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S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No.

S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

Transforming invading plants into fuel pellets in Ross-Bethio (Senegal)

Amadou Oury Ba1, Ndiogou Diongue1, Abdoulaye Fall1, Mamadou Aly Sow1 , Benoit Courteau2 et Djibril Diao3

Abstract - This article deals with an integrated project that produces fuel
pellets, bio-compost and bio-fuel. Such a study is done by S3IC and its partners in Ross-Bethio, Senegal. This first stage of this project financed by the World Bank as Development Market Place 2006 (DM 2006), is about transforming invading plants (Salvinia Molesta, Typha, Khaye) on the banks of Senegal River into fuel pellets for the rural population use in meal cooking. First of all, the article introduces the issue of the initial project and presents the production line (composed of tools used to cut plants, a pellet press, a bio-fuel engine and a shredder) designed by the project team to produce those fuel pellets. Then, the article displays the vision and the implementation of this integrated project from the experimental stage of the unit to its profitable trading stage and throughout its transitional stage, which is necessary to the accomplishment of fundamental conditions. The authors end up the article by presenting the main social, economic and environmental advantages of the products (fuel pellets, edible pellets, biocompost, bio-fuel), that will be gained from the future integrated sale business with social advantages.

a) - Salvinia Molesta

b) - Typha Australis

Index terms - Salvinia Molesta, Typha Australis, Khaye, Jatropha, carcus, fuel pellets, edible pellets, bio-compost, bio-fuel, grapnel, pellet press, shredder, bio-fuel engine, etc. c) Invaded irrigation canals

1 - INTRODUCTION JADE project (or DM 2006 Project 1075 of Development Market Place) of the World Bank which was initially meant to transform Salvinia Molesta (or water Hyacinth) into ecological fuel became along its process a project oriented towards valorizing invading plants and agriculture residues. This experimental stage of the project is managed by S3IC1 in collaboration with Ecoindutrielle2 its Canadian partner, and ASESCAW3, its Senegalese partner. So, the project targets an area around the Senegal River (initially around Ross-Bethio), a place overwhelmed for many years by aquatic plants (Salvinia Typha, Khaye, and others) (cf. figure1.1) that prevent livestock from drinking, and fishermen from working properly. All this contributes to the degradation of water quality of the river and the blockage of the soil and draining system.

Figure 1.1: Invading plants in canals and/or streams of water

2 - INTRODUCTION OF THE PILOT PRODUCTION UNIT The objective of this pilot phase of the JADE project is to transform invading aquatic plants in the valley of Senegal River into compost and fuel pellets for domestic cooking. The production of cooking pellets is made from a mechanical equipment (fig.2.2) which is a set composed of a shredder and a rotary pellet press (PP) driven by a Jatropha (Kdy or tabanani) oil engine. Therefore, we intend to grove a few acres of this plant in the project frame work (cf. fig.5.1). Before taking them to PP, the invading plants are previously shredded; the obtained flour is put in a sieve (which will be later on replaced by a grindstone) so as to retain the biggest particles. The finest particles are then mixed up with water and this aqueous mixture will be introduced in the PP to produce fuel pellets by extrusion.

1 - S3IC : Socit Sngalaise des Scientifiques et Ingnieurs au Canada, 8243, Rue St-Denis, Montral (Qc), Canada, H2P 2G7. 2 - EcoIndustrielle : Une Division de Mcanique Industrielle, 569-F Boul. Lionel Boulet, Varennes (Qc), Canada, J3X 1P7 3 - ASESCAW : Amicale Socio-conomique Sportive et Culturelle des Agriculteurs du Walo, B.P. 09, Ross-Bthio, Sngal.

