Institute For Faith and Culture Annual Lecture 2010

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The Institute for Faith & Culture is a project run by CARE that aims to take the thinking behind

the CARE Leadership Programme to a wider audience. The IFC series of lectures and seminars seeks to explore questions of Christian engagement in culture, and how faith should impact society.

The CARE Leadership Programme aims to equip young graduates with the tools they need to engage effectively as Christians within contemporary culture. Building on seventeen years of success, the Programme enables graduates to integrate cutting edge Christian thinking with practical hands-on activities through voluntary educational placements with members of the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments, and with media and third sector organisations. For more information about the CARE Leadership Programme please email

Annual Lecture
Science, Ethics & the New Atheism
Professor John Lennox
Hosted by Jim Dobbin MP, Andrew Selous MP and Steve Webb MP Tuesday 2 February 2010 The Attlee Suite Portcullis House Palace of Westminster

The Leadership Programme is proving to be a unique opportunity to receive amazing teaching and to discuss and develop an understanding of how my faith relates practically to the world around me. After a busy four days volunteering in our placements, Fridays are usually the only time in the week when all of us are in same place - a really valuable time for us to be able to support each other.
Miriam | current graduate

CARE is a well-established mainstream Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies, at the EU in Brussels and at the UN in Geneva and New York. | 020 7233 0455 |

The Institute for Faith and Culture is a project run by CARE. CARE is a Registered Charity No. 1066963 Scottish Charity SC093811

Dear Friend, Welcome to Science, Ethics & the New Atheism, the Institute for Faith & Cultures second Annual Lecture. We are pleased to welcome John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a leading contributor to debates concerning the interplay between science, religion and ethics. Internationally renowned for his debates with Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, John has been instrumental in addressing, within the public square, what is arguably the most critical question of our time: the existence of God. His latest book, Gods Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? is an important contribution to the debate between the atheistic and theistic interpretations of the universe, and challenges the caricatures of science and religion which have been trumpeted of late. For twenty-seven years, CARE has championed the role of faith in the public sphere and the IFC is delighted to welcome John tonight to explore these issues in the heart of Westminster. We would like to extend special thanks to Jim Dobbin MP, Andrew Selous MP and Steve Webb MP, who are co-sponsoring this evenings Lecture. We hope you enjoy the event,

Professor John Lennox John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science, and Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He is also an adjunct Lecturer at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University and at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and is a Senior Fellow of the Trinity Forum. In addition, he teaches on the Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme at the Executive Education Centre, Said Business School, Oxford University. He studied at the Royal School Armagh, Northern Ireland, and was Exhibitioner and Senior Scholar at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, from which he took his MA and PhD. He worked for many years in the Mathematics Institute at the University of Wales in Cardiff which awarded him a DSc for his research. He also holds a DPhil from Oxford University and an MA in Bioethics from the Surrey University. He was a Senior Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at the Universities of Wuerzburg and Freiburg in Germany. In addition to over seventy published mathematical papers he is the co-author of two research level texts in algebra in the Oxford Mathematical Monographs series. His most recent book is Gods Undertaker: Has Science buried God? [Oxford, Lion-Hudson 2009]. He has lectured extensively in North America, Eastern and Western Europe on mathematics, the philosophy of science and the intellectual defence of Christianity. He debated with Richard Dawkins on The God Delusion in 2007, and on Has Science Buried God? in 2008. In the same year he debated with Christopher Hitchen on the New Atheism and Is God Great? His hobbies are languages, amateur astronomy, bird-watching and some walking. John is married to Sally, they have three grown-up children and four grandchildren, and live near Oxford.

Nola Leach
Director of the Institute for Faith & Culture Chief Executive, CARE

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