Portfolio Rodrigo Garcia Marzo 2012

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Rodrigo Garca Gonzlez


1984.10.18 , 27 years , Spanish
EDUCATION Colegio Los Peascales (Spain) Saint Andrews Collage (Canada) Baccalaureate C.Los Peascales. Excellent Academic Advancement Scholarship of Madrid Master of Sciences of Architecture. Polytechnic University of Madrid. First class honours. Sustainable Humane Habitat in developing contexts Asia . EUs Asia-Link Programme Cambridge University (UK), CEPT University (India), Polytechnic University of Madrid Minor in Integral Design. Magalhaes/SMILE Schl. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile PhD degree courses in Advanced Architectural Projects. Polytechnic University of Madrid One year course Design Connections Ume Institute of Design. Ume University. (Sweden) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2007 Investigation Participative Technology in the Chilean Slums PUC+UTPCH. 2008 Research at the Les Grands Atliers de lIsle dAbeau Villefontaine (France) 2009 Author of the Patent P20090927 (Patent Pending) Structural deployable radial system of two or three dimensions using pair of bars with non-center axis

1988-1999 1999-2000 2000-2002 2002-2009 2006-2007 2007-2008 2010-2011 2011-2012

What I think I have now What I am expecting to improveif I get in IDE Sketching 3D Software Models Innovation Group work Approach ID Factor X

2005 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Covering teacher of drawing and art of Secondary School Colegio Los Peascales (Spain) Visiting teacher. Sir James Dunn Collegiate. Sault Ste Marie, Ontario (Canada) Assistant teacher Architecture studio 6&7 ETSAM Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) Teacher of the workshop Lets deploy. Center for Environmental planning and technology (India) Mentor of the Architecture Studio 4&5 ETSAM Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) Teacher of the workshops at the Hulda Festival XXXXsnake and pellotas Cukurcunma (Turkey) Teacher of the joint housing studio ETSAM-CEPT Universities. Ahmadabad (India) Teacher of IWAU International Workshops for Architecture and Urbanism. Wroclaw (Poland) AWARDS Award F.J.S.Oza. 2Award Competiton COAM. Modular Stand for IFEMA. Special mention GAUDI European Student Competition on Sustainable Architecture 2006-2008. Winner Contest Arquia/Becas09 : El cuarto para guardar la escoba de la bruja. Winner Impro Theatre World Cup in Spanish Chile Gold medal GAUDI European Student Competition on Sustainable Architecture 2008-2010 Winner Veteco/Asefave Price. 3Award ArtScist International Competition. Hulda Festival. First Price Stoy International Competition. Emergency toy. Special Award Archiprix International Competition Participant Favorite GAUDI European Student Competition on Sustainable Architecture 2010-2012 Winner

EXHIBITIONS 2008 Biennale de lhabitat durable de Grenoble (France). Calipo H. 2008 11th Biennale di Venezia (Italia) Calipo House. Out There 2008 Saint Etienne Biennale 08: Sustainable Housing, (France) Calipo House. 2009 Paris, Cit de larchitecture & du patrimoine. (France) Calipo House, 2009 ETSA Sevilla. El cuarto para guardar la escoba de la bruja. (Spain) Casa Calipo 2010 12th Biennale di Venezia, Morion, Where people meet in architecture. (Italia) 2010 Artscist Exhibition. Tophane-i mire, Sarnlar, (Turkey) ZIPIZIP 2010 Bienal Iberomricana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Medelln . (Colombia) 2011 Efimeras. Arquerias Nuevos Ministerios. (Spain) ZIPIZIP 2012 Coming...12th Biennale di Venezia, (Italia) DEVEBERE

r@ideactionary.eu +46 (0) 705714395 Rodrigo Garca Pedagoggrnd 7A/0309 907 30 Ume, Sweden