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

2.1- Tools used to cut the invading plants In their first proposal to the World Bank, the authors were supposed to use the grapnel to clean stream borders and irrigation canals in the valley of the Senegalese River. However, if the grapnel is useful to pull Salvinia Molesta, it has revealed itself not efficient enough against Typha or Khaye which are deep rooted plants in water. Against the latter plants, the authors have used scythes and sickles which were more efficient. In that respect, CSS (Senegalese Sugar Company) planting many acres of sugar cane, uses focardeuse machine to cut and clean stream borders and irrigation canals. Photos in Fig.2.1 show grapnels in action. 2.2 - Components of the chain of the unit production As mentioned, one of the goals of the project is to transform environmental waste of invading aquatic plants into fuel for domestic cooking. In that respect, it was necessary to dry, crush, grind up, optimize parameters (optimum composition of the initial mixture, size of the pellet, humidity, etc.), and extrude the vegetal matter to make fuel pellets. The sun dries it, a shredder cuts it into thin particles, a spraying system is used as humidifyer and the rotary press works continuously to produce pellets. The Pellet Press (PP) is made of a series of pierced plates turning around a compressed wheel that forcefully drives the vegetal matter, inserted into a silo, through holes. The whole system turns slowly (35 to 40 rpm) and needs less energy compared to the hydraulic system. The whole set is 1.5m x 1.5m x 0.5m of volume and 350 Kg of mass. The PP operates on the principle of extrusion which requires 10 metric tons force to put participles together in such a way to produce a cylinder of 6 mm of diameter. The PP is a machine which operates continuously (cf. fig.2.2a).
c)- Main components of the unit

a) A view of the Grapnel

b) - Grapnel in use

Figure 2.1: Grapnel in use within a Salvinia environment

a) - Pellet Press (PP)

b) - Shredder for dry vegetal matters

The Bio-fuel engine - the PP is driven by a 20 horsepower (hp) diesel engine; half of this power is used to turn on other components such as the shredder or generator. The diesel engine operates on our own bio-fuel. We are completing a method to make sure of the reliability on the way the diesel engine operates (fig 2.2c, in red). The shredder- is a rotary device with hammers which requires less than 5 hp in order to operate. The equipment is composed of a clutch and different internal sieves with (2mm, 3mm and 4mm wide) allowing different sizes in grind. The raw material is introduced through the happer, it is shredded and ground up by the hammers speeding at 4000 rpm, it is roughly sieved and then driven out and put in a bag (see fig. 2.2b). Sieve versus grindstone - Now, we are using a sieve to obtain thin particles, necessary to produce pellets. However, in case of ultra thin grind, it would be possible to think about adding a grindstone in order to transform thin particles into flour. The principle this grindstone is operating is similar to the system that helps transform grains into flour.

Figure 2.2: Components of the pellet production unit

2.3 - Operating the production chain Once harvested either by grapnel or by scythe, plants are dried on the spot and roughly cut into 1.5m pieces in size so as to handle them easily. Stems are then mechanically shredded and manually sieved to get the size of the pellets as specified previously. The grind matter is thus weight and spread on a plastic sheet. It is sprayed with a known volume of water in order to get the right humidity content to make pellets. The whole grind is covered for a while to allow water to soak in (cf. photos of fig.2.3). Then, the humidified grind is put in the supply silo of the press. The compressed grind is driven into the plate holes and becomes a cylinder of 6mm in diameter which falls off when it reaches 5 cm in length. The output is collected under the PP machine, and then dried in order to restore the humidity content it requires to burn. So, pellets are ready to be used (cf. fig. 2.4).

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

3.1 The main work done on site Also, at the Ross Bethio site (in Senegal) the project team achieved the main work as shown below: -to install and adjust the machines and operate the experimental unit (pellet press, engine, shredder); -to produce a sample of pellets whose calorific power is close to that of charcoal (determining the optimum composition of the initial mixture and making the necessary adjustments in order to get the appropriate torques and speed); -to perform principal technical tests on pellets (i.e. characteristic, toxicity and combustion or water boiling tests, WB/1985); -to have social acceptance tests, evaluate them and write them down on a report; -to produce a sufficient quantity of pellets for sale; -2 persons will be given complete training to take over and run the experimental unit (operation, maintenance and repairing as well as producing pellets); -to hire 3 persons (1 accountant and 2 retailers) to sell pellets in the store of the local partner (ASESCAW); -and finally to write down a business plan, for the project follow up. Moreover, during the accomplishment of the tasks mentioned above, the project team :
a)- Some Samples b)- Other samples of pellets

a) - Shredding Typha stems

b) A secondary sieving stage

c) - Grinded Typha

d) Humidifying the matter

Figure 2.3 : Making the raw material

- was able to experiment and successfully produce biocompost (natural fertilizers) from those very aquatic plants; - initiated Jatropha (Kidy/Tabanani) planting over a few acres of land. The Jatropha oil (made of its seeds) will be used as fuel for the engine in use (cf. figure 5.1).

