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We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.1 - Bruce Lee (Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams) Every individual on earth has the same amount of time - 60 seconds in a minute; 60 minutes in an hour; 1,440 minutes in a day; and 525,600 minutes in a year. While a vast majority of people confesses faltering or fence-sitting to come to grips with it, extremely few can claim to have made the most of it. How is it that they have got it all done? Its because they have managed a way to figure out how to manage their time effectively.

Time Management is more than just managing time. It is about controlling the use of the most valuable and undervalued-resource. It is managing oneself in relation to time. It is setting priorities and taking charge of the situation and time utilization. With good time management skills one is in control of ones time, stress and energy levels. One can maintain balance between ones work and personal life. One finds enough flexibility to respond to surprises or new opportunities. It is not how much time one has, but rather the way one uses it.

2. WHY IS TIME MANAGEMENT SO IMPORTANT? Time management is a common problem faced by most of us. Oftentimes, when you are swarmed with multiple tasks at once, it becomes extremely difficult to identify which ones you must complete first. Too often, people eat up what is supposed to be their free time to be able to accomplish all pending tasks in time. It takes a considerate amount of skill in order to manage your time properly. If you are one of these people, you are


usually able to control your time efficiently that you can even finish tasks ahead of time. Lets try to analyze the importance of Time Management in different fields.

2.1.Time Management in School/College: Due to more freedom merited to college students, it can become quite challenging for new (freshman) students to cope with time management. The liberty to choose your own schedule readily creates a false notion that they can do whatever they want. On the other hand, it reflects one's priorities and how you are able to properly appropriate them into your schedule. With lack of proper time management, a student will have trouble coping up with deadlines set by professors. Most students would tend to slack off during vacant hours that they end up accomplishing nothing. If a student has prepared his or her own list of work for the day, he or she will be able to properly allocate the time spent for extracurricular activities and assignments. 2.2.Time Management at Work: When it comes to your job, proper usage of your time is more particular. This is because you are paid for the hours of service you render to the firm. Hence, companies will try to ensure that each hour you spend at the office is utilized effectively for work. Despite of this, employees still seek out ways to have a break. If time is not properly managed, employees could easily eat up more time for their breaks than what is actually spent on actual work. Hence, the company ends up requiring the employee to do overtime work just to finish a project. If the overtime rendered is reflected on your paycheck, then good for you. But if not, then you reap the unpleasant effects of poor time management.

3. Lining Up Your Ducks: Prioritize! Lining up your ducks is a familiar and charming phrase. It derives from the tendency of baby ducklings to swim in a perfectly straight line behind their mother. If the ducklings begin to stray too far, the mother duck will invariably shepherd them back into line thus, getting her ducks in a row.


The application of this phrase to time management is clear. If you deal with things in a logical, orderly sequence, youre sure to bring efficiency and results to your efforts. When your ducks begin to stray too far afield, danger is lurkingfor them and for you. Lets face it. 24 hours in a day is not enough time for many people to do everything in their schedule. It is therefore imperative that people perform their activities in the order of priority. Time management experts like Stephen Covey S R (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; Simon & Schuster) have developed a model called a time management matrix. This model enables managers to prioritize their activities and use their time more effectively. With the help of the model, they can evaluate their activities in terms of importance and urgency.


The art of prioritizing covers 4 major task groups:

3.1. Important and Urgent:


Quadrant 1 represents things which are both urgent and important labeled firefighting. The activities need to be dealt with immediately, and they are important. These tasks are the ones that must be done right away, or consequences may result. An example would be bills that are due today. If you dont pay your bills on time, you would incur additional charges or they might cut off their services to you. Activities belonging to this category need to be acted upon without delay. You should give them the highest priority.

3.2.Important but Not Urgent: Quadrant 2 represents things which are important, but not urgent - labeled Quality Time. Although the activities here are important, and contribute to achieving the goals and priorities - they do not have to be done right now. As a result, they can be scheduled when they can be given quality thought to them. A good example would be the preparation of an important talk, or mentoring a key individual. Prayer time, family time and personal relaxation/recreation are also part of Quadrant 2.

