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GratingMOD 3.

User Guide

RSoft Design Group, Inc. 400 Executive Blvd. Suite 100 Ossining, NY 10562 Phone: 19149232164 Fax: 19149232169 Copyright 2001-2008 All Rights Reserved.

Preface 1
Notices ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Limited Warranty ........................................................................................................ 2 Copyright Notice ......................................................................................................... 2 RSoft Design Group Trademarks ............................................................................ 2 Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................... 2 System Requirements ................................................................................................................ 2 How to read this manual ............................................................................................................ 2 What should I read and when? .................................................................................... 2 Conventions ............................................................................................................................... 3 Physics Conventions.................................................................................................... 3 Manual Conventions.................................................................................................... 3 Product Name Conventions......................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.A. Overview of Capabilities and Features .............................................................................. 5 1.B. Technical Background ....................................................................................................... 6 1.B.1. Coupled-Mode Theory...................................................................................... 6 1.B.2. Transfer Matrix ................................................................................................. 7 1.B.3. Continuous Layer Peeling Technique ............................................................... 7

Chapter 2: Installation

2.A. Main Program Installation ................................................................................................. 9 Existing RSoft users .................................................................................................... 9 First-time RSoft users.................................................................................................. 9 Backing up the Examples ............................................................................................ 9 2.B. Testing the GratingMOD installation................................................................................. 9 2.C. What Next? ..................................................................................................................... 11 README File........................................................................................................... 11 Technical Support & Software Upgrades .................................................................. 11

Chapter 3: Grating Analysis


3.A. Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 13 Step 1: Creating a new GratingMOD design file ...................................................... 14 Step 2: Laying out the waveguide(s) and defining waveguide parameters................ 15 Step 3: Defining the Grating Perturbation ................................................................. 15 Step 4: Checking the Index Profile............................................................................ 16 Step 5: Defining the Analysis Parameters ................................................................. 17 Step 6: Defining the Modes to be Used ..................................................................... 18 Step 7: Setting Output Options.................................................................................. 18 Step 8: Starting the Simulation.................................................................................. 18 3.B. Grating Structure Layout.................................................................................................. 18 3.B.1. Defining the Periodicity/Taper of the Segment .............................................. 18

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Contents iii

3.B.2. Defining Cross Sections and User Profiles ..................................................... 20 3.C. Automatic Layout with the Layout Generator................................................................. 20 3.D. Grating Analysis Simulation............................................................................................ 22 3.D.1. GratingMOD Simulation Grating Analysis Window .................................. 22 3.D.2. Analysis Parameters Tab ................................................................................ 23 3.D.3. Mode Selection Tab........................................................................................ 25 3.D.4. Spectral Characteristics Tab ........................................................................... 27 3.E. Performing the Analysis .................................................................................................. 29 3.E.1. Analysis Output Options ................................................................................. 29 3.E.2. Analysis Output File Formats ......................................................................... 30 3.F. Parameter Scans................................................................................................................ 30

Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis


4.A. Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 31 Step 1: Creating a new GratingMOD design file ...................................................... 31 Step 2: Choosing a Grating Synthesis Calculation Type ........................................... 32 Step 3: Defining the Input Spectrum ......................................................................... 33 Step 4: Defining the Target Spectrum ....................................................................... 34 Step 5: Defining the Synthesis Parameters ................................................................ 34 Step 6: Setting Output Options.................................................................................. 35 Step 7: Starting the Simulation................................................................................. 35 4.B. Synthesis Basics ............................................................................................................... 35 4.B.1. GratingMOD Simulation Grating Synthesis Window ................................. 35 4.B.2. The Input Spectrum Tab ................................................................................. 36 4.B.3. Creating a Realizable Spectrum...................................................................... 38 4.B.4. The Target Spectrum Tab ............................................................................... 39 4.B.5. The Synthesis Parameters Tab ........................................................................ 40 4.C. Performing the Synthesis ................................................................................................. 42 4.C.1. Synthesis Output Options ............................................................................... 42 4.C.2. Synthesis Output File Formats........................................................................ 43

Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials


Tutorial A1: 2D Grating with Width Modulation .................................................................... 45 Using the Grating Layout Utility............................................................................... 45 Editing Grating Parameters ....................................................................................... 45 Performing a Simulation............................................................................................ 48 Tutorial A2: 2D Slab Grating with Index Modulation............................................................. 51 Creating the Grating Structure................................................................................... 51 Performing the Simulation ........................................................................................ 52 Tutorial A3: Fiber Bragg Grating ........................................................................................... 53 Setting up the Fiber ................................................................................................... 53 Calculating Reflection Spectra & Delay.................................................................... 54 Decorating the Plots (Optional)................................................................................. 56 Tutorial A4: Grating with Apodization.................................................................................... 61 Adding Apodization .................................................................................................. 61 Performing the Simulation ........................................................................................ 61 Tutorial A5: Grating with Chirp .............................................................................................. 63 Adding Chirp............................................................................................................. 63 Viewing Apodization and Chirp................................................................................ 64 Tutorial A6: Grating with Multiple Sections ........................................................................... 65 Creating Another Segment ........................................................................................ 65 Performing the Simulation ........................................................................................ 66 Tutorial A7: Using Non-Analytic Modes ................................................................................ 67 Creating the Grating Structure................................................................................... 67

iv Contents

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Setting the Simulation Parameters............................................................................. 68 Performing the Simulation ........................................................................................ 69 Tutorial A8: Analysis of a grating-assisted coupler................................................................ 71 Creating the GratingMOD Design File ..................................................................... 71 Drawing the Segments............................................................................................... 72 Viewing the index profile.......................................................................................... 74 Calculating the modes to be used for the analysis ..................................................... 75 Performing the coupled mode theory analysis........................................................... 75 Tutorial A9: Fiber Cladding Mode Analysis .......................................................................... 79 Structure Overview.................................................................................................... 79 Performing a Simulation............................................................................................ 79 Changing the Cladding Mode Options ...................................................................... 80

Chapter 6: Synthesis Tutorials


Tutorial S1: -40 dB Filter Design ............................................................................................ 83 Desired Performance ................................................................................................. 83 Setting up the Synthesis Simulation .......................................................................... 84 Performing the Synthesis........................................................................................... 85 Viewing Simulation Results ...................................................................................... 86 Tutorial S2: Two Channel Filter .............................................................................................. 87 Filter Design .............................................................................................................. 87 Performing the Synthesis........................................................................................... 88 Tutorial S3: Constant Dispersion Compensation..................................................................... 89 Filter Specifications................................................................................................... 89 Setting up the Simulation .......................................................................................... 89 Performing the Synthesis........................................................................................... 91 Tutorial S4: Verifying Analysis Results .................................................................................. 93 Grating Analysis Section........................................................................................... 93 Grating Synthesis Section.......................................................................................... 93 Comparing Results .................................................................................................... 96

Appendix A: Tips and Traps in using GratingMOD


Common GratingMOD mistakes............................................................................................. 97 Some good GratingMOD habits to learn ................................................................................. 97

Appendix B: Apodization and Filter Types for GratingMOD


Cosine ...................................................................................................................................... 99 Raised-Cosine ........................................................................................................................ 100 Tanh ....................................................................................................................................... 100 Blackman ............................................................................................................................... 101

Appendix C: Symbol Table Variables for GratingMOD


Analysis Variables ................................................................................................................. 103 Synthesis Variables................................................................................................................ 104 Common Variables ................................................................................................................ 104

Appendix D: Synthesis File Formats


Raw Data Formats ................................................................................................................. 107 Standard RSoft File Format ................................................................................................... 107



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Contents v



vi Contents

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide


GratingMOD is an integrated software package capable of analyzing known grating structures (design), and determining the characteristics of gratings from measurements or other known spectra (synthesis). GratingMOD can work with any type of waveguide transverse profile that can be designed in the RSoft Environment. In GratingMOD, a periodic longitudinal perturbation is defined to produce a longitudinal grating structure. This leads to a simulation method that is computationally faster than both Bi-Directional BPM and FDTD, and it is equally well suited to both 2D and 3D problems. The design portion of GratingMOD can simulate both index modulation gratings, such as Fiber Bragg Gratings, and surface relief gratings can be modeled in GratingMOD. Moreover, combining sections employing different types of gratings can form complex-grating devices. Grating profile, apodization, and chirp can be chosen from pre-defined functions or specified by user-defined expressions or files. Powerful post-processing includes, but is not limited to, spectrum analysis including determination of bandwidth and side lobe characteristics, delay and dispersion, curve fitting to grating characteristics, and field pattern display. The GratingMOD design tool can be used for the design and simulation of gratings that are used in applications such as grating-assisted filters in WDM circuits, fiber Bragg grating devices, gain flattening devices, dispersion compensators, side-lobe suppression, and narrow/broad band filters. GratingMOD is based on Coupled-Mode Theory and the transfer matrix method. Coupled-Mode Theory is used to derive the governing equations based on orthogonal modes, while the transfer matrix method is used to solve the coupled mode equations. The synthesis portion of GratingMOD is based on the latest Layer Peeling technique. Given the spectral characteristics of a grating, GratingMOD can synthesize the apodization and chirp of the grating in question. Furthermore, by normalizing the synthesized results to the effective index, the grating characteristic, for gratings composed of lossless materials, is independent of the transverse waveguide profile, and is a function only of the longitudinal grating perturbation. This unique feature allows the user to synthesize a grating profile, and then consider its performance in any number of transverse waveguide characteristics. Using the synthesis tool, GratingMOD can be used to design dispersion compensators for fiber communications, sharpedge, low-side-lobe bandpass filter designs, gain equalizers, multiple channel filters, and linear dispersion (third order dispersion parameter).

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Preface 1

This section has a list of legal and other miscellainous information pertaining to the software.

Limited Warranty
RSoft Design Group, Inc. warrants that under normal use, the physical media (diskette and documentation) will be free of material defects for a period of thirty days from the date of purchase. Upon written notice, RSoft Design Group, Inc. will replace any defective media. No other warranty of any sort, either expressed or implied, is provided with this software. No liability for damage to equipment or data, or any other liability, is assumed by RSoft Design Group, Inc..

Copyright Notice
Copyright 2001-2008 RSoft Design Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright is claimed for both this manual and the software described in it.

RSoft Design Group Trademarks

RSoft Design Group, RSoft Inc., RSoft, The RSoft CAD Environment, BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE, GratingMOD, DiffractMOD, FemSIM, ModePROP, LaserMOD, OptSIM, LinkSIM, EDFA for Vendors, ModeSYS, Artifex, MetroWAND, SWAT, WinPLOT, and RPlot are trademarks of RSoft Design Group, Inc.

IBM is a registered trademark and IBM PC, PS/2, and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft and MS- DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Unix and Motif are registered trademarks and X Windows is a trademark of The Open Group. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvolds. Xfree86 is a registered trademark of the The Xfree86 Project. All other product names referred to in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

System Requirements
The RSoft Passive Device Suite will run on an IBM compatible personal computer with an Intel Pentium III or higher processor (or AMD equivalent), 256 MB RAM or higher depending on the application, and 250 MB of hard-disk space. Versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux are available. The Windows versions require Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Linux versions have been tested on the standard Red Hat configuration using X Windows or Xfree86 and Motif.

How to read this manual

The following are some guidelines on the contents of this manual and the conventions used within it.

What should I read and when?

You should begin by reading Chapter 2 to ensure that you have correctly installed GratingMOD. Chapter 1 contains a brief summary of some of the theory behind GratingMOD as well as a brief outline of its capabilities. This material may be familiar to most users, but it explains some technical conventions followed in GratingMOD and should be at least skimmed.

2 Preface

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 contain descriptions for grating analysis and synthesis calculations respectively. The Tutorial chapters go through several step-by-step examples, ordered in terms of increasing complexity, of setting up grating structures using the software. It is recommended that you start with the first tutorial and continue on to the last. The Appendix includes such things as a list of common mistakes, pre-defined apodization functions used in the software, and command utilities included with the software.

This section describes various conventions concerning the physics, the manual styles, and the product names.

Physics Conventions
As with any branch of science, there are a number of concepts in the study of photonic devices for which there exist several different definitions exist in the literature. There are the conventions adopted in the RSoft CAD.

The units used in the CAD are as follows: The standard unit of length is measured in microns [m]. The angular unit used is in degrees. The units of imaginary refractive index are defined as:

nimag =

where is the wavelength and is the usual exponential loss coefficient defined such that the power decays as exp[-z], and is given in units of m-1.

The polarization convention used by RSoft is described in great detail in the CAD appendices.

Manual Conventions
A number of typeface and layout conventions are followed in this manual. Actions to be performed in the interfaces are usually indented in bulleted or numbered lists. The names of fields and controls in the GUI dialogs are written in boldface Courier The values of pull-down menus and radio button controls are written in Roman italics. Symbol table variables and formulas and expressions to be typed into the GUI edit fields are written in Courier. In referring to example CAD files, the installation directory for the CAD tool is specified as <rsoft_dir>, and should be replaced with the correct value for your installation. On Windows machines this is typically c:\RSoft\.

Product Name Conventions

The executable files for the various RSoft products have different names under Windows and Linux. In the manual, we normally use the Windows names. The following table shows the corresponding names that should be used under Linux:

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Preface 3

Product The RSoft CAD tool BeamPROP simulation tool GratingMOD simulation tool FemSIM simulation tool WinPLOT graphing tool ModeVIEWER tool MOST tool

Windows Name bcadw32.exe bsimw32.exe grmod.exe femsim.exe winplot.exe modeviewer.exe rsmost.exe

Linux Name xbcad xbeam xgrmod xfemsim xplot xmodeviewer xmost

4 Preface

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter will go through the various applications that GratingMOD is designed for. GratingMOD is used for the design and simulation of gratings that can be used for a host of devices. Some of these grating applications include, but are not limited to, grating-assisted filters in WDM circuits, fiber Bragg grating devices, gain flattening devices, dispersion compensators, side-lobe suppression, and narrow band and broad band filters. In addition, some of the technical background material, including derivations of the analysis and synthesis features, is described in detail. Note that a partial list of references that the technical material is based on, can be found in the references appendix.

1.A. Overview of Capabilities and Features

GratingMOD utilizes the RSoft CAD interface, which allows unlimited waveguide types, including fiber, slab, channel, diffused, ridge, and multiplayer profiles. In fact, any waveguide structure that can be defined in the RSoft CAD interface can be treated as a perturbed or unperturbed waveguide in GratingMOD. This also allows extensive flexibility in defining the grating perturbation. Perturbations can be applied to index, width, height, and all combinations thereof. GratingMOD can simulate multiple types of grating profiles including sine and rectangle profiles. In addition the package can include multiple apodization types such as cosine, raised-cosine, tanh, and Blackman. Finally, linear chirp can be included as well. In addition, a powerful grating synthesis tool is incorporated that can be used reconstruct a grating design from the measured reflection spectrum, even if only the amplitude of the spectrum is available. Using the synthesis tool, GratingMOD can be used to design dispersion compensators for fiber communications, sharp-edge, low-side-lobe bandpass filter designs, gain equalizers, multiple channel filters, and linear dispersion (third order dispersion parameter). The software package includes many other advanced features. For design considerations, GratingMOD can auto correct the Bragg condition to find the period for a given wavelength, or fix the period and find the wavelength, neff pairs that satisfy the Bragg condition. For the output, amplitude/phase/delay/dispersion as well as apodization and period chirp, for reflection and transmission can be displayed. Also, dispersion characteristics are included in the results. Multiple cascading sections can be put together and simulated using the package for more advanced gratings. The software can auto search for the center wavelength from input spectrum as well as compute mode-matching between sections. For ease of use, generalized parameter scanning is included to scan over various design parameters. A pulse response algorithm is included to calculate pulse effects of gratings. Finally, the generalized multiple modes transfer matrix method is included to increase computation power

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Chapter 1: Introduction 5

1.B. Technical Background

The governing equations of GratingMOD are derived via Coupled-Mode Theory based on orthogonal modes. A transfer matrix is also used. The Continuous Layer Peeling Technique is used for grating synthesis. This section outlines the fundamental aspects of these methods. References are provided at the end of this manual for more information.