c) - Adjusting takings

d) Pellet samples (500 g)

3.2 - The results of the technical tests

Figure 2.4 : Sizes of fuel pellets

3.2.1 - The calorific power of the pellets 3 - TECHNICAL RESULTS AND NEW PERPECTIVES Initially, the project was supposed to use 2 well tested technologies (i.e., a floating grapnel and a manual pellet press) to produce fuel pellets. The initial goal of the project was to stop the Salvina molesta invasion over the river banks [1]. Then, the project has been transformed into a global intervention of biomass enhancement for the Typha australis (estimated around 200,000 tons per year) which is an ongoing flail in the delta of the Senegal river. Therefore, a production unit has been implemented to produce fuel pellets. The unit was composed of a rotary pellet press driven by a diesel engine running on biofuel and a shredder for dry material. Since the particles coming out of the shredder were big enough, the use of a sieve was necessary for the time being as the required improvement will be made to the device later on. The calorific power is a measurement of the quantity of energy by the combustion of solid or liquid sample. It is an essential measurement to determine the energy efficiency of a sample. Method used - The characterisation tests for the pellet calorific power were carried out by the Centre de Transfert de Techonologique en Ecologie Industrielle (CTTEI) in Tracy (Qc) according to the MA.108-P.Cal.1.1 method of Centre dExpertise en Analyse Environnementale du Quebec (CEAEQ). This method is itself derived from the D240 method by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) called Heat of combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuels by bomb calorimeter.

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

The method principle- According to the MA. 108 method, the calorific power is determined by burning a known quantity of a pellet sample in the calorimeter bomb containing an excess of oxygen under pressure. It is thus determined from the temperature variation read during the sample combustion. The application framework of this method concerns samples whose calorific power is between the range of 0.64 to 1000 MJ/Kg. (For example in Quebec, waste oil or other matters can be used for energy purposes if their calorific power is at least 18.5 MJ/Kg). Appendix 1 describes the device and/or the instruments used and presents the main equations in determining the pellet calorific power. After tests have been carried out on 3 samples of pellets by CTTEI [8], the results show that the mean value of calorific power of the pellets produced at Ross-Bethio is 15,250.88 [KJ/Kg] with a standard deviation of 463.72. As a matter of comparison, table 3.2 shows data representing the calorific power of some fuels.

3.2.2 - Water boiling tests using pellets Water boiling tests in relationship to pellets are about determining the amount of time it takes for some quantity of water to boil from room temperature to the boiling point of 100 deg Celsius when it is heated by fuel pellets. These tests could thus complement those used to determine the pellets calorific power. Within the frame work of this project, a major goal would be to perform comparative boiling tests between pellets and charcoal on the one hand and in the other hand to do boiling tests on pellets only using two types of cooking stoves: the ordinary cooking stove and the Sakanal or economic cooking stove as shown in the pictures (in Fig. 3.1).

Table 3.1: Test results on the calorific power of cooking fuel pellets [8]

a) - Regular stove

b) - Sakanal or economic stove

Figure 3.1: Water boiling tests

Calorific power [ Btu/lb ] 6 551.89 6 765.04 6 366.37

Calorific power [ kJ/kg ] 15 229.47 15 724.93 14 798.24

Calorific power [ kJ/kg ] 15 250.88

Standard Deviation [kJ/kg ] 463.72

3.2.3 - Toxicity tests on fuel pellets The toxicity tests on pellets are a pre-requisite before putting pellets in the market as well as any home use to cook meals. We are currently looking for laboratories which are likely performing such tests. Most of the companies we have encountered in Quebec are only doing toxicity tests with regard to products related to aeronautics or Aerospatial machines (planes, etc.). However, considering the origin of the pellets, most laboratories maintain that the combustion of such pellets should not produce toxic gas which is harmful to peoples health. However, scientific requirement and social responsibility urge us to conduct toxicity tests so as to maintain scientifically that the pellets are harmless and not toxic.