3.3.Urgent but Not Important: Quadrant 3 represents distractions. They must be dealt with right now, but frankly, are not important. For example, when a person answers an unwanted phone call, - he/she has had to interrupt whatever he/she is doing to answer it.

3.4.Not Important and Not Urgent: Quadrant 4 represents Time Wasting. You might think activities in this section are not worth peoples time, so they wont engage in these activities much. You would be surprised to know that people spend most of their time doing things that are both unimportant and non-urgent, such as watching TV and movies, playing video games, senseless chatting for hours on the phone, shopping for new clothes, etc. Of course, it is essential for people to relax and unwind once in a while. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say. But you should be strict in limiting your time for these activities; that is, if you really want to accomplish a lot in your life.


4. Time Management Tips: When preparing a "to do" list you should also consider the things you should not be doing during your day.

4.1. Must do List: First, get clear about what is really important and what must be done during the day. Try to only have one or two really major tasks that you have to do for the day and make them an absolute priority.3

4.2. To do List: After you are clear about a couple tasks that must be done, list several other jobs to do of lesser importance. That doesn't mean that they should be taken lightly. But do not go overboard with way too many things as you will only be setting yourself up to fail each day by never completing all your set jobs.

4.3. Must Not do List: There are some tasks that should be given the least priority. Things like browsing the Internet, watching hourly news reports, or whatever it is that you do to escape from your real work should be avoided.

Most people that are actively trying to increase their productivity are aware of the importance of a To Do list, but many people forget to include the Not to do list. For those of us with wandering minds or restless feet it's easy to get distracted and caught up in doing very low priority jobs while our highest priority jobs continue to pile up. Get clear about what you should be doing AND what you shouldn't be doing to get the most out of each day.


5.CONCLUSION: Now that we have come towards the end of the project we have realized that how our time gets wasted because we never thought of managing time in an effective manner. It is said that time and tide waits for none4 so our attempts would be to make the best use of time and prevent others from wasting our time too. It summarizes as to what causes us to waste our time and suggests solutions to save time as much as possible. It also offers tips to make the best use of time. As with all the precious resources, time is a scarce resource. The wisdom lies in making the most of it.



Mackenzie R., Alec. Time Trap, 1997. AMACOM Books. Mancini, Marc. Time Management, 2003. McGrawHill. Poser, Brian. Time Management for Students, 2003. York University.


Geimure, Kristine. Time Management Tips. Woopiodoo. Inc. n.d. Web. 17 April 2011 <hppt://> Lehavi, Dorene. Deadlines. Albertarose. May 2005. Web. 15 April 2011 <hppt:// _meeting_deadlines.htm> Brain, Tracy. Managing your Time. Get Motivation. Inc. n.d. Web. 17 April 2011 <hppt://> Lehavi, Dorene. Time Management? No! Street Directory. Inc. n.d. Web. 15 April 2011 < - United States>

Hearn, Wendy. Time Management. Business-Personal-Coaching. Inc. n.d. Web.

20 April 2011 <>


1. This is from a conversation between Joe Hyams, Sterling Silliphant and Bruce Lee.

On one such occasion they talked about the difference between wasting time and spending time. Bruce was the first to speak. To spend time is to pass it in a specific manner he said. We are spending it during lessons just as we are spending it now in conversation. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.
2. Renowned business consultant Stephen Covey illustrates prioritizing tasks in a

simple manner through his Time Management Matrix. The table is from his book First Things First.
3. Geimure, Kristine. Time Management Tips. 4. Its an ancient proverb which means that no one is so powerful that they can stop the march of time.