1.B.1. Coupled-Mode Theory

Suppose the electric and magnetic field for the pth mode of an unperturbed waveguide are represented by et,p and ht,p respectively. Note that bold letter denote a vector quantity. The orthgonality relation between any two modes is therefore:


t, p

( x, y ) h t , m ( x, y )ds = et , m ( x, y ) ht , p ( x, y )ds = 0 ( p m)

Using these relations, arbitrary transverse field components for a perturbed waveguide can be expressed as a sum of orthogonal modes.

E1,t = [a m ( z ) exp(i m z )]e t ,m + [bm ( z ) exp( i m z )]e t ,m

m m

H 1,t = [a m ( z ) exp(i m z )]h t ,m [bm ( z ) exp( i m z )]h t , m

m m

where is the propagating constant, a and b are amplitude of forward and backward modes. The above equation implies time harmonic epx[-iwt]. According to Coupled-Mode Theory, we can obtain the following coupled ordinary differential equations:

da p ( z ) dz

z = i tp ,m + p ,m am ( z )e m=1


i m p z

z + tp ,m p ,m bm ( z )e

i m + p z


dbp ( z ) dz

z = i tp ,m p ,m am ( z )e m=1


i m + p z

z + tp ,m + p ,m bm ( z )e

i m p z


The coupling coefficient between the p and m mode is:



t p ,m


[n ( x, y, z ) n ( x, y)]e
2 2 0 S


( x, y ) et ,m ( x, y )ds


t, p

( x, y ) h t , p ( x, y )ds


6 Chapter 1: Introduction

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

z p ,m



2 n0 ( x, y ) n ( x, y , z ) n ( x, y ) 2 e z , p ( x, y )e z ,m ( x, y )ds n ( x, y , z ) 2 2 0



( x, y ) h t , p ( x, y )ds

where n0(x,y) is the index profile of the unperturbed waveguide, while n(x,y,z)is the index of the grating. Note: Equations (3) and (4) are rigorous even for lossy media. In practice, one cannot use an infinite number of modes, therefore coupled ordinary differential equations can be reduced to finite number. Braggs condition can be used to eliminate fast varying terms in coupled ordinary differential equations so as to simplify calculation. For limited conditions, non-orthogonal mode decomposition can be used to get approximated results.

1.B.2. Transfer Matrix

The coupled ordinary differential Eq.s (3) and (4) can be expressed in matrix form as

a d a = iC b b dz

where C is the matrix of coupling coefficients. Assume C is independent of Z in an interval (z1, z2). We therefore have an eigenvalue decomposition:

C = U 1DU

where D is real diagonal matrix and U is transpose of eigenvector matrix. Thus we have transfer matrix T

u u u = U 1 exp[iD( z1 z 2 )]U = T v v v z1 z2 z2


1.B.3. Continuous Layer Peeling Technique

Using the following coupled-mode equations

d u ( z , ) = i u ( z , ) + i ( z ) v ( z , ) dz d v ( z , ) = i v ( z , ) i * ( z ) u ( z , ) dz

with the definition of reflection as:

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Chapter 1: Introduction 7

r ( z, ) =

v( z, ) u ( z, )

we find the synthesis relation to be [4]:

( z) =


r * ( z , )d

The grating structure can then be reconstructed step by step.

8 Chapter 1: Introduction

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Chapter 2: Installation

This chapter explains the installation procedure for GratingMOD, and provides a quick example to test the installation.

2.A. Main Program Installation

This section details the installation of GratingMOD.

Existing RSoft users

Provided you have purchased and installed a current license for RSoft software such as BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE, DiffractMOD, FemSIM or ModePROP there is a minimal amount of additional installation required to use GratingMOD. This is because GratingMOD shares the same CAD interface with these products. You will have to replace the license file you are currently using with the one RSoft has sent you with your purchase.

First-time RSoft users

If you have not previously installed RSoft software, you should turn to the CAD manual and follow the installation instructions there.

Backing up the Examples

GratingMOD comes with a large set of examples and tutorial files which we use extensively in this manual. Since it is easy to accidentally overwrite these files in the course of experimenting with the tool, we recommend copying the entire Examples directory in the RSoft install directory to another location, perhaps a subdirectory of your own home directory. Then you can perform the exercises and tutorials and retrieve the original versions when necessary. We suggest you do this now. Copy the directory <rsoft_dir>\Examples to a suitable location.

2.B. Testing the GratingMOD installation

Once the installation instructions above are completed, try the following steps to check that GratingMOD has been correctly installed. 1. Start the RSoft CAD tool.through either the Windows Start Menu to open the RSoft CAD-Layout Tool. If an error messages involving the license file or hardware key appears, please review the hardware key instructions found in the CAD manual.

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Chapter 2: Installation 9


Use the File/Open menu command in the CAD interface and choose the file
<rsoft_dir>\Examples\GratingMOD\Tutorial\TutA1\grating1.ind. This file contains a simple

2D grating with a sinusoidal width perturbation. You may notice that the grating edges appear to look strange due to the sampling rate used in the CAD window. If you were to zoom in, the grating would in fact appear sinusoidal. Note that this does not affect the simulation in any way. 3. The CAD window should appear as follows:


Hit the Run Simulation icon (the green light). The GratingMOD analysis dialog will appear.


Hit the OK button. The interface will launch the GratingMOD simulation, and in a few moments a WinPLOT window will appear which contains the spectral response.

10 Chapter 2: Installation

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

If so, the installation has been successful. If not, please review the installation instructions in the previous section, and contact RSoft if the problem persists. In an error message similar to This hardware key is not licensed for GratingMOD occurs, please check that you have replaced any existing key and license file, which those that came with the GratingMOD package. Otherwise, please contact RSoft Design Group, Inc. for any further problems or issues.

2.C. What Next?

At this point, you are ready to begin using GratingMOD.

The file readmegm.txt, which is located in the installation directory, should be read. This file may be viewed in any text editor, such as Windows Notepad. The readme file provides important last minute information about GratingMOD that is not contained in this manual, including new or improved features and options.

Technical Support & Software Upgrades

Finally, the GratingMOD software comes with one year of maintenance, including technical support and product updates. Updates are released on our web site every one to three months, and include program corrections as well as new features. To access updates, you must contact RSoft after receiving the software to obtain a username and password. Information regarding each update is located in the README file, which can be accessed on the website to determine if you need or want to upgrade, and should be read thoroughly after downloading and installing any update. If you have any questions regarding your maintenance contract, or to renew your maintenance, please contact RSoft Design Group.

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Chapter 2: Installation 11

Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

This chapter will discuss the grating analysis portion of GratingMOD. In grating analysis, the grating is first defined by the user. The software will then compute the spectral and dispersion response of this grating. Section 3.A. will run through the initial steps of setting up and analyzing a gratings performance. This section is best for beginners who are unfamiliar with GratingMOD and would like a quick overview of the use of the software. Sections 3.B. and 3.C. will go through the details of laying out gratings via either the layout generator or the CAD. Section 3.D. will describe the simulation features of GratingMOD which are used to simulate the defined grating structure. Finally, Section 3.E. will describe the output options and abilities that are created with GratingMOD. Note that some familiarity with the CAD interface is assumed. For more information about the use of the CAD interface, please consult the CAD manual.

3.A. Getting Started

This section contains a brief discussion on how to setup a grating in the software, and then how to analyze it. More details about the options in the software and the meanings of all of the windows will be discussed in the proceeding sections. The method to define a grating is conceptually exactly the same as what is required to define a tapered waveguide in BeamPROP. Note that a new user function source type has been provided to facilitate the types of gratings typically encountered. The procedure is summarized as the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Creating a new GratingMOD design file Laying out the waveguide(s) and defining waveguide parameters Defining the Grating Perturbation Checking the Index Profile Defining the Analysis Parameters Defining the Modes to be used Activating any special features such as output data types and an desired spectral characteristics Starting the simulation

We will now work through each of these steps in detail. To do this, we will consider a Fiber Bragg Grating structure.

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Chapter 3: Grating Analysis 13

Step 1: Creating a new GratingMOD design file

There are two ways to create a new GratingMOD design file. The user can utilize the Grating Layout Utility, or manually create a grating structure in the CAD interface. The use of the Grating Layout Utility is covered in more detail in section 3.B. We will create this example structure through the use of the CAD interface. Open the CAD interface via either the icon on the desktop, the Windows Start Menu, or a command window. Once this is done, click on the New Circuit icon or choose File/New from the CAD menu in order to define a new design file. The Startup Window will be displayed as shown in Fig. 3-1. For this example, we are going to set the default waveguide settings in order to produce a standard single mode fiber with a diameter of 8.2 m, a cladding index of 1.466, and a core index of 1.476. This corresponds to the following CAD parameters: Index Difference = 0.01, Background Index = 1.466, and Component Width = Component Height = 8.2, as shown below. A typical Free Space Wavelength of 1.55 m will be used. Lastly, in order to indicate that a GratingMOD simulation is to be performed, be sure to set the Simulation Tool to GratingMOD. Press the OK button to start the design process.

Figure 3-1: The Startup Window. Note that the settings made in this window can be changed at any later point through the Global Settings dialog box.

14 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Step 2: Laying out the waveguide(s) and defining waveguide parameters.

To create the fiber component, simply draw a segment in the CAD interface by moving the mouse to the desired starting position, pressing and holding the left mouse button, dragging the mouse to the desired ending position, and depressing the mouse button. In this example, we will only use one segment to create the structure. Of course, more complicated structures can be realized through the use of additional segments. After drawing the straight fiber, right click on it to open its Segment Properties window. Set the length of the segment to 1000 m as shown in Fig. 3-2. This will be the length of the grating. For this example, we will perturb the fiber core index with a 10% variation and keep the average to be the same values as the unperturbed fiber. To do this, modify the index difference for ending vertex to be delta*1.1 instead of delta as shown in Fig. 3-2. The perturbation will be defined from the average value, as set by the starting vertex, and the maximum value, as set by the ending vertex.

Figure 3-2: Segment Properties for Fiber Grating

Now choose Index Taperto be New Taper. The User Function Editor dialog will pop up.

Step 3: Defining the Grating Perturbation

Once the waveguide parameters are set, the grating perturbation can be defined through the use of a taper. The grating perturbation is defined as the way the waveguide parameters vary along the propagation direction. For this example, based on the defined parameters, we note that the effective index is 1.472266, and so the period will need to be equal 0.5264 in order to satisfy the Bragg Condition. The program will by default calculate the effective

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Chapter 3: Grating Analysis 15

index and period automatically, as will be discussed below, though the user may also set them manually. In either case, it is useful to define a symbol called Period in the Symbol Table (in fact, this is necessary for the automated case). Define in the symbol table Period and set it equal to 0.5264. The CAD interface contains several different types of tapers. In this example, we will utilize a Grating Taper. Tapers are defined via the User Function Editor. To access this editor, either choose Options/Tables/Edit User Tapers via the CAD menu, or press the Tapers button in any Segment Properties window. In the User Function Editor, set the Source Type to Grating. The dialog appearance will change, as shown in Fig. 3-3. A detailed description of the options in this window will be discussed in Section 3.B.1..

Figure 3-3: User Function Editor for Grating Taper

Set the Period equal to the variable Period we previously defined, and then click OK to save the grating taper. Click OK once more to save the waveguide parameters. The Fiber Bragg Grating is now defined.

Step 4: Checking the Index Profile

To view the index profile, press the Display Material Profile icon, set the Z Grid Size and Z Slice Grid to be Period/16, and then press OK. This sets the grid size used to compute the index profile small enough in order to resolve the periodicity of the grating.

16 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Figure 3-4: Index Profile of Fiber Grating

Step 5: Defining the Analysis Parameters

Now that the grating has been defined, we can begin to setup the analysis of the grating structure. Press the Perform Simulation icon. The analysis dialog will appear, as shown below. For this example, we will look at the spectral response of the grating around a wavelength of 1.55 m. To do this, choose Fix Center Wavelength and set Wavelength to 1.55 as shown in Fig. 3-5. The default values for the remaining parameters in this window will be discussed in Section 3.D.2.

Figure 3-5: GratingMOD Analysis Window

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Chapter 3: Grating Analysis 17

Step 6: Defining the Modes to be Used

Once the analysis parameters have been set, the next step is to define the modes to be used during the simulation. To set these modes, click the Mode Selection tab. This window selects the modes to be used for the grating analysis. GratingMOD can automatically calculate the modes, but can also use precalculated modes. For purposes of this example, make sure that the Mode Selection Parameters is set to Use Auto Mode Calculation and leave the default values for the rest of the options. For more details on the selection of modes, please see Section 3.D.3.

Step 7: Setting Output Options

The last step before performing a simulation is to activate and special features and to choose the data types that you wish to produce. This is done via the Spectral Characteristics tab and the Output button. Once again, these options will be left to their default values. For more information on these options, please see Section 3.D.4.

Step 8: Starting the Simulation

Click OK to perform the simulation. After the simulation is complete, we can see the reflected power spectrum for the Fiber Bragg Grating we defined, where the center wavelength is 1.55 m as expected, in Fig. 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Reflected Wavelength Response of Fiber Grating

3.B. Grating Structure Layout

A grating can be defined as a structure that has two main characteristics: a grating profile and a grating taper. The grating profile is the definition of the index structure perpendicular to the propagation direction, and a grating taper is the definition of how the grating profile changes along the grating. This section outlines the method of defining these two properties of a grating.

3.B.1. Defining the Periodicity/Taper of the Segment

In order to define a grating, the simplest method is to utilize a taper function. Tapers are a formula that tells the software how a particular variable varies along the propagation direction, or Z. More specifically, given a starting and ending value for a physical parameter of a waveguide, a taper is a function of Z that will vary the properties of the waveguide between these two values.

18 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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GratingMOD introduces a new taper type to the CAD interface, the Grating Taper. It provides a simple way to define common grating structures. This taper type varies the waveguide properties based on the average value of a physical parameter for the waveguide, which is set by the starting vertex information, and the maximum value of a physical parameter, which is set by the ending vertex. Users who are familiar with typical tapers in the RSoft CAD will recall that tapers are usually defined to vary between the minimum and maximum value specified in the starting and ending vertices respectively. This is not the case with a Grating Taper as the starting vertex represents the average value of the physics parameter. In the example discussed in the previous section, Fig. 3-3 shows the user function editor for the Grating Taper Type. This section will go through each of those options in more detail.

