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Anchorage School District Profile of Performance 2009-2010

Assessment and Evaluation Department

October 11, 2010

Format of the Report

Part I District Information Overview Board Goal Performance Part II School Information Demographics Student Academic Achievement

October 11, 2010

ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

Data Reporting Points for Profile

Fall On-Line Alaska School Information System-data submission to DEED with reports of our foundation average daily membership (ADM) for the 20 school calendar days ending with the 4th Friday in October, enrollment count is October 1 Participation Filedata submission to DEED with detailed student enrollment information as of the first day of testing (April) Summer OASISdata submission to DEED with detailed student data collection to support the annual submittal to the U.S. Dept. of Ed; data based upon enrollment for the school year (July 15 submittal) Report Card Data Submissiondata submission to EED on the performance of each school in the district; supports annual report on the performance of school in the state to the Governor, the state legislature and the U.S. Dept. of Ed (July 15 submittal) SMS Year-Enddata source from ASDs system of record for reports based upon enrollment on the last day of school

October 11, 2010

ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

Cautions for Interpretation-Race/Ethnicity

Use caution when comparing data reported by race/ethnicity prior to the 2007-08 school year because of re-identification that occurred that year.

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

Demographic Comparisons Total Enrollment October 1, 2009

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Demographic Comparisons Race/Ethnicity October 1, 2009

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Demographic Comparisons Students with Disabilities October 1, 2009

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Demographic Comparisons Limited English Proficient Students October 1, 2009

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Socioeconomic Status of StudentsEDS

EDS is the proxy used for accountability for students who are eligible to participate in the free or reduced lunch program Percent of all students enrolled in ASD on October 1 were identified as EDS at anytime from the beginning of the school year through October 1 Students included were: All students meeting federal income guidelines All students in the Alaska Temporary Assistance program file All Students in Provision schools Migrant Students Sibling matches for all of the above Students at McLaughlin, AVAIL, Child in Transition Program and Whaley (excluding ACE/ACT) but not their sibling matches

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Demographic Comparisons Economically-Disadvantaged Students October 1, 2009

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Special Programs5-Year History-ELL

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Influencing Language of ELL students in 2009-10

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Special Programs5-Year History-Migrant

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Special Programs5-Year HistoryTitle I

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Special Programs5-Year HistoryTitle VII

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Special Programs5-Year HistoryGifted

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Special Needs PopulationTotal Number Served

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Historical Attendance Rate10-Year History

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ASD Board Goals

1- All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready. 2- The achievement gap will be eliminated. 3- Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students and safe. 4- Parents/guardians will be informed partners in their students education. 5- Education will reflect 21st Century learning. 6- ASD staff will be well-trained, highly effective, well-informed and committed to the success of all students and staff. 7- All ASD departments support the mission of the district and will be highly effective, efficient and responsive to internal and external customers.

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Illustration Of Using The Summary To View The Performance Indicators By A Specific Subgroup

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Illustration Of Using The Summary To View The Performance Indicators By A Specific Subgroup

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Illustration Of Using The Summary To View Performance On A Specific Indicator

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students scoring proficient in reading on the Alaska SBA will increase in each designated student group in each grade level 3-10. Results: (pages 38-55):

Increased at all grades, except grade 10, at the all students group Grades 7 and 8 had gains in all designated student groups The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of students proficient was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, except in grades 5 and 8, where it was the Alaska Native/American Indian students

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Reading Percentage Change from Previous Year

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5-Year Reading Performance

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5-year Reading Performance Grades 3-10 by Race/Ethnicity

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Historical SBA Reading Proficiency by Grade Level

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Reading Prediction Trend

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1b: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students scoring proficient in writing on the Alaska SBA will increase in each designated student group in each grade level 3-10. Results: (pages 56-73):

Decreased at all grades, except grades 3 and 4, at the all students group The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students was the Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, except in grades 5, 8 and 10, where it was the Alaska Native/American Indian students