Pellet 1 Pellet 2 Pellet 3

Table 3.2 : Calorific power from some fuels [ Source : Wikipedia ]

Fuel Hydrogen Gazoline Gazoil Ethanol Propane Butane Charcoal Wood Calorific power mean [ MJ/kg ] [ kJ/L ] [ Btu/lb ] 141.79 12.75 61 000 47.3 35 475 20 400 44.8 38 080 19 300 29.7 21 300 12 800 50.35 ----49.51 --20 900 15-27 --(8-14).103 15 --6 500 [kJ/mol ] 286 ----1 300 2 219 2 800 -----

3.2.4 - Characterization tests on bio-compost Characterization tests on the main chemical elements of the bio-compost have been performed by S.M. Inc. laboratories in Varennes (QC.) which delivered an analysis certificate [9] (see table 3.3). The tests have also been done by the chemical lab of the Food Services in the Senegalese Institute for Agriculture Research (ISRA, Senegal) which has written an analysis report for that purpose [10] (see table 3.4).

Let us notice that the calorific power (of 15, 251 kJ/kg) of the pellet fuel produced by the project is lower than the calorific power of the charcoal. It would require a further analysis since the projects goal is to exceed the value of 17,000 kJ/kg published by some references, in order to be in strategic position in term of energy, compared to the charcoal which is the main rival of pellets as a domestic fuel.

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

Table 3.3: Test results for bio-compost characterization (S.M. Inc.) [9]
Humidity ( %) from crude (60 deg C) Organic matter per burning Mineral matter Carbon Total Nitrogen Kjeldahl Ratio C/N Total phospharus Potassium (K) pH

3.3 - Social acceptance tests of the pellets The project team in Ross Bethio, the pellet production site, has done cooking tests using different types of stoves (classical stove and Sakanal/economic stove) (see pictures in Fig 3.3).

20.0 ----4120 24 1960 2830 7.50

[ %p/ p]

[ mg / kg ] [mg / kg m.s.] [ mg /kg ]]

Table 3.4 : Tests results for bio-compost caractrisation from ISRA [10]
Elements Humidity ( %) from crude ( 60 deg C) Organic matter Mineral matter Carbon Total Nitrogen Ratio C/N Phosphorus Potassium (K) pH Quantity 7.60 --79.51 8.52 0.79 --0.03 0.35 7.40 Unity P.c.d.p

Figure 3.3 : Social acceptance tests During those on-site cooking tests, the team has neither felt nor detected the presence of any toxic gas. It has been however considered wiser to have the toxicity tests performed by a lab before starting the acceptance tests for which the post- test polling document has already been written down. 3.4 - New perspectives During the production period of the fuel pellets, the team has mainly discovered a multitude of avenues in revalorizing the Typha autralisis plant which were unknown to them in the beginning of the project. Thus, the team has: i)-successfully mastered the way of using bio-fuel (i.e. finding the right ratio Jatropha oil/ gasoline as well as adjusting the engine) in order to operate the equipments; ii) - been able to produce an excellent bio-compost from invading local plants; this allows people to double their yielding product (in that respect, the team has already had several thousand metric tons of bio-compost in demand requested by the Senegalese Ministry of Environment and Eaux et Foret Services for the Niayes region); iii) - succeeded to produce flour from thypha roots and make bread for animal feeding as well as for people to eat. There was already a plan to produce food for livestock from theses implemented procedures; iv) - finally, it has been planned to produce food for livestock from those procedures already initiated by adding agriculture residues as raw materials.