This defines the leading phase of the grating segment. It denotes the shift of the grating position in terms of the fraction of a period. The units are defined in degrees.

This is the length of a periodic cell. For a non-chirped grating, this is the grating period. For chirped gratings, the period changes as a function of position. In this case, this value equals the average period. In particular, for a linear chirped grating, this value equals the period at the middle of the grating. We strongly suggest you define an easy to remember symbol, such as Period, in the symbol table and set this field equal to that symbol. Some options for grating analysis will use this convention. However, it is occasionally convenient for the user to change the value in the symbol table other than going back and forth into this dialog. The units of this field are microns.
Apodization Type

This box sets the apodization type. There are four built in apodization types which are described in Appendix B in more detail. Additionally, a user taper can be used to describe the apodization.
Apodization Coefficient

This coefficient varies the characteristics of the apodization functions used for the four built in apodization types. Please see Appendix B for details and equations for each apodization type.
Chirp Type

This box sets the chirp type. There is currently one built in chirp type for linear chirp, in which case the period is defined as:

z ( z ) = 0 + 0.5 L
where z varies from 0 to L (the length), 0 is the nominal period (defined by variable Period), and , is the Chirp Coefficient.
Chirp Coefficient

This is the coefficient of linear chirp, , as defined above. Its dimension needs to be the same as the Period.
Profile Type

Profile type is the type of shape of a periodic cell. Currently this can be either rectangular or sinusoidal. .

Sets an offset for the taper function. A value of 0 means that the function varies from -1 to 1.
Duty Cycle

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Chapter 3: Grating Analysis 19

This sets the duty cycle of the periodic function used to create the grating taper.

Actual Taper Definition

Given the above definitions for a grating taper, the actual taper function used to define the grating is:
z 2 g ( z ) = A( z )sin 0 + dz 0 C ( z) 0

where g(z) is a taper funtion as described in the CAD manual, A(z) is apodization function, C(z) is chirp function, 0 is the nominal period, and 0 is the phase. The chirp function C(z) is defiend as:

C ( z) =

( z ) 0

Please note that this taper function is deifned to vary between 1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1 like the other built-in taper types.

3.B.2. Defining Cross Sections and User Profiles

For 3D structures, GratingMOD can utilize the layout capabilities that are included in the CAD interface. This includes the capability to create arbitrary cross sections in the XY plane (henceforth called profiles) either using several default profiles or creating a unique profile through the use of a user profile. Various 3D structure types can be implemented using the structure types that are included with the CAD. A complete list with details can be found in Chapter 6 of the CAD manual but a brief discussion is included here. The user, in the global parameters window, can set various types of 3D structures such as fiber, channel, ridge/rib, diffused, and multilayer. Each of these structures then needs to have its index, height, and other properties defined. If the user has an arbitrary structure that does not fit one of these profiles, user profiles can be utilized to design the structure. By right clicking on a segment, a user profile can be set in the Profile Typebox. Then, either an equation or data file can be entered that will tell the program what the profile should look like. More details on this can be found in Chapter 7 of the CAD manual. A useful procedure for making sure that the correct profile has been set up, is to check the index profile before a simulation is to be done. To do this, press the Display Material Profile icon, set the Display Mode to Contour Map (XY), and then press OKto view the index profile at a particular cross section. In this way, one can see if the appropriate profile has been set.

3.C. Automatic Layout with the Layout Generator

GratingMOD includes a grating layout utility which simplifies the layout of most grating structures. The various options that allow the user to automatically layout various pre-defined gratings are discussed here. This utility allows the quick layout of many different types of gratings. To open the grating layout generator, select Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout from the top menu in the CAD. Figure 3-7 shows the window associated with this utility. In this window, all of the default characteristics of a grating can be set. Later, these various characteristics can be changed via the symbol table.

20 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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Figure 3-7: GratingMOD Layout Generator Window Layout Options

This option sets the type of grating that will be produced. Note that the only 2D structure setting is slab, and the rest of the options are various types of 3D outputs.
Grating Type

This tells the layout utility if an index modulated or surface relief structure will be created. For a slab structure, the volume perturbation refers to the width of the waveguide. For the fiber and channel structures, the volume perturbed refers to the width and height. For the ridge structure, the height will be modulated.
Modulation Depth

This sets the default difference between the high and low values of the set modulation. If the grating is an index modulated grating, then this will set the modulation of the index change. If the grating is a height modulated grating, then this will set the height change, etc.

This sets the default width of the structure.


This sets the default height of the structure for 3D structures. If this is left at 0, then a default height will be set to the value in the width box.

This parameter sets the default index difference (delta) of the structure.
Cladding Index

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For structures that contain a cladding, this sets the index of that cladding.

For theFiber Coupleroption, this sets the separation between the two structures.
Layout File Meta Prefix

When a prefix is entered here, a design file will be created with this name after the OK button is pressed. After a grating is created using this utility, a series of symbols are set in the symbol table that can be used to change the defaults. A list of these is shown below. Symbol
L ModDepth N0 Period delta Ncore Nclad Rcore Rclad Sep

Definition Length of grating structure. The variation in the modulation. The background index. Period of the grating. The index difference. The index of the core (fiber). The index of the cladding (fiber). The radius of the core (fiber). The radius of the cladding (fiber). The separation between two gratings (coupler).

3.D. Grating Analysis Simulation

This section will describe how an analysis simulation is performed, and the definitions of the various options in each of the dialog boxes. This section will be split into five separate parts; one to describe the basic window layout, one for each of the tabs in the simulation window, and one for additional mode solving concerns. Note that this discussion refers only to the analysis portion of GratingMOD. To indicate an analysis simulation, make sure the Simulation Module is set to Grating Analysis. Before performing the analysis, there must be at least one waveguide defined in the layout. Furthermore, if non-trivial results are desired, at least one waveguide should have a grating taper defined, as described in the previous section. We will refer to such a waveguide as a "grating section" for the remainder of the manual. The last grating section will be used to estimate the bandwidth. If there are no gratings, the last section will be used as the reference.

3.D.1. GratingMOD Simulation Grating Analysis Window

The Analysis window allows the user to define the simulation parameters which pertain to a grating analysis simulation. It contains three tabs, six buttons, and an Output File Prefix box. The three tabs are meant to walk the user through a simulation. They will be described in more detail in the following sections.
Output Prefix

This field sets the file prefix that will be used for data files created during a simulation. Note that if no Output Prefix is set, data will not be saved. The six buttons and their functions are as follows:

22 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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This button accesses the GratingMOD Analysis Output dialog box. Its contents are discussed later in this subsection.

This button accesses the Symbol Table where the user can define variables to be used for layout or simulation purposes. For more information on the Symbol Table, please consult the CAD manual.

This buttons accesses this document in online help form.


This button accepts all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window, and begins a simulation.

This button rejects all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window, and returns to the CAD interface.
Save Settings

This button accepts all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window. This button is useful to accept all the changes without performing a simulation.

3.D.2. Analysis Parameters Tab

Figure 3-8 shows the window for the analysis parameters. This is the main window used to define the essential simulation parameters that indicate how the program will perform the simulation.

Figure 3-8: Analysis Parameters Window

Bragg Condition
Fix Center Wavelength

Choosing this option will enable the user to edit the Wavelength field. The number entered in this box will be regarded as the central wavelength and will be used for the simulation. The mode and effective index will be calculated at that

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wavelength for the current waveguide. However, the wavelength and the calculated effective index may not match the given period under the Bragg condition. Therefore, the program will modify the given period to satisfy the Bragg condition. This option can be used when the user wants to design a grating at certain wavelengths and use the period as a variable.

The user needs to enter a central wavelength when the Fix Center Wavelength option is checked. Otherwise, this field is read only and the free_space_wavelength variable set in the symbol table will be displayed.
Fix Period

If the user wants to fix the period of the grating, they should check this option. For this situation, the program will vary the wavelength and find the right one which satisfies Bragg condition.

The user needs to enter a period when the Fix Period option is checked. Otherwise, this field is read only and the Period variable set in the symbol table will be displayed.
Grating Order

The order of the grating to be simulated is to be entered in this box.

Wavelength Grid
Wavelength Range (# or #,#)

Here the wavelength range for spectrum calculation is entered. If only one number is entered, it will be treated as the spectrum width with a central wavelength set as discussed above. If two numbers are entered separated by a comma, these two numbers will be treated as the minimum and maximum wavelength, respectively. If left to the default value, the program will determine the wavelength range by estimating the characteristics of spectrum.
Wavelength Spacing

This is the resolution of the output spectrum. If it is set to the default, the program will choose a proper resolution.

Advanced Analysis Options


This button opens a new dialog containing advanced analysis options as shown below.

24 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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Figure 3-8: Advanced Analysis Options

Performance Criteria
Set Tolerance

This radio button sets the tolerance for automatic calculation of number of steps per grating section. For gratings with apodization and/or chirp, a grating section will be divided into many steps and each step is treated as uniform grating. This technique is the basis of Transfer Matrix Method. GratingMOD tries to find the number of steps according to the given tolerance, which, by default, is 0.001.
Set # Steps

Sometimes one may want to manually set he number of steps. He/She needs to click this radio button then enter the desired number in the editable field.

Coupled-Mode Theory Options

Neff Selection

The accuracy of the Coupled-Mode Theory depends upon the choice of reference waveguide structure [9]. The best reference waveguide structure has the effective index equal the average of maximum perturbed waveguide and minimum perturbed waveguide. However, the unperturbed waveguide doesnt have to be the best reference waveguide. For example, a uniform slab grating with width perturbed from 4 microns to 6 microns and thus has the unperturbed width of 5 microns. Effective index at 5 microns is not the average of effective indices at 4 and 6 microns. Therefore, by default, the reference effective index will be calculated as the average at minimum and maximum positions. When perturbation is weak, or the cost of mode calculation is high, or one intends to do it for research purpose, the
Unperturbed Structure option can be selected.

Note that the Neff Selection option only effects the automatic mode calculation.

Cladding Mode Options

The Cladding Mode button opens the Cladding Mode Analysis Options dialog, where the user can set various parameters for fiber cladding mode calculations. These features only work with simple fiber cladding modes, and not for other structures. The user can Show the Core-Clad Coupling (the Cladding Mode Number sets the number of cladding modes to display), as well as Show Bragg Condition for both short and long periods. Additionally, the grating profile can have a Tilt Angle (set in degrees), which is valid for small angles.

3.D.3. Mode Selection Tab

GratingMOD can automatically calculate the modes supported by the grating structure for the grating analysis, or the user can define precalculated modes to be used for the analysis. The rest of this section will be divided into these two sections. Figure 3-9a and 3-9b show the window when the Mode Selection tab is pressed.

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Figure 3-9: Mode Selection Window: a) Use Auto Mode Calculation, and b) Use Precalculated Modes.

Automatic Mode Calculation

By default the Mode Selection Parameters is set to Use Auto Mode Calculation. The fields in the Automatic Mode Calculation region of the dialog can now be accessed. For simple grating structure such as fiber and slab waveguide, GratingMOD will use analytic solution for mode calculation. For complex structure where analytic mode does not exist, the BeamPROP BPM-mode solver will be used. BeamPROPs BPM mode solver will automatically be available to GratingMOD user. Note that the automatic calculation of modes is only enabled for single mode analysis.
Use Analytic Solution (when possible)

This option is useful if the grating has analytic modes. If this option if checked and the waveguide is either slab or fiber, analytic solution will be used. Therefore the results will be more accurate and the speed will be faster. If this option is unchecked, numerical mode solver will be used to calculate the modes.
Account for (waveguide/material) Dispersion

Choosing this option will tell the software to calculate the index change as the wavelength changes. Mode calculations for the structure will be performed at multiple wavelengths in order to compute the dispersive properties.
Show Mode Calculation

This option enables the display of the mode calculations during the grating analysis. It is highly recommended that option always be selected in order to ensure accurate results from GratingMOD. The BPM-based mode solver is a very complex tool which can sometimes produce spurious modes, especially for complex structures. It is therefore left to the user to ensure that the computed modes are proper and do indeed reflect the modes that are supported by the structure. If the modes do not represent what the structure supports, then the modes must be solved for manually using the BPM based mode solvers. Instructions for this procedure are given in the BeamPROP manual. Once all of the appropriate mode files have been computed and saved to files, they can then be used in a GratingMOD simulation as described below.
Mode Output

This pulldown menu controls the output of the automatically calculated modes. The modes can be saved to disk and/or displayed for later review or other purposes. This field has three options: None This choice indicates that the modes should not be saved to disk or displayed after the simulation.

26 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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Save Only This choice indicates that the modes should be saved to disk after the simulation, but not displayed. Display and Save This option indicates that the modes should be both saved to disk and displayed.

Precalculated Modes
To enable the use of precalculated modes, set the Mode Selection Parameters to Use Precalculated Modes. The fields in the Precalculated Super Modes region of the dialog can now be accessed. Please note that this section assumes that the reader is familiar with BeamPROPs mode solvers. For more information on the BPM-based mode solvers, please consult the BeamPROP manual. For a multimode grating analysis, GratingMOD uses the super modes of the grating structure.

Figure 3-10: The portion of the Mode Selection tab which controls the use of precalculated modes for a grating analysis.

The box in the left region in the dialog shown in Fig. 3-10 lists the super mode files to be used for the grating analysis. Mode files can be added to this list via the Add button, and deleted via the Delete button. Once the modes have been added to the list, the user can set whether the mode should, for purposes of the simulation, be considered as forward or backward propagating, or both. This can be done by double-clicking on the mode file in the list. When this is done, the Direction will toggle between BOTH, FWD, and BACK.
Select Launch

If more than one mode has been entered, the initial mode to be used for the analysis, or launch mode, can be specified. To set the launch mode, select the desired super mode from the list and click the Select Highlighted button.

3.D.4. Spectral Characteristics Tab

Figure 3-11 shows the window for when the Post Processing tab is pressed.

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Figure 3-11: Post-Processing Window Plot FWHM

This checkbox sets the output to display the full width, half maximum of the output spectrum when it is created.
Peak Amplitude

This checkbox sets the output to display the peak amplitude of the output spectrum when it is created.
Peak Position

This checkbox sets the output to display the peak position of the output spectrum when it is created.
Stop Band

This checkbox sets the output to display the stop band of the output spectrum when it is created.
Left Side Lobe - Peak Amplitude

This checkbox sets the output to display the peak amplitude of the left side lobe of the output spectrum when it is created.
Right Side Lobe - Peak Amplitude

This checkbox sets the output to display the peak amplitude of the right side lobe of the output spectrum when it is created.
Inside of Band Defined by Level (0-1 or dB)

This checkbox sets the output to display the inside of the band as defined by level. This level can either be from 0-1, or, if the dB checkbox is set, in dB.
Outside of Band Defined by Level (0-1 or dB)

This checkbox sets the output to display the outside of the band as defined by level. This level can either be from 0-1, or, if the dB checkbox is set, in dB.

28 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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This checkbox indicates that the level measurement made of either the inside or outside band should be displayed in dB.

