3dpros 1.0 Documentation & Quick Tour

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3DProS 1.

0 Documentation & Quick Tour

Author: Pham Huu Ngon Website: http://ngondn.net.tf Email: ngondn@yahoo.com

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Using Object Features Creating custom controls Programming and using function Creating animation Other resources

Quick Tour is designed as examples to help you use 3DProS quickly. Run 3DProS, choose File->Open and browse to Example directory 1. Tutorials: Show you some features of 3DProS 2. Intermediate: Show you how to develop applications by using MathScript language 3. Advance: Show you how to develop applications by using FreePascal and MinGW C++

I. Using Object
1. Creating Object Click the shape you want to create on the toolbar.

2. Selecting Objects Click the object in the ListBox to select it. Hold Ctrl or Shift if you want select multi objects Select all objects by choosing Edit Select All

3. Editing Objects You can copy, cut, paste objects by right-click on the form and choose appropriate command

4. Modifying Objects You can modify properties of each object by using the Object Inspector on the bottom left corner.

5. Finding properties of each object Select the object you want to find information Click icon object. on the toolbar, a window will appear to show you all properties of this

II. Features
1. Using Texture You can place bitmap on objects surface by using Texture property. The Texture property specifies the filename of the bitmap in Texture directory.

2. Translating, Rotating and Scaling object You can translate, rotate, scale object by using panel on the right corner (or modifying properties : Tx, Ty, Tz, Rx, Ry, Rz, Rz, Sx, Sy, Sz in the Object Inspector)

3. Drawing functions 3DProS support many custom functions Z = F(X,Y) ; Y = F(X) ; R = F(T); First create function by clicking icon on the toolbar, then specify its expression by using Expression property in the Object Inspector

4. Rotating 2D objects You can easily rotating 2D objects by using Status2D property Status2D = (None, RotateX, RotateY, SetWidth, Box)

5. Mesh objects - 3DProS supports mesh objects (.X files) and it also allows you to add your custom mesh objects.

6. Zoom in, Zoom out, Viewpoint You can change viewpoint by choosing ViewLook To, and you can also zoom in, zoom out the scene by choosing ViewZoom In, Zoom Out

III. Creating custom controls

1. Creating by dragging and dropping Select all objects you want to combine Choose AutoCreate icon on the toolbar Set name and group of the new object and click OK An icon representing this object will soon appear on the toolbar Place a bitmap file on the Bitmap directory if you want to give it a symbol

2. Creating by programming

Choose Shape Create Provide information and default settings Then you must give some code to tell the program how to draw this object, click Refresh to execute If you have any comments, place it in the Info section You can also inherit from existing objects by selecting Inherit From >> Choose Save & Exit to save object.

This example illustrates how to create a line of sphere

3. Editing existing objects Choose Shape Edit Shape A window will appear, select the object and the command you want to perform

IV. Programming and using functions

1. Programming This example illustrates how to find central point - Create two points; name them p0, p1 - Add this code fragment to the code window Click icon or choose ProjectRun to execute

This example illustrates how to find symmetric points - Create some of points - Add this code fragment to the code window Click icon or choose ProjectRun to execute

2. Using functions This example will show you how to use function - Create three points, select them Click icon on the toolbar A window will appear to show you all available functions that you can use

Select the function you want to perform

3. Creating and editing functions As you see above, functions are very useful. You can easily create function after you write code, by choosing UtilitiesFunctionExport function To edit existing functions, select UtilitiesFunctionEdit Function

V. Creating animations
1. Creating by dragging and dropping This example will show you how to create an animation by dragging and dropping Insert a sphere into project Click ProjectRecord to mark the beginning of the scene Move the sphere by 10 unit Click ProjectStop to mark the ending of the scene Set time and frame-per-second of the scene Click to animate the scene

2. Creating by programming

This example will show you how to create an animation by programming Place a sphere on the project and name it S Add this code fragment to the code window Click to execute

3. More examples You can also create animations by using other languages such as: FreePascal, MinGW C++ Refer to other examples in the Example directory to find out what you can do with 3DProS.

VI. Other resources

You can find more resources at my site http://ngondn.net.tf Version 2.0 will soon be released. In this version, you can export your animation to AVI, and you can also create executable files. If you have any comments about my program, please drop me a line. Email : ngondn@yahoo.com



1. Using Texture

2. Translating, Rotating, Scaling

3. Using Z = F(X,Y)

4. Using 2D objects

5. Mesh objects

6. Using function

7. Creating custom controls

8. Creating simple animations


Intermediate (MathScript)

1. Flower

2. Car

3. Molecule

4. Falling ball

5. Creating dynamic objects

6. Sun, Earth and Moon

7. Bubble Sort

8. Slide show



1. Creating dynamic objects (Pascal)

2. Animating Objects (Pascal)

3. Creating and Animating (Pascal)

4. Finding convex polygonal (Pascal)

5. Finding the shortest path (Pascal)

6. Spreading algorithm (Pascal)

7. Animating Object (C++)

8. Creating dynamic objects (C++)

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