P.c.d.p: Percentage content in dry product

a) - Making Bio-compost

b) View of the Bio-compost

Figure 3.2 : The project Promissing product - Bio-compost

It is well known that the consumption of organic carbon by micro-flora releases a large amount of CO2, and yet, the progressive decrease in carbon content within a place is the result of noticeable decrease in terms of C/N relationship (that is inferior to 15) leads to nitrogen losses while a high C/N slows down decomposition. According to the fermentation degree of the carbon that constitutes its residue, we will consider a C/N relationship from 20 to 40 at the end of maturation as favourable. However, many specialists consider the ratio between 15 and 30 as the ideal one that is a C/N which corresponds to our bio-compost produced in Ross Bethio. Finally, let us point out again that both analyses got a pH value of bio-compost that equals 7.5; such a pH value still proves it is a very good quality compost.

Figure 3.4 : Bread made of Typha roots

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

4 - THE PROJECT VIEW IN THE FUTURE 4.1 - The Conditions for running a profitable business A transition phase is necessary to put into place preconditions in terms of operation as well as technical and economic aspects since the JADE project (or DM 2006 Project 1075) could not go directly from a production experiment phase to a profitably run sale business phase during which that business would produce other products such as food for livestock, bio-compost and bio-fuel. Also, during this transition phase a G.I.E business model will be created whereas a S.A.R.L or S.A business incorporated type [5, 6] will operate during the phase of full sale business exploitation as planned in the project global vision (see Fig 4.1).

4.1.1 - Operating conditions A reliable supply in raw materials The first element among operating conditions of a profitable industrial business is to organize a reliable network of supply in raw materials. Also, the main stake after the availability of plants (thypha, khaye, salvinia, etc.) would be to establish a collection system that would ensure a reliable and steady supply all year long. A network of regular suppliers in all invading plants should be put into place and find, in collaboration with the Eaux et Forets Services, safe methods of collection from an agriculture stand point so as to promote an ecosystem restoration that is favourable to fish, birds, and animals. A sound network of business distribution and sale - In order to be a viable one, any company must have a sound business network of supply and sale. It would be also important to set up such a network in a way that suppliers would be able to put the vegetal pellets produced by the company in most of the shops as well as the stocking places for charcoal. For example the groups of women who are currently in charge of charcoal supply could constitute a starting network in receiving the pellets. 4.1.2 - Technical conditions An available bio-fuel- The use of an engine running on biofuel is one of the conditions for the project to be profitable economically and to be acceptable ecologically. However, there is not yet an organized production unit using oil in Senegal, despite the existing PROGEDE project own by the government which has already provided acres of land in order to plant Jatropha carcus. That is the reason why since its experimental phase, the JADE project has managed to create a nursery of plants and to start planting them (see Fig. 5.1). Since the plant only yields its seeds after a two year period of existence, the issue of mechanically transforming grains in cooking oil ought to be solved. For the time being, one of rare source of supply in Jatropha oil is a traditional method of production. It would be therefore necessary to think about a supply channel from neighbouring countries such Niger, and mainly Mali which is in advance in the growing of the plant. A technical capacity to produce pellets continuously- The current level in the technical capacity for the experimental production must be reinforced if we want to reach the phase of a profitable business production. In that respect, significant improvements and technical tests must be performed in order to go from an experimental run business to a profitable business. All these improvements should take place during the transition phase.

Figure 4.1: Vision of the implementation of the sale unit

Therefore, this sale production unit could very soon become an integrated company type whose products would be profitable from social, economic and environmental stand points.

