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Oral meds: Drug Name Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency: Mechanism of Drug Bactericidal: Inhibits DNA

synthesis in specific (obligate) anaerobes, causing cell death, antiprotozoaltrichomonacidal, amebicidal. Biochemical mechanism of action is not known. Indications Adverse Effects Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities Observe the ten rights in giving the medication Administer drug with food. Reduce the dosage in hepatic diseases. Instruct the client to take the full course of treatment. Instruct client not to take alcohol for 24-72 hours after use, a severe reaction will occur. Inform client that a darker than usual urine will be expected. Instruct patients to abstain from coitus during the drug therapy.

Brand Name: Flagyl Generic Name: Metronidazole Classification: Amebicide An agent used in the treatment of amoebozoa infections.
Antibiotic A drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other microorganisms. Originally, an antibiotic was a substance produced by one microorganism that selectively inhibits the growth of another.

CNS: Headache, e intestinal dizziness, amebiasis ataxia, vertigo, incoordination, insomnia, seizures, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue Acut GI: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, GI upset, cramps. GU: Dysuria, incontinence, darkening of the urine Local: Redness,

Contraindicated to patients with known hypersensitivity to metronidazole, pregnancy. Use cautiously with CNS diseases, candidiasis, blood dyscracias, lactation

Synthetic antibiotics, usually chemically related to natural antibiotics, have since been produced that accomplish comparable tasks. References:

dryness, skin irritation

Instruct patient to report severe GI upset, dizziness, unusual fatigue and fever, and chills. i/Amebicide script/main/art.asp? articlekey=8121

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency

Mechanism of Drug


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities Observe for the ten rights in giving the medication. Do not administer the drug within 12 hrs of antacid administration. Give the drug 1-3 hrs after meals and at bedtime. Monitor serum phosphorus during long-term oral therapy. Take drug between meals and at bedtime. Ulcer patients must take the drug as prescribed. Chew tablets thoroughly before

Brand Name: Caltrate Generic Name: Calcium carbonate Classification: Antacid

Essential element Dietary of the body; helps supplement maintain the when functional calcium integrity of the intake is nervous and inadequate. muscular systems; Symptomatic is an enzyme relief of cofactor and upset affects the stomach secretory activity associated of endocrine and with gastric exocrine glands; hyperacidity, neutralizes and hyperacidity reduces gastric associated acidity. with peptic ulcer and gastritis.

CV: Slowed heart rate, tingling, and peripheral vasodilation. Metabolic: Hypercalcemia, rebound hyperacidity, milk-alkali syndrome.

Contraindicated to patients with: -known allergies to calcium. -renal calculi -hypercalcemia

swallowing followed by a glass of water or milk after. Do not take this drug together with other oral meds; blockage of absorption will possibly occur. Instruct the patients that constipation, nausea, GI upset, loss of appetite will normally be experienced as side effects.

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency

Mechanism of Drug A natural glycoprotein produced in the kidneys, which stimulates RBC production in the bone marrow.


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities Observe the ten rights in giving the medication. Monitor clotting in the access line. Confirm chronic, renal nature of anemia. Not intended as a treatment of severe anemia. Institute seizures precaution. Keep appointments for lab tests needed to determine the effects if therapeutic effects are achieved. Maintain all the

Brand Name: Epogen Procrit Generic Name: Epoetin alfa (EPO, erythropoietin) Classification: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin

Treatment of anemia associated with renal failure, including patients older than 1 month on dialysis.

CNS: Headache, arthralgias, fatigue, asthenia, dizziness, seizure, CVA, TIA CV: Hypertension, edema, chest pain. GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Others: Clotting of access line

Contraindicated to patients with: Uncontrolled hypertension Hypersensitivity to mammalian cellderived products or to albumin human.

usual activities and restrictions that associate to the disease. Monitor HgB levels. Report difficulty in breathing, numbness, tingling, chest pain, seizures, severe headache.

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency

Mechanism of Drug


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Rocephin Generic Name: Ceftriaxone sodium Classification: Antibiotic Cephalosporin (3rd generation)

Dosage: Route: Frequency

Bactericidal: inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall, causing death.

Intra-abdominal infections. Septicemia.

CNS: Headache, dizziness, lethargy, paresthesias GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anoprexia, abdominbal pain, flatulence, hepatotoxicity GU: Nephrotoxicity Hematologic: Bone marrow depression Hypersensitivity: Ranging from rash to fever to anaphylaxis.

