Maternity Sub Notes

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Sub Notes

Lunch: If students have a lunch box, please have them set it on the desk outside of my door. Students should also have already had their restroom break/hand washing done before they go to lunch. * There are the 2 different ways that we do lunch: 1st lunch is at 10:25 am-Please have students ready to go at 10:25. Have students line up and walk them to the cafeteria. Leave them with an aide. You will need to pick them up from the cafeteria at 11:05. 2nd lunch is at either 10:27, 10:30, or 10:33 depending on the order of you and the other 2 classes. You will either start with the green wand or have it passed to you. Tell the students the lunch choices and have them line up for lunch that way. You will need to pick them up from door #3 at 11:10. You may need to remind students that they should not be talking in the lunch line so that the lunch ladies can hear their choices and to have LOUD voices when ordering. Restroom Breaks: Anytime while at stations (can go without permission) or if it is in the middle of a lesson, they need to show the restroom sign and then its your choice. PBS: We use a positive behavior clip system for behavior. If a student is doing something really good or following directions, or has been really helpful, they can move their clip up. If you have problems with students or inappropriate behavior, then you can have them move their clip down. Yellow is a warning, Orange is think time (have them sit out for 5 minutes by your desk). Red is a lonely lunch (you have to fill out a paper and give to cafeteria aides). Purple is lonely lunch and no recess (you have to fill out a paper and give to cafeteria aides). Please let the assistants know in the lunch room which student and what privileges are to be taken away. If you continuously have problems with a student and they have moved their clip down past red- they do not get to move back up on the chart. Please get with a team member if you run out. If a student goes to black, you will need to fill out a office referral that you can get off of the Tradewind server. If you do not know how to do this, please see another Kinder team member for help. They will mark their folders at the end of the day, please make sure they mark the correct color and the correct day!

Where to Find Things:

Teaching Supplies will be in the desk drawers and or in the book case. Supplies for classroom (pencils, glue sticks, glue bottles, crayons, dry erase, notebook paper, etc) can be found in a tub in the storage closet. All the tubs are labeled. Markers, paint, and play dough can be found in the cabinets under the mailboxes and treasure chest. Books I have books in the closet in all 4 drawers of the filing cabinet, in the storage closet in the two middle drawers, in the classroom library, and in the black basket by the horseshoe table. Different subjects should be labeled and the books found behind the label. If you cant find a certain book then you can ask the Kinder girls, 1st grade or the Librarian. Music In the top red drawer underneath the cd player are all of my cds. I use Sharri Sloane cds a lot and Dr. Jean, but there are other good ones in there too! Teaching Ideas I have clear tubs that have all sorts of ideas and games for Literacy and Math. You can use them or put them in the tubs for stations. Just make sure if you change up a station, introduce it to the students and show them exactly how to use it. Literacy: Phonics book is in bookcase behind horseshoe table. Math: Journeys books and papers are in the storage room, on the floor in a black box labeled Journeys. Guided Reading: The Next Step in Guided Reading or The Book as we call it, is in the bookcase behind the horseshoe table. Jobs Please move around names on Monday for jobs. I remove the first name, put it on the bottom and move everyone up a job. Then read it out so the students know what their job is for the week.

Daily Schedule:
7:55- Pick up students in the gym. Students should come into classroom, put backpacks in their cubby and put their behavior folder in the blue basket on my horse table. At the end of the day, you can give folders back to students. 8:00-8:15- Breakfast: The students will come in and take out their discipline folder, lay it on the table and get 1 of everything for breakfast. Take out white piece of paper and check students names that are eating on that day, put AB if the student is absent. (Students do not have to eat, if they do not want ANY of their meal, the whole meal can go back into the cooler and warmer. If they just want part of their meal, then the rest has to be thrown away. However, I do let them take home food that will not go bad if they do not want it during breakfast. (EX: crackers, goldfish) All trash needs to go into a big white trash bag (side of black bag) that can be left in the hall when breakfast is over. At 8:15 I tell them to clean up. I have the breakfast helper choose a friend and they take out the extras and throw them in the trash. Tell them how many kids are absent and they will leave the whole meal in the cooler and bag. Also take attendance during this time in Skyward.

8:20-8:40 All students should be at the carpet for Calendar. For calendar time, ask students what the month is, and spell it out, say the months of the year, and sing the days of the week song. Ask students what today is, yesterday was, and tomorrow will be please change this on the calendar board. Put new day on the calendar. Write the code date with the students help. Ex: ask them what will changeand why. Then do morning message. You can also put in a song to get the wiggles out. They really like Tony Chest Nutt or you can choose another one. Morning Message- Use chart paper on easel and a regular marker. Change it up from day to day. I have a Buzz Book that has all sorts of ideas in it in the bookcase behind my desk.

