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Rechtssetzung als Objektivationsprozesses in Filosofia del Derecho y Problemas de Filosofia Social IV (Mxico: Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico 1984), 91103 [Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas, Serie G: Estudios doctrinales, Nm. 57]:

Towards the Ontological Foundation of Law (Some Theses on the Basis of Lukcs Ontology) in Filosofa del Derecho y Problemas de Filosofa Social X, coord. Jos Luis Curiel B. (Mxico: Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico 1984), 203216 [Instituto de Investigaciones Jurdicas, Serie G, Estudios doctrinales, 81:

Documents de Kelsen en Hongrie: Hans Kelsen et Julius Mor Droit et Socit [Paris] (1987), No. 7, 337352:

Descriptivity, Normativity, and Ascriptivity: A Contribution to the Subsumption/Subordination Debate in Theoretische Grundlagen der Rechtspolitik Ungarischsterreichisches Symposium der Internationalen Vereinigung fr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 1990, hrsg. Peter Koller, Csaba Varga & Ota Weinberger (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden 1992), 162172 [Archiv fr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 54]:
< %22+anthropology&hl=hu&sig=RVxVghEMBJx_L3Hm5uTb2qTHAto#PPA162,M1>

On Judicial Ascertainment of Facts Ratio Juris [Bologna/Oxford] 4 (1991) 1, 6171:

< cookieSet=1&journalCode=raju> <>

La nature de ltablissement judiciaire des faits Archives de Philosophie du Droit 40 (Paris: Sirey 1996), 396409:

Transformation to Rule of Law from No-law: Societal Contexture of the Democratic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe The Connecticut Journal of International Law [Hartford] 8 (Spring 1993) 2, 487505:
<> < action=DocumentDisplay&crawlid=1&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15&doctype=cite&docid=8+Conn.+J.+Int %27l+L.+487&key=1deee655d6c6e3fd764e25827340a15e>

[in Japanese] [trans. Kimio Hiraizumi & Hiromichi Hayakawa] Comparative Law Review [Waseda, Tokyo] 26 (1993) 2, 8595:

The Non-cognitive Character of the Judicial Establishment of Facts in Praktische Vernunft und Rechtsanwendung / Legal System and Practical Reason Verhandlungen des 15.
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Weltkongresses der [IVR] in Gttingen, August 1991, ed. Hans-Joachim Koch & Ulfrid Neumann (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart 1994), 230239 [Archiv fr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 53]:
< %22&lr=&hl=hu&sig=ppm0rmBDClQuD2jie4n600WX50c#PPA238,M1>

No Logical Consequence in the Normative Sphere? in Law, Justice and the State Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Reykjavk, 26 May 2 June, 1993, III: Problems in Law ed. Arend Soeteman & Mikael M. Karlsson (Stuttgart: Steiner 1995), 3137 [Archiv fr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 60]:
< %22+reification&source=web&ots=2P95wLNTll&sig=hJ_O9CIDm8vMVTSmzfVoeDrB4bc#PPA31,M1>

Paradigms of Legal Thinking Acta Juridica Hungarica 40 (1999) 12, 1941:


Autonomy and Instrumentality of Law in a Superstructural Perspective Acta Juridica Hungarica 40 (1999) 34, 213235:

Central and Eastern European Philosophy of Law in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 98100 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:
< %22philosophy+of+law%22&source=bl&ots=RawbO-sQvK&sig=Y9TBEsTexYG8QdoTVIePTdBq1A&hl=hu&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result#PPA99,M1> <>

Philosophy of Law in Central and Eastern Europe: A Sketch of History Acta Juridica Hungarica 41 (2000) 12, 1725 [in Japanese] trans. Hiromichi Hayakawa, Takashi Hakoi & Sato Fumito Comparative Law Review [Waseda/Tokyo, in Japanese] 41 (2008) 2, 348357:

Codification in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 120122 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:
< %22philosophy+of+law%22&source=bl&ots=RawbO-sQvK&sig=Y9TBEsTexYG8QdoTVIePTdBq1A&hl=hu&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result#PPA99,M1>

Ex Post Facto Legislation in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 274276 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:

History (Historicity) of Law in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 371373 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:

