Election Speech (Ms Lawrence)

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Good evening fellow residents.

It is with great humility that I stand before you this evening with the aims of both convincing you that I am the right person for this position, and to also gain your support of my thoughts and ideas which I hope I will be given the chance to actualize. As I began writing this speech, a few key words came to mind: transparent, accountable, and effective. These are all qualities which I find essential for a person to efficiently carry out the duties of this post. In examining each, I thought of the ways in which I would be able to portray each term and have now categorized them as my intentions and/or plans. Firstly, transparent - I am of the view that all residents should be kept up to date about our financial standing. Such information should be easily accessible and readily available for your perusal. Thus, to such effect, I will, as stated in the hall constitution, " present regular statements on the financial status of the Hall Committee to the Hall, subject to the provisions of the bye-laws." Be specifichow will you present them? Via website, posters etc Secondly, accountable - in such a capacity, one of the major roles that I would have to perform is that of representing you in financial matters. It is with this in mind that I can knowingly say that I would be responsible to you. In this instance, I would be willing to offer up myself so as to be able to address your concerns and to provide you with answers and/or responses to your questions/queries or comments, in a timely fashion. In being effective, I am one who prefers to do things in an orderly manner. I strongly believe in organization and I do believe in prioritizing. In my opinion, timeliness is a very important part of being effective. Having been rooted in the practice of such, I would undoubtedly carry on this practice into this new position as well. Additionally, I must boldly state, "I am in support of any activity that promotes cultural integration and integration among all residents." It is to this notion that I must also say that I am in support of raising the level of togetherness among all residents of SALHOR thereby boosting the community spirit. I acknowledge the difficulty with which this may be achieved but honestly, I am fully committed to ensuring that the necessary funds are available to foster such development. It is now that I pledge to my colleagues, the future Hall Chair, the future Environmental Affairs Chair, the Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chair and the Games Committee Chair that once elected for this position, I pledge my full support and myself. I really do think that we can make this coming school year a great year. Electing me would be one of your wisest financial decisions. I'll give everything I have for you: my time, my knowledge, and myself. The only thing I am asking you for is your vote.

Have you ever served in a similar position? If so, highlight some of your accomplishments. If not, make some up.

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