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Attention: Seward Neighborhood

March 15, 2012

Facts: There have been four residential burglaries reported from March 6th -13th , in the area of 9th St - 27st Street from Minnehaha 30th Ave South. Most of the burglaries have occurred between 3:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

27xx-29 Ave S, 7:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m., entry gained through an unlocked rear door. Loss: air compressor, large amount of coins, tools, computer. Suspect information: two possible suspects have been identified case is pending further investigation more information to come. 9xx-24 Ave S, 1:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m., there was no signs of forced entry. Loss: two laptop computers. No suspect information. 27xx-30 Ave S, 8:41 p.m. -8:42 p.m., entry gained through unlocked rear door. The victim was at home at the time of the burglary heard the suspect but thought it was another resident of the home. Loss: purse. No suspect information. 21xx-23 Ave S, 5:11 p.m. 5:16 p.m., entry gained through unlocked rear door while the victim was upstairs the victim heard the suspect enter and confronted the suspect. After a brief confrontation of the victim asking the suspect why was he in his house the suspect left, there was no injury to the victim and no assault occurred. Loss: wallet. Suspect information: Black male 60-62 light build 55-60 years old possible name of George

What you can do:

Keep your doors locked at all timeseven when you are home. Check your windows to make sure they are secured. Basement windows may need additional reinforcement. For additional information about window security, go to: Be extra cautious about your neighborhood. Trust your instincts. Call 911 if you see anything suspicious. Talk to your neighbors about these incidents and ask them to be alert to suspicious activity. We need everyones help. If you dont have a block club or it has been inactive, now is the time to get active. When electronics or larger items are stolen, providing serial numbers of stolen items to the responding officers is important to help in the recovery of your items and in the prosecution of the suspect(s). What you can do now: o Take some time now and document the serial numbers of any valuables that have numbers on it. o Take pictures of your belongings. This would not only help in a criminal case but has helped a few residents filing insurance claims when they had a fire in their home. o Keep this list and photos somewhere safe, like your office or safe deposit box

If you need this material in an alternative format, please contact the Minneapolis Police Department at 612-673-2912.

If you are a victim of burglary, report it immediately by calling 911. Inform the responding officers if you see something that may have been handled or left behind by the suspect (cigarette butt, pop can, etc.). For more information about home security, block clubs and other crime prevention information contact, Crime Prevention Specialist Shun Tillman (612-673-2846 or

If you need this material in an alternative format, please contact the Minneapolis Police Department at 612-673-2912.

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