Legal Ontology (Metaphysics) in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 617619 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:

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Validity in The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Berry Gray (New York & London: Garland Publishing 1999), 883885 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1743]:

Validity Acta Juridica Hungarica 41 (2000) 34, 155166:

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Legal Scholarship at the Threshold of a New Millennium (For Transition to Rule of Law in the Central and Eastern European Region) Acta Juridica Hungarica 42 (2001) 34, 181201:
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Structures in Legal Systems: Artificiality, Relativity, and Interdependency of Structuring Elements in a Practical (Hermeneutical) Context Acta Juridica Hungarica 43 (2002) 34, 219232:

Meeting Points between the Traditions of EnglishAmerican Common Law and ContinentalFrench Civil Law (Developments and Experience of Postmodernity in Canada) Acta Juridica Hungarica 44 (2003) 12, 2144:
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Meeting Points between the Traditions of EnglishAmerican Common Law and Continental-French Civil Law (Developments and the Experience of Postmodernity in Canada) Curentul Juridic [The Juridical Current Journal, Trgu-Mure] IX (2011) 1, No. 44, 2447:

O espao do direito na ontologia de Lukcs [trad. Srgio Coutinho] Novos Rumos [Instituto Astrojildo Pereira, So Paulo] 18 (2003), No. 39, 417:

The Teaching of Legal Philosophy in Hungary IVR Newsletter (2004), No. 33, 2324:

Change of Paradigms in Legal Reconstruction (Carl Schmitt and the Temptation to Finally Reach a Synthesis) in Perspectives on Jurisprudence Essays in Honor of Jes Bjarup, ed. Peter Wahlgren (Stockholm: Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law 2005) [= Scandinavian Studies in Law 48], 517529:

State and Law Challenging and Challenged (Building in a Changing World as Debated by Schmitt and Kelsen) Curentul Juridic / Juridical Current [Trgu-Mure] XIII (2010) 4, No. 43, 2641:

Legal Traditions? In Search for Families and Cultures of Law [as a national report presented at the World Congress of the Acadmie internationale de Droit compar]:

Acta Juridica Hungarica 46 (2005) 34, 177197:

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Goals and Means in Law: or Janus-faced Abstract Rights [Tikslai ir priemons teisje] in Jurisprudencija [Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio Universitetas] (2005) 68(60): Terorizmas ir mogaus teiss, 510:

in STEP Budapest Conference (July 1216, 2005) on Thomistic Understanding of Natural Law:

Rule of Law At the Crossroads of Challenges Iustum, Aequum, Salutare I (2005) 12, 73 88:

Rule of Law between the Scylla of Imported Patterns and the Charybdis of Actual Realisations (The Experience of Lithuania) Acta Juridica Hungarica 46 (2005) 12, 111:
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Law, Ethics, Economy: Independent Paths or Shared Ways? in STEP Barcelona Conference (September 2025, 2005):

Codification at the Threshold of the Third Millennium Acta Juridica Hungarica 47 (2006) 2, 89117:
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Codification et recodification: Ides, tendances, modles et rsultats contemporains in Studia Universitatis BabeBolyai Iurisprudentia, LIII (iuliedecembrie 2008) 2 [La recodification et les tendances actuelles du droit priv Bli, 912 octombrie 2008], 11 29:

Theory and Practice in Law: On the Magical Role of Legal Technique Acta Juridica Hungarica 47 (2006) 4, 351372:

Reception of Legal Patterns in a Globalising Age Trsadalomkutats 24 (2006) 1:

[abstract] <>}

Comparative Legal Cultures? Renewal by Transforming into a Genuine Discipline Acta Juridica Hungarica 48 (2007) 2, 95113:
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Differing Mentalities of Civil Law and Common Law? The Issue of Logic in Law Acta Juridica Hungarica 48 (2007) 4, 401410:
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in - [Kyiv] 2009/1, 2935 [abstr. - - ? , 193194, in English, 200201]:

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Doctrine and Technique in Law:

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& Iustum Aequum Salutare IV (2008) 1, 2337:


Law and its Doctrinal Study (On Legal Dogmatics) Acta Juridica Hungarica 49 (2008) 3, 253274

