2° Simulado 2011 - Cmlem

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2 SIMULADO DE INGLS-2011 JUSCILIA = 3s A, B, C MATUTINO/3s A e B VESPERTINO. FRASE: Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world.

Jean-Luc Godard (French director, 1930)

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________

O texto a seguir referncia para as questes 1 a 4. Escolha a alternativa correta de cada uma.

BEATLES 4 EVER On the 5th October, 1962, the record market announced a new rocknroll compact for sale. The band was unknown. It was formed by four simple boys from Liverpool, an industrial city in England. Loud, irreverent and exciting, the group seemed to offer a world of inspiring new possibilities to young people. They were very charismatic. In 1963, only one year after their first recording (Love me do), the Beatles were preparing to go to other countries in Europe and North America. The Beatles have definitely been a landmark for a freer generation of young people and, directly or indirectly, they have influenced nowadays culture. It was, for example, after the Beatles that the great barrier between the sexes started to be broken. Men started to wear more expressive clothes, like flowered shirts, bellbottom trousers and long hair. The Beatles have never accepted prescribed directions and they have ultimately helped people to find themselves as individuals. Throughout their career they remained non-conformists, different from one another and from anyone else their appearance and their free attitude towards life show it. Do you realize that the Beatles have also influenced you?
Ingls (Ensino Mdio) Coleo de olho no mundo do trabalho. Ed. Scipione -2003. p.190-194.

1. On the 5th October, 1962... a.( ) four a simple boys from Liverpool formed a band. b.( ) an industrial band was announced. c.( ) a new rocknroll compact was announced. d.( ) an unknown band went to Liverpool. e.( ) n.d.a. 2. In 1963, a.( ) the Beatles were already known in Europe and North America. b.( ) Love me do, their first recording, was announced. c.( ) the group offered the world new inspiring possibilities. d.( ) the Beatles became loud and irreverent. e.( ) n.d.a. 3. The Beatles a.( ) started to wear more expressive clothes. b.( ) influenced only mens clothing. c.( ) began the great barrier between sexes. d.( ) have influenced nowadays culture. e.( ) n.d.a. 4. The Beatles a.( ) were inspired by new possibilities. b.( ) have been a landmark.
c.( d. ( ) have helped to find people. ) have not realized their influence on people.

e e.(

) n.d.a.

5. Em relao ao Past tense assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna. He__________to return to
his home. a) not wanted. b) wanted. c) did wanted. d) does wanted. e) to want. 6. Escolha a alternativa que responde corretamente s perguntas apresentadas. What order did he receive? a) He ordered to stop smoking. b) He was ordered stop to smoke. c) They ordered to him stop smoking. d) They ordered him to stop smoke. e) He was ordered to stop smoking. 7. Assinale a forma verbal que est no PAST SIMPLE TENSE: a) shows b) has discovered c) making d) found e) have prepared 8. De acordo com a citao a seguir, verifique qual declarao a correta.

When I went to the movies with other black children, we had to sit in the balcony white kids got to sit in the better seats below. We had to walk to school while the white children rode in school buses paid for by our parents taxes. Suck messages, saying we were inferior, were a daily part of our lives.
Coretta Scott King

a) ( b) ( c) ( d) ( e) (

) Black and white kids sat together at the movies. ) White kids didnt get the better seats. ) Black kids had to go to school by bus. ) Black kids had to walk to school because their parents didnt pay taxes. ) Every day black people felt they were considered inferior.

9. No Simple Past assinale a alternativa correta: ______ he do the work last night? a) Do b) Does c) Have d) Has e) Did 10. We went to the cinema but I ___________the movie. a) didn't enjoy b) didn't enjoyed c) did to enjoy d) did enjoy not e e) wasn't enjoy

11. Hes happy Bahia team won the game! O verbo destacado na frase na forma Infinitiva a) to wan b) to woon c) to win d) to wen e) n.d.a.

12. Marque somente a sequncia em que os verbos so Irregulares: a) to live - to buy - to dance c) to cost - to fly - to give e) to buy to know to go b) to die - to date to cry d ) to cry - to hit to love

13. Leia a charge e marque a alternativa incorreta

a) No h traduo literal para DID quando sua funo auxiliar o verbo principal. b) DID deve ser usado na forma interrogativa antes do sujeito. c) DIDNT a forma negativa do verbo TO DO no Simple Past. d) No Simple Past se usa DIDNT para todas as pessoas do verbo. e) A funo de DID e DIDNT no auxiliar os verbos.

O texto a seguir referncia para as questes de 14 a 18. Escolha a alternativa correta de cada uma.
Did Dracula really exist?
Yes and no. Dracula is a book written by the Irish author, Bram (Abraham) Stoker (1847-1912) who told the story of an evil, count from Transylvania (now part of Romania). The nobleman could turn into a vampire bat. He sucked peoples blood by biting them on their necks. His victims became his slaves. Dracula was a figment of Stokers vivid imagination, but in the 1400s there was a cruel ruler of Transylvania known as Vlad the Impaler. He got this nickname because of his enemies and left them to die. No doubt Stoker had Vlad in mind when he wrote the book.
(Adapted from The Giant Book of Facts, Octopus Books Ltd., 1989, p. 242.)

14. A ideia central do texto a)Dracula is a nobleman b)Dracula is a slave. c)Dracula lived in beautiful house. d)Dracula was an evil count from Transylvania. e)Dracula was Bram Stoker. 15. According to the text: a)Bram Stoker invented the name Dracula. b)Bram Stoker didnt invent the name Dracula. c)Dracula didnt have slaves. d)Dracula became a ruler in the 1400s. e)Vlad could turn into a vampire. 16. The book written by Bram Stoker is: a)a poem b)a fiction c)a novel d)an adventure e)a fable 17. Todas as alternativas abaixo esto corretas, exceto: a) Dracula was probably inspired in Vlad the Impaler. b) Vlad the Impaler really lived six hundred years ago. c) Bram Stoker met Vlad the Impaler. d) Bram Stoker was an Irish author. e) Vlad the impaler totured his victims. 18. Mark the correct alternative.

a) b) c) d) e)

Bram Stoker died at the age of 65. Vlad became a ruler in 1400. Romania bought Transylvania. Stoker gave a nickname to Vlad. Vlad drove skates through the bodies of his enemies.

19. I ________ that film many times. a)seen b) saw c) to see d) seed e)seem

20. Last night Esther______________ members of this community. a) know b ) knew c ) to know d) knaw e) to knew

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