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Writing Percentage Change from Previous Year

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5-Year Writing Performance

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5-Year Writing PerformanceGrades 3-10 by Race/Ethnicity

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Historical SBA Writing Proficiency by Grade Level

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Writing Prediction Trend

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1c: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students scoring proficient in mathematics on the Alaska SBA will increase in each designated student group in each grade level 3-10. Results: (pages 74 - 91):

Increased at all grades, except grade 10, at the all students group Grade 3 had gains in all designated student groups The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of students proficient was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, except in grades 5 and 7, where it was the Alaska Native/American Indian Students and grade 10 where it was the African American students.

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Mathematics Percentage Change from Previous Year

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5-Year Mathematics Performance

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5-Year Mathematics PerformanceGrades 3-10 by Race/Ethnicity

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Historical SBA Mathematics Proficiency by Grade Level

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Mathematics Prediction Trend

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1d: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students scoring proficient in science on the Alaska SBA will increase in each designated student group in each grade level 3-10. Results: (pages 92-99):

Increased at grades 4 and 8 and decreased at grade 10 The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander at grades 4, 8 and 10

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Science Percentage Change from Previous Year

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3-Year Science Performance

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3-Year Science PerformanceGrades 3-10 by Race/Ethnicity

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Historical SBA Science Proficiency by Grade Level

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Science Prediction Trend

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SBA Scores Compared to State

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1e: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students in each designated student group who successfully complete Algebra I in grade 8 or earlier with a C or higher will increase. Results: (pages 100-101):

Decreased from the previous year The designated race/ethnicity group with the greatest positive percentage change from the previous year was Alaska Native/American Indian (3.69 percentage point increase) The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of students successfully completing Algebra I in grade 8 or earlier was the Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

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Successful Completion of Algebra I in Grade 8 or Earlier

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1f: The dropout rate of students in grades 7-12 will decrease in each designated group in a year-to-year comparison across the district and in each school. Results: (pages 102-139):

Slight increase of .19 percentage point in the preliminary dropout rate At the individual school level, the target of a decrease was met at the all students group by 17 of the 36 schools that serve students in grades 7-12. This included 5 schools that had zero percent dropouts over the past two years.

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Preliminary Dropout Rate

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Dropout Rate Calculation

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Dropouts by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1g: The graduation rate will increase from year-to-year in each designated student group across the district and in each school. Results: (pages 140-163):

Slight decrease in the preliminary graduation rate from 70.01 percent to 69.69 percenta decrease of .32 percentage point At the individual school level, the target of an increase was achieved at the all students category by 12 of the 22 schools. Schools that met the target at the all students group were Bartlett, Eagle River High School, East, Service, South, ASSDHH, AVAIL, COHO, SAVE, Frontier, Steller and Polaris.

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Preliminary Graduation Rate

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Preliminary Graduation Rate Calculation

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Breakdown of Graduation Rate Calculation

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1h: The district will maintain or increase the percentage of students scoring in the 4th quartile on the TerraNova in grades 5 and 7 Results: (pages 164-175):

Decreased in reading in grades 5 and 7 Decreased in language in grade 5 Increased in language in grade 7 Increased in mathematics in grades 5 and 7

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TerraNova Grade 5
Grade 5 Reading

Grade 5 Language

Grade 5 Mathematics

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TerraNova Grade 7
Grade 7 Reading

Grade 7 Language

Grade 7 Mathematics

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Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1i: There will be an increase in each designated student group in the percentage of high school students who successfully complete AP courses in a year-to-year comparison. Successfully complete is defined as passing the AP course with a C or higher. Results: (176-177):

There was in increase in the percentage of students who successfully completed AP courses with a grade of C or higher. The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of successful completions was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

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Successfully Completing AP Courses

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1k: There will be an increase in the percentage of seniors who have successfully completed at least one higher level mathematics course as defined by NCES (more challenging than Algebra II) with a C or higher. Results: (180-181):

The percentage of seniors who successfully complete a higher level mathematics course decreased at the all students level and in all designated race/ethnicity groups.

