususally referred as the IFOV or angular resolution which is the angular measured of how sensitive the instrument to its direction. The concept of optic that based on my understanding is when the light is hit the lens (concave or convex), one will diffract and another one will focusing at the one point. Its the same concept with the antenna gain will received the signal based on the lens in the sensor. At optical frequencies, on the contrary, electromagnetic fields are controlled by redirecting the wave fronts. Because this type of manipulation is based on the wave nature of electromagnetic fields, it cannot be used to control fields on the subwavelength scale. In contrast, radio wave and microwave technology predominantly uses antennas to manipulate electromagnetic fields, controlling them on the subwavelength scale and interfacing efficiently between propagating.

Figure 1 : Type of Lens

Figure 2 : Antenna Gain CONCLUSION So, we can conclude that antenna gain and optical lens have related concept. Antenna gain perform well in line of sight appplication and lens play a similar role to that reflector in reflector of the antenna.

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