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INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 1 Group work: Prepare a dialogue with at least five language functions for a role play.

Function 1 To give compliments Function 2 To give directions Function 3 To express emotions Function 4 To give greetings Function 5 To ask for permission

The dialogue: A B A : Hello, welcome to F.O.S. May I help you? : Oh, thank you. I would like to find a blouse for a party. Where can I find it? : You can find it on the female section. To get there, walk straight through children section and take left. On your way, you will find the female section. : Thank you for your directions but hey the belts here are really nice. Which belt is suitable for a party? Can you help me? : Yes, of course madam. I think this belt will be the most suitable for a party as for the pattern and the colour of the belt is very fancy. : Oh, great. Thank you for your help. It is very nice to deal with you. : My pleasure.


INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 2 Prepare a 3 minutes mime (non-verbal communication) of a situation of your choice. Situation: The situation is about a love triangle between a guy and two girls. The mime will start with a girl together with her best friend bullying another girl of her age. The girl that was being bullied will just obeying with whatever the other two girls been doing and just being sad about it. Then it will be followed by a scene that a girl of the two girls is trying to flirt with a guy. The guy will just ignore the girl instead he is trying to be close with the girl that was being bullied before. The ignored girl will make her move of revenge when the guy is being together with the bullied girl. Then, the mime will be ended with those two girls that will fight over for the guy.

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 3 Categorise the similarities and differences between speech and writing in everyday life situations: news, newspaper, social interaction, dialogues, etc. SIMILARITIES Message delivered To convey information Comes from thoughts Needs language Using phoneme Types of communication Can be both formal and informal

DIFFERENCES SPEECH Can be two ways communication Can be together with gestures and intonation It has to be two parties at a time By using mouth or orally Influence by accent Not necessarily needed two parties By using fingers Influence by literature WRITTEN One way communication only No gestures and intonation

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 4 Access information from the internet for at least 3 tongue twisters for pronunciation practice in tutorial Week 5. 1. Mr. See owned a saw And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw Now, Sees saw sawed Soars seesaw Before Soar saw See Which made Soar sore Had Soar seen Sees saw Before See sawed Soars seesaw Sees saw would not have sawed Soars seesaw So Sees saw sawed Soars seesaw But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because Sees saw sawed Soars seesaw

2. A certain young fellow named Beebee Wished to marry a lady named Phobe But, he said I must see What ministers fee be Before Phobe be Phoebe Beebee

3. A tutor who tooted the flute Tried to tutor two tooters to toot Said the two to the tutor Is it tougher to toot Or to tutor two tooters to toot?

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 5 Access information from the internet to complete a table of five minimal pairs with initial, medial and filial phoneme differences. In modern English, // and // bear a phonemic relationship to each other, as is demonstrated by the presence of a small number of minimal pairs: thigh:thy, ether:either, teeth:teethe. Thus they are distinct phonemes (units of sound, differences in which can affect meaning), as opposed to allophones (different pronunciations of a phoneme having no effect on meaning). They are distinguished from the neighbouring labiodental fricatives, sibilants and alveolar stops by such minimal pairs as thought:fought/sought/taught and then:Venn/Zen/den. The vast majority of words in English with th have //, and almost all newly created words do. However, the constant recurrence of the function words, particularly the, means that // is nevertheless more frequent in actual use. The distribution pattern may be summed up in the following rule of thumb which is valid in most cases: in initial position we use // except in certain function words; in medial position we use // except for certain foreign loan words; and in final position we use // except in certain verbs. A more detailed explanation follows. Initial position

Almost all words beginning with a dental fricative have //. A small number of common function words (the Middle English anomalies mentioned below) begin with //. The words in this group are:

5 demonstratives: the, this, that, these, those 2 personal pronouns each with multiple forms: thou, thee, thy, thine, thyself; they, them, their, theirs, themselves, themself

7 adverbs and conjunctions: there, then, than, thus, though, thence, thither (though some speakers pronounce thence and thither with initial //)

Various compound adverbs based on the above words: therefore, thereupon, thereby, thereafter, thenceforth, etc.

A few words have initial th for /t/ (e.g. Thomas): see below.

Medial position

Most native words with medial th have //.

