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Au dit
PhD Flavia Stoian-Nasu lea

What is a 7inancial audit?

Auditing is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between those assertions and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users.

Whats the purpose of an audit mission?

The purpose of an audit is to express an objective, independent and reasonable opinion concerning 7inancial statements. The audit opinion is intended to provide reasonable assurance that 7inancial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, and/or give a true and fair view in accordance with the 7inancial reporting framework. The purpose of an audit is to enhance the degree of con7idence of intended users in the 7inancial statements

Who needs 7inancial audit services?

- Companies that end up reporting the exceeding of 2

out of the following 3 indexes: Total Assets > 3.560.000 euro Turnover > 7.300.000 euro Average number of employees/year >=50 - Public Interest Companies: 7inancial institutions, listed companies, assurance companies, etc.

Why would we need 7inancial audit?

The auditor gives an independent opinion doubled by high standards of professional training and having an universal framework that makes an audit report virtually comprehensible anywhere in the world.

Who regulates Financial Audit?

- IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)

Facts @IFAC: - 124 countries and 164 members - - - Represents more than 2.5 mil accountants over the world - They develop ISA, IAS/IFRS, Code of Ethics, Standards for Public Sector Accountancy, etc.

- CAFR (The Chamber of Financial Auditors from


- Facts @CAFR - Instituted in 1999 and a member of IFAC since 2008 - Over 4500 memebers

How do you become an auditor?

- Bachelor degree economic studies - Four years of work experience in accountancy or

audit - Passing the internship exam - Three years of internship under the supervision of an auditor who will report about your activity every year - Passing the professional skills exam

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