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Seniors Completing Higher Level Mathematics Course

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1k: There will be an increase in the percentage of seniors who have successfully completed at least one higher level science course as defined by NCES (more challenging than Biology) with a C or higher. Results: (180-181):

The percentage of seniors who successfully complete a higher level science course decreased at the all students level and all designated race/ethnicity groups except Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Seniors Completing Higher Level Science Course

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1l: The percentage of students enrolled at the end of grade 9 who are ontrack to graduate at the end of their grade 9 year, including summer school, will increase. On-track means the student has earned a minimum of 5.5 credits and failed no more than one semester of a core subject. The core subjects are language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Results: (182-203):

Increased at the all students level and all designated student groups except African American, Asian, Caucasian and Hispanic. Schools that met the target at the all students level were Bartlett, East, Service, Benson, McLaughlin, Polaris and Steller.

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Grade 9 On-Track to Graduate

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1m: The percentage of students in each designated student group attending school at levels less than 80 percent of the days enrolled and less than 90 percent of the days enrolled will decrease at each grade level. The baseline will be established in 2009-10. Results: (204-217):

The percentage of students attending school at levels less than 80 percent of the days enrolled was 10.28 percent. The percentage of students attending school at levels less than 90 percent of the days enrolled was 27.26 percent.

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District-wide Attendance by Designated Student Groups

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District-wide Attendance by Grade

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school, college and career ready
Indicator 1n: The percentage of grade 8 students meeting the EXPLORE College Readiness benchmark scores will increase. The baseline will be established in 2009-10. Results: (218-229):

The percentage of grade 8 students meeting the College Readiness benchmark scores ranged from 16.30 percent in science to 62.74 percent in English. The pattern identified in EXPLORE was replicated in PLAN and ACT with English having the highest percentage of students reaching the benchmarks following by reading, mathematics and science.

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College Readiness Benchmarks

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Goal 2 The achievement gap will be eliminated

Indicator 2a: The percentage of full-academic year students scoring not proficient in language arts and mathematics will decrease by 10 percent in each designated student group each year. Language Arts Results: (230-233):

Decreased .82 percent (.16 percentage point) from the previous year The target of a 10 percent decrease was not achieved at the all students or any designated race/ethnicity group

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Full-Academic YearPercentage of Students Not ProficientLanguage Arts

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Full-Academic YearPercentage of Students Not ProficientLanguage Arts

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 2 The achievement gap will be eliminated

Indicator 2a: The percentage of full-academic year students scoring not proficient in language arts and mathematics will decrease by 10 percent in each designated student group each year. Mathematics Results: (230-233):

Decreased 7.47 percent (2.14 percentage points) from the previous year The target of a 10 percent decrease was not achieved at the all students or any designated race/ethnicity group except 2 or more races.

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Full-Academic YearPercentage of Students Not ProficientMathematics

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Full-Academic YearPercentage of Students Not ProficientMathematics

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Goal 2 The achievement gap will be eliminated

Indicator 2b: In a year-to-year comparison, the achievement gap in reading, writing, mathematics and science will decrease between each designated race/ethnicity group and the Caucasian group, narrowing the achievement gap. Results: (234-241):

Decreased in reading for all groups except Asian Decreased in writing for Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic and 2 or more races Decreased in mathematics for all groups except Asian Decreased in science for all groups except African American and Asian

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Achievement GapDesignated Race/Ethnicity GroupsReading and Writing

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Achievement GapDesignated Race/Ethnicity GroupsMathematics and Science

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 2 The achievement gap will be eliminated

Indicator 2c: In a year-to-year comparison, the achievement gap in reading, writing, mathematics and science will decrease between the designated groups of EDS and non-EDS, LEP and non-LEP, and SWD and non-SWD. Results: (242-245):