3.E. Performing the Analysis

Once the structure has been defined and the analysis parameters have been specified, the grating analysis simulation is easy to perform. Simply choose the desired output options via the Output Options dialog box, enter the desired Output Prefix, and then click the OK button. The simulation will then run, and save the requested data with the given Output Prefix. The output options and output file formats will now be discussed.

3.E.1. Analysis Output Options

The format of the output data is controlled by clicking the Outputbutton to display the output setting dialog, as shown in Fig. 3-12. Note that in order to enable the output of data, the user needs to specify an Output Prefix.

Figure 3-12: Output Options Window Output Spectrum

Choose what is displayed in output spectrum. By default only the reflection data displayed. Note that both the data computed and saved in an output file is in units of amplitude, but is squared for display purposes in order to display the spectrum in units of power.
Output Phase

Choose whether the phase is displayed in the output spectrum. The default is No.
Show Delay/Dispersion

Choose whether the delay and dispersion are displayed in the output. The default is No. The delay and dispersion will be calculated from the spectrum phase and will be displayed in the same plot window. The Delay will be plotted against the left axis, while the dispersion will be plotted against the right, alternative axis. In some cases, the calculated delay, which depends on the derivative phase, can have unphysical discontinuities. To alleviate this problem, simply use a finer wavelength grid.
Show Apodization/Chirp

Choose whether the profile of the grating perturbation will be displayed. The default is No. Apodization will be normalized to from 0 to 1. Chirp will be the real period varying along the grating position. Apodization will be displayed along the left axis, and chirp will be plotted along the right, alternative axis.

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3.E.2. Analysis Output File Formats

GratingMOD produces two basic types of data file from the analysis. The first type are WinPLOT plot files which contain plotting commands for WinPLOT. The second type are the actual data files which contain the raw data that is plotted in the plot files. The following two tables list the file formats used by GratingMOD, a brief description, and what calculation type produces the file type.

WinPLOT Files
This section outlines the WinPLOT files that a grating synthesis calculation can produce. To produce a particular set of data, choose the relevant option in the Output Options dialog box.

Winplot file name

<prefix>.pcs <prefix>_profile.pcs

Description Spectrum including amplitude and phase of reflection and transmission Grating profile including apodization and chirp

<prefix>_delay_dispersion. Delay and dispersion pcs

Note that <prefix> stands for the Output Prefix specified.

Raw Data Files

This section outlines the raw data files that a grating synthesis calculation can produce. To produce a particular set of data, choose the relevant option in the Output Options dialog box. They are in ASCII format, and can be viewed or edited using any text editor, such as Windows Notepad.

Data file name

<prefix>.dat <prefix>.apo <prefix>.chi <prefix>.dph

Description Spectrum of grating (5 cols): Wavelength, ampl and phase (deg) for reflection and ampl. and phase (deg) for transmission Apodization data Chirp data Grating spectrum unwrap phase (7 cols): Wavelength, unwrap phase for reflection, unwrap phase for transmission, real/imag for reflection and transmission

Note that <prefix> stands for the Output Prefix specified.

3.F. Parameter Scans

In addition to the simulation capabilities described above, GratingMOD is also capable of performing a parameter scan using RSofts MOST utility. More information about MOST can be found in the MOST manual.

30 Chapter 3: Grating Analysis

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Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

In this chapter we will cover the Grating Synthesis portion of GratingMOD. In grating synthesis, the response for the system is first defined by the user. Next, the software will compute the grating characteristics, including index distribution and chirp, for the grating itself. Section 4.A. contains a brief overview calculation to demonstrate basic use of grating synthesis. Section 4.B. covers the required input data needed to perform a synthesis, and Section 4.C. discusses how to perform the synthesis and what the various output options are.

4.A. Getting Started

This section outlines a simple grating synthesis calculation and is meant to be a brief synopsis. For a complete treatment of this process, along with all associated details and options, please see the proceeding sections. The method to synthesize a grating can be thought of a progression through several steps. These steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Creating a new GratingMOD design file Choosing a Grating Synthesis Calculation Type Defining the Input Spectrum Checking the Target Spectrum Setting the Synthesis Parameters Activating any special features such as output data types Starting the Simulation

We will now work through each of these steps in detail. To do this, we will create a simple fiber based filter with a basic rectangular spectrum.

Step 1: Creating a new GratingMOD design file

In order to create a GratingMOD design file for a grating synthesis, you do not need to define a structure. However, because GratingMOD needs to access a symbol table, you need to create a new circuit. Open the CAD interface via either the icon on the desktop, the Windows Start Menu, or a command window. Once this is done, click on the New Circuit icon or choose File/New from the CAD menu in order to define a new design file. The Startup Window will be displayed as shown in Fig. 4 -1. Since we do not need to define a structure, we only have to set some basic parameters in this window. Also, since we want to produce a fiber-based filter, set the Model Dimension to 3D. Also, change the Simulation Tool to GratingMOD to indicate that a GratingMOD simulation should be performed.

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Figure 4-1: The Startup Window. Note that the settings made in this window can be changed at any later point through the Global Settings dialog box.

Step 2: Choosing a Grating Synthesis Calculation Type

Because we do not need to define a structure, we can go right to the synthesis. Click the Perform Simulation icon to bring up the GratingMOD simulation window. In order to indicate to GratingMOD that a grating synthesis calculation should be performed, change the Simulation Module to Grating Synthesis as shown in Fig. 4-2

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Figure 4-2: The GratingMOD simulation window with the Simulation Mode set to Grating Synthesis.

Step 3: Defining the Input Spectrum

In order to define an input spectrum, GratingMOD can accept either a data file or an expression. For this case, we will utilize a data file. Suppose we want to calculate the grating profile for a filter with the following rectangular spectrum:

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Figure 4-3: Input spectrum to be used for grating synthesis example.

The file <rsoft_dir>Examples\GratingMOD\rect.dat contains the following data, and corresponds to the spectrum shown in Fig. 4-3

Wavelength 1.549 1.54979 1.5498 1.5502 1.55021 1.551

Amplitude 0 0 1 1 0 0

Phase 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 4-4: Data points contained in the file rect.dat which correspond to the spectrum shown in. This file can be viewed/edited using any text editor, such as Windows Notepad.

To set this file as the input spectrum, click Browseand set the Spectrum Input File to the file rect.dat, and click OK. All the default settings are appropriate for this example. The other options in this tab are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Step 4: Defining the Target Spectrum

Once the input spectrum is defined, we can define the target spectrum. The target spectra is the spectra the actual spectra that GratingMOD will try to synthesize a grating for. Ideally, the target spectra should be exactly the same as the input spectra. The target spectra is introduced, however, for cases when the user would like to modify the input spectra before performing the synthesis. In this case, the spectra does not need to be changed.

Step 5: Defining the Synthesis Parameters

The Synthesis Parameters tab allows the user to set several simulation related parameters. For purposes of this example, we will leave the default values. For more information about these parameters, please see Section 4.B.5.

34 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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Step 6: Setting Output Options

The last step before performing a simulation is to choose the data types that you wish to produce. This is done via the Output button. Once again, these options will be left to their default values. For more information on these options, please see Section 4.C.1.

Step 7: Starting the Simulation

Once the target spectrum has been successfully loaded into GratingMOD, and all desired output options are chosen, the simulation can be run. Click OK to perform the simulation. These results, shown in Fig. 4-5, correspond to a rectangular filter with very bad performance. An example of a 40 db-out-band rectangular filter can be found in Tutorial S1 in Chapter 6.

Figure 4-5: Results from grating synthesis calculation.

4.B. Synthesis Basics

In order to perform a synthesis simulation with GratingMOD, you must inform GratingMOD of your desired spectrum. This spectrum, referred to as the Input Spectrum, can then be modified so it corresponds to a realizable grating profile. The modified spectrum is referred to as the Target Spectrum. After setting your desired options, the simulation can then be run. Please note that although you do not have to define a waveguide in order to perform a synthesis simulation, you do have to start a new layout window in order to utilize the symbol table. Synthesis simulations are performed from the GratingMOD Synthesis Module, which can be found by pressing the Grating Synthesis button under the Simulation Modules section of the GratingMOD simulation window. After setting this, three tabs are shown. These tabs are designed so that you use them from left to right as you set up a simulation. This section will be split into fiver separate parts; one to describe the basic window layout, one for each of the tabs in the simulation window, and a brief interlude on casual spectrums. Note that this discussion refers only to the synthesis portion of GratingMOD.

4.B.1. GratingMOD Simulation Grating Synthesis Window

The Synthesis window allows the user to define the simulation parameters which pertain to a grating analysis simulation. It contains three tabs, six buttons, and an Output Prefix box. The three tabs are meant to walk the user through a simulation. They will be described in more detail in the following sections.
Output Prefix

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This field sets the file prefix that will be used for data files created during a simulation. Note that if no Output Prefix is set, data will not be saved. The six buttons and their functions are as follows:

This button accesses the GratingMOD Analysis Output dialog box. Its contents are discussed later in this subsection.

This button accesses the Symbol Table where the user can define variables to be used for layout or simulation purposes. For more information on the Symbol Table, please consult the CAD manual.

This buttons accesses this document in online help form.


This button accepts all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window, and begins a simulation.

This button rejects all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window, and returns to the CAD interface.
Save Settings

This button accepts all the changes made in the GratingMOD simulation window. This button is useful to accept all the changes without performing a simulation.

4.B.2. The Input Spectrum Tab

The Input Spectrum is defined via the Input Spectrum tab of the GratingMOD Synthesis Module. The Input Spectrum is basically defined by two functions: F(x) and G(x). F(x) corresponds to the amplitude, and the variable x can be Wavelength, Frequency, or Detuning. G(x) corresponds to the Phase information, and can be given as Phase, Delay, or Dispersion. The user can set which data type is required through the fields Phase Info, Type and X.

36 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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Figure 4-6: The Input Spectrum tab for a Grating Synthesis.

The functions F(x) and G(x) can be defined by the user by either a data file or a mathematical expression. This choice is set under the field Spectrum Source, and its related options are discussed in the following sections.

Using a Data File

Currently, when the Spectrum Source is set to File, it is assumed that it contains three columns: Wavelength, Amplitude, and Phase. This will change in future releases of the program. After setting the Spectrum Source to File, press the Browse button and locate the file you want. Note that currently the data file must be in one of two formats: Raw data format A raw data file contains, by default, three columns where each row denotes a sampling point. The first column represents the dependent variable and can set to either wavelength, frequency, or detuning via the field X. The second column is amplitude, or F(x), and the third column is phase, or G(x). The type of phase information is set by the field Phase Info. Type. See Fig. 4-2 for an example of a valid raw data file. Note that if the input data file contains real and imaginary data in the second and third column, the user can

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override the default data definition by defining the symbol grating_inv_isRealImag = 1 in the symbol table. Also, if the third column is missing, a real/amplitude data format will be assumed. RSoft convention data format The first row will usually have some defined plotting commands. The second row contains several values, the first is the total number sampling points, and the next two fields define the minimum and maximum value of the dependent variable. The fourth field is not used. The fifth field gives the data format as a string of values such as: OUTPUT_AMPLITUDE | OUTPUT_REAL | OUTPUT_REAL_IMAG | OUTPUT_AMP_PHASE. The data is then given in two columns below this header.

Using an Expression
Once the Spectrum Source is set to Expression, you can enter expressions for F(x) for Amplitude and G(x) for Phase, Delay, or Disp. For a complete listing of allowed functions, please consult Appendix B. Once the functions F(x) and G(x) are defined, you need to define the domains of these functions. This is done with the fields Starting Value of x and Ending Value of x. Because GratingMOD needs to sample these functions, you also need to provide the Number of x Points that you wish to be used.

4.B.3. Creating a Realizable Spectrum

Once the Input Spectrum has been specified, it has to satisfy several basic requirements: The spectrum should meet any design requirements. The time-domain impulse response of the spectrum describes the variation of the grating profile. This profile should be realizable and reasonable. The spectrum should be causal, which means that the impulse response should be zero for negative time.

The first two requirements are easy to understand and readily make sense. In other words, you need to enter an input spectrum which corresponds to an actual design that you wish to either study or fabricate. The third requirement can require a little more thought and will be discussed in the following section.

What is a Causal Spectrum?

In order to guarantee a successful grating synthesis, the spectrum to be synthesized has to be causal. This means that the time domain impulse response of the target spectrum should vanish for negative time. This is the concept of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design. GratingMOD utilizes the time domain windowing technique to ensure causal input spectrums. This technique is based on the assumption that the impulse response is finite. A finite impulse response has most of the power limited to a certain region in the time domain, and is therefore finite. The leading and tailing part of the impulse response are minor and can therefore safely be ignored. This technique is equivalent to applying a window function to the impulse response. This window function can be a simple rectangle. Multiplying the impulse response with this window function will force the leading and tailing parts, which lie outside the window, to be zero and leave the remaining region, which lies within the window, unchanged. If the remaining region lies completely within the positive time region, the new spectrum obtained from the windowed impulse technique will be causal. If this is not the case, the windowed impulse response will be shifted in time away from the negative time region. This will result in an extra linear phase delay to the spectrum. Note that a rectangular window function can cause unexpected fluctuations in the target spectrum. A window function with smooth transition regions can be used to remove these fluctuations. Once a causal spectrum is obtained, the synthesis algorithm maps this spectrum into a complex coupling coefficient, which is a function of grating position. The grating structure can then be extracted from the complex coupling coefficients. The amplitude of the coupling coefficients corresponds to the apodization or grating envelope. The phase of the coupling coefficients corresponds to the chirped phase.

38 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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Before performing a grating synthesis with GratingMOD, the input spectrum needs to be physically realizable. If it is not, the FIR design procedure should be used to force it to be causal. For more details about this design technique, consult a reference such as [7].

4.B.4. The Target Spectrum Tab

In order to meet the three requirements for a realizable spectrum, the Input Spectrum may have to be slightly modified in some way. In order to do this, GratingMOD utilizes a Target Spectrum. The modifications made to the Input Spectrum to create the Target Spectrum are specified under the Target Spectrum tab of the GratingMOD Synthesis Module dialog box. The Target Spectrum is the spectrum which GratingMOD will attempt to create a grating profile for.

Figure 4-7: The Target Spectrum tab.

We will now discuss the options shown in Fig. 4-7 used to modify the Input Spectrum.
Conjugate Phase

This option indicates that the phase information specified in the Input Spectrum should be conjugated.
Derive Phase

This option indicates that the phase information should be derived from the amplitude.

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Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis 39


This option sets the windowing function that is used to manipulate the Input Spectrum and will be applied to the impulse response. This can be useful when attempting to create a causal Target Spectrum. There are four filter types available: Cosine, Cosine-squared, Tanh, and Blackman. The definitions for these filters are the same as those used for the apodization types given in Appendix C.

This phase shift will be applied to an impulse response and can help to make the Target Spectrum causal and realizable.
Grating Length

This field sets the grating length in microns. The default value is determined from the impulse response length.
Show Target Spectrum

This button outputs a plot containing the Input and Target spectrums as well as the impulse response for the target spectrum as seen in Fig. 4-8. The upper plot shows the Input and Target Spectrums, and the lower plot region shows the impulse response for target spectrum. It can easily be seen from these graphs whether the Target Spectrum and impulse satisfy the requirements for a realizable spectrum.