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

4.1.3 - Economic conditions Here, we are presenting concisely our estimation on the economic profitability of the new enterprise whose main product would be fuel pellets, pellets to feed livestock, biofuel, and biocompost. According to our estimation, the biocompost would generate cash flow after the business had run for a three months period only. Moreover, its low cost production makes the biocompost a very profitable product. As for biofuel, its sale price would be higher during the first two years. However its price would be as competitive as the gasoline price right at the third year. Also our long term projection becomes very interesting mainly because of the tendency of the gasoline price to go up. When compared to charcoal, the use of pellets for fuel would not be profitable during the first three years (except if the unavailability of charcoal raw material is taken into account). So, the lack of profitability of pellets during the three years would be compensated by profits made by other products. However if the pellets are finally used to feed livestock they would become economically competitive thanks to their low cost of production (less constraints in the production process makes the raw material available). . 4.2 - Objectives of transition and sale phases 4.2.1 - Objectives of the transition phase Before getting to a sale business company, the main objectives mentioned below should be achieved, these are: - to establish a reliable network supply in aquatic plants (Salvinia, typha, khaye, etc.) that is secure and ecological; - to find a secure and definitive solution to the issue of biofuel supply; - to guarantee a capability in continuously producing the required quantity of pellets that is necessary to the level of a profitable sale business; - to finalize the technical tests of characterization of the pellets - to write down ways and procedures of how to make raw material and the production of pellets with a strong calorific power; - to write a guide for the use, maintenance, and the making of the different components of a production unit; - to introduce and develop constituents of pellets production for food, of biocompost and biofuel; - to develop an improve stove for the combustion of pellets - to conceive and test the implementation of a strategy to market with a supply network located throughout the pilot regions; - to write down contract documents and have them signed up between different partners of the different phases of the integrated project; - to put into place the management board and find funding for the future sale enterprise unit.

4.2.2 - Objectives for running a sale business The vision of the phase about running a sale business is presented below. A profitable company should take over after the transition phase. Such a profitable company should be beneficial socially, that is to say: - to make products which are likely to satisfy the real needs of the local population - to offer products made by / with the local population and which have not any negative impact on the environment - to be profitable to the local population from an economic stand point. 5 - SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 5.1 - Fuel pellets and food for livestock The use of pellet as domestic fuel instead of charcoal contribute first to stopping the desert progress, thus saving trees from being used as raw material in the production of charcoal. While insuring the cleaning of the river banks (better water quality, good irrigation, ecosystems more favourable to birds, fish, and animals), the production of pellets contributes to the ecological valorisation of biomass into fuel whose combustion would be less harmful than that of charcoal. Meanwhile, this use of pellets reduces the dependency on energy for people in the region thanks to pellets and biofuel made of jatropha oil. Finally, agriculture residues are in other respect used to produce feeding pellets for livestock, this generates employment and revenues for local people in addition to providing food for livestock. 5.2 - Bio-compost Using biocompost, a natural fertilizer, allows the reduction of harmful effects of the chemical fertilizer such as the pollution of lands and waters. Meanwhile, the biocompost would improve yielding in such a way to increase peoples satisfaction in terms of food. Finally, the easy way of producing such a type of fertilizer and its low sale price would help local people make savings. 5.3 - Biofuel and planting Jatropha Planting Jatropha carcus was launched by the PROGEDE project in Senegal over an area of 25 hectares in 2003. There was an extension over 100 hectares in 2005-2006 in partnership with the World Bank through its program of promoting re-newable energies. Biofuel production as well as Jatropha planting from which it derives would not only stop land erosion and the deforestation of regions, but they would also participate to promoting rural women. As re-newable sources of energy, they would thus contribute to the development of rural economy and reduce poverty among the most sensitive population layers. (cf. Appendix 2 dealing in details with some positive aspects from ecology, energy, and economy stand points).

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

The article has finally presented the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the main products of this future enterprise which is integrated, and socially profitable. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Our thanks go first to Global Environment Facility (GEF) and to the World Bank which both financed this project. In particular, we thank Mr O. Ozloo and Mr O. Diop, supervisors of JADE who strongly contributed to the success of this project. Then, we thank all the members of the JADE team as well as the local monitoring committee of the project, the partner in Senegal (ASESCAW), and the industrial partner (Eco Industrielle). We will not forget Mr Levasseur whose machine, the Corncompact, was at the basis of the PP conception. Finally, we thank Dr. M. Sow who translated this paper, the reviewers of this article (Dr. M. Fall, Dr. O. Dioume, and Dr. O. Ciss), all the members of S3IC, its COP, and all those who have contributed to the achievement of this big project.