Managing Your Time - Article by Brian Tracy

Perhaps the greatest single problem that people have today is time poverty. Working people have too much to do and too little time for their personal lives. Most people feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and activities, and the harder they work, the further behind they feel. This sense of being on a never-ending treadmill can cause you to fall into the reactive/responsive mode of living. Instead of clearly deciding what you want to do, you continually react to what is happening around you. Pretty soon you lose all sense of control. You feel that your life is running you, rather than you running your life. On a regular basis, you have to stand back and take stock of yourself and what youre doing. You have to stop the clock and do some serious thinking about who you are and where you are going. You have to evaluate your activities in the light of what is really important to you. You must master your time rather than becoming a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on your time. And you must organize your life to achieve balance, harmony, and inner peace. Taking action without thinking is the cause of every failure. Your ability to think is the most valuable trait that you possess. If you improve the quality of your thinking, you improve the quality of your life, sometimes immediately. Time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value. All work requires time. And time is absolutely essential for the important relationships in your life. The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management immediately. I used to think that time management was only a business tool, like a calculator or a cellular telephone. It was something that you used so that you could get more done in a shorter period of time and eventually be paid more money. Then I learned that time management is not a peripheral activity or skill. It is the core skill upon which everything else in life depends. In your work or business life, there are so many demands on your time from other people that very little of your time is yours to use as you choose. However, at home and in your personal life you can exert a tremendous amount of control over how you use your time. And it is in this area that I want to focus. Personal time management begins with you. It begins with your thinking through what is really important to you in life. And it only makes sense if you organize it around specific things that you want to accomplish. You need to set goals in three major areas of your life. First, you need family and personal goals. These are the reasons why you get up in the morning, why you work hard and upgrade your skills, why you worry about money and sometimes feel frustrated by the demands on your time. What are your personal and family goals, both tangible and intangible? A tangible family goal could be a bigger house, a better car, a larger television set, a vacation, or anything else that costs money. An intangible goal would be to build a higher quality relationship with your spouse and children, to spend more time with your family going for walks or reading books. Achieving these family and personal goals are the real essence of time management, and its major purpose. The second area of goals are your business and career goals. These are the how goals, the means


by which you achieve your personal, why goals. How can you achieve the level of income that will enable you to fulfill your family goals? How can you develop the skills and abilities to stay ahead of the curve in your career? Business and career goals are absolutely essential, especially when balanced with family and personal goals. The third type of goals are your personal development goals. Remember, you cant achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved on the inside. Your outer life will be a reflection of your inner life. If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and your career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. You must build yourself if you want to build your life. Perhaps the greatest secret of success is that you can become anything you really want to become to achieve any goal that you really want to achieve. But in order to do it, you must go to work on yourself and never stop. Once you have a list of your personal and family goals, your business and career goals, and your selfdevelopment goals, you can then organize the list by priority. This brings us to the difference between priorities and posteriorities. In order to get your personal time under control, you must decide very clearly upon your priorities. You must decide on the most important things that you could possible be doing to give yourself the same amount of happiness, satisfaction, and joy in life. But at the same time, you must establish posteriorities as well. Just as priorities are things that you do more of and sooner, posteriorities are things that you do less of and later. The fact is, your calendar is full. You have no spare time. Your time is extremely valuable. Therefore, for you to do anything new, you will have to stop doing something old. In order to get into something, you will have to get out of something else. In order to pick something up, you will have to put something down. Before you make any new commitment of your time, you must firmly decide what activities you are going to discontinue in your personal life. If you want to spend more time with your family, for example, you must decide what activities you currently engage in that are preventing you from doing so. A principle of time management says that hard time pushes out soft time. This means that hard time, such as working, will push out soft time, such as the time you spend with your family. If you dont get your work done at the office because you dont use your time well, you almost invariably have to rob that time from your family. As a result, because your family is important to you, you find yourself in a values conflict. You feel stressed and irritable. You feel a tremendous amount of pressure. You know in your heart that you should be spending more time with the important people in your life, but because you didnt get your work done, you have to fulfill those responsibilities before you can spend time with your spouse and children. Think of it this way. Every minute you waste during the waking day is time that your family will ultimately be deprived of. So concentrate on working when you are at work so that you can concentrate on your family when you are at home. There are three key questions that you can ask yourself continually to keep your personal life in balance. The first question is, What is really important to me? Whenever you find yourself with too much to do and too little time, stop and ask yourself, What is it that is really important for me to do in this situation? Then, make sure that what you are doing is the answer to that question. The second question is, What are my highest value activities? In your personal life, this means, What are the things that I do that give me the greatest pleasure and satisfaction? Of all the things that I could be doing at any one time, what are the things that I could do to add the greatest value to my life?