Figure 4-8: Results from using the Show Spectra option. The top graph contains both the input and target spectra, and the bottom graph contains the impulse response. In order for the system to be casual, the bottom graph must be zero for negative time.

4.B.5. The Synthesis Parameters Tab

This tab in the GratingMOD Synthesis Module dialog box allows the user to set several design characteristics for the desired grating profile:

40 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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Figure 4-9: The Synthesis Parameters tab.

Synthesis Parameters
Simulation Step Size

This field sets the resolution of the synthesized grating profile along the grating length.
Unwrap Phase of Output Coupling Coefficients

Makes the phase output into a continuous function.

Output Normalized Coupling Coefficients

Normalizes the coupling coefficients to the effective index of the structure.

Importing Coupling Coefficients

This option allows a Coupling Coefficients File to be imported and an analysis calculation performed.

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Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis 41

4.C. Performing the Synthesis

Once the target spectrum has been specified, a grating synthesis simulation is easy to perform. Simply choose the desired output options via the Output Options dialog box, enter the desired Output Prefix, and then click the OK button. The simulation will then run, and save the requested data with the given Output Prefix. The output options and output file formats will now be discussed.

4.C.1. Synthesis Output Options

Pressing the Output button in the GratingMOD Synthesis Module will access the GratingMOD Synthesis output options. Note that the synthesis options can only be accessed when the Simulation Type is set to Synthesis. The output options dialog box controls what type of data is saved from a simulation. The data will be saved in files that begin with the specified Output Prefix.

Figure 4-10: The GratingMOD Synthesis Output Options dialog box.

The output options are as follows:

Output Spectrum

This option sets whether the reflected spectrum, the transmitted spectrum, or both spectrums are displayed in the output. This option defaults to display only the reflected spectrum. Note that both the data computed and saved in an output file is in units of amplitude, but is squared for display purposes in order to display the spectrum in un its of power.
Output Phase

This option sets whether the phase is displayed in the output. By default this information is not displayed.
Output Delay/Dispersion

This option sets whether the delay and dispersion information is displayed in the output. The delay and dispersion will be calculated from the spectrum phase and will be displayed in the same plot window. Delay will be plotted against the

42 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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left axis, while dispersion will be plotted against an alternative axis on the right. By default, this information is not displayed.
Output Apodization/Chirp

This option sets whether the profile of the grating perturbation will be displayed in the output. The apodization will be displayed along the left axis, and chirp will be displayed against an alternative axis on the right. Note that the displayed apodization is normalized to vary between 0 and 1, and the displayed chirp is the real period as it varies along the grating position. By default, this information is not displayed.
Output Kappa

This option sets whether the coupling coefficients are displayed in the output and sets their format.
Axis Type

This option sets the dependent variable (x axis) used in the displayed output.
Show Target Spectrum

This option adds the target spectrum in the output graphs to order to compare them with the synthesized results.
Show Input Spectrum

This option adds the input spectrum in the output graphs to order to compare them with the synthesized results.

4.C.2. Synthesis Output File Formats

GratingMOD produces two basic types of data file from the synthesis. The first type are WinPLOT plot files which contain plotting commands for WinPLOT. The second type are the actual data files and contain the raw data. The following two tables list the file formats used by GratingMOD, a brief description, and what calculation type produces the file type.

WinPLOT Files
This section outlines the WinPLOT files that a grating synthesis calculation can produce. To produce a particular set of data, choose the relevant option in the Output Options dialog box.

File Name
<prefix>_profile.pcs <prefix>_delay_dispersion.pcs <prefix>_r.pcs <prefix>_target.pcs

Description Contains the grating profile, includeing apodization and chirp Contains the delay and dispersive paramters for the grating Contains the synthezised results Genereate intermediate data, display target spectrum (alternative to input spectrum) which meets design resuirements while keeping causality

Note that <prefix> stands for the Output Prefix specified.

Raw Data Files

This section outlines the raw data files that a grating synthesis calculation can produce. To produce a particular set of data, choose the relevant option in the Output Options dialog box. They are in ASCII format, and can be viewed or edited using any text editor, such as Windows Notepad. File Name

Description Apodization data with two columns position and value

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<prefix>.chi <prefix>.kap <prefix>_a_w.dat <prefix>_inv.dat <prefix>_in_re.dat <prefix>_in_w.dat <prefix>_re.dis <prefix>_rs.dly <prefix>_t.dat

Chirp data with two columns position and value Coupling coefficients with three columns position, amplitude, and phase (rad) Target spectrum with five columns wavelength, amplitude, phase (rad), real, imaginary Synthesized spectrum with five columns wavelength, amplitude, reflection phase (deg), amplitude phase (deg), transmitted phase (deg) Spectrum after re-sampling with five columns wavelength, amplitude, phase (rad), real, imaginary Original input spectrum with five columns wavelength, amplitude, phase (rad), real, imaginary Dispersion of synthesized results with two columns wavelength and value Delay of synthesized results with columns wavelength and value Impulse response of target spectrum with six columns: time/position, amplitude, phase (rad), real, imaginary

Note that <prefix> stands for the Output Prefix specified.

44 Chapter 4: Grating Synthesis

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Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

This chapter contains a series of progressively more involved tutorials dealing with the analysis for gratings with GratingMOD. Since many of the tutorials build on techniques established in earlier tutorials, it is important to perform them in order, even if a particular tutorial topic is of most interest to you.

Tutorial A1: 2D Grating with Width Modulation

This tutorial describes how to analyze a slab waveguide grating with a width modulation. The objective is to learn how to assemble and analyze a width-grating taper. This procedure will utilize the grating layout utility and demonstrate basic utilization of the analysis features of the software.

Using the Grating Layout Utility

Open the CAD window and select Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout from the menu to use the automatic GratingMOD Layout Generator. Change the following settings: Parameter
Modulation Type Modulation Depth Output Prefix

Surface Relief (width) 0.5 grating1

These settings create a width modulated, 2D grating. Press OK to create the design file in the CAD interface. The expected number of periods may not be visible in the CAD layout. This is because the display resolution of computer screens can only display a limited number of pixels and cannot correctly resolve a large number of periods. An under-sampled envelope of the grating is actually what is visible when the entire layout is displayed, and simply zooming in on the grating profile will reveal its true shape, as is demonstrated by the next figure. This effect is a general display characteristic of periodic tapers.

Editing Grating Parameters

For purposes of this example, we will not change any of the grating parameters of this structure. However, we will briefly look at three areas in the CAD where these grating parameters are set.

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Figure 1: Grating created with grating layout utility seen in a) Full-View, and b) zoomed in to show profile detail.

The Symbol Table

Click on the Edit Symbols button in the left toolbar to open the Symbol Table. Several symbols have already been set up including the length and period of the structure. All of these parameters can be change such that global changes to the grating can be made. All of these parameters will be left at the default settings for the purposes of this tutorial. Press Cancel to leave this window.

Figure 2: Symbols for grating that was created using grating layout utility

The Segment Properties Dialog Box

Each segment in a structure has its own set of segment properties. To access a segments properties, simply right click on the waveguide. Figure 2 shows the Segment Properties dialog box for the segment in our design file. Note how the width of this waveguide is now set to be modulated to the maximum modulation depth. In addition, a user taper has been defined to modulate this grating.

46 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Figure 3: Segment Properties for Grating

User Function Editor

The grating segment is defined by a perturbation along the propagation axis. In this case, we have used a taper function which describes how the segment parameters vary along the segment. Press the Tapers button to view the taper that has been set up. The Period of the grating has been set to the appropriate symbol in the symbol table, and this is a sinusoidal tapered grating by default. All of these parameters can be freely changed within the CAD. Press Cancel in this window and the next to go back to the CAD.

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Figure 4: Taper setup for grating

Performing a Simulation
Press the Perform Simulation icon to bring up the GratingMOD simulation window as shown in Fig. 5.

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Figure 5: Grating Analysis setup for grating

In order to enable the output of data to files, enter an Output Prefix such as grating1. Click OK to start the simulation. When finished, the simulation results will be displayed. The reflected power spectrum will be shown in a WinPLOT window with a file name grating1.pcs. The mode profile used for the analysis will also be displayed.

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Figure 6: Spectral Response for grating

Notice that the center wavelength is changed to be 1.00768 m as shown above, which is the Bragg wavelength for the given period, which was 0.5. This was done because, as was shown in Fig. 5, the Bragg Condition was set to Fix Period. Had we chosen Fix Center Wavelength, GratingMOD would have calculated a new value of the period using the specified wavelength in order to satisfy the Bragg Condition.

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Tutorial A2: 2D Slab Grating with Index Modulation

The following tutorial describes how to create and analyze a slab waveguide grating with an index modulation. The objective of this section is to learn how to assemble and analyze an index tapered grating. Compared to creating a width-modulated structure, the only difference for an index modulation is to utilize an index taper instead of a width taper.

Creating the Grating Structure

Open the CAD window and select Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout from the menu to use the automatic GratingMOD Layout Generator. Change the following settings: Parameter
Modulation Type Modulation Depth Output Prefix

Volume Index 0.001 grating2

These settings create a index modulated, 2D grating. Press OK to create the design file in the CAD interface.

Figure 1: The index-modulated grating structure in the CAD interface.

To see the actual grating profile, press the Display Index Profile button in the left toolbar, set the Display Mode to ContourMap(XZ), and click OK to display the index profile.

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Figure 2: Index profile of index modulated grating.

Right-click on the segment to open the Segment Properties dialog, and note the settings that the layout utility have made. Also, look at the symbol table and see the symbols created.

Performing the Simulation

To run the simulation, press the Perform Simulation icon and press OK.

Figure 3: Spectral response of index modulated grating

52 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Tutorial A3: Fiber Bragg Grating

Fiber Bragg Gratings, or FBGs, are a flexible and affordable component in many fiber-optic systems. A whole host of fiber parameters can be modified in order to obtain a desired spectral performance, including index modulation, structure length, apodization, chirp, and the ability to control the type and number of both forward and backward propagating modes. In this tutorial, we will use GratingMOD to simply change the index modulation depth of a FBG and note changes in the reflection spectra. The user is encouraged to explore the effects of apodization, chirp, and grating length on their own. The examples in this tutorial are based on discussions in [6].

Setting up the Fiber

This tutorial will use a simple uniform FBG defined via a sinusoidal index perturbation along the propagation axis of the fiber. The fiber cladding index will be 1.45, and for purposes of this tutorial, will be assumed to be infinite. The fiber core will be 5.25 m in diameter, and will have an index of 1.458. The modulation depth of the index perturbation will varied in order to visualize changes in the grating performance around a particular central wavelength.

The Grating Layout Utility

We will use the Grating Layout Utility to speed the time needed to produce this type of grating. However, it is quite easy to create this type of structure manually through the CAD interface, and is left as an optional exercise to the reader. Open the CAD window and select Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout from the menu to use the automatic GratingMOD Layout Generator. Change the following settings: Parameter
Layout Type Modulation Type Modulation Depth Width Height Delta Output Prefix

Fiber Volume Index 0.0012 5.25 5.25 0.008 grating2

The grating length and fiber cladding index will be set later in the tutorial. Finally, enter an Output Prefix such as fbg and click the OK button to create the design file and open it in the CAD interface. The created file fbg.ind contains a single fiber segment with the desired index perturbation. The user is encouraged to explore the Segment Properties dialog box which can be accessed by right-clicking on the segment. This dialog box controls all the parameters for the fiber, including the index modulation and perturbation. In this case, the index perturbation is set by a user-defined grating taper function.

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Modifying the Utility Output

Once the basic structure is defined, several additional modifications are needed to obtain the desired structure. Open the Global Settings dialog box, and change the value of Background Index to 1.45. This effectively sets the cladding index of the fiber as we have assumed that the cladding is infinite. Next, the length of the grating needs to be set to 10,000 periods. Open the Symbol Table and define a new symbol N and set it equal to 1e4. Then set the value of the pre-defined symbol Length to N*Period. The symbol Length has been set up to define the length of the segment. The symbol Period is also predefined, but as will be explored later, its value will be chosen by GratingMOD via the Bragg Condition in order to fix the desired central wavelength.

Displaying the Index Profile

Once the fiber geometry and index information has been specified, it is recommended that the user check the index profile before proceeding to a simulation in order to ensure that the desired structure has been produced. Click the Compute Material Profile button in the left toolbar of the CAD window. In order to better resolve the grating structure, only the first 10 periods will be used for the calculation. Set the Z Domain Max to 10*Period and the Z Grid Size and Slice Grid to 0.1 to ensure enough points are used to resolve the index along Z. Finally, press the Display button and change the Index Max from its default value to background_index+delta*(1+ModDepth). This will set the maximum value for the displayed index equal to the maximum value of the index along the grating. Press OK twice to calculate the index profile.

Figure 1: The computed index profile for a uniform FBG.

Calculating Reflection Spectra & Delay

In this tutorial, the reflection spectra and group delay for various index modulation depths will be explored. The results are comparable to those obtained in [6]. First, results for a modulation depth of both 0.0012 and 0.0003 will be computed, and then displayed in a more meaningful fashion in the next section.

Performing the First Simulation

Before starting the simulation process, note that we have set the grating to have a 0.0012 modulation depth. This is done via the symbol ModDelta which was defined by the Grating Layout Utility. To perform the simulation, click the Perform Simulation icon in the CAD window to open the GratingMOD Simulation Parameters dialog. Be sure that the Simulation Module is set to Grating Analysis, which indicates that a grating analysis will be performed.

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As discussed earlier, we are going to fix the central wavelength and allow GratingMOD to calculate the Period in order to satisfy the Bragg condition. To enable this, select Fix Center Wavelength, and then set the Wavelength to 1.55. For this example, the default values for the rest of the simulation parameters are appropriate.

Figure 2: The GratingMOD Simulation parameters for the grating analysis.

Next, click the Output button in order to set the output options for this simulation. Set Output Spectrum to Reflected and Show Delay/Dispersion to Yes. This will save the desired data from the simulation to disk. Finally, set an Output Prefix such as bragg_12 and click OK to perform the simulation. After the automatic mode calculation, the reflected spectrum will be shown. The data from this simulation has been saved in files with the prefix bragg_12 with associated plot files. For instance, the reflection spectrum data is saved in the file bragg_12.dat with an associated WinPLOT file bragg_12.pcs. The user is encouraged to look through the contents of the current working directory in order to see the files produced.

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Figure 3: The simulation results from the first grating analysis. a) The reflection spectrum contained in the file shown, bragg_12.dat. Note that the grating period automatically calculated to satisfy the Bragg condition is displayed on the top of the graph. b) The delay information is contained in the file bragg_12_delay_dispersion.pcs.

Performing the Second Simulation

Once the first simulation is complete, a second simulation can be performed with a modulation depth of 0.0003. Change the value of ModDelta to 0.0003, set the Output Prefix to a different name, such as bragg_03, and perform a second simulation. The results will be saved in files with the prefix bragg_03.dat.

Figure 4: The simulation results from the first grating analysis. a) The reflection spectrum contained in the file shown, bragg_03.dat. Note that the grating period automatically calculated to satisfy the Bragg condition is displayed on the top of the graph. b) The delay information is contained in the file bragg_03_delay_dispersion.pcs.

