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premature ejaculation specialist - Tips to Avoid Premature Ejaculation-Sexual Positions and Friction

Tips to Avoid Premature Ejaculation-Sexual Positions and Friction

One major contributing factor to premature ejaculation is friction. Friction during sex comes about from the back and forth, in and out movement that is applied during intercourse. This continued thrusting and gyrating heightens friction and also increases the chances of early ejaculation. To reduce friction and delay ejaculation there are certain sex positions that needs to be avoided. In addition to those, there are some positions that can be utilized to greatly reduce the occurrence of ejaculation It is not always that we just turn on the computer, and there is a page about premature ejaculation specialist. We have written this article to let others know more about premature ejaculation specialist through our resources.

Total Votes: 1866 from 1203 Users, Number of Products in Database: 31, Time: 10/11/2010 11:20:28 AM

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premature ejaculation specialist - Tips to Avoid Premature Ejaculation-Sexual Positions and Friction

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178 Votes, User Ratings


Total Votes: 1866 from 1203 Users, Number of Products in Database: 31, Time: 10/11/2010 11:20:28 AM

We track the most popular products for treating premature ejaculation (PE). Every month we review user comments and votes and publish top products with a total score 3.0 or higher. Published products must have 20 or more votes so that our results are statistically sound. Please help us collectively find the most effective premature ejaculation (PE) remedies by submitting your vote on the bottom of this page.

Thefemalesitsontopfacingorwithherbackturnedtowardstheman.Heeithersitsorlaysonhisbackrelaxedand she does all the work. With this position there is less pressure on the male to perform and because there is less movement by him friction decreases and the chance of early ejaculation is reduced. Now while reading about premature ejaculation specialist, don't you feel that you never knew so much existed about premature ejaculation specialist? So much matter you never knew existed. Here are the positions that will actually assist in preventing ejaculation and prolonging pleasure for both partners.

premature ejaculation specialist - Tips to Avoid Premature Ejaculation-Sexual Positions and Friction

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Positions which call for the female to straddle or sit atop the male are good. These require almost no work from the male. Pleasure is derived from the female partner's movements and she can slow it down to further assist in the delay of ejaculation..


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Any position that requires the majority of the effort to be done by the male will increase the chances of him ejaculating too soon. Positions where he is on top, missionary and ones where he enters from behind, calls for extra pushing, thrusting and gyrating from him. All this movement will increase friction, heighten his excitement and so greatly increase the possibility of premature ejaculation. Avoiding these positions will help to prevent early ejaculation. You must have searched high and low for some matter for premature ejaculation specialist, isn't it? That is the main reason we compiled this article for you to get that required matter!

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Find out more about premature ejaculation plus get a free review of several premature ejaculation treatment and prevention options. Visit

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premature ejaculation specialist - Tips to Avoid Premature Ejaculation-Sexual Positions and Friction

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