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Each section contains a description of the situation (D). Analyze (A) relevant dimensions and theories, explaining how they apply. Youc an then Evaluate (E), giving your opinion based on experience. Be brief; use bullet points; write neatly/legibly. The table of country indexes is attached. Be aware of how many points can be earned for each question so that you spend the appropriate amount of time on each.
PART I (40 points) Short situations and Quotes (4 items)

1. The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the 1970s in the U.S resulting from the break-in of the Democratic National Committees headquarters. The Nixon administration's attempted cover up of its involvement. When interviewed and cornered by the Australian journalist Frost, he was said to yell: No when the President does it, it is NOT illegal. Description: provided in the text Analyse: Human nature: It is part of Human nature that Power Distance exists in all society; (other possible explanation can be: it is universal that the president has certain power above others; or to a certain extent different parties want to sabotage or spy on each other...etc) Cultural level: US has low PD (40), Mas (63). Case/Personality level: Nixon is High PD (putting himself above the law) Masculine (aggressive, competitive) --> Conclusion: Nixons personal profile only partly overlaps with his American cultural profile. He is high PD while America is relatively Low PD. E- evaluation: Students own opinion about the case

PART II (20 points) Country focus 2-4 items 1. In Italy, 3.1% of working males worked part-time, and in the UK 8.1 %, as compared to 17% in the Netherlands and 10.8% in Denmark (Source: De Mooij, 2009)

Masculinity: Free time, quality of life is more important in Feminine cultures. Males in these cultures may also want to spend more time to share the house hold talks with their partners. --> Conclusion: This ritual (practice) reflects the value of these countries

2. The Italian word raccomandazione literally translated is recommendation, commendation or advice. However a better description would be the Italian practice of soliciting favours from people in high places.Italy ranks poorly on the CPI chart (Corruption Perception Index, 2008). It scores a 4.8, ranking the country on nr. 55 between South Africa and the Seychelles

PD: The wealthier the nation, the less corruption there will be. The bigger power distance the fewer checks. -> Conclusion: Italy should rank higher than 50. Collectivism: the need to socialize and live interdependently is higher than the need to live dependently. Italy scores high on the individualism dimension (IDV 76), which indicates that statistically, it is individualistic. However, the data from Hofstede is taken from the more individualistic north. . -> Conclusion: Italian southern part is more collectivistic and thus can be argued to score lower on this dimension.

3. In the southern part of Italy, family-business counts for a great part of the country's economy.

Collectivism: Italy scores high on the individualism dimension (IDV 76), which indicates that statistically, it is individualistic. However, the data from Hofstede is taken from the more individualistic north. Italy southern part is more collectivistic and thus can be argued to score lower on this dimension. --> Conclusion: This ritual (practice) reflects the value of southern Italy

4. Fatti maschi, parole femmine Facts are male, words are female (Italian proverb).

Masculinity: The clear cut line between the role of men and women --> Conclusion: This symbol (words/ proverb) reflects the value of Italy (40 points) 2 real life case studies


Translated from Reiskosten declareren is typisch Nederlands Sander Heijne, De Volkskrant 14 April 2010 AMSTERDAM - A study of employment benefits in fifteen Western European countries shows that the Dutch travel allowance is unique in Europe. Half of all Dutch companies offer a travel allowance. This percentage is higher only in Ireland. In the Netherlands, however, all employees of a company can be reimbursed for travel expenses, whereas in Ireland, only the senior management is reimbursed. The only other European country where it is common for employers to cover travel costs, is Finland, where public transport is free. Most Dutch workers receive compensation for their travel expenses which enables them to determine how they use the reimbursement. However, workers in some other countries have employment benefits that are not common in the Netherlands. In Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and Ireland for example, workers usually receive a lunch allowance. In Italy this is even required by law. Whether the lunch allowance outweighs the Dutch travel allowance hasnt been determined. Companies that operate across the border must realize that benefits vary locally and are culturally determined. To be considered an attractive employer, employment conditions have to be adapted to the nature of each country. D-Description: Provided in the text A - Analyse:

Human nature/ Universal Level: Companies everywhere should take care of their employees with appropriate benefits and employment condition. Cultural level: The level and methods of this care can vary across culture. Netherlands and Finland are in general Feminine, Low Power Distance. Spain and Portugal lean towards Collectivistic France and Ireland lean towards Individualistic Case level: In this case of travel allowance MF: Netherlands and Findland are Femininity oriented. This is a dominant value in this case (travel is free and reimbursed). --> Conclusion: The Case and the Cultural level overlap. PD: Both Netherlands and Ireland are Low PD (38 and 28) but in this case of travel allowance Ireland is likely to show high PD as only senior managers get reimbursement. --> Conclusion: Cultural and case levels do NOT overlap. IC: Spain and Portugal may see this ritual of lunch reimbursement as a means to promote group cohesion in the company (colleagues have collective meals together during siesta)--> Conclusion: The case and the Cultural level overlap. Not a dominant value. France and Ireland may see this ritual of lunch reimbursement as a way to respect individual will to seek private space and time. --> Conclusion: The case and the Cultural level overlap. Not a dominant value. E- evaluation: Students own opinion about the case

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