Judicial Black-box and the Rule of Law in the Context of European Unification and Globalisation Acta Juridica Hungarica 49 (2008) 4, 469482:

Law, Legal Process and the Judicial Mind P [] 2011/4, 513:

<> <>

Theory of Law Legal Ethnography, Or the Theoretical Fruits of Inquiries into Legally Relevant Folkways Trsadalomkutats 26 (2008) 3:
[abstract:] <>

Rule of Law, or the Dilemma of an Ethos: Gardening versus Mechanisation in Rule of Law Promotion Global Perspectives, Local Applications, ed. Per Bergling, Jenny Ederlf & Veronica L. Taylor (Uppsala: Iustus Frlag 2009), 213230 [Skrifter frn juridiska institutionen vid Ume universitet Nr 21]:
[abstract] <> <>

Rule of Law, or the Dilemma of an Ethos: To be Gardened or Mechanicised? Central European Political Science Review 8 (Spring 2007), Nr. 27, 4669 + [abstract 161 & CV 165]:
[abstract] <>

: [ford. . . , bev. . . , tud. szerk. . . ] in e (. , 30 1 ) . . o, I (: 2011), 1426:


Heuristic Value of the Axiomatic Model in Law in Auf dem Weg zur Idee der Gerechtigkeit Gedenkschrift fr Ilmar Tammelo, hrsg. mit Raimund Jakob, Lothar Philipps, Erich Schweighofer (Mnster, etc.: Lit Verlag 2009), 119126 [Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft Rechtswissenschaft 3]:
< %22hans+kelsens+rechtsanwendungslehre %22&source=bl&ots=sv4iM8xuzY&sig=w341Sf2APsRqZbX3MBVIXvWot1A&hl=hu&ei=CJZJTanmFof6 sgbJmqi1Dw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CGcQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=varga %20%22hans%20kelsens%20rechtsanwendungslehre%22&f=false>

The Quest for Formalism in Law: Ideals of Systemicity and Axiomatisability between Utopianism and Heuristic Assertion Acta Juridica Hungarica 50 (2009) 1, 130:

Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and the Future of Theoretical Legal Thought Acta Juridica Hungarica 50 (2009) 3, 237252

Legal Theorising An Unrecognised Need for Practicing the European Law Acta Juridica Hungarica 50 (2009) 4, 415458:
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The Philosophy of Teaching Legal Philosophy in Hungary Iustum Aequum Salutare 5 (2009) 2, 165184:

An Investigation into the Nature of the Judicial Process in Auf dem Weg zur Idee der Gerechtigkeit Gedenkschrift fr Ilmar Tammelo, hrsg. Raimund Jakob, Lothar Philipps, Erich Schweighofer & Csaba Varga (Mnster, etc.: LIT Verlag 2009), 177184 [Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft Rechtswissenschaft 3]:
[abstract] <>

Teoria del diritto etnografia giuridica, o i frutti teoretici delle ricerche che sfociano in direzioni popolari Sociologia del Diritto [Milano], XXXVII (2010) 1, 222223:
[abstract] < %20PDF&lingua=it>

Coming to Terms with the Past under the Rule of Law: Principles and Constitutional Assessments (A Case-study of Hungary) in Gerechtigkeit Theorie und Praxis / Justice Theory and Practice, hrsg. Shing-I Liu & Ulfried Neumann (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2011), 215235:
[abstract] <>

Law, Understanding of Law, Application of Law Acta Juridica Hungarica 51 (2010) 2, 20 32:

Taxonomy of Law and Legal Mapping: Patterns and Limits of the Classification of Legal Systems Acta Juridica Hungarica 51 (2010) 4, 253272:

Theatrum legale mundi On Legal Systems Classified The Romanian Journal of Comparative Law I (2010) 1, 105133
[abstract] <>

[with Mt Paksy] Ideas of Natural Law in Hungary, Past and Present Jura [Pcs] 16 (2010) 2, 155164:

Literature? In Substitution for Legal Philosophy? (Variations to and Uses of Law and Literature) Acta Juridica Hungarica 52 (2011) 3, 207219:

Changes in the Understanding of Law (The Last Decades of Legal Philosophising in Hungary) Iustum Aequum Salutare VII (2011) 3, 177178
[abstract:] <>