Contraindicated to patients with: Allergy to cephalosporins or penicillins. Use cautiously to patients with renal failure.

Observe the ten rights in giving the medication. Discontinue immediately if severe reactions occur.

Other: superinfections

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency

Mechanism of Drug Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the proximal and distal tubules and ascending loop of Henle; leading to a sodium-rich diuresis.


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Lasix Generic Name: Furosemide Classification: Loop diuretic

Edema associated with renal diseases.

CNS: Dizziness, vertigo, paresthesias, weakness, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, blurred vision, tinnitus, hearing loss. CV: Orthostatic hypotension, volume depletion, cardiac dysrhythmias, thrombophlebitis. Dermatologic: Photosensitivity, rash, pruritus, urticaria, purpura, dermatitis. GI: Nausea, anorexia, vomiting,

constipation, diarrhea, jaundice, acute pancreatitis. GU: Polyuria, nocturia, glycosuria, urinary bladder spasms. Hematologic: Leucopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia. Others: Muscle spasms and cramps.

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency

Mechanism of Drug


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Prilosec Generic Name: Omeprazole Classification: Antisecretory Proton-pump inhibitor

Dosage: Route: Frequency

Gastric acid pump inhibitor: suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogenpotassium ATPase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; block the finbal step of acid production.

Short-term treatment of duodenal ulcer. Treatment of heartburn symptoms of GERD.

CNS: Dizziness, headache, asthenia, vertigo, insomnia, apathy, anxiety, paresthesias. Dermatologic: Rash, inflammation, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, dry skin. GI: Diarrhea, abdiominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, tongue atrophy. Respiratory: URI symptoms, cough, epistaxis.

Contraindicated to patients with known hypersensitivity to omeprazole or its components.

Observe the ten rights in giving the medication. Administer the drug before meals. Do not crush, chew nor crush the tablets, it should be swallowed whole. Administer antacids with, if needed. Instruct the patient to have regular medical check-ups. Instruct the patient to notify the physician if severe headache, worsening of symptoms, fever

and chills will occur.

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency

Mechanism of Drug


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities Observe the ten rights in giving the medication. Ensurebthat the client has tried cholesterol lowering diet regimen for 3-6 mos before beginning the therapy. Give in the evening; highest rates of cholesterol synthesis are between midnight and 5am. Advise patients not to drink grapefruit juice while using the drug.

Brand Name: Zocor Generic Name: Simvastatin Classification: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor Antihyperlipide mic

Inhibits the HMGAdjunct to diet in CNS: CoA reductase, the treatment of Headache, the enzyme that elevated total asthenia, sleep catalyzes the first cholesterol and disturbances. step in the LDL cholesterol cholesterol with primary GI: synthesis hypercholesterolemi Flatulence, pathway, resulting a (types IIa and IIb) diarrhea, in a decrease in in those abdominal pain, serum cholesterol, unresponsive to cramps, serum LDLs, and dietary restriction of constipation, either an increase saturated fat and nausea, or no change in cholesterol and dyspepsia, serum HDLs. other heartburn, liver nonpharmacologioc failure. measures. Respiratory: Sinusitis, pharyngitis Other: Acute RF, arthralgia, myalgia

Contraindicated to patients with known allergy to simvastatin, fungal products; active liver disease or unexplained, persistent, elevations of serum transaminases. Use cautiously with impaired hepatic and renal function.

Instruct patient to have compliance in periodic lab tests. Instruct patient to report sever GI upset, changes in vision, unusual bleeding or bruising,dark urine or lightcolored stools, fever, muscle pains, and soreness.

Drug Name

Dose, Route, Frequency Dosage: Route: Frequency

Mechanism of Drug Increases plasma bicarbonate; buffers excess hydrogen ion concentration; raises blood pH; reverses the clinical manifestations of acidosis; increases the excretion of free base in the urine, effectively raising the urinary H; neutralizes or reduces gastric acidity, resulting in increase gastric pH, which inhibits the proteolytc activity of pepsin.


Adverse Effects


Nursing Responsibilities

Brand Name: Bell/ans Generic Name: Sodium bicarbonate Classification: Anatacid Systemic alkalyzer Urinary alkalyzer

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