a) - Jatropha nursery

b) - Jatropha Plantation

c) -

Extracting press

d) Jatropha oil

Figure 5.1 : Jatropha planting and the oil it yields in Ross Bthio

[1] M.A. Ledoux et B. Courteau, Document de Proposition de projet au World Bank Development Market Place, S3IC et EcoIndustrielle 2006. [2] M. A. Ledoux, DM06 Proejct1075 Progress Report No.1, S3IC et EcoIndustrielle, Jan. 24th 2007 [3] M. A. Ledoux, DM06 Proejct1075 Progress Report No.2, S3IC et EcoIndustrielle, Aug. 31 2007 [4] A.O. Ba, N. Diongue, A. Fall, B. Courteau, DM06 Proejct1075 Final , S3IC et EcoIndustrielle, May 26th 2008. [5] A.O. Ba, N. Diongue, A. Fall, B. Courteau, DM06 Proejct1075 Business Plan Final , S3IC et EcoIndustrielle, May, 30, 2008. [6] Document de lAPIX.- Site Web [7] Centre dexpertise en analyse environnementale du Qubec (CEAEQ), Dtermination du pouvoir calorifique : mthode de combustion avec une bombe calorimtrique ( M.A.108.P.Cal.1.1), 2006-09-11. [8] Rene Rossignol, Certificat danalyse de granules combustibles, CTTEI Centre de Transfert Technologique en cologie Industrielle, Tracy (Qc), 12 Aot 2008. [9] Andr Dor et Nader Daoud, Certificat danalyse du Bio-compost, Laboratoires dAnalyses S.M.Inc., Varennes (Qc), 18 Aot 2008. [10] ND. S. Ndiaye, Bulletin danalyse du Bio-compost, Laboratoire de Chimie, Service Alimentation, Institut Sngalais de Recherche Agronomique (ISRA), Dakar, 13 Aot 2008. [11] A. O. Ba, N. Diongue, A. Fall, M. A. Sow, B. Courteau et D. Diao, Transformation des herbes envahissantes en granules combustibles Ross-Bthio (Sngal), Rapport S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001, Montral, Fvrier 2009.

a) - Growing invading plants

b) Raw materials

Figure 5.2: Planting Jatropha and raw materials

6 - CONCLUSION The goal of the JADE project consisted in transforming invading aquatic plants and agricultures residues in the Senegal river region into compost and into fuel pellets for meal cooking. The production of fuel pellets is made from the experimental unit which is composed of a shredder and a rotary pellet press driven by an engine running on Jatropha oil. This ecological project, valorizing biomass into fuel and into compost while ensuring the cleaning of the river banks (better water quality, good irrigation, and ecosystems more favorable to flora, to wildlife and to humans), will in the mean time contribute to the treat-management strategy of invading plants, to fight against deforestation (through Jatropha planting) and mainly to reduce energy dependency of people in the region of Senegal river. According to the vision of the project team, moving from the experimental unit (or the JADE project) to the stage of a profitably run business requires a transition stage (a G.I.E business type) is necessary for the achievement of certain operation conditions as well as technical and economic conditions. That phase of a profitably run business would be done within the framework of a (SA or SARL) company socially profitable and of an integrated type whose main products would be fuel pellets and / or food for livestock, biocompost, biofuel made of Jatropha oil, and electricity produced by Typha pellets or Jatropha biofuel.


S3IC - is a NPO (Non Profit Organization) with its head office in Canada. It is composed of professionals (scientists and engineers) who carry out projects for the benefit of Senegal and Senegalese people in and outside the country EcoIndustrielle - is a division of Industrial Mechanic Company B. Courteau Inc., from Varennes (Qc.), working on the field of industrial ecology. ASESCAW is a Senegalese NGO in charge of the economic cultural and sport improvements of Walo farmers (in the region of the Senegal river valley).