8:40-8:50 Handwriting- Tell the students what letter they are working on. Draw a box on the board and tell them how to write it, then have them repeat it back to you. Then have them go complete the page at their desk. When they are finished check the final one with a color marker and then have them return it. 8:50-9:20 Mini Lesson 1 - Reading Comprehension Please read book to the students and at the end ask comprehension questions and higher level thinking questions. Mondays: Predictions Tuesdays: Notice or Wonderings Wednesdays: Making Connections Thursdays: Retelling Fridays: Craft or other misc. idea 9:20-9:50 Mini Lesson 2 Fluency - Weekly Poem Mondays: Read poem together on document camera or big chart paper. If you do not know how to use the camera, please read poem with students aloud. Tuesdays: Pass out poem and read together using pointers (fingers) Wednesdays: Read and highlight/underline word wall words. Thursdays: Read and illustrate poem Fridays: Buddy read poem 9:50-10:20 Mini Lesson 3 Phonics & Sight Words Mon - Introduce new sight words. Spell them and do one of the chants. Have students use them in a sentence (call on about 4 diff. students for each word). Tues Rainbow write new sight words and 4 old ones. Make a 6 frame on a paper. Wed Have students pick a sight word from the box, tell you the word and then write a sentence using the word.

Thurs - Review all sight words (get out their sight word rings). Play a game if there is time. Friday -

Guided Reading & Stations:

Guided Reading: Please make sure all students are reading to you, being read to, and being read with. Please find the Guided Reading folder for more information and details. You will need to put students into groups based on their instructional level. EX: If they can independently read on a B level, you should be working with them on an C level. **If you have ANY questions at all about reading levels, please ask a team member. Also, Mrs. Fisher, the intervention teacher can also help. Learning Stations: The different learning stations are: Literacy tubs, writing, write around the room, reading, read around the room, puzzles, and computers. There are also Math tubs, but they know to only do these after lunch. How many students can be at each: * Literacy Tubs Remaining Students * Writing 2 Students * Write Around the Room 2 Students * Reading 2 Students * Read Around the Room 2 Students * Puzzles - 2 Students * Computers 3 Students Set timer for 15-20 minutes, during this time please call up individual students and have them read their guided reading books to you from their book bags (you can continue guided reading).. You can also do Assessments at this time or work with students that are struggling. Once you call time have students: 1. Stop what they are doing

2. Clean up their stations 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Do the next mini lesson 5. Move to next station Ideas for Stations: Math- put in new activities for the concept currently working on as well as keep old concepts in there as well. If you have questions, ask a team member or call me. Literacy Tubs- These tubs have all sorts of literacy concepts. They have alphabet, beginning sounds, ending sounds, white boards, making CVC words, etc. The students know that if they get these stations, they must either write words, sight words, or make sentences. We are past writing the alphabet and they may NOT draw during this time! Writing- They may use their writing journals or blank paper or lined paper. Please make sure this stays stocked. It is next to the treasure chest in the white drawers. Reading- Stays the same- however, please make sure students are reading their guided reading books before they are reading/choosing new library books. Remind them that if they get a book out they MUST put the book back exactly where they got it when they finish reading it. Write around the Room- I have clipboards out in a red tub. I have a folder that has read around the room papers. Please make copies and make sure there are always some in the red tub. Students can use pencils or the pens next to the tub to write. Read Around the Room Students can choose to read the charts hanging by the bathroom, the hundreds chart, or anything on the easel. They can use pointers to read also. Puzzles - The puzzles are in the middle drawer (yellow). I just put new puzzles out the day we got out for break so you shouldnt have to change them, but if you would like to; they are located in the storage closet in a bottom right tub. Remind the

students that the sticker on the puzzle matches the sticker on the bag. These puzzles have sight words, rhyming words, CVC words, and math problems on them. Computers- The computers should already be on Bookflix, Starfall, EducationCity or PBSkids. The Login is: Tradewind and the Password is: Bookflix. Student Computer Information: Login: Student 1 Password: Student 1 Login: Student 3 Password: Student 3 Login: Student 2 Password: Student 2 Login: Student 4 Password: Student 4