And the final question for you to ask over and over again is, What is the most valuable use of my time right now? Since you can only do one thing at a time, you must constantly organize you life so that you are doing one thing, the most important thing, at every moment. Personal time management enables you to choose what to do first, what to do second, and what not to do at all. It enables you to organize every aspect of your life so that you can get the greatest joy, happiness, and satisfaction out of everything you do.

8.2. Article 2
Time Management Tips - Kristine Geimure When preparing a "to do" list you should also consider the things you should not be doing during your day. It's fine to have a well planned to do list each day, but if you are easily distracted then it will be the things that you are doing in-between completing your list that will be the big time wasters. Must do List! First, get clear about what is really important and what must be done during the day. Try to only have one or two really major tasks that you have to do for the day and make them an absolute priority. Obviously you will have more time to do other thing during the day, but the Must Do list is the list that has to be done before we even think about leaving the workplace. To do List.. After you are clear about a couple tasks that must be done, list several other jobs to do of lesser importance. These tasks should be done only after you have completed your Must Do list. That doesn't mean that they should be taken lightly or treated as a wish list. List a sensible amount of tasks to complete and perhaps an extra one or two things to challenge yourself. But do not go overboard with way too many things as you will only be setting yourself up to fail each day by never completing all your set jobs. Must Not do List! Now that you know what should be done, work out what should not be done, or what should be given the least priority. These are the tasks that we find ourselves doing when we lose focus or have a lapse in concentration during the day. Things like checking your E-mail every 10-20 minutes, checking statistics too often, browsing the Internet, watching hourly news reports, or whatever it is that you do to escape from your real work! You can also use some of these time wasting tasks as a form of motivation to increase your productivity. For example, after completing a Must do task you could reward yourself with 15 minutes of browsing the Internet or writing E-mail to friends. Most people that are actively trying to increase their productivity are aware of the importance of a To Do list, but many people forget to include the Not to do list. For those of us with wandering minds or restless feet it's easy to get distracted and caught up in doing very low priority jobs while our highest priority jobs continue to pile up. Get clear about what you should be doing AND what you shouldn't be doing to get the most out of each day.


Time Management? No! - Article by Dorene Lehavi Ph.D

Many people want to be coached to manage their time better. I say NO! to that. You cannot manage time anyway; it just keeps ticking away no matter what you do. What you can do is manage yourself based on the two concepts I keep mentioning: selfknowledge and self-acceptance. Following are four principles to maximize the time that you have. They take time to incorporate into your life at the habit level. Don't give up. Keep practicing. 1) Good Enough Accept that no human being is meant to do everything. We all have our uniqueness; things we do better than others and vice versa. Perfection is not a human condition. Cut yourself some slack and adopt the concept of "good enough". You can rework your resume 50 times. Is it really so much better than a much earlier draft? You can shop for the perfect dress endlessly? Wasn't the first one you tried and liked as good as the 15th? How much time did you spend past "good enough"? Demand higher standards of excellence where it really counts. 2) Specialness Concentrate on excelling in what you do well, what you would enjoy doing better, and new areas you would like to learn. Delegate, hire, share, partner with people who complement you or can fill the needs you have in areas you don't enjoy or do not know that well. Don't ever berate yourself for not being able to do it all. Appreciate your talents and excellence and flaunt them. They are you, yours and very special. Let others have their specialness too. The results will not only save time but enrich and free you. 3) Energy and Time Know and honor your energy levels. Are you a morning person, do you have an afternoon slump? Your time will be best used if you pace the tasks you have to do based on this knowledge. Do the most challenging at your peak energy time. Build in your Joy Breaks both as rewards for finishing a formidable task and to refresh yourself at low energy periods. 4) Focus in the Moment Develop habits that help you focus on what you are doing in the moment. Do not allow yourself to think of what you have to do next while you are doing what you are doing. Put a "do not disturb" sign on your door and do not take phone calls. By putting everything else out of your mind while focusing on the task at hand, you will be using your time efficiently. If you get stuck on something, take a break. Move to something else, get the information you need to continue, change scenery, stretch, whatever it takes, but don't sit there stuck.


