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Manifestation: How It Works If you had the ability to manifest anything you wanted, what would you want

the most? As a warm-up exercise, make a list of all the things youve ever wanted. Once your power to manifest is rejuvenated, everything you have EVER wanted will naturally be at your disposal. To make yourself accustomed to manifestation, you can start with a Morning Manifestation Routine. This is a series of body movements that brings a sense of elation to ones mind. When thoughts are inclined towards positivity, one feels a sense of domination and the results can be surprising. Manifesting is an innate ability, inculcated in the mind from the moment we enter this world. The mind sends out vibes to objects and ideas which we focus upon, eventually leading to manifestation of that thought. Whatever our mind processes, be our deepest thoughts, emotions and daily behavior; our actions become such that we are attracted to that thought and hence alters our daily energy patterns and their direction. Manifestation is a primal discipline, dating back to a thousand years. It allows us to open our minds to a surge of new ideas, thoughts and emotions. One of the main reasons that people today feel dejected is that the mind tends to follow the norms of society, dominated by conservative thought processes. Hence our ability to manifest and deviate from these norms is latent, waiting for that vibe to strike through your mind and bring about a change. The simplest example is that of a radio tower; it sends out signals of a certain frequency, which are received and the signal returned with a different message, albeit the same frequency. In real life, you are the radio tower; the vibes you emit are the signals which are received by the universe. It is this chain of thought, positive or negative, which directs our actions; the results of which can be observed by us as the fruit of our actions. Some contemporary institutions have interpreted manifestation in a negative manner. They suggest that the Law of Attraction states that our behavior is governed by our chain of thought; both consciously and unconsciously. It also claims that by directing your focus onto any object/idea that you may not desire might reap undesirable results, such as directing you to a situation which you were trying to avoid. Some medical authorities have even interpreted this to cause arousal of a blame-the-victim disposition, which may have repercussions for mentally unstable people. It is agreeable to a certain point that this disposition can equally agitate and induce self-guilt among both mentally stable and unstable persons. But this is like suggesting that a baby is born defected as repentance for bad deeds committed in a past life; hence the irrationality of this argument is made evident to all institutions. An ideology Cosmic Ordering is based on the Law of Attraction, constituted on the belief that people can interact with forces of nature and turn their subconscious desires to reality. But using cosmic ordering to distort the core of manifestation is like an artist smearing a Picasso canvas with black paint! It is guaranteed that we manifest those ideas which have our undivided emotional and spiritual attention. Starting with small ideas, we can make our body and mind capable of emitting stronger vibes, which bring positivity and success in our social and behavioral aspects of life. In this world inflicted by negative situations, our minds need a booster to deviate and direct our thoughts towards the positive aspect of things. By practicing a daily manifestation routine, you can make your mind comply with obtaining your hearts innermost aspirations and break free of all the shackles of conservative ideas.

You must be curious to know the answer to the golden question: How to eliminate negative chain of thoughts from your mind? When your intuition is directed at a higher energy, the mind unleashes its full potential and eliminates all excess thoughts, your reason of existence is shown to you and your mind starts planning the series of steps which youll need to achieve your ultimate goal. What is a manifesting vibration?

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