Decorating the Plots (Optional)

This section contains optional tutorial steps which guide the user through the usage of WinPLOT. While not necessary for the usage of GratingMOD, this section is recommended reading for users who wish to understand WinPLOT and use it to effectively display simulation data. Once the two simulations have been completed, we can display the results in a different, and hopefully more meaningful, way. Both simulations produced a few data files and their corresponding WinPLOT files. We are going to create new plot files in order to display the reflected spectrum of both gratings on the same plot, as well as plots for the reflected

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spectrum and delay for each grating on the same plot respectively. This will not only result in useful graphs, but it will provide a basic training in the use of the data display program WinPLOT. The plots produced in this section correspond to plots shown in [6].

Reflection Spectra vs. Normalized Wavelength

It is sometimes useful to see two reflection spectra displayed on the same graph, as is shown in Fig. 5

Figure 5: Reflection spectra vs. normalized wavelength for uniform FBG shown for two different index modulation depths. Note that the X axis corresponds to a normalized wavelength.

To create the graph as shown in Fig. 5, we will utilize the data contained in the files bragg_12.dat and bragg_03.dat. To do this, we will create a WinPLOT command file reflection_spectra.pcs by either modifying an existing file in WinPLOT, or with any text editor such as notepad or emacs.

Figure 6: The WinPLOT command file used to create the plot shown in Fig. 5.

The commands shown in Fig. 6 are as follows: Command

/tt"Reflection Spectra for Uniform FBG"

Explanation This command sets the title of the plot. This command sets the Y-axis label of the plot.

/xl"Normalized Wavelength (&l/&l_{max})" This command sets the X axis label of the plot. /yl"Reflectivity"

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Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials 57

/l2 /lh"" /ls1 /lw2 /u1 /powy2

This command set the legend type. This command sets the legend header. This command sets the line style used. This command sets the line width. This command indicates that only the first data column of the data files should be plotted. This command squares the data before plotting. This produces plots of power from data stored in units of intensity. This command sets the domain of the plot (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax). In this case, the Y values are not given and are automatically calculated by WinPLOT. This command scales the data along X by 1/1.55 in order to achieve the normalized wavelength plot. This data file contains the first spectrum, and sets the legend entry for it. This data file contains the second spectrum, and sets the legend entry for it.


/sx0.6451613 bragg_12.dat /lt"MD=0.0012" bragg_03.dat /lt"MD=0.0003"

Reflection Spectra & Delay vs. Wavelength

It can also be useful to plot the reflection spectra and group delay on the same plot. Figure 7 shows this type of plot for a uniform FBG with 0.0012 Index Modulation.

Figure 7: The reflection spectra and group delay vs. wavelength for a uniform FBG with 15% index modulation.

To create this graph as shown in Fig. 7, we will utilize the reflection spectra data contained in the first column of the file bragg_12.dat and the group delay data contained in the first column of file bragg_12.dly. To do this, we will create a WinPLOT command file bragg_12_results.pcs by either modifying an existing file in WinPLOT, or with any text editor such as notepad or emacs. The commands shown in the table below were used to obtain the plot shown in Fig. 7, and are similar to those used in the file shown in Fig. 6 above. The new commands are: Command

Explanation This command sets the label of the alternate Y axis.

58 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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bragg_12.dat /powy2 /lt"Reflectivity"

This data file contains the reflection spectra; the following commands indicate that the data should be squared before plotting in order to obtain a power spectrum, and sets its legend entry. commands indicate that the data should be plotted on the alternate Y axis, and sets its legend entry.

bragg_12.dly /lt"Delay" /alty /lt"Delay" This data file contains the group delay; the following

A similar plot can be created for the uniform FBG with 0.0003 Index Modulation.

Figure 8: The reflection spectra and group delay vs. wavelength for a uniform FBG with 3.75% index modulation.

The graph shown in Fig. 8 can be created in the same manner as Fig. 6 by simply changing the file names from bragg_12.dat and bragg_12.dly to bragg_03.dat and bragg_03.dly.

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Tutorial A4: Grating with Apodization

The following tutorial describes the process of adding apodization to a grating. While this procedure can be applied to any arbitrary grating structure, this example will be based on the 2D slab grating with a width perturbation discussed in Tutorial A1. Repeat the first several steps in Tutorial A1, where the grating that will be used in this tutorial was created.

Adding Apodization
Right click on the segment and press the Tapers button. Set the Apodization Type to Cosine as shown below. A list of the Apodizations and their definitions can be found in Appendix B. Close the dialog by clicking OK and then press OK again to return to the CAD.

Figure 1: User taper setup for grating with apodization

Performing the Simulation

Press the Perform Simulation icon and then press the Output button. Set the Output Spectrum to Both. In this way, the plot will display both the reflected and transmitted spectrum. Press OK.

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Figure 2: Output Selections for 2D apodized grating

In order to enable the output of simulation data to file, enter an Output Prefix such as grating2. Then click OK in this window to perform the analysis. The following plot will be obtained called grating2.pcs.

Figure 3: Spectral response for 2D grating

The green line shown in Fig. A4-3 corresponds to the transmitted power. Notice that the side lobes are greatly suppressed due to the apodization that was used.

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Tutorial A5: Grating with Chirp

The following tutorial describes the process of adding chirp to a grating. While this procedure can be applied to any arbitrary grating structure, this example will be based on the grating structure discussed in Tutorial A4. Repeat the first several steps in Tutorial A4, where the grating that will be used in this tutorial was created.

Adding Chirp
We are going to add linear chirp to the grating segment, go to the taper table as described previously. Enter 0.001 in the Chirp Coefficient field and set Chirp Type to Linear as shown in Fig. 1. Note that this defines a linear chirp where the chirp varies the period as:

Period 0.001 2 < z ' < Period + 0.001 2

where z varies between 0 and 1. Note that when z=.5, the function is equal to Period. Close the dialog by clicking OK and you will be back to segment properties dialog. Press OK again to go into the CAD window.

( )

Figure 1: Taper Settings for Chirped Grating

Press the Perform Simulation icon and then press the Output button. Set the Output Spectrum to Reflected and Show Apodization/Chirp to be Yes. By doing this, we can now obtain plots which display the output spectrum as well as the apodization and chirp information. Press OK.

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Enter an Output Prefix such as grating3 in order to enable the output of data, and then press OK to begin the simulation. At the end of the simulation, a plot called grating3.pcs is created as shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Spectral Response for Chirped grating

Notice that the spectrum is now spread out more due to the apodized chirp.

Viewing Apodization and Chirp

To view the apodization and chirp information, click the View Graphs icon in the CAD window. Open the file grating3_profile.pcs in order to see the apodization and chirp information.

Figure 4: Apodization and chirp for chirped grating

Note that the blue curve and left axis correspond to the apodization while the green curve and right axis correspond to the chirp function. We can see that the chirp function spans 0.001 m as expected.

64 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Tutorial A6: Grating with Multiple Sections

GratingMOD can simulate multiple grating sections which are cascaded together. The following tutorial describes adding multiple sections to a grating and how to perform the analysis on it. This procedure can be applied to any grating structures, but for convenience, this example will be based on the first part of Tutorial A1. In this case, we will attach two gratings that are the same, except that one will be pi out of phase with the other. Repeat the layout instructions in Tutorial A1 in order to create the first grating.

Creating Another Segment

Use the Select Mode option and click on the grating segment to select it. Click the Duplicate Section icon to duplicate this grating segment. Right click the new segment to access the properties for Segment #2. In the User Tapers box, select New Taper. The taper editor box will now come up. Set the Source Type to be Grating, the Phase to be 180, and the Period to the symbol Period. This creates a taper that is identical to the first, however it will be pi out of phase. Press OK to close this window and to set the second segment to accept this taper. Set the starting vertex references of the second segment as shown in Fig. 1 so that the segment will be attached to the first segment.

Figure 1: Segment Properties for second segment to be cascaded

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Note that the Display Color has been set to Light Blue. Press OK twice to return to the CAD. Click the View Full button in the top toolbar to see the two gratings.

Figure 2: CAD View of cascaded gratings

Performing the Simulation

Press the Perform Simulation icon, enter an Output Prefix such as grating4 and then press OK. At the end of the simulation, the file grating4.pcs will be displayed.

Figure 3: Spectral Response of Cascaded Gratings pi out of phase with each other

Notice that there is a stop band in the middle of the reflection spectrum, as we should expect by setting up these cascaded grating segments.

66 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Tutorial A7: Using Non-Analytic Modes

This tutorial will illustrate the use of the BPM-based mode solvers during a GratingMOD simulation. In the previous tutorials, the structures used have been either simple slab or fiber structures, and GratingMOD has used analytic mode solution for the simulation. However, when using an complex index profile, such as a rib waveguide, it is not possible to use an analytic mode and the mode must be computed.

Creating the Grating Structure

This tutorial will use a simple rib waveguide that is typically used for DFB design. The rib waveguide will have a substrate index of 3.34, a core index of 3.44, a cover index of 1, a width of 2 m, a height of 2.5 m, and a slab height of 1.25 m. The grating will consists of a height perturbation with a modulation depth of 10%, have a length of 200 m, and a desired central wavelength of 1.55 m. This type of structure is typical of a grating used in DFB design. We will use the Grating Layout Generator in order to create this structure.

Using the Layout Utility

Open the CAD window and select Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout from the menu to use the automatic GratingMOD Layout Generator. Change the following settings: Parameter
Modulation Type Modulation Depth Grating Length Structure Type Background Index Index Difference Width Height Output Prefix

Value Surface Relief (height)

0.25 200.0

3.34 0.1 2.0 2.5 rib

Click OK to create the design file and open it in the CAD interface. Note that the cover index is set to 1 by default, and the slab height is set to half of the waveguide width. Therefore, the structure created is equivalent to our desired structure. Also, the value of the period has been set to an arbitrary value of 0.5 m. The final value will be found by GratingMOD via the Bragg Condition at the desired wavelength.

Checking the Index Profile

Once the grating geometry and index information has been specified, it is recommended that the user check the index profile before proceeding to a simulation in order to ensure that the desired structure has been produced. Press the Compute Material Profile button in the CAD window. In order to better results the grating structure only the first 5 periods will be used for the calculation. Set the Z Domain Max to 5*Period, set the Z Grid Size, and the Z Slice Grid to 0.01 to ensure enough points are used to resolve the index along Z. Set the Display Mode to ContourMap(YZ) and click OK to start the calculation.

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Figure 1: The computed index profile in the YZ plane which shows the height perturbation for this grating.

Setting the Simulation Parameters

Once the structure has been created and verified, the simulation parameters must be set. Click the Perform Simulation icon to open the GratingMOD Simulation Parameters dialog.

Setting the Central Wavelength

To enforce the Bragg Condition with a central wavelength of 1.55 m, choose Fix Center Wavelength, and set the Wavelength to 1.55. This ensures that the desired central wavelength, and will automatically calculate the required period.

Figure 2: The GratingMOD Simulation Parameters dialog where the simulation parameters are set.

68 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Mode Selection
The mode that this structure supports cannot be found via simple analytic method, and requires the use of the BPM-based mode solvers. GratingMOD will automatically detect this, and automatically calculate the mode for this structure. To enable the output of the modes found, the Mode Output option can be used.

Figure 3: The GratingMOD Simulation Parameters dialog where modes selected

There are no changes necessary in order to select the right mode under the Mode Selection tab.

Performing the Simulation

Once the simulation parameters have been set, the simulation can be performed by entering an Output Prefix such as dfb and clicking the OK button. During the simulation, several windows will open in which the modes of the structure will be calculated. After the simulation is completed, the calculated result will be displayed.

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Figure 4: The completed simulation results.

The simulation results show that the required period is 0.2268 m.

70 Chapter 5: Analysis Tutorials

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Tutorial A8: Analysis of a grating-assisted coupler

Grating assisted couplers have found wide usage in many areas of photonics such as filters, optical switches, WDM systems, and as feedback mirrors for several laser types.. This tutorial will go through the design and simulation processes of setting up a grating assisted coupler. The calculations in this tutorial will be based on those found in discussions by N. Izhaky et. al. [8].

Creating the GratingMOD Design File

Open the CAD interface, click the New Circuit icon in the top toolbar, and make the following settings: Parameter
Simulation Tool Background Index Free Space Wavelength

Value GratingMOD
3.4 0.9

Click OK to create the design file and open the CAD interface.

Creating Variables
Next, create several symbols which we will use later to define various properties of the structure. Press the Edit
Symbols icon and create and define the following symbols:

Variable D Delta_A Delta_B Delta_grating_avg Delta_grating_perturb Grating

Value 1 N_A-background_index N_B-background_index (N_grating_avgbackground_index) 0.245*Grating 1

Description Distance between two waveguides Index Difference of first waveguide Index Difference of second waveguide Average Index Difference of grating segment Index perturbation of grating segment Toggles grating related parameters on/off and will be useful to temporarily remove grating segment for mode calculations. Length of the structure Index of first waveguide Index of second waveguide Average index of grating segment Period of the grating

Length N_A N_B N_grating_avg Period Width_A Width_B Width_grating

150 3.45 3.5 3.4 0.13123 0.4 0.3 0.1

Width of first waveguide Width of second waveguide Width of grating segment

When all of these symbols are entered the symbol table should appear as shown in Fig. A8-2. Press OK to go back to the CAD.

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Drawing the Segments

Next, the three waveguide segments will be created: two standard waveguides and one grating segment.

The Grating Segment

Draw in a waveguide segment and then right click on it to access its segment properties window.
To create the index perturbation along the grating, we are going to utilize a Grating Taper. To utilize a taper, we need to define the average index difference of the grating, Delta_grating_avg, and the maximum index difference of the grating, Delta_grating_perturb, in the Index Difference fields of the starting and ending vertices respectively. Next, set the Component Width of both the starting and ending vertices to Width_grating. Then make sure that the starting vertex is (0,0) and the ending vertex is (0, Length), as shown in Fig. 1. By doing this, the length of the segment is set to Length.

Figure 1: The Segment Properties dialog box for the grating segment.

Once this is done, the Grating Taper function needs to be defined. Select New Taper under Index Taper to open the User Function Editor. For this grating, set the Profile Type to Rectangular and Period to Period. Click OK to return to the Segment Properties dialog box. The Index Taper should now be set to the taper just created, User 1. Since other segments will be created, we will change the color of this segment to avoid confusion. Press the More button to access the Additional Segment Properties dialog box and change the Display Color to Light Gray. Press OK twice to return to the CAD interface.

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The Waveguides
Draw in a waveguide, and then right click on it to access its Segment Properties dialog box. Change the Index Difference and Component Widthof both the starting and ending vertices to Delta_A and Width_A respectively. Next, set the starting X coordinate to -(D+Width_A)/2 and the ending Z coordinate to Length as shown in Fig. 2. Once this is done, press OK to return to the CAD window. The new waveguide should now be on the left side of the grating segment.

Figure 2: The Segment Properties dialog box for the second segment.