S3IC / JADE Project/ Report S3IC, No. S3IC-2009-001/ Montreal, February 2009

APPENDIX 1 - Determining the Calorific Power Measurement Tools/Instrument The main tools and/or instruments used in this method during the tests are: - 1 calorimetric bomb in 300ml oxygen content; - 1 pressure gauge and holder with a bomb monitor; - 1 bomb support; - 1 fire box; -1 water bath; - 1 gaz : oxygen; -1 oval tank with 2 liter capacity - 1 thermocouple or thermometer that can read temperature variations of 0.02 oC - 1 grip adapted to hold the bomb; - 1 analytical scale of 0.1 mg in sensitivity. Calorific Capacity of the Calorimeter - The calorimetric capacity of the equipment (i.e., the equipment constant) is given by equation (1) (1) H ab g ab W= 1000 (T fo Ti o ) where: W - calorimetric capacity of the calorimeter, in kJ / 0C

APPEDIX 2- Environmental social and economic aspects from exploiting bio-fuel

We are summarizing, below, some positive environmental, social and economic aspects related to exploiting bio-fuel and its raw material, the Jatropha plant.
1) - Re-newable energy: - production of electricity and rural electrification; - Lister engines(running on jatropha oil) are used to drive grain mills and waterpump, etc. - the technology for using natural pure Jatropha oil as substitute for paraffin oil for lamps and cookers is not yet available. 2) Erosion control and soil improvement: - Jatropha living fences not only control unwanted animal access to the fields, but also reduce wind erosion; - the plant roots cause more water to penetrate into the soil and boost harvests; - the press cake which remains after oil extraction by the expellers is a very good organic fertilizer. 3) - Promotion of women: -Rural women, equipped with engine-driven grainmills (by biofuel from Jatropha oil), can see their daily tasks of meal cooking eased. - consequently, those mills have the tendency to lead to some impoverishment of the village because of the cash necessary both to buy and to transport these external resources to the village(such as fuel lubricant, maintenance etc.); -however, the use of jatropha oil locally produced as fuel and lubricant, make it possible to stop the cash outflow from the village. - finally, rural women use jatropha as medicine ( seeds as laxative, the latex stops bleeding and against infections and the leaves against malaria) and for soap production. 4) Reducing poverty: - By promoting the integrated use of the Jatroha plant the Jatropha system can provide direct financial benefits to the rural: - reducing crop losses caused by wandering livestock or wind damage; - increasing rainfall infiltration resulting in less / irrigation water needed for local gardens; -increasing soil fertility by use of presscake as fertilizer; - increasing use of inexpensive local resources rather than expensive external resources; -reducing disputes between farmers and livestock owners regarding crop damage, as well as among farmers themselves regarding the boundaries of their fields; -Providing local jobs, lessening the need for local villagers to migrate to cities to find employment.

H ab - combustion heat of the benzoic acid, equals 26453 [ kJ / kg ]

g ab - weight of the benzoic acid pastille, in g

[ ]

o f

- final temperature of water in the tank after setting fire


Ti - initial temperature of water in the tank before setting fire

o T fo and Ti , in 0C

Oil Calorific factor- The calorific factor of mineral oil is given in relation (2) : 1000 T fo Ti o W (2) HH = gH where: H H - calorific factor of mineral oil, in kJ / kg

o f

- final temperature of water in the tank after setting fire


Ti - initial temperature of water in the tank before setting fire,

o T fo and Ti , in 0C

W - calorific capacity of the calorimeter, in kJ / 0C

g H - oil weight, in [ g ]
Calorific factor of the sample According to this method, the calorific factor (PC) of the hole sample is calculated using relation (3). 1000 (T fo Ti o ) W [ H H a ] (3)
P.C. =

where: P.C. - calorific value, in [ kJ / kg ]

T fo - final temperature of water in the tank after setting fire

Ti o - initial temperature of water in the tank before setting fire,

o T fo and Ti , in 0C - calorific factor of mineral oil, in [ kJ / kg HH

W - calorific capacity of the calorimeter ( equipment constant determined with the benzoic acid ), in kJ / 0C a - the sample weight, in [ g ]
b - oil weight, in [ g ]

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