8.4. Article 4

Time Management Tips - Kristine Geimure

To achieve maximum success and productivity in the work place it is essential that we understand how we use our time at work. Like many things in life, we take time for granted and give little thought to it until we no longer have enough of it. We all have the same amount of time each day but it is how effectively we use it that is important. That doesn't mean we have to schedule every waking second in our day, but there are several effective time saving habits that we can use to dramatically increase our productivity. Time Wasters Include * Telephones - particularly personal calls during work hours * No planning of tasks - focus gives direction * E-mail - constantly checking your e-mail throughout the day * Surfing the Web - Jumping from one site to the next * Casual Visitors - Unscheduled or non work related visits * Cluttered Workplace - Includes your desk, work area, computer and other organizing tools * Poor Quality Resources/Tools - Having the wrong tool or poor office equipment can waste hours of time every week Many of the poor time management habits we have formed can be easily fixed by simply being accountable for your working hours, understanding exactly how we use our time and having a plan for each day. There are also habits that we have had all our life that will require a lot more commitment to overcome. Here's some good habits we can form to eliminate time wasting; Understand how you use each day Honestly review your day and understand how you are wasting time, then commit to becoming more efficient with your time. It's important to be honest and objective about how you really spend each day. Set Priorities Even with a well organized schedule and good work habits, there is still often not enough time in each day for workers, particularly small business owners and managers. So it is essential that we prioritize tasks and categorize them into Urgent, Very Important, Important and Wasting Time categories. Spend the majority of our time on tasks that are important and either delegate low priority jobs or move on to them only after completing the more urgent tasks. Plan Your Time


By having a clear and precise plan for each day you have a target to aim at which eliminates many of the hours wasted in-between tasks or thinking about what to do next. Along with a daily plan, there should also be longer term goals to work towards. Setting daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals can dramatically increase your focus and productivity. Review Your Progress Many work habits have been formed over a life time, so we will often slip back into them if we fail to continually review our progress. Some habits will be harder to overcome than others, but the effort we put into overcoming them will be rewarded with added productivity, profitability and a more focused workplace. Take Time Out We're only human, so we should also plan for times when we can wind down and do less important tasks. Browse the web , call a friend or have a longer lunch sometimes. It's only when we make a habit of doing these time wasting tasks that they become a problem. Through better planning and a commitment to improve our use of time we increase our job satisfaction, become more confident, less stressed, increase productivity, cut costs and improve our chances of business success!

8.5. Article 5
Efficient Time Management by Wendy Hearn

Do you find that there are just not enough hours in the day? Do you find yourself staying late at work to get everything finished? Do you wish you had more time to spend doing the things that you really want to do? Most likely you answered yes to one or more of these questions and feel like you are not really where you want to be in life. You may be under stress because you are not achieving enough in your professional life. Or you feel bad because you are missing out on important occasions with family and friends. Do not fret, your worries could soon be over. There is a solution to your problems. It only takes a few small adjustments in the way you use your time to change your life forever. This is not only about managing your time effectively, it can change your life fundamentally and for the better. For efficient time management you need to manage yourself There are 24 hours in the day. This is something that you have to accept because it will not change. You can not manage time, but you can manage yourself. This is where the answer to effective time management lies. You must train yourself to focus on the things that really matter to you and spend your time on these things only. Everything else should be eliminated from your life. Making the changes necessary to manage your time effectively can be rewarding and fun, but some of these changes will take a leap of faith on your part. For this reason it is important to take it at your own pace and make one change at a time. If you bite off more than you can chew at the beginning there is a


