The Architect of Modern Maharashtra

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The Architect Of Modern Maharashtra

Yeshwantrao Chavans Educational Thoughts

Praful V. Umarkar
B.E. (Mechanical) 2yr

The most influential complete development of person, society and Nation and social transformational impressive means is attributed to education. In human life education has not contributed only a vital importance but it has proved a guiding force to human and society to be reckoned with. It makes a man perfect in knowledge, it supplies to man a means of livelihood thereby increases his social status in life. Whatever the political philosophers were there on the national and international statures in modern world , the stalwarts like Rabindra nath Tagore, Swami Vivekanand , Mahatma Gandhi, Betrand Russel, Dr. Radhakrishnan were known as the champions of education. However, so far as maharashtra state is concerned the crusaders such as Lokmanya Tilak , Gopal Ganesh Agarkar , Karmavir Bhaurao Patil , Mahatma Fule , Maharshi Shahu Maharaj to name the few, these thinkers have also greately exerted and contributed in educational spheres. Simultaniously Maharashtra`s modern architect and honourable chief minister Shri Yashwantrao chavan (1956 to 1962) during his stewardship he had specially paid due attention towards mass education in general and poor , neglected, illiterate people`s education in particular. He was the man who had successfully pivoted the educationals policy, propogated by the educational seers and rishies such as Karmavir Bhaurao Patil , Chhatrapati Sahu Maharaj and Mahatma fule. In the congress workers camp held at Mahabaleshwar 1960 Yeshwantrao Chavan had declared his educational policy of Maharashtra, I do not see education is a mere tool of social necessity but it is fundamentally a means of economic development. One should not take it for granted as a vehicle of trading commodity because without electricity the ``green revolution in farming is quite impossible and similarity the young energetic youth power can not be fired in young generation devoid of technical know-how Knowledge of technological Scienceses in different spheres has become a modern necessity. Yashwantrao Chavan was not of the view of creating and moulding the young people to the service minded but through this educational system they should be culturally oriented, ethically strong possessing strong moral character and responsible ideal citizen of

India. He wished desired that education must reach to the doors of havenot`s, and nobody should be deprived of this facility. He believes in that education is a life giving force like irrigation system in farming. Once he had explained that life becomes perfect through education in regard to literacy the proposed target can not be achieved without it`s mass publicity. Because the future of Indian democracy depends upon literate citizens. The opportunity of taking education must be available to every citizen without which the values of human life and culture can not be safeguarded. In this way he has taken many resolutions during his chief ministership career on education. He became the champion of economically backward classes and weaker sections of society by introducing E.B.C. facility learning in school and colleges. This EBC facility decision in education system has become the hallmark of opening the doors of learning to all the sections of society Besides this backward class scholarship made applicable to Nav-Boudhas. This has paved the way of learning enlightenment who were cursed in darkness since centuries. Yashwantrao chavan`s constructive approach was based on generous education. His constructive approach was nourished and moulded through the rich and voracious learning of literature, history, political science and social science. He knew the importance of man`s sensitivity and educational talented hunger of knowledge, intellectual nourishment, maturity of thoughts, broad-mindness must be emanated out of curiosity of learning. Yashwantrao chavan had adopted the liberal policy of Higher Education which should be available to all the sections of society for that he encouraged the private educational institutions to start new colleges by offering Government grants in aid-assistance. Some of the few establishments of universities can be cited as an examples Shivaji university, Marathsawada university were established by himself. Even he has properly channelised the learning and accommodating the educated unemployed majority of youths by starting polytechnic institutions and engineering colleges. The decision of starting government engineering colleges at Karhad and Nagpur became the milestones in this adventure. Yashwantrao chavan considered that by education man`s life must became dynamic. He emphasized that conservation of knowledge and reserches must become the objectives of higher education. Even he had stressed that medium of educational institutions must be mother-tongue. The credit of making marathi language as a state recognized language of political communication goes to Yashwantrao Chavan. He deeply exerted and widely propogated for the growth of Marathi language. The efficacy of marathi universal dictionary creation works was allotted to the erudite scholar

Tarka Tirtha Laxman Sastri Joshi envinces his curiosity of romance about love of marathi language. This was not the least even he founded literacy and cultural Mandals in Maharashtra. Taking the cognizance of soldier school and its relativity in the country, Yashwantrao chavan was the first Chief Minister in India who established and started First Arms, school at Satara to memorise his identity for future generation to come. His quizzical eyes can not be escaped even from the Residential Inhabitants school as Ashram Schools, with a view to imparting knowledge to scheduled tribe students in maharashtra. In this present modern age maharashtra state seems to be a crusader one amongst all other states in the country and for this greate achievement the credit should be given to Yashwantrao Chavan who had pivoted the wheels of maharashtra chariot gloriously to the pinnacles of glories. For all this alround development the vision of Yashwantrao Chavan educational policies is a pointer one. Again the succeeding Chief Minister also followed the path of glories like Yashwantrao Chavan and that is why the contribution of maharashtra has been marching forth on all fronts in the country. He wished and desired unequivocally that education is poignant weapon of national development and national integrity and through this educational policy not only the maharashtra but the whole India should prosper uninhiritedly and this was the dream of Honourable Yashwantrao Chavan Chief Minister of Maharashtra Jai-hind jai-Maharashtra --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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