Between vowels: heathen, fathom; and the frequent combination -ther-: bother, brother, dither, either, father, Heather, lather, mother, other, rather, slither, southern, together, weather, whether, wither, smithereens; Caruthers, Gaithersburg, Netherlands, Witherspoon, and similar

compound names where the first component ends in '-ther' or '-thers'. But Rutherford has either // or //.

Preceded by /r/: Worthington, farthing, farther, further, northern. Followed by /r/: brethren.

A few native words have medial //:

The adjective suffix -y normally leaves terminal // unchanged: earthy, healthy, pithy, stealthy, wealthy; but worthy and swarthy have //.

Compound words in which the first element ends or the second element begins with th frequently have //, as these elements would in isolation: bathroom, Southampton; anything, everything, nothing, something.

The only other native words with medial // would seem to be brothel and Ethel.

A few words have medial th for /t/ or /th/ (e.g. lighthouse): see below.

Final position

Nouns and adjectives

Nouns and adjectives ending in a dental fricative usually have //: bath, breath, cloth, froth, health, hearth, loath, sheath, sooth, tooth/teeth, width, wreath.

Exceptions are usually marked in the spelling with -the: tithe, lathe, lithe with //. blythe, booth, scythe, smooth have either // or //.


Verbs ending in a dental fricative usually have //, and are frequently spelled -the: bathe, breathe, clothe, loathe, scathe, scythe, seethe, sheathe, soothe, teethe, tithe, wreathe, writhe. Spelled without e: mouth (verb) nevertheless has //.

froth has either // or // as a verb, but only // as a noun. The verb endings -s, -ing, -ed do not change the pronunciation of a th in the final position in the stem: bathe has //, therefore so do bathed, bathing, bathes; frothing with either // or //. Likewise clothing used as a noun, scathing as an adjective etc.

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 6 Access information from the internet on types of morphemes and allomorphs and provide examples. Morphemes To make this as simple as possible, a morpheme is the name given to the the smallest unit of meaning in a language. In order to distinguish morphemes from words and syllables, braces are placed around the sound sequences that create morphemes. For a list of common morphemes.

Example: the word "readable" has two morphemes. {read} is the independent word meaning "to read". It is the morpheme {-able} which means "capable of, worthy of" that gives "readable" the meaning "worthy of reading".

It is important to note that there are two different kinds of morphemes: inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes. The main differene between the two is that derivational morphemes create a new word when attached to a base word. (ex: "act" has a clear meaning but the meaning of the word changes when the morphemes {en-} and {-ment} are added. {en-} + {act} + {-ment}= enactment. We'll look at more derivational morphemes in a bit.

Inflectional morphemes are those which are used to show grammatical relationships and all 8 inflections are all suffixes. When these suffixes are attatched to the root or base word the meaning of the base is not changed. There are three kinds of inflectional morphemes: nouns, verbs and adectives.Chart 1 shows the English inflectional morphemes and how they are used in speech.

Derivational morphemes are perhaps a little more complex merely because there are more of them.The chart at the bottom of the page lists Form Clues. These clues are a great way to see which morphemes act as signals for particular parts of speech. There is also a version that you may download and print up for your own reference.

Allomorphs In linguistics, an allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme. The concept occurs when a unit of meaning can vary in sound without changing meaning. The term allomorph explains the comprehension of phonological variations for specific morphemes. Allomorphy in English suffixes English has several morphemes that vary in sound but not in meaning. Examples include the past tense and the plural morphemes. For example, in English, a past tense morpheme is -ed. It occurs in several allomorphs depending on its phonological environment, assimilating voicing of the previous segment or inserting a schwa when following an alveolar stop:

as /d/ or /d/ in verbs whose stem ends with the alveolar stops /t/ or /d/, such as 'hunted' /hntd/ or 'banded' /bndd/

as /t/ in verbs whose stem ends with voiceless phonemes other than /t/, such as 'fished' /ft/

as /d/ in verbs whose stem ends voiced phonemes other than /d/, such as 'buzzed' /bzd/

Notice the "other than" restrictions above. This is a common fact about allomorphy: if the allomorphy conditions are ordered from most restrictive (in this case, after an alveolar stop) to least restrictive, then the first matching case usually "wins". Thus, the above conditions could be re-written as follows:

as /d/ or /d/ when the stem ends with the alveolar stops /t/ or /d/ as /t/ when the stem ends with voiceless phonemes as /d/ elsewhere