Decreased in reading between EDS and non-EDS, SWD and non-SWD, and LEP and non-LEP Decreasing in writing, mathematics and science between EDS and non-EDS Increased in writing, mathematics and science for SWD and non-SWD and LEP and non-LEP

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Achievement GapEDS and Non-EDS, LEP and non-LEP, and SWD and non-SWD

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Achievement GapEDS and Non-EDS, LEP and non-LEP, and SWD and non-SWD

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe.
Indicator 3a: The ASD staff will more closely represent the highly diverse students served in the district. Results: (246):

Diversity of ASD workforce has increased over the past 5 years Percentage of non-Caucasian employees decreased from 23.12 percent in 2008-09 to 22.95 percent in 2009-10

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Diversity of Workforce

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Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe.
Indicator 3b: The number of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions will decrease over the previous year in each designated group at each division level. The baseline will be established in 2009-10 Results: (247-252):

The baseline for combined out-of-school suspensions and expulsions was established in 2009-10 with the following: 1,069 at the elementary division 1,510 at the middle school division 2,114 at the high school division 133 for charter schools 103 for alternative schools

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Student Out of School Suspensions and Expulsions District

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Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe.
Indicator 3c: The overall Climate, overall Connectedness and School Safety factor scores will increase for each self-reported race/ethnicity group at each division over the previous year. Overall Climate Results: (253-258):

Increased for all groups at the elementary level except AKNA/AI and NH/OPI Increased for all groups at the middle school level Increased for all groups at the high school level except for NH/OPI Decreased in majority of groups for charter and alternative schools Overall Climate factor score increased at the district and all divisions except alternative and charter

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Overall ClimateStudent

The 5-year mean change (increase) for the overall Climate factor score was statistically significant at the elementary, middle school, high school and district levels.
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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe.
Indicator 3c: The overall Climate, overall Connectedness and School Safety factor scores will increase for each self-reported race ethnicity group at each division over the previous year. Overall Connectedness Results: (253-258):

Increased for all groups at the elementary level Increased for all groups at the middle school level Increased for all groups at the high school level except for NH/OPIHispanic stayed the same Alternative schools had increases for AKNA/AI, Hispanic and 2 or more races Increased for all groups in charter schools except for AKNA/AI, Hispanic and 2 or more races Overall Connectedness factor score increased at the district and all divisions except alternative schools
ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

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Overall ConnectednessStudent

The 5-year mean change (increase) for the overall Connectedness factor score was statistically significant at the elementary, middle school, high school and district levels.
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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe.
Indicator 3c: The overall Climate, overall Connectedness and School Safety factor scores will increase for each self-reported race ethnicity group at each division over the previous year. School Safety Results: (253-258):

Increased at elementary except African American, AKNA/AI and NH/OPI Increased for all groups at middle school level Increased at high school except for NH/OPI and Hispanic Alternative and charter had a decrease in most groups The School Safety factor score increased at the district and all divisions except alternative and charter

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School SafetyStudent

The 5-year mean change (increase) for the School Safety factor score was statistically significant at the elementary, middle school, high school and district levels.
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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Goal 3 Education in the highly diverse ASD will be accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students and safe.
Indicator 3d: The overall Climate and School Safety factor scores for ASD staff will increase over the previous year. Results: (259-260):

Overall Climate factor score decreased for ASD staff at the district and all divisions except for alternative schools Overall School Safety factor score decreased for the district and all divisions except for elementary that stayed the same and alternative that had a slight increase

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Overall ClimateStaff

The 5-year mean change (increase) for the overall Climate factor score was statistically significant at the elementary, middle school, high school and district levels.
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Overall ClimateSchool Safety

The 5-year mean change (increase) for the School Safety score was statistically significant at the elementary, middle school, high school and district levels.
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Goal 4 Parents/guardians will be informed partners in their students education.

Indicator: The district will increase the Respectful Climate factor score reported in the parent climate survey at the district and division levels. Results: (261):

The Respectful Climate factor score increased at the district and all divisions except for alternative schools.