10:20-10:30 Clean Up/Read Aloud/Bathroom Break * You can read any book following the weeks theme, a good book you have found, or a book from my black bin (those are our favorites). 10:30-11:05/11:10 Lunch & Recess 11:10-11:20 Bathroom & Water Break/Read Aloud* You can read any book following the weeks theme, a good book you have found, or a book from my black bin (those are our favorites). 11:20-11:50 Writers Workshop- We are starting to work on Beginning, Middle, and End. Please get with Ashley or another team member on ways to do this. During regular writing time you can give them a prompt or they can write whatever they want. There is a list of topics to write about on the black board. Remind them to use a Capital at the beginning, Period at the end, and finger of space between their words. 11:50-12:20 Math Lesson or Math Tubs- Please check forethought lesson or team members. I have put some ideas in each week for you to copy or do with the kids.

12:20-12:45 Science or Social Studies- Please check forethought lesson or team members. You wont always have a Science or Social Studies lesson and thats perfectly fine. Just use this time to do stations, work on assessments or cover anything you havent had time for during the week. 12:45-12:50 Clean up and Folders- Students need to mark their behavior color and put papers for home in their folders. You must check folders to see if they have marked their color and if its on the right day. They bring the folder to me to check and once I have checked it they may put it in their backpack and stack their chairs. 12:50-1:00 DismissalDismissal Bus & Daycare Mrs. Wright will come and pick up these students at 12:50. o Angel C, Phoenix, Caitlyn, and Anthony Extended Day - Have students line up in the hall way on the wall between my table and Mrs. Miles door. o Leslie Car/Pick up at 12:55 or so have the rest of the students line up and walk them to door #1 by the office. o Aden, Alexander, Angel M, Brandon, Darren, Jeslyn, Kim, Marcus, Spencer, Taylor, Yahritza, Zo ***Please take pink folder outside with you. If they are not on my list, not on the blue dismissal paper, you dont recognize them, or you have not received a note from the parent about someone else picking them up, then they must go to the office. If you have any questions, Mrs. Perez and Mrs. Miles will be out there dismissing close to you, just ask them. If you have any students left after 1:10, take them to the office and sign them in. Please let someone in the office know who you have brought in.

If you gain or lose a student:

If you get a new student then you need to:

Get a behavior folder from the office. Any color will do but try to get a yellow for a boy and a pink for a girl. Make sure there are behavior sheets in them, if not just borrow another students and make copies. Then in the bottom drawer of the colored drawers there are other things to put in the folder (look at another students for reference) and name tags.

Make sure they have a name on a mail box. A name on their cubbie. A green basket with their name on the front and back. A orange handwriting book with their name on it and any other folders for their green basket. These folders are located in the cabinet above the student mail boxes.

Get them a crayon box (left bottom cubbie) and give them a box of crayons, 2 pencils, and a space man. Try to label the box with their name also. Add them to any lists that I have, such as how they go home. Get their lunch number and have them practice it.

If you lose a student then you need to: Give their report card to Carolyn. Empty out their green basket and crayon box and put it in storage.

Extra Duties:
1:10-1:30 Tutoring *Jeslyn Mon - Wed * Leslie Mon Thurs ** If you feel like a student is struggling, you may have them stay for after school tutoring. You just have to send home a note to the parents to see if they approve. I have added some notes to this folder in case you need them. 1:30-2:10 Planning Monday and Tuesday we do team planning for the next week. We meet in my room at the horseshoe table. Wednesday we have PLCs in Lisas room. Occasionally they are in the office. Thursday and Friday are usually free so you can relax or prep lessons for the week or the following week.

2:10-2:45 RTI - Monday-Friday you will go to Mrs. Holmans room. She will have you work with certain students on different things. If you have any ideas on things to do, dont hesitate to tell her. Shes very open to new ideas! 2:55 or 3:00 Crosswalk/Bus/Snacks - I have put the schedule in this folder. If youre confused on anything, dont hesitate to ask the other Kinder teachers. Jobs change weekly. 3:10-3:40 After School Tutoring - Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mrs. McCoys room (1st grade teacher) 3:10-3:40 Extra Things - I have put the school calendar in this folder. Check the day and see if there is anything happening. Usually on Mondays we have a staff meeting, committee meetings, or vertical alignment. Tuesdays and Thursdays are tutoring. Wednesdays and Fridays are usually free. You have to stay at the school until at least 3:40. Thank you so much for subbing in my classroom. I hope that things go well. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. 683-4497. Also, you can always ask any of my team members for help. Thanks again! Kaci Maloney

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