The fact that the /t/ allomorph does not appear after stem-final /t/, despite the fact that the latter is voiceless, is then explained by the fact that /d/ appears in that

environment, together with the fact that the environments are ordered. Likewise, the fact that the /d/ allomorph does not appear after stem-final /d/ is because the earlier clause for the /d/ allomorph takes priority; and the fact that the /d/ allomorph does not appear after stem-final voiceless phonemes is because the preceding clause for the /t/ takes priority. Irregular past tense forms, such as "broke" or "was/ were", can be seen as still more specific cases (since they are confined to certain lexical items, like the verb "break"), which therefore take priority over the general cases listed above.

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 7 Access information from the internet on denotative and connotative meaning. Denotation and Connotation

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition." For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptilesKhaving a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions."

Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.

Connotative vs. Denotative Vocabulary Words are not limited to one single meaning. Most words have multiple meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative. The denotation of a word is its explicit definition as listed in a dictionary. Lets use the word home as an example. The denotative or literal meaning of home is a place where one lives; a residence. Hint: Denotation, denotative, definition, and dictionary all start with the letter D. The expressiveness of language, however, comes from the other type of word meaningconnotation, or the association or set of associations that a word usually brings to mind . The connotative meaning of home is a place of security, comfort, and family. When Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz says, Theres no place like home, shes not referring to its denotation, but the emotions home evokes for her and most people. Connotation Determines Use The connotative and denotative meanings of words are both correct, but a words connotation determines when it is used. By definition, synonyms have the same

denotation or literal meaning, but almost always have different connotations, or shades of meaning. For example, the synonyms of boat include ship, yacht, dinghy, and ferry. All these words refer to the same thing, but each elicits a different association in the readers mind. For example, these are the sentence meaning shifts when the underlined word is changed: Positive: Sally was an enthusiastic member her sorority. Neutral: Sally was an active member of her sorority. Negative: Sally was a fanatical member of her sorority.

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 8 Access information from the internet on polysemy, synonymy, hyponymy and antonymy. A study of Lexical Relations The branch of semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. It is the study of systematic, meaning related structures of words. Lexical field or semantic field is the organization of related words and expressions in to a system, which shows their relationship with one another. e.g. .set 1 angry, sad, happy, depressed, afraid. This set of word is a lexical field all its words refer to emotional states.

Lexical semantics examines relationships among word meanings. It is the study of how the lexicon is organized and how the lexical meanings of lexical items are interrelated, and its principle goal is to build a model for the structure of the lexicon by categorizing the types of relationships between words. There are different types of lexical relationsHyponymy Polysemy, Synonymy, Antonymy

Hyponymy Hyponymy is a relationship between two words in which the meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other word. The lexical relation corresponding to the inclusion of one class in another is hyponymy. A hyponym is a subordinate, specific term whose referent is included in the referent of super ordinate term. e.g. Blue, green are kinds of color they are specific colors and color is the general term for them. Therefore color is called the super ordinate term and blue, red, green, yellow, etc. are called hyponyms. Hyponymy is the relationship between each lower term and the higher term (super

ordinate).It is sense relation. Hyponymy is defined in terms of the inclusion of the sense of one item in the sense of another. e.g. The sense of animal is included in the sense of lion. Hyponymy is not restricted to objects, abstract concepts, or nouns. It can be identified in many other areas of the lexicon. e.g. the verb cook has many hyponyms. In a lexical field, hyponymy may exist at more than one level. A word may have both a hyponym and a super ordinate term. We thus have Sparrow, hawk, crow , fowl as hyponyms of bird and bird in turn is a hyponym of living beings .So there is a hierarchy of terms related to each other through hyponymic relations. Two or more terms which share the same super ordinate terms are co-hyponyms. Hyponymy involves the logical relationship of entailment. e.g. There is a horse entails that There is an animal Hyponymy often functions in discourse as a means of lexical cohesion by establishing referential equivalence to avoid repetition. Polysemy When a word has several very closely related senses or meanings .Polysemous word is a word having two or more meanings. e.g.foot in :He hurt his foot She stood at the foot of the stairs. A well-known problem in semantics is how to decide whether we are dealing with a single polysemous word or with two or more homonyms. F.R.Palmer concluded saying that finally multiplicity of meaning is a very general characteristic of language. Polysemy is used in semantics and lexical analysis to describe the word with multiple meanings.Crystal and Dick Hebdige (1979) also defined polysemy. Lexical ambiguity depends upon homonymy and polysemy. Synonymy Synonymy is used to mean sameness of meaning. Synonym is a word, which has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. There are several ways in which they differ

