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Castlefield & Southern Gateway

This week PC Keith Thompson, PCSOs Liam Brophy & Nicky Moffatt have been focussing on reducing the amount of theft from person offences (dipping). This has been happening to people who are out socialising especially around the bars and clubs in the early hours of the morning. They have been holding crime prevention events to raise awareness of how to keep your property safe. Such crime prevention will also be included in their Day of Action planned for April, more news on this next week. Good result this week after a drugs warrant was executed at a premises in Southern Gateway, the tenant was later evicted. This action was taken after complaints were received from members of the community. Its been a good week around China Town crime wise. PC Rick Grace, PCSOs Phil Brown and Mark Pickford have been finding out what affects the residents and businesses in the area. The teams attended the China Town business & homewatch meetings and the Chinese drop in centre which is open to members of the Chinese community who wish to attend and speak to an officer.

China Town

they have also started putting plans together for a Day of Action which will be held early April time, if you have any issues that you would like them to focus on during the day of action please let the team know by telephone 0161 856 3221 or email More information next week on the plans for the day.

0161 856 3221


PCs Prakash Patel and Jo Green carried out a plain clothes operation to tackle Begging around Piccadilly Gardens, with assistance from the Special constabulary, after residents and businesses raised the issue. The operation brought some great results with 3 people being arrested and 2 summonsed directly to appear at court. Despite clamping down on Beggars and Street drinking in the gardens, we want to know what else affects you in the community, therefore, PCSO Emma Jones and Mark Rawlinson will be available to speak with members of the public whether that be to say Hi offer , crime prevention advice or raise an issue or concern. The officers th will be at the Grand Apartments on Aytoun Street 27 March between 4pm 6pm so bob along, if you cant get there dont worry more dates coming soon.

Piccadilly Gardens

Commercial District

The Village

PC Jo Shaw attended a meeting this week with Spinningfields Management and staff from the Councils neighbourhood delivery team. The meeting was to discuss the issue of Skateboarding that has been causing a regular nuisance to residents in the area. The outcome was very positive and should hopefully provide some relief for the local residents. PC Shaw will be updated the local residents committee early next week. Thefts from person (dipping) offences have continued to occur in the bars and clubs, particularly over the weekend, however there have been fewer victims this week. This may be due to the fact that 3 men and 1 woman were arrested for dipping and have been bailed pending further enquiries. We would again urge you to enjoy yourself on nights out in the City but always keep an eye on your handbag/belongings. I would like to say a thank you and goodbye to the residents and businesses of the Commercial area as I will be leaving GMP at the end of this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the City and will be sad to go, but I leave you in the capable hands of the other Commercial Officers. PCSO Scott Cavanagh

Thanks to all those who came and said Hi to the team when we mentioned on twitter that we were out on patrol in the Village. It was really nice to meet you all both residents and revellers. It has been a busy week centred on International Women's Day with various events throughout the Village. The Lesbian and Gay Foundation held a brilliant Sugar and Spice event with all types of activities from self defence to learning how to drum!! Some good news, after many residents raised concerns about no lighting in Sackville Gardens and how this made them feel unsafe when walking through after dark. We now have improved lighting, thanks to the Friends of Sackville Gardens, The Sheena Simon College, the Council and some very kind residents who have worked together with us to install the much needed lighting. Please don't forget we have the Police Surgery at the Lesbian and Gay Foundation every Thursday 6pm-8pm, hope to see you there!

Northern Quarter

This week the NQ team have been busy with the crime prevention caravan around Piccadilly Village where PCSO Tony Balshaw was on hand to offer crime reduction advice. He was also able to promote our weekly newsletter update which people were very interested in. Thank you to everyone who called to say hello, it helped the day pass along. Good result by PCSOs John Sheridan & Sufi Marothi, who whilst acting on information from residents and businesses stopped a group of men and women who were street drinking around the Stevenson Square area. The officers carried out checks which revealed that one of the women was shown as wanted and subsequently arrested. Along with this the team have been gathering intelligence on regular street drinkers and rough sleepers in order to form an operation with neighbourhood officers in early April.

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