The Frameworks of an Autonomous Legal Policy Iustum Aequum Salutare VII (2011) 3, 105 110:

Difficulties in Constitutional Transition: Contradictions Built in the Statutory Confirmation of That a Crime has not Passed and/or cannot Ever Pass Statutory Limitations Iustum Aequum Salutare VII (2011) 4,193:
[abstract:] <>

: , [interview by ] in .Ru (1 2011, 22:18):

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Edited texts
Courses in Jurisprudence in Hungary IVR Newsletter (MarchJuly 2007), No. 39, 1217


[on Modernization of Law and Its Codificational Trends in the AfroAsiatic Legal Development (Budapest: Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1976)] Grard Conac in Revue internationale de Droit compar 29 (1977) 4, 861862:

[on Domaine externe et domaine interne en droit [trans. Franois Ost] Revue Interdisciplinaire dtudes Juridiques [Bruxelles] (1985), No. 14, 2543] Franois Ost & Andr-Jean Arnaud Droit et Socit [Paris] (1986), No. 2, 137139 & 139 141:

[on The Place of Law in Lukcs World Concept (Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad 1985)] Christian Atias in Revue internationale de Droit compar XXXVIII (1986) 3, 996997:

[on its 2 [reprint] ed. (Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad 1998)] Acta Juridica Hungarica 42 (2001) 12, 127131:


[on Domaine externe et domaine interne en droit Revue Interdisciplinaire dtudes Juridiques (1985), No. 14, 2543] Franois Ost & Andr-Jean Arnaud Droit et Socit [Paris] (1986), No. 2, 137139 & 139 141:

[on Codification as a Socio-historical Phenomenon (Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad 1991)] International Review of Social History 38 (1993) 2:

Denis Tallon in Revue internationale de Droit compar 44 (1992) 3, 740741:


[on Theory of the Judicial Process The Establishment of Facts (Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad 1995)] Laurence Dumoulin in Droit et Socit (1997), No. 35, 225228:

[on Lectures on the Paradigms of Legal Thinking (Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad 1999)] Acta Juridica Hungarica 42 (2001) 12, 131:

[on A jog trsadalomelmlete fel (Budapest: [Osiris] 1999)] Acta Juridica Hungarica 42 (2001) 34, 273275:
7 (closed on 20 March 2012)

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[on A jog mint folyamat (Budapest: Osiris 1999)] Acta Juridica Hungarica 42 (2001) 34, 275277:

[on Jogllami? tmenetnk? (Pomz: Krter 2007) 241]: Pter Techet Rechtsstaatliche Uchronie? Kritische Bemerkungen ber das rechsstaatliche Ungarn nach dem Koncept von Csaba Varga Iustum Aequum Salutare IV (2008) 3, 284286

[on Jogrendszerek, jogi gondolkodsmdok az eurpai egysgesls perspektvjban (Magyar krkp eurpai unis sszefggsben) (Budapest: Szent Istvn Trsulat 2009)] Ferenc Szilgyi in Zeitschrift fr ffentliches Recht 64 (2009) 3, 369370:

[on co-comp. A Readers Guide to The New Hungarian Quarterly A Complete Analytical Index: Nos. 175, 19601979 (Budapest: The New Hungarian Quarterly 1979) 118 Vilmos Voigt in Hungarian Studies I (1985) 1, 152

[on ed. Comparative Legal Cultures (Aldershot, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney: Dartmouth & New York: The New York University Press 1992)] American Society of International Law Readers Corner 4:

[on co-ed. with Volkmar Gessner & Armin Hoeland European Legal Cultures (Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney: Dartmouth 1996)] Mary L. Volcansek in LPBR [Law & Politics Book Review: An Electronic Journal published by The Law & Courts Section of the American Political Science Association] 8 (May 1998) 5, 235:

Peer Zumbansen Semantics of European Law in European Law Journal 5 (1999) 2, 114 120 & in Essay Reviews 04:

Kerstin Strick in European Law Journal 5 (1999) 2, 212213:


Ntri Tams A jogi nyelv sszehasonlt elemzse Jogelmleti Szemle 2001/2:


[on : , [interview by ] in .Ru (1 2011, 22:18)]


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