2006 2006 2007 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011

LECTURES 2008 ENSA Grenoble. (France) Calipohouse 2009 Coolaboratorio ETSAM UPM. Madrid, (Spain) Deployable structures 2009 BHT Berlin. (Germany) Villa Rotonda 2010 Sarvajanik Societys College of Architecture. Surat, (India) Academics works 2010 Center for Environmental planning and technology. Ahmadabad, (India) 2010 Engineering school (E.T.S.I.C.C.P.) UPM , Madrid (Spain) ZIPIZIP 2011 ACETSAM UPM Madrid (Spain) ZIPIZIP project 2011 Efimeras, Arqueria Nuevos Ministerios (Spain) ZIPIZIP workshops 2011 Faculty of Architecture Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland)

2006 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Collaboration with Dos Mas Uno Arquitectos Madrid (Spain) Collaboration with Elemental (Chile) Coordinator of Activities and Publications Department of Projects. UPM. ESTAMadrid (Spain) Internship at Carmen Pinos. ARQUIA scholarship Barcelona. (Spain) Curator of the Spanish Universities Exhibitions BIAU Medellin (Colombia) Coordinator of the workshops of the Iberomerican Biennial of Arquitecture and Urbanism (Spain)

WARM WHEEL mobile shower

Design Procces (8 weeks project) Tutors: Tony Catgnani, Mattias Lw UID, Ume 2011

In this project the task was to create a portable shower concept that is compact and environmentally friendly. The expectation was not to solve all technical problems related to connecting to water supplies, but make a potentially valid design statement about portability and packaging of a wash and hygiene module. A concept that projects future possibilities of how human using the minimum of energy and space. Consideration should be given to different environments and not just the arid locations around the World.

My design Process.

First week 8 ideas for 1 mobile shower. My favorite. I develop this idea during 2 weeks Tutors favorite, I work on it during the last 4 weeks

My design process
THE CLOUD MAKER Making clouds out of soap, helium, water. A mobile shower in the sky.

I always go for the most ambitious idea. I believe that the most challenging of my 8 proposals was to make a cloud. A cloud that you can create, transport and when you decide, make it rain! This idea could work in different scales. From the unipersonal to the macro scale. It could be possible to carry big quantities of water from the sea to the inland and fight one of the biggest issues of this century. The lack of water.

First day making clouds

Task of the day: 1. Make soap 2. Fill bubbles with helium

Second day making clouds

Task of the day: 1. Make bubbles fly 2. Make touchable bubbles

Third day making clouds

Task of the day: 1. Catch de bubbles 2. Carry them.

The cloud maker (the movie)

Task of the day: 1. Make a storytelling poetic movie for the mid review.

Design process
My wall. - 1:1 drawings - Mockup of some inner parts

The 4 steps to have a shower: pumping, transport, heating & pressurazing


4 min. pedaling = pumps 16 liters of water


30 min pedaling =heats one liter up to 100C


25 minutes pedaling= covers 12 kilometers


1 minute pedaling = 2 bar air pressure

My design process Finding a shape

Or how to transport 18 liters of water inside a wheel. No, no, no .... ...yes! final shape

My design process Change the direction

THE WARM WHEEL Transport, heat and pump water on a bicycle wheel.



The basic idea of the Warm Wheel is to use a bicycle wheel to transport, heat and pressurize water to have a shower everywhere. This concept could be suitable for people who have to move to great distances to get clean water for hygienically use. At the same time it transport 16 liters of water inside the wheel while a 12V hub dynamo is heating it up. The pedaling motion mechanically produces pressure by a peristaltic pump for a 12 minutes hot shower. Pedal and shower!


Ume, SWEDEN 2012 Competition

Here is the challenge, make a simple but dinamic chair.Easy and fast to build, on no more than 2h workshop. Made of only one type of seccion of wood (45mm). Without any waste of wood or other material. Deployable or collapsable, it expands his surface x2 !

Deployable principle


Modelos y prototipos (2 weeks project) with Cristina Jurez Tutors: Alberto Gonzlez, Marcelo Aldunce PUC, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile 2007

The challenge was to make a rubber band powered car of max dimenssions 300x150x150 mm out of plastic. We won the race against more than 30 teams!

BWF ( Butts With Flower )

Santiago de Chile 2007


Reconvert the action of throwing out a cigarette butt to plan a flower. Reuse and objet take away live, to bring something to life. Cigarette with small seeds of Eschscholtzia californica inside the filter. Cellulose acetate keeps humidity making it easy for the seeds to germinate.