1.Some set of synonyms belong to different dialects of language, e.g. Fall - used in united states, Autumn-used in some western countries. 2.There is a similar situation but are more problematic one with words that are used in different styles or registers. 3.Some words may be said to differ only in their emotive or evaluative meanings. 4.Words are collocationally restricted they occur only in conjunction with other words. 5.Synonyms are often said to differ only in their connotation. Examples-hid, conceal, It is very hard to list absolute synonyms: words, which are identical both in denotation and connotation. Antonymy The word antonymy derives from the greek root anti(opposite) and denotes opposition in meaning. Antonymy or oppositeness of meaning has long been recognized as one of the most important semantic relations .e.g. quick-slow, big-small, long-short, rich-poor, etc. Antonyms are divided in to several types-1.gradable antonyms/pairs, 2.nongradable antonyms/complementaries, and 3.reversives 4.converse pairs 1.gradable antonyms/pairs-They can be used in comparative constructions like bigger than or smaller than, etc. Also the negative of one member of the gradable pair does not necessarily imply the opposite. e.g.not hot does not mean cold. 2.nongradable antonyms/complementaries- The relation of oppositeness is that which holds between the pairs as single:married, man:woman,etc. The denial of one implies the assertion of the other and the assertion of one implies the denial of the other. It is the characteristic of complimentaries. 3. reversives-It is important to avoid most antonym pairs as one word meaning the negative of another.e.g.tie-untie. 4.converse pairs Another kind of antonymy is forming converse pairs. e.g. Converseness is used to refer to the relationship between buy and sell.

INDEPENDENT SELF-LEARNING 9 Access information from the internet on at least five figurative expressions and provide their meaning. Figurative Expression In traditional analysis, words in figurative expressions connote additional layers of meaning, while words in literal expressions denote what they mean according to common or dictionary usage. When the human ear or eye receives the message, the mind must interpret the data to convert it into meaning. What are Figuratives? On many occassions, the words may not convey the literal meaning of them. They may convey the indirect meanings which may be just the opposite to their literal meanings. Such symbolical and metaphorical meanings are called Figuratives. They contain the figure of speech. Let us see few hundreds of such Figuratives here.The Figuratives have been arranged in the alphabetical order. Let us see few examples of Figurative Expression to make the point clear. Example-1: The Phrase Yellow Press does not give the literal meaning that the press which is in Yellow color. On the contrary, it conveys the meaning of The News Papers which publish sensational and unscrupulous stories about crime, sex etc... Example-2: The Phrase In the same boat does not convey the literal meaning. It has the figurative meaning that in the same misfortune or circumstances. Here is the list of Figurative Expressions beginning with D. Dagger: To be at daggers drawn to be deadly enemies

Damocles: To have the sword of Damocles hanging over ones head to be in imminent danger of losing ones life; to live in constant fear of some impending danger Daniel: A Daniel an imperial judge (Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice: Daniel I-VI.) Dare: A dare-devil a fearless, reckless man Date: Up to date recent, modern Out of date obsolete Davy: In Davy Joness locker drowned, at the bottom of the sea Day: He has seen better days He was once prosperous Evil days a period of misfortune To gain or win the day to be victorious Halcyon days a time when there is peace and happiness in the land Dead: Dead beat quite exhausted Dead broke penniless To run dead heat a race in which the contestants came in together

A dead letter something which no longer exists To step into dead mens shoes to come into an inheritance, to succeed someone who died? Devil: To give the devil his due give a person credit for his good qualities however worthless he may be Go to the devil Be off Devils playthings playing cards Devils bones dice To be between the devil and the deep sea to be faced with two dangerous situations, each of which is to be dreaded as much as the other. Dilemma: To be on the horns of a dilemma to be in such a position that it is difficult to decide what to do.

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