To add the second waveguide, choose the left waveguide segment and then click the Duplicate Selection button. This will create a new waveguide identical to the first waveguide which lies over the other segment. Right click on the new segment and change the Index Difference to Delta_B, and the Component Widthto Width_B. Also, change the starting X coordinate to (D+Width_A)/2 . This will place the waveguide on the right side of the grating segment. Finally, change the color of this segment via the More button to Light Blue. Press OK twice to return to the CAD window. When all three segments have been properly defined, the completed structure will appear in the CAD window as shown in Fig. 3.

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Figure 3: The completed structure in the CAD window.

Viewing the index profile

It is good procedure to check that the index profile of the structure that we have created is actually the index profile that is desired. To do this, press the Display Material Index Profile button in the left toolbar to open the Simulation Parameters window for index profile computations. Set the Display Mode to Contour Map (XZ), to show the index profile in the XZ plane. Also set the Z Slice Grid to equal the Z Grid Size equal to 0.2 so that the data displayed will be the actual index profile to be used for a simulation. Click OK to compute the profile.

Figure 4: The index profile of the grating structure for a) the complete structure, and b) the first 1 m along Z.

The profile shown in Fig. 4a shows the complete grating structure. However, it may be useful to look at a small section of the grating in order to obtain a more detailed description of the grating. Click the Compute Material Profile button again, and change the Z Domain Max to 1. The index profile will be displayed after hitting OK as shown in Fig. 4b

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The profiles shown in Fig. 4 show several black areas. These correspond to index values which lie outside the normalized scale used to display the profile. The min/max values used to display index profiles can be changed via the Index Min and Index Max fields in the Display Options dialog box which can be accessed via the Display button in the simulation parameters window.

Calculating the modes to be used for the analysis

While GratingMOD can automatically compute modes to be used for grating analysis, this tutorial will compute the modes of our waveguide coupler system separately. The iterative mode solving technique will be used with all of the default settings. Note that it will be assumed that the user is familiar with the mode solving techniques of BeamPROP, and is aware how to find a converged mode. For more information on this, please see the BeamPROP manual. The modes that are supported by both waveguides must be found for the average of the grating perturbation. Recall that a symbol Grating was defined expressly for this purpose: setting Grating to 1 turns the grating perturbation on; setting Grating to 0 turns it off. Set Grating to 0 before performing the mode calculations. To compute all the modes supported by the waveguide system, choose Compute Modes from the left toolbar, click the Mode Options button and select All Modes. Click OK and enter an Output Prefix such as mode to enable the output of mode data to disk, set the Z Grid Size to 0.05, change the Z Domain Max back to 150, and then press OK to start the mode calculation. The mode calculation will find two modes and at the end of the calculation, the fundamental mode of the system will remain open on the screen. To view the modes profiles, press the View Graphs icon, and open mode.p00 and mode.p01. These files are the WinPLOT plot files; the actual mode data is contained in the files mode.m00 and mode.m01 respectively.

Figure 5: The computed mode profiles a) m=0, b) m=1

These are the two modes for the system that we will use in the coupled mode theory analysis. Note that the fundamental mode, m=0, is for the right waveguide, while the first order mode, m=1, is for the left most waveguide.

Performing the coupled mode theory analysis

In order to complete the analysis of this grating situation, the index perturbation must be reintroduced: set Grating to 1 as before. Next, press the Perform Simulation icon to open the main GratingMOD simulation window. Set the Bragg Condition to Fix Period and change the Wavelength Range to 0.896,0.902 to correspond to the wavelength range of interest. Note that the Period will equal the value defined in the symbol table.

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Figure 6: The GratingMOD simulation window.

Next, press the Mode Selection tab. Since we have precalculated the modes for this structure, select Use Precalculated Modes. Add the files mode.m00 and mode.m01 to the mode list as shown in Fig. 7. Also, set the launch mode to the Super Mode file mode.m01 using the Select Highlighted button.

Figure 7: The GratingMOD simulation window Mode Selection Tab.

Next, press the Output button and make sure the Output Spectrum is set to Both so that both the transmitted and reflected spectrums can be viewed.

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Figure 8: The Analysis Output dialog box.

Press OK in this window and then the next to perform the coupled mode analysis of this structure.

Figure 9: The simulation results for the grating coupler. Note that the .m00 mode is for the right waveguide, while the .m01 mode is for the left waveguide.

The simulation results, shown in Fig. 9, show the power spectrum for both forward and reverse modes.

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Tutorial A9: Fiber Cladding Mode Analysis

This tutorial will explore the study of fiber cladding-modes. The associated file for this tutorial is located in the <rsoft_dir>\examples\tutorial\GratingMOD\TutA9\ directory.

Structure Overview
Open the file long_period.ind in the CAD interface.

Figure 1: The completed structure in the CAD interface. The blue segment represents the core, while the red segment represents the cladding.

Note the following about the design: Structure The grating structure is defined by two segments: a cladding segment and a core segment. Grating Definition The grating segment has an index taper which modulates the index within the core along the fiber axis.

Performing a Simulation
Click the Perform Simulation button in the left toolbar and note the settings. Click OK to start the simulation.

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Figure 2: The simulation results showing the transmission spectrum. Several resonances are clearly visible.

Changing the Cladding Mode Options

The cladding mode options, set in the Cladding Mode Analysis Options dialog which can be opened by clicking the Cladding Mode button in the Advanced Options dialog, allows the user to further control the simulation options.

Figure 2: The Cladding Mode Analysis Options dialog.

To view the coupling between the core mode and cladding modes, click the Show Core-Clad Coupling button.

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Figure 3: The computed coupling between the core mode (mode 0) and the cladding modes

The Bragg Condition can also be seen by clicking the Show Bragg's Condition button.

Figure 4: The Bragg Condition results.

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Chapter 6: Synthesis Tutorials

This chapter contains a series of progressively more involved tutorials dealing with the use of grating synthesis. Since many of the tutorials build on techniques established in earlier tutorials, it is important to perform them in order, even if a particular tutorial topic is of most interest to you.

Tutorial S1: -40 dB Filter Design

We will now revisit the design discussed in the Getting Started section of Chapter 4. In that section, we designed a rectangular filer with bad performance. In this tutorial, we will improve this design in order to achieve a -40 dB filter.

Desired Performance
Recalling from Chapter 4, we want to design a grating with the spectrum shown in Fig. 1

Figure 1: Input spectrum to be used for grating synthesis example.

The file <rsoft _dir>Examples\GratingMOD\rect.dat contains the following data, and corresponds to the spectrum shown in Fig S1-2. Wavelength 1.549 1.54979 Ampl. 0 0 Phase 0 0

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1.5498 1.5502 1.55021 1.551

1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0

Figure 2: Data points contained in the file rect.dat which correspond to the spectrum shown in Fig. 1. This file can be viewed/edited using any text editor, such as Windows Notepad.

Setting up the Synthesis Simulation

A synthesis simulation does not require a structure, but it does require at least a blank design file so that GratingMOD can access a symbol table. Open a new CAD window, and select New Circuit. Since we are not going to directly lay out a structure in the CAD, the default settings are fine. Simply set the Simulation Type to GratingMOD, and hit OK . As no structure has to be input, we can go directly to the simulation. Click on the Run Simulation icon to bring up the GratingMOD Simulation Window and make sure the Simulation Type is set to Grating Synthesis. The first steps to synthesizing a grating involve defining the input and target spectra.

Defining the Input Spectrum

To define the input spectrum, set the Spectrum Source to File, and set the Spectrum Input File equal to the file rect.dat. Since this file contains wavelength and phase information, the default settings for Phase Info. Typeand X is are acceptable. Once the input spectrum has been defined, we can move on to the target spectrum.

Figure 3: Defining the Input Spectrum in the GratingMOD Synthesis Module.

Defining the Target Spectrum

To define the target spectrum, click on the Target Spectrum tab. The target spectrum is the actual spectrum that GratingMOD will try to create a grating profile for. It allows the user to make changes to the input spectrum in order to

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create a realizable profile. To view the target spectrum to be used by GratingMOD, click on the Show Target Spectrum button. For this example, the defaults for this tab, as well as the Synthesis Parameters tab will be sufficient, and so the grating can be synthesized.

Performing the Synthesis

Once the spectra have been defined, the simulation can be run by first entering an Output Prefix of filter, and then by clicking OK. The following results are obtained.

Figure 5: Results obtained for the rectangular filter grating synthesis.

The upper plot in Fig. 4: shows the power reflection for the synthesized grating on a linear scale, but would be much more useful plotted on a log scale. To do this, open the results file filter_synthesis_spectrum.pcs and choose View/Edit from the WinPLOT menu, and adding the commands /dby.

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Figure 5: a) Synthesized results displayed with on a log scale.

As shown in Fig. 6, a 40 dB filter has been created.

Viewing Simulation Results

To view the grating profile, open the file filter_profile.pcs. Shown in Fig. 6, the blue line represents the apodization and the green line represents period. If we zoom in on the peak, we can see the dips in the period which corresponds to a pi shift in the grating.

Figure 6: a) Grating profile for the -40 dB filter b) the peak region of the grating profile.

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Tutorial S2: Two Channel Filter

A two-channel filter is useful for detuning. In this tutorial, we will go through the process of synthesizing such a filter in a grating.

Filter Design
This filter will be designed to have two channels, centered at a wavelength of 1.55 m with a bandwidth of about 0.02 m. The desired spectral performance is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Desired spectral performance for two channel filter. Note that the wavelength is defined in reference to the central wavelength, 1.55 m.

For this design, we will define the two channel spectrum for detuning using a data file <rsoft_dir>EXAMPLES\GratingMOD\two_chnl.dat. You can either use this data file, or create your own with the data given in Fig. 1 . Detuning -0.04 -0.011 -0.01 -0.005 -0.004 0.004 0.005 0.01 0.011 0.04 Amplitude 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Phase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 2: Data contained in file two_chnl.dat.

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Performing the Synthesis

Open the CAD and click the New Circuit button. Set the Simulation Tool to GratingMOD, and click OK. As no structure definition is needed, click the Run Simulation icon to access the GratingMOD simulation window. As this is a synthesis simulation, make sure the Simulation Module is set to Grating Synthesis.

Defining the Spectra

The first step in a grating synthesis is to define the input spectrum in the Input Spectrum tab. The data that defines the desired spectrum is in the file two_chanl.dat as shown in Fig. 1. Set the Spectrum Source to File, and click Browse to set the Spectrum Input File to two_chanl.dat. Next, set the X is to Detuning. Also, set the Center Wavelength (Detuning) to 1.55.

Running the Simulation

To run the simulation, enter an Output Prefix such as detune, and click OK. When the simulation has finished, the synthesized results are shown as in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: a) Results of Two Channel Filter simulation, and b) the same results shown on a log plot.

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Tutorial S3: Constant Dispersion Compensation

Often it can be very advantageous to utilize a filter which has a linear phase delay, or constant dispersion throughout the pass band. This tutorial outlines the design of such a filter. These calculations are based on reference [3] by Skaar et. all.

Filter Specifications
The desired reflection spectrum will have a simple Gaussian shape centered at 1m with a quadratic phase given by the formula:

r ( ) = R exp PB

2 LF c 2 exp i 2 n

where the maximum reflectivity is given by R=0.95 and the Gaussian width defined as PB=12.3 cm-1. The dispersion characteristics are described by the dispersion parameter 2 = -21.7 ps2/km (which corresponds to D=17 ps/nm-km) and a characteristic length LF=30km. The dispersion parameter 2 is the second derivative of the propagation constant with respect to frequency, and the value of LF is chosen such that the grating can compensate for the dispersion over a length of 30 km of nondispersion-shifted standard fiber.

Setting up the Simulation

To define the input spectrum for this filter, we are going to utilize an expression. To facilitate this, we need to first enter several variables in the symbol table which will simplify the process. First, open a new CAD window and click the New Circuit icon. Set the Simulation Tool to GratingMOD, and then hit OK. Click the Edit Symbols icon, and define R=.95, Gw=1.23E-3, Beta2=-21.7, L=1.2E5, D=17, Lf=30, and Dis=D*Lf*1000. These values correspond to the values given above. Note that the value of Gw has been converted to inverse m and Dis to ps/m. Once these variables have been defined, we can define the grating. Click the Run Simulation icon to access the Grating Simulation window, and set the Simulation Module to Grating Synthesis.

The Input Spectrum

Click on the Input Spectrum tab. We are going to enter an expression for the amplitude, F(x), and the phase, G(x). First, set the Spectrum Source to Expression, the Phase Info. Type to Dispersion, and X is to Detuning. Next, set F(x) for Amplitude to sqrt(R)*exp(-(x/Gw)^2) and G(x) for Dispersion to Dis. For these functions, we want x to vary from a Starting Value of X of -0.01 to an Ending Value of X of 0.01. Set these fields, as well as the Number of x Points to 1024. Finally, set the Center Wavelength (Detuning) to 1.

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Figure 1: Input Spectrum Variables for Synthesis of constant dispersion filter

The Target Spectrum

The target spectrum in this case is almost the same as the defined spectrum, except the desired length o the grating will be entered. Set the Grating Length to L on the Target Spectrum tab.

Specifying Output Options

Click the Output button to access the GratingMOD Synthesis Output options dialog box. Since we specified the input information in terms of detuning, set the Axis Type to Detuning. Also, since we are designing a constant dispersion compensation filter, we want to see the computed dispersion characteristics of the designed grating. Enable the option Output Delay Dispersion to do this. Next, set the Output Kappa to Amplitude so that we can see the synthesized result regardless of phase. Since we are not interested in the input spectrum, disable Show Input Specturm.

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Figure 2: Output options dialog box.

Performing the Synthesis

Once all the input and output options are set, the simulation can be run. Enter an Output Prefix of constdisp and click the OK button to start the simulation. Once the simulation is complete as shown in Fig. S3-4, note that the synthesized result (in green) is overlapped with the Target spectrum.

Figure 3: Simulation results for the constant dispersion compensation grating.

Next, open the delay and dispersion results contained in the file constdisp_delay_dispersion.pcs. Note that we did obtain a constant dispersion (linear delay) within the pass band.

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Figure 4: Delay/Dispersion results from the constant dispersion compenstaion grating synthesis. a) full data, and b) zoomed result.

By zooming in on the dispersions graph, Fig. 4 shows that the dispersion information that was synthesized. This data was close to what was expected as is shown by the blue, target dispersion line. Finally, we find the apodization and chirp for this grating structure in constdisp_profile.pcs.

Figure 5: Apodization and Chirp results from the constant dispersion compenstaion grating synthesis

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Tutorial S4: Verifying Analysis Results

This tutorial describes how to perform a synthesis simulation to verify the result from an analysis simulation. Before working through this tutorial, we would recommend that you spend some time familiarizing yourself with the analysis portion of GratingMOD if you have not already done so. This tutorial assumes familiarity with both the analysis and synthesis portions of GratingMOD. In this tutorial we will start with a grating profile, solve for its spectral response using the analysis portion of GratingMOD, then take this spectrum and solve for the grating profile using the synthesis portion of GratingMOD.