chance you may fail. Efficient time management includes understanding yourself well. To really manage your time effectively you must first learn to know yourself. As we grow older it is easy to lose track of the things that really matter to us in life. It is amazing that we can let this happen to us, but it happens all too easily. So before you can really begin to look at your time management you need to figure out what you want out of life. You need to get in touch with yourself and discover your vision. Cast yourself back to when you were an adolescent or a young adult, a time when anything seemed possible. How did your dream life look then, what did you really want in your heart? This could help you to get in touch with your vision. No doubt, some priorities will have changed, but many will have remained the same. Also ask yourself how you would like your personal and professional life to be. And think about what is possible for you and what you can really achieve. We will call this your vision. Where are you now? At this stage you probably have a fairly clear picture of what your ideal life would be like. Now comes the scary part. You need to look at your life now and compare it to your vision, to how you would really like your life to be like. Be prepared for a shock here as there will most likely be a vast difference between the two. However, do not let this phase you as it is always possible to bridge the gap between the two if you believe in yourself. Many people think effective time management is all about calendars and diaries. Not so. Effective time management is much more about you and how you choose to spend your time. If you really want to manage your time effectively you will have to make some major changes and minor changes in your life. A small change would be something like taking a walk every evening. A major change could be quitting your job to travel the world. However, if you put your mind to it you could achieve either of these. You need to examine how you spend your time each day and make the necessary changes to achieve your goals. Planning your day. You should start by picking two things you want to achieve, one big and one small. Now, you want to think of one small step you can take towards achieving these that you can incorporate into one day. If you can do this, and complete those steps then you are on the way. This is just one very small step on the way to effective time management but should show you that if you go at your own pace that it is far from impossible. However, you must be much more meticulous in planning your days so that you complete everything you need to do while only spending time on the things that really matter to you. This is where a time plan comes in. Each day, you will need to have a clear idea of what needs doing and find a suitable place for it on your schedule. To help you in this it is useful to keep a time log for a week or two before beginning to plan your time in detail. With a time log you write down in detail how you spend your time. Do this for a few days and you will get a clear idea of how you spend your days and how long various tasks take you. Then you can really plan your days accurately.


The 4 Ds of time management Now, as you make your time plan for each day you need to decide how to handle the various tasks that need doing, and how to deal with any new tasks that may arise. This is where the 4 Ds of time management come in. They are: * Do it - Get it done, the sooner the better. * Delegate it - It needs to be done, but someone else can take care of it. * Dump it - Not important. Forget about it. * Defer it - This needs doing but not now, so it can wait. When you plan your day, and even during the day, you should be able to file all the things that need doing under one of the four Ds. Time wasters And finally a quick word on time wasters. These are basically the things that eat into your time unnecessarily and are arguably the single greatest barrier to effective time management. They can be the most trivial of things, and are therefore very hard to spot. These are some time wasters to watch out for: * Lack of planning or bad planning - Develop a good filing system and know how you are going to spend your days. Being neat in your habits will help you manage your time more effectively. * Procrastination - Some things need to be done now. Don't get into the habit of putting things off unnecessarily. * Not delegating - You can't do it all yourself. Do the things that you are good at and enjoy. Someone else can do the rest. * Interruptions - Set up your workspace so that there are no distractions that will disrupt your workflow. These are just a few of the time wasters that could be affecting your effective time management. These are just some of the basics of effective time management. Breaking old habits isn't easy so take the changes you need to make one step at a time. As you continue on the journey to effective time management you will find yourself more fulfilled and with more time on your hands for the things that matter to you.


efficiency: The ability to do something well or achieve a desired result without wasted energy or effort.

false notion: A deceptive misleading or unsound argument. faltering: A state or an instance of temporary inaction because of uncertainty about the right course of action. fence-sitting: A state of indecision or neutrality with respect to conflicting positions.

lurking: To exist as an unobserved or unsuspected threat or danger.

overboard: To go to extremes.


shepherd: Somebody who is responsible for caring for and guiding a group of people. slack off: not showing enough care, attention, or rigor; not busy or active, or less busy than usual. swarm: A great number of things or persons, especially in motion; a large crowd or group of people moving in a confused or disorderly way.

tendency: A way in which somebody or something typically behaves or happens, or is likely to react, behave, or happen.


Importance of Time Management: At work In schools/ colleges Least priority Prioritizing Productivity Time Management Time Management Matrix Time Management Tips To-do-List Utilization


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