Revised Script

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Set up Film being made Script: [Film Maker]: Thank you for attending my presentation on physics studios and their effectiveness. This film follows one group of students and shows that by working together they gain a better understanding of the material and are able to finish the class with excellent marks. [Film Maker]: Before we start, Id just like to give an extra thank you to Professor [Tim], I appreciate you coming to watch this film. I know youre a very busy man. {Transition through thought bubble to beginning of filming due to memory jog by zooming in on the meaningful coffee mug?} 2. Introduce Characters: Script: {Zoom our from coffee mug to a medium shot of professors office; back of students head and Tims face} [Professor] Im a very busy man, if you honestly feel the need to sob about your exam grade please have the decency to do it someplace else. But excuse me I have another commitment. {Walking interview of professor moving from office to studio filled with students.} [Professor] I swear the kids here whine more and more each year. Its completely unacceptable that someone of my stature is forced to deal with them! I have selected a very well balanced group for your documentary. *Does something subtly mean to random student* [Professor] This is (Levi), the school views him as a prodigy student so I suppose he might have potential. I couldnt tell you for sure as Ive never actually spoken with him... on principle I dont even make eye contact with undergrads. [Professor] This is (Kristin). She is an hard working student who Im sure will one day engineer a great sandwich for some lucky man. [Professor] This is (Luke) one of my more experienced students as he has taken this course more times than I have overseen it. *Aside* Quite honestly he is a waste of our schools time and his parents money but he might be an interesting character for your little project. [Professor] Anyways as I said earlier, I am a very busy man and really am just a figurehead for this institution. So if you have any questions direct them to the TA and refrain from bothering me. Ive told (Luke) here that enough times right? {Extreme close up on (Luke) looking into the camera showing his lack of confidence and self-esteem. Transition into interview} [(Luke)] Witty comeback. This is the final semester of my senior year and the seventh semester of this awesome class. If I dont pass this class this semester...... then.... well..... 8 is only one more than 7. Cut to TA handing out graded papers, (Levi) has a 100 and knows it... takes paper and shoves it in backpack without looking but audience sees it. (Kristin) has a 90, takes paper and starts looking it over to see mistakes. (Luke) has a terrible grade, he looks at the grade and then pushes it away. (Kristin) notices that he hasnt done well. [(Luke)] Well, grades like that are what I keep this for. *pulls out flask and tries to take a swig* [(Kristin)] Come on Luke you cant drink that in the middle of class *takes it away* [(Kristin)] Hey (Luke) how about we all meet up later tonight and study this new material? [(Luke)] Well I dont have any plans tonight so why not. [(Kristin)] Great Im sure if we work on this together youll get it in no time!

[(Luke)] Yup {Interview shot of (Kristin)} [(Kristin)] We have a very diverse group here. (Levi) gets 100% on his assignments but he is quite possibly the laziest person Ive ever met. (Luke) is a nice guy and Im sure that with a little help and some hard studying he can get out of this class with a C... I know Levi isnt going to help us study so I guess Ill just have to be the nice guy like always *sigh*....Personally I just want to get out of this class with a B and Ill be happy. {Cut to group scene} [(Kristin)] So (Levi)..... Will you be going to our study session? [(Levi)] Will I go?..... {Interview with (Levi)} [{Levi}] I dont have time for parties, and females, let alone a study session with two dimwits. But time for watching (Luke) fail for his seventh time....... [(Levi)] ....Yes. Bell rings, end of scene 3. Party Scene Script: {Establishing shot of (Kristin) and (Levi) walking up to a house with an obvious party going on. There are people passed out on front lawn that they step over.} {Continuous medium shot walking through front door, down stairs, camera sweeps over to (Luke) playing beer pong and trying to talk over the music while pointing into the office. This is inaudible to the viewer (Kristin) and (Levi) go into office.} [(Luke)] Ill be right over after this game! {Interview with (Luke)} [(Luke)]Yeah I knew I was having a party/small get together tonight, but when am I not? {Quick shots of ball going into cups, switch over to (Levi) and (Kristin).} [(Kristin)] So how is your day going [(Levi)] ... {Beer pong shot} [(Kristin)] So are you ready to study? [(Levi)] ... [(Kristin)] Sorry I didnt realize how opposed to conversation you were {Beer pong shot} {Interview with (Levi) that zooms out to a two shot interview} I cant believe I am wasting my night away sitting here waiting for that insufferable slacker with this annoying do-gooder. Am I opposed to conversation? No, just small conversation with small minds Zoom out to show (Kristin) looking incredibly offended/surprised {Cut to (Luke) stumbling in, collapses into chair} [(Luke)] I swear to drunk Im not studying [(Kristin)] So how was beer pong? Did you win?

[(Luke)] Yeah of course! Beer pong is easy, you just need to generalize your coordinate system and analyze your Hamiltonian and then the odds are all on the house. [(Levi)] *Sarcastically* Hamiltonian mechanics, impressive. Who doesnt know that? [(Kristin)] Um... me? But anyway lets get started... {Time lapse scene, cut back between doing physics problems and party, playing music over everything} {(Levi)} interrupts slacker and music} [(Levi)] You calculated your force of friction incorrectly. The real answer is 12.87. [(Luke)] Except for the fact that the force of friction cant be more than the applied force. so no my answer is correct. [(Kristin)] Wow, it looks like the school prodigy just