Grating Analysis Section

The grating analysis section of this tutorial will be identical to the analysis Tutorial A5. in Chapter 5. This tutorial contains the analysis of a 2D slab grating with both apodization and chirp. If you have not gone through this tutorial yet, it is recommended that you do so at this time. We will utilize the results from the analysis to perform the synthesis. Turn back to Tutorial A5, work through it, and then return here. After performing the simulation in Tutorial A5, the calculated spectrum is saved in the file grating3.dat in your current working directory. This will be the spectrum we will attempt to create a grating profile for.

Figure 1: Spectrum calculated in Tutorial A5 which will be verified using the synthesis module.

Grating Synthesis Section

Once you have completed the analysis section, you can continue on to the synthesis section. We are going to take the spectrum contained in the file grating3.dat and solve for the grating profile. If you do not still have the CAD window open from the analysis section, open a new CAD window, click the New Circuit icon, set the Simulation Tool to GratingMOD, and then click OK. Click the Perform Simulation icon to access the GratingMOD simulation window, and set the Simulation Module to Grating Synthesis.

The Input and Target Spectra

The input spectrum will be defined in the Input Spectrum tab by the file grating3.dat which was produced in tutorial A5. Set the Spectrum Source to File, then click the Browse button and choose the file grating3.dat. Also, make sure the Phase Info. Type and X is fields are set to Phase and Dispersion respectively to match the data contained in the file.

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Figure 2: GratingMOD synthesis module.

The length of the grating must be specified. Set the Grating Length to 6000 on the Target Spectrum tab. Even though this is longer than the length of the original grating (1024), it is better to put a longer value here to allow the software to better converge.

Output Options
Click the Output button to set the desired output graphs. For this example, not only is the grating profile required, but also the apodization and chirp so comparisons can be made with Tutorial A5. Click OK to return to the GratingMOD synthesis simulation window.

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Figure 3: Output options for the synthesis simulation.

Running the Simulation

To run the simulation, give an Output Prefix such as grating3_inv, and press OK.

Figure 4: Simulation results from the grating synthesis.

To view the synthesized profile, click the View Graphics icon and choose the file grating3_inv_profile.pcs.

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Figure 5: The computed grating profile and apodization.

The grating profile and apodization, shown in Fig. 5, shows a rough cosine apodization and 0.001 linear chirp.

Comparing Results
We will now compare the results from the synthesis simulation, contained in the file grating3_inv_profile.pcs, and the exact data. The exact data was computed in the analysis section, and is contained in the file grating3_profile.pcs.

Figure 6: a) Synthesized data which has been cut to match the length of the original grating, and b) Exact data

96 Chapter 6: Synthesis Tutorials

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Appendix A: Tips and Traps in using GratingMOD

This appendix contains some advice on good habits and sources of confusion for novice and experienced GratingMOD users alike.

Common GratingMOD mistakes

Below is a list of items that are common mistakes that can be made when using GratingMOD. Make sure the file format for the Spectrum Input File when performing a synthesis is in the correct format. The Mode Selection tab is independent of the CAD when performing a grating analysis. The mode selection tab is for performing an analysis when the files for particular modes are already available. The analysis parameters tab is not for use when a structure has been defined.

Some good GratingMOD habits to learn

Below is a list of items that are good rules to follow when performing simulations with GratingMOD. Always check the index profile using the Display Material Profile icon. This will allow the user to view the index profile if either set up using a volume or index distribution. Any mistakes that are made can be caught here, especially if using a 3D structure. When performing a Grating Synthesis, always view the target spectrum before performing the synthesis. This is useful to make sure the desired spectral response has been set up. In addition, this also checks all of the defaults that the program is using in the other synthesis windows. If the appropriate spectrum and pulse response are not shown, values may have to be entered into these defaults (if they are not already). Always check the modes that GratingMOD produces automatically for accuracy and to ensure they make sense. For complicated structures, it is recommended that you first calculate the desired modes first and then enter them into the Mode Selection tab.

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Appendix A: Tips and Traps in using GratingMOD 97

Appendix B: Apodization and Filter Types for GratingMOD

This appendix lists all of the functions that used as the apodization and filter options in GratingMOD. An accompanying graph for each function displays the result of each function.

1 f ( z) = cos( z ' ) 2 z < L 2 where z ' = z 1 2 L 2

z L L L 2 and z 1 2 2 2 2

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Appendix B: Apodization and Filter Types for GratingMOD 99

1 f ( z) = cos 2 ( z ' ) 2 z < L 2 where z ' = z 1 2 L 2

z L L L 2 and z 1 2 2 2 2

f ( z) = tanh[ (1 2 z / L )] L L where z tanh( ) 2 2

100 Appendix B: Apodization and Filter Types for GratingMOD

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

f ( z) = 1 + (1 + ) cos(2 z z ) + cos(4 ) L L where L z L 2(1 + ) 2 2

Note that this function is between 0 and 1 when parameter is between 1/5 and 1/3.

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Appendix B: Apodization and Filter Types for GratingMOD 101

Appendix C: Symbol Table Variables for GratingMOD

The following is the list of symbols which are defined in the symbol table by GratingMOD. They correspond to the options which are set via the GUI. They are provided for two reasons: When creating user-defined variables, you should avoid using these variable names as you can inadvertently change aspects of the simulation. Advanced users who wish to control aspects of GratingMOD via the symbol table can edit these symbols directly. This is identical to using the GUI.

Analysis Variables
These variables are used exclusively by the analysis portion of GratingMOD.
grating_fixlambda grating_order grating_dispersion_enable grating_mode_numfwd grating_mode_numback grating_mode_autocalc

0=fix period, 1=fix lambda the order of the grating Account for dispersion # forward modes # backward modes 0=user-input pre-calculated mode 1=automatic mode calculation use analytic solution when possible show mode calculation generate mode data file the input mode discretizing grating section: 0=set number, 1=use tolerance number of steps of a grating section tolerance for discretizing grating section

grating_mode_analytic grating_mode_showcalc grating_mode_output grating_mode_reference grating_sect_usetol

grating_sect_numsteps grating_sect_steptol

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Appendix C: Symbol Table Variables for GratingMOD 103

grating_export_to_linksim grating_export_to_optsim grating_scan_option grating_scan_inband_level grating_scan_outband_level

export spectrum in LinkSIM data format export spectrum in OptSIM data format scan which quantity where to calculate bandwidth from inside where to calculate bandwidth from outside

Synthesis Variables
These variables are used exclusively by the synthesis portion of GratingMOD. values are the FILTER_ #def's 1 = conjugate the phase (causality) default indicates: not in table" expected grating length desired center wavelength spatial resolution of synthesized grating derive phase from amplitude phase shift (causality) spectrum file spectrum amplitude expression spectrum phase expression 1 = plot only (Show Impulse/Spec button) 1 = plot input spectrum independent variable in spec expr starting value of variable ending value number of points file or expression second col. of spec. file is phase
grating_inv_filter grating_inv_conjphase grating_inv_gridsize grating_inv_length grating_inv_centerwl grating_inv_step grating_inv_derivephase grating_inv_phase grating_inv_file grating_inv_expr_amp grating_inv_expr_phase grating_inv_showspec grating_inv_showinspec grating_inv_var grating_inv_expr_min grating_inv_expr_max grating_inv_expr_pts grating_inv_source grating_inv_type

Common Variables
These variables are shared by both the analysis and synthesis portions of GratingMOD. 1 = plot apodization & chirp

104 Appendix C: Symbol Table Variables for GratingMOD

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

grating_plot_delay grating_plot_phase grating_plot_spectrum grating_plot_spacing grating_plot_range grating_plot_kappa grating_plot_input grating_plot_target grating_plot_axis grating_sim_type

1 = plot delay & dispersion 1 = plot phase Values are the SPECTRUM_ #def's Spacing between wavelength points # Or #, # Values are the OUTPUT_ #def's 1 = plot input spectrum 1 = plot target spectrum Values are the AXIS_ #def's 0 = Analysis, 1 = Synthesis

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Appendix C: Symbol Table Variables for GratingMOD 105

Appendix D: Synthesis File Formats

This appendix contains the file formats used by GratingMOD for a synthesis simulation.

Raw Data Formats

There are three columns of data. First column is independent variable, which can be wavelength, frequency or detuning. Second column is amplitude of a spectrum. Third column can be phase, delay or dispersion of a spectrum.

Standard RSoft File Format

This is the main file format which is used to represent functions of one or two variables, including field profiles, index profiles, and other output types. This format is described in detail in the Appendices of the CAD manual.

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Appendix D: Synthesis File Formats 107


[1] K. Raman, Fiber Bragg Gratings, (Academic Press, San Diego, 1999). [2] T. Theodor (Editor), Guided-Wave Optoelectronics, Second Edition, (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, 1990). [3] J. Skaar, L. Wang, and Turan Erdogan, On the Synthesis of Fiber Bragg Grating by Layer Peeling, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 165 (2001). [4] L. Poladian, Simple grating synthesis algorithm, Optics Letters 25, 787 (2000). [5] R. Feced, M. N. Zervas, and M. A. Muriel, An efficient inverse scattering algorithm for the design of non-uniform fiber Bragg grating, Journal of Quantum Electronics 35, 1105 (1999). [6] T. Erdogan, Fiber grating spectra, Lightwave Technol. 15, 1277 (1997). [7] A. Oppenheim, R. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, chapter 7, (Prentice Hall Signal Processing Series, 1989). [8] N. Izhaky and A. Hardy, Analysis of grating-assisted backward coupling employing the unified coupled-mode formalism, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 16, 1303 (1999). [9] Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Takeshi Kamiya and Hisayoshi Yanai, Improved Coupled Mode Analysis of Corrugated Wavegudies and Lasers, Journal of Quantum Electronics 14, 245 (1978).

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

References 109

Cosine 61 Coupling Coefficients File 41


3D 31

dB 28 Delete 27 Delta 21, 53 Derive Phase 39 Direction 27 Display and Save 27 Display Color 66, 72 Display Index Profile 51 Display Material Index Profile 74 Display Material Profile 16, 20, 97 Display Mode 20, 51, 67, 74 Display 54, 75 Domain Max 54, 67 Duplicate Section 65 Duty Cycle 19

Account for (waveguide/material) Dispersion 26 Add 27 Advanced 24 All Modes 75 Apodization Coefficient 19 Apodization Type 19, 61 Axis Type 43, 90

Edit Symbols 46, 71, 89 Ending Value of x 38, 89 Expression 38

F(x) for Amplitude 38 Fiber Coupler 22 Fix Center 17 Fix Center Wavelength 23, 24, 50, 55, 68 Fix Period 24, 50, 75 Free Space Wavelength 14, 71

Background Index 14, 54, 67, 71 Bias 19 boldface Courier 3 Both 61, 76 Bragg Condition 50, 75 Browse 34, 37, 88, 93

G(x) for Phase, Delay, or Disp. 38 Grating 16, 65 Grating Analysis 22, 54 Grating Length 40, 67, 90, 94 Grating Order 24 Grating Synthesis 32, 35 Grating Type 21 GratingMOD 14, 71 Grid Size 16, 54, 67, 74, 75

Cancel 23, 36, 46, 47 Center Wavelength (Detuning) 88, 89 Chirp Coefficient 19 Chirp Type 19 Cladding Index 21 Cladding Mode 25, 80 Cladding Mode Number 25 Component Height 14 Component Width 14, 72, 73 Compute Material Profile 54, 67, 74 Compute Modes 75 Conjugate Phase 39 Contour Map (XY) 20 Contour Map (XZ) 74 ContourMap(XZ) 51 ContourMap(YZ) 67

Height 21, 53, 67 Help 23, 36

Index Difference 14, 67, 72, 73

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Index 111

Index Max 54, 75 Index Min 75 Index Taper 15, 72 Input Spectrum 88, 89, 93 Inside of Band Defined by Level (0-1 or dB) 28

Layout File Meta Prefix 22 Layout Options 21 Layout Type 53 Left Side Lobe - Peak Amplitude 28 Light Blue 66, 73 Light Gray 72

Peak Position 28 Perform Simulation 17, 32, 48, 52, 54, 61, 63, 66, 68, 75, 79, 93 period 16, 19, 24, 47, 65, 72, 75 Phase 19, 65 Phase Info, Type 36 Phase Info. Type 84 Phase Info. Type 37, 89, 93 Plot FWHM 28 Post Processing 27 Profile Type 19, 20, 72

Rectangular 72 Reflected 55, 63 Rib/Ridge 67 Right Side Lobe - Peak Amplitude 28 Run Simulation 10, 84, 88, 89

Mode Options 75 Mode Output 26, 69 Mode Selection 25, 97 Mode Selection Parameters 18, 26, 27 Model Dimension 31 Modulation Depth 21, 45, 51, 53, 67 Modulation Type 45, 51, 53, 67 More 72, 73

Save Only 27 Save Settings 23, 36 Select Highlighted 27, 76 Select Launch 27 Select Mode 65 Separation 22 Set # Steps 25 Set Tolerance 25 Shift 40 Show Apodization/Chirp 29, 63 Show Bragg Condition 25 Show Bragg's Condition 81 Show Core-Clad Coupling 80 Show Delay/Dispersion 29, 55 Show Input Spectrum 43 Show Input Specturm 90 Show Mode Calculation 26 Show Target Spectrum 40, 43, 85 Show the Core-Clad Coupling 25 Simulation Module 22, 32, 54, 88, 89, 93 Simulation Modules 35 Simulation Step Size 41 Simulation Tool 14, 31, 71, 88, 89, 93 Simulation Type 42, 84 Slice Grid 16, 54, 67, 74 Source Type 16, 65 Spectrum Input File 34, 84, 88, 97 Spectrum Source 37, 38, 84, 88, 89, 93 Starting Value of x 38, 89 Stop Band 28 Structure Type 67 Super Mode 76 Surface Relief (height) 67 Symbols 23, 36

Neff Selection 25 New Circuit 14, 31, 71, 84, 88, 89, 93 New Taper 15, 65, 72 No 29 None 26 Number of x Points 38, 89

OK 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 29, 34, 35, 36, 42, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 84, 85, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95 Output Apodization/Chirp 43 Output Delay Dispersion 90 Output Delay/Dispersion 42 Output Kappa 43, 90 Output Normalized Coupling Coefficients 41 Output Phase 29, 42 Output prefix 22, 29, 30, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 75, 85, 88, 91, 95 Output Spectrum 29, 42, 55, 61, 63, 76 Output 18, 23, 29, 35, 36, 42, 55, 61, 63, 76, 90, 94 Outside of Band Defined by Level (0-1 or dB) 28

Peak Amplitude 28

112 Index

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Synthesis 42 Synthesis Parameters 85

Tapers 16, 47, 61 Target Spectrum 84 Tilt Angle 25 Type 40

Unperturbed Structure 25 Unwrap Phase of Output Coupling Coefficients 41 Use Analytic Solution (when possible) 26 Use Auto Mode Calculation 18, 26 Use Precalculated Modes 27, 76 User 1 72 User Tapers 65 Utility/GratingMOD Grating Layout 20

View Full 66 View Graphics 95 View Graphs 64, 75

Wavelength 17, 23, 24, 55, 68 Wavelength Range 75 Wavelength Range (# or #,#) 24 Wavelength Spacing 24 Width 21, 53, 67

X 36, 37 X is 84, 88, 89, 93

Yes 55

Z Domain Max 74, 75

GratingMOD 3.1 User Guide

Index 113

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