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department


Respectful ClimateParent

The 4-year mean change (increase) for the Respectful Climate factor score was statistically significant for middle schools and the district.

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

Goal 6 ASD staff will be well-trained, highly effective, well-informed and committed to the success of all students and staff.
Indicator 6a: The percentage of classes taught by NCLB Highly Qualified teachers in each school will increase over the previous year. The baseline for comparison will be the 2008-09 school year. Results: (pages 263-264):

Increased from the previous year or maintained at 100 percent for all schools except Highland Tech, Mirror Lake, Romig, Steller and Winterberry. Increased at the district from 90.33 percent in 2008-09 to 95.00 percent 2008-0930.21 percent of schools had 100 percent of classes taught by HQT 2009-1065.99 percent of schools had 100 percent of classes taught by HQT

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Goal 6 ASD staff will be well-trained, highly effective, well-informed and committed to the success of all students and staff.
Indicator 6b: The districts percentage of staff turnover will decrease from the previous year. The baseline for comparison will be the 2008-09 school year. Results: (page 265):

The districts percentage of staff turnover decreased for certificated and increased for classified and all staff when compared to the previous year.

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Staff Turnover

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Goal 7 All ASD departments support the mission of the district and will be highly effective, efficient and responsive to internal and external customers.
Indicator 7a: The overall administrative offices customer satisfaction rating will increase from the previous year in pleasantness of the staff, being greeted and helped promptly and getting the issues addressed satisfactorily. The baseline year will be 2008-09. Results: (page. 266) All three ratings increased from the previous year for the overall administrative offices

Indicator 7b: The overall schools customer satisfaction rating will increase from the previous year in pleasantness of the staff, being greeted and helped promptly and getting the issues addressed satisfactorily. The baseline year will be 2008-09. Results: (page 267):

All three ratings decreased from the previous year for the overall schools

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Customer Satisfaction Ratings

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Summary of Performance on Indicators

NH/OPI had the most positive gains in the indicators overall. The district had positive gains in 55.74 percent of the indicators.
ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

October 11, 2010

The student population continues to be very diverse. Overall reading scores increased Overall writing scores decreased Overall math scores increased Overall science scores increased Decrease in percentage of students completing Algebra I in grade 8 or earlier Slight increase in preliminary dropout rate Slight decrease in the preliminary graduation rate Percent above average on TN decreased in reading and increased in mathematics for grades 5 & 7. Language decreased in grade 5 and increased in grade 7. Increase in the percentage of students successfully completing AP courses. Decrease in the percentage of seniors completing higher level mathematics and science courses Increase in percentage of grade 9 students on-track Baseline established for attending less than 80 and 90 percent of days enrolled Baseline established for grade 8 students meeting EXPLORE college readiness benchmarks
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Summary Continued
Percentage of FAY students not proficient in language arts and mathematics decreased Achievement gaps decreased in most designated race/ethnicity groups in reading, mathematics and science Achievement gaps for EDS, LEP, and SWD decreased in readinggap in writing, mathematics and science decreased for EDS but increased for LEP and SWD Slight decrease in the diversity of the workforce Baseline established for out-of-school suspensions and expulsions Overall Climate, Connectedness and School Safety factors increased for students Staff Climate and School Safety factors decreased Parent Respectful score increased 95 percent of our classes were taught by NCLB highly-qualified teachers Certificated staff turnover decreased, classified increased Administrative offices customer satisfaction rating increased Schools customer satisfaction rating decreased

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Thank you to the staff of the Assessment & Evaluation Department and to Teresa Spencer (our task master)
..and special thanks to Mike Fleckenstein and the IT staff..and to Ernie Ting from Communications

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ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department

Contact Information
The complete Profile of Performance is available on the ASD Web site:

For more information, contact us:

Laurel Vorachek (907) 742-4427 email: Dr. Xiaogeng Sun (907) 742-4884 email: Kristine Stout (907) 742-4425 email:
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