Prototype, 26x8x37mmand growing! The Eschscholtzia californica is a wild flower that grow in all the terrains and can bloom during all the months of the year. COMPONENTS:Acetanisole, Acetic Acid, Acetoin, Acetophenone, 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane,2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine, 2-Acetyl-5-Methylfuran, Acetylpyrazine, 2-Acetylpyridine, 3-Acetylpyridine, 2-Acetylthiazole, Aconitic Acid, dl-Alanine, Alfalfa Extract, Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil, Allyl ,exanoate, Allyl Ionone, Almond Bitter Oil, Ambergris Tincture, Ammonia, Ammonium Bicarbonate, Ammonium Hydroxide,Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic, Ammonium Sulfide, Amyl Alcohol, Amyl Butyrate, Amyl Formate, Amyl Octanoate, alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde, Amyris Oil, trans-Anethole, Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil, Anise Anise Star, (...)a long etcetera and 2 seeds of Eschscholtzia Californica!!

PUC, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile 2007

Lots of contemporary cities streets are full of bollards. The only thing you can do with them is hit your shin. If you try to sit down, even if they have the perfect high, your bottom will suffer. This issue gave birth to Chapanalgas an urban seat that can be adapted to every type of bollard. It provides an ergonomic surface that allows the people to sit down on the public space.

Tutor: Marcelo Aldunce PUC, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile 2007

There are lots of shops which doors function with a complex photoelctric system. This system has an infrared motion detector which activates a polyphonic alarm that makes a dongdong. All this technolocy just to warn the storekeeper that someone entered. It will be much easier if the door handle warned directly the storekeeper. The outside door will be equiped with a rubber bulbe so that when someone would turn the handle aire will produce a sound through the trumpet inside


Taller de Calidad 3 Tutor: Alberto Gonzlez PUC, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile 2007 Pellotas workshop at Cucurcuma, Istambul TURKEY 2010 (Coordinator) In collaboration with Emilie Garnier & Bilal Yilmaz

Winner of the competition

Kids nowadays dont know how to make balls. Pellotas is a way to make your own balls out of plastic bags. Through an easy process and with domestic tools you can create Pellotas of different sizes, colours, weight, and bounce. They dont burst, and once it is created you can modify it through the same process again and again.

During the ArtScist festival in Istanbul I had the opportunity to coordinate a workshop about the Pellotas . The kids, the parents and almost all the community were involve. It was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life.

Taller de Calidad 3 Tutor: Alberto Gonzlez PUC, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile 2007

Millama is a teeter-totter made fully from plastic bags. Though a process of heat you can control the density of the material: there are soft parts in touch where the kid with stands and hard parts in touch with the floor. Is exterior resistant, you can wash it and make modifications. Millama born from a material empiric experimentation with polyethylene and other used materials.


In collaboration with Kerem Erdem G Ume, SWEDEN 2011


Madrid, SPAIN 2011

Nosetraga is a furniture serie that try to clonate furniture with a homemade process using food garbage. Bon apetit! The idea of LamPipas is to make a lamp to place in the living room and make it grow by adding the shells of the seeds that Spanish people are addicted to.

Madrid, SPAIN 2011


And you? Where do you stick your gum after chewing it? In my country most of the chairs have gums under it. Use this uncivilised act to create a new chair, that is the main idea. To make it possible first, apply a release agent to the back of the chair. Second when you have chewing gums under it use the fixer to harden them. And then you can take away the original chair and use your duplicate gum chair. You can repeat this process all the times that you want, and also adding more gums you make the chairwing gum grow and grow.

Paper Shelter
In collaboration with Sriram Natarajan, Bhavin Shukla & Kulshresth Patel CEPT Ahmedabad 2011

In collaboration with Javier Resano, Coro Vilallonga, Blanca Leal, Marta Leal. Madrid Matadero 2011

Competition Winner

Fast 1 day workshop Staples+Air+Newspaper 400x250x250mm space 2 euros budget (in staples)

IKEA al cubo was a competition organized by IKEA and the Asociacin Diseadores de Madrid (DIMAD), where the aim was to create a space of 2,40 x 2,40 x 2,40 metros only with IKEA products and a maximum budget of 600 euros. We only spend a few in bags. Then we joined them and inflated our cube!

DEVEBERE vol.1 the market man

Ume, SWEDEN 2011

Winner of the Competition

A inflatable maket made out of paper and plastic. + info www.devebere.com

In collaboration with Maciej Siuda and the Production of the Cit de lArchitecture et du Patrimoine Liege, BELGIUM December 2011

Winner of the Competition

DEVEBERE is a project made of GARBAGE and AIR by PEOPLE.


As winners of the GAU:DI competition we were invited to Belgium to try out DEVEBERE. We work hard during four days in order to explain the jury how making architecture out of garbage works. We did a small arch out of plastic bottles and vacuum. We won and we are now invited to build it during the Biennale 2012 in the period from August 28st tio september 2th on the quay Riva die Sette Martiri, Venezia. .

DEVEBERE vol.3 the venice pavilliom

In collaboration with Maciej Siuda and the Production of the Cit de lArchitecture et du Patrimoine To be build in Venice, ITALY August 2012 !!!

Winner of the Competition

These days we are submitting the plans for the building authorities to get the permit to construct in august. During March I will be in Paris working on a pre-prototype.


The site Riva Martiri, VENICE

ZIPIZIP deployable system

Graduation Project (Medal Honors)
Tutor: Ignacio Borrego

ETSAM, Madrid, SPAIN 2009


2009 01 2010 2010 2011


GAUDI European Competition on Sustainable Architecture.Winner Veteco/Asefave International Award 3Price ArtScist International Competition. Hulda Festival First Price Archiprix International Competition Participant Favorite






sistema plegable sistema plegable sistemasistema zipizip esta plegable El
El para dar respuesta a pensadosistema zipizip estadistinpensado paraEl sistema requieran estaun dar respuesta a distintas situaciones que zipizip de tas situaciones que requieran de principal pensado para dar respuesta a distinedificio temporal. La un edificio situaciones queLa sistema de un principal tas temporal. esterequieran es que novedad de novedad de temporal.con este que de edificio este sistema es principal La permite lograr tipo permite lograr con este tipo es que novedad de este sistema de edificaciones altas densidades. edificaciones lograr con este tipo de permite altas densidades. edificaciones altas densidades. El sistema est compuesto sistema est compuesto porEl una estructura desplegable, por transportable en un camin, que no una estructura desplegable, El sistema est compuesto transportable en un camin,desplegable, por una de elementos externos para requiere estructura que no transportable en un camin,para esta requiere de elementosUna vez fijadano su despliegue. externos que requiere de elementos fijada esta su despliegue. Unacompleta con distintos estructura se vez externos para su despliegue. Una vez fijada estructura se completa con distintosesta elementos constructivos tales como estructura se completa con distintos elementos constructivos tales como de paramentos tcnicos, elementos elementos constructivos tales de como paramentos tcnicos,verticales, torres de comunicacin elementos paramentos tcnicos, elementos de comunicacin verticales, bioclimticas instalaciones, pieles torres de comunicacin bioclimticas instalaciones, pielesverticales, torres de instalaciones, pieles bioclimticas Una vez finalizado su uso Una vez finalizado su uso el edificio es recogido y puede ser el edificio esUna vez finalizado su uso recogido y puede ser vuelto a instalar en otro contexto. El el a instalar en otro contexto. El vuelto edificio es recogido y puede ser sistema zipizip permite numerosas vuelto a instalar en otro contexto. sistema zipizip permite numerosas El variaciones dando lugar a distintas sistema zipizip permite numerosas variaciones dando lugar a distintas tipologas edificatorias a distintas variaciones dando lugar en funcin de tipologas edificatorias en funcin de los distintos requerimentos. tipologas edificatorias en los distintos requerimentos. funcin de los distintos requerimentos.

Rodrigo Garca Gonzlez Rodrigo Garca Gonzlez Rodrigo Garca Gonzlez Tutor Ignacio Borrego Gmez-Pallete TutorTutor Ignacio Borrego Gmez-Pallete Ignacio Borrego Gmez-Pallete U.D Campo Baeza Exp 02160 U.D Campo Baeza Exp 02160 U.D Campo Baeza Exp 02160 PFC Noviembre 2009 PFC PFC Noviembre 2009 Noviembre 2009

R1 R1 R1
Prototipo e1.18 Prototipo e1.18 Prototipo e1.18


Tunnel construction. Area The tower moves when the construction moves.


ZIPIZIP is the result of research on deployable structures, and how they can be distributed not only horizontally but also vertically. After working with prototypes, the ZIPIZIP system has been applied to a real context: a building with offices, facilities and housing for a construction company that is drilling tunnels for the high-speed train in Spain. The building can be moved forward at the same time as the construction.


Open and close structure

Patent Pending P200901789

ZIPIZIP is a patent pending system (P200901789) to make high-rise buildings deployable. It is based on a transportable scissors structure that, when open, is supplemented by different elements to make it livable. The advantage of this construction is the speed with which it can be assembled and dismantled, so you can use the same building for different contexts. It is perfect to use during major events such as the Expo or the Olympics because it enables an increase in the density of a city or the temporary colonization of new land. It also enables the rent or exchange of infrastructures, mobilizing the actual static real estate market.

Prototype n.29

Prototype n.27

Prototype n.32


Par de barras con articulacin no central

Par de barras con articulacin central

Configuracin tridimensional bsica

Estado del Arte La plegabilidad estructural

sistema plegable
Estructura principal / Estructura perimetral

Subestructura / Subestructura perimetral

Durante el ltimo siglo muchos arquitectos e ingenieros han ideado estructuras plegables. La mayoria de estos sistemas constructivos estan basados en mallas reticulares y nudos articulados. Algunos utilizan como condicin geomtrica bsica, el sistema de tijera o Pantgrafo, el cual se basa en un nudo intermedio pivotante y dos ubicados en los extremos, estos puntos pivotantes tienen total grado de libertad entre dos barras en el eje perpendicular del plano del pantgrafo. Un pantgrafo (de las races griegas , todo, y , dibujo, imagen) es un mecanismo articulado basado en las propiedades de los paralelogramos. Su teora se describe en los principios de Descartes sobre los paralelogramos y fue ideado en 1603 por Christopher Scheiner; tiene aplicaciones en diversos campos de la mecnica, en mecanismos tales como el pantgrafo de ferrocarril, el gato hidrulico, el pantgrafo de oxicorte, o como instrumento de dibujo. En cuanto a la aplicacin de estos principios geomtricos a la arquitectura, la primera patente identi cada con el N 7755 de origen britnico de 1944, presentada por Barde Salden Watkins y registrada con el ttulo Improvements in supports for tents, marquees, temporay bridges and other portable structure. Buckmister Fuller es un importante precursor de los sistemas estructurales de mallas reticuladas plegables. En 1953 en la Universidad de Washington contruye un prototipo experimental desplegable llamado Flying Seedpot, el cual consista en una serie de trpodes conectados entre s por nudos articulados, en su posicin cerrada en un pequeo paquete y que al desplegarse forma una bveda de base cuadrada.

Configuracin conjunto en planta

Nudo extremo estructura principal Nudo extremo subestructura Nudo intermedio estructura principal Nudo intermedio subestructura Nudo extremo estructura principal perimetral Nudo extremo subestructura perimetral Nudo intermedio estructura principal perimetral Nudo intermedio subestructura perimetral Punto anclaje intermedio Nudo extremo de cierre de estructura principal Nudo extremo de cierre subestructura Nudo extremo de cierre de estructura principal perimetral Nudo extremo de cierre de subestructura perimetral

Configuracin conjunto en alzado







En 1961 el arquitecto espaol Emilio Prez Piero (1935-1972) dise una estructura de rpido montaje basada en una bveda reticular que se despliega sin necesidad de ser armada ni precisar de andamiajes siendo prefabricada totalmente en taller. Esta innovacin consisti en disear un sistema de nudos pasantes en el que los nudos de los extremos y los del medio son atravesados por las barras hacindolos pivotantes, naciendo un nuevo y amplio campo de investigacin de las estructuras transformables reticulares.

Geometria Despliegue

Prototipo estructural
Rodrigo Garca Gonzlez Tutor Ignacio Borrego Gmez-Pallete U.D. Campo Baeza Exp. 02160 PFC Noviembre 2009

ZIPIZIP Vennice Biennale Zipizip prototype GAU:DI Competiton winner 2010

ZIPIZIP Guggenheim NY ARCHPIRIX exposition Participant favorite 2011

HULDA FESTIVAL kids zipizip workshop

Cucurcuma, Istambul TURKEY 2010 (Coordinator) In collaboration with Emilie Garnier & Bilal Yilmaz

The Hulda project is the launching of an innovative travelling festival using M/S Hulda, a centennial sailing boat, as an attractive infrastructure for coordinating events raising the interest of youth, non-specialised public, universities, CSOs and science centres for bridges between sciences, arts and daily life. ZIPIZIP run a workshop with kids from Cucurcuma (Istambul) as one of his events. We made a nice deployable snake toys.

CEPT Ahmedabad, INDIA 2010

Lets deploy ZIPIZIP workshop

Workshop tutors: Sachin Soni, Pratil Soni, Rodrigo Garca. Participants: Aditya Patel, Mihir Gajjar, Vivek Mistry, Rashmin Mewada, Ashish Parmar, Chirag Rangholiya, Krunal Patel, Priyanka Kanhare, Mrinal Bhatt.

Organized by:

After the joint studio of Social Architecture from CEPT & ETSAM that I was tutoring some of the indian students ask me to stay in Ahmedabad one more week, in order to teach them how to make deployable structures. With the help of Patrik and Sachin Soni we organize a lovely practical workshop. Students had the chance to try during one week their own deployable structures. The first prototypes were made in wood and then we decided to all togheter build one of them in aluminium. The aim of this structure was to cover it with recycle plastic to give shadow to one part of the campus.


(Medal of Honors) Tutors: Ignacio Borrego ETSAM, Madrid 2004

Winner of the Competitions


PARIS expo habiter cologique. Cit de larchitecture & du patrimoine 2009

Financial Times Review


A basic home for one person. The heart of the house is a multifunctional platform (3x3x5) that takes its function and qualities of light and ventilation depending on witch level it is at. Calipo House is a concept that fits everywhere, specially in those places where a conventional building can be a negative visual impact. Calipoo can hide and turn invisible.


(Medal of Honors) Tutors: Juan Herreros, Andrs Jaque ETSAM, Madrid 2006

Cross section

Tutor: Maria Jos Aranguren + GallegosI ETSAM, Madrid, SPAIN 2007


Tensegrity prototype

Camping bus

A previous work of ZIPIZIP. In this case I focous in create campings bus with a tensegrity system. The Camping bus was located near Ipanema beach

my current project HOP the suitcase that follows you

Design Argumentation Tutors: Tony Catgnani UID, Ume 2012

Right now we have a free project in Design Connections. I decide to work on a idea of a suitcase that tracks the bluetooth of the smart phone through two sensors that are able to catch the intensity of the signal. These two first week I am researching about technology and I will try to make a working prototype with arduino and processing.





3 FILTROS Aproximaciones progresivas al espacio domstico ISBN 849330655 p.24-25,39-40,53-54.Spain 2004 PENSAR CON LAS MANOS ISBN 108493471119 p.93,111 Mairea Books Spain 2008 SUSTANAIBLE ARCHITECTURE Global Award for Sustainable Architecture. p.28-29 France 2008 IMPERFECTO INMEJORABLE (Coordination) ISBN 978-92641-07 Mairea Books Madrid 2008 EL LABERINTO DE LA ARQUITECTURA Y LA AVENTURA DE LA VIDA (Coordination) ISBN 978 8492641079 Spain 2009 COLABORATORIO ISBN 9788492641376 p. 30 -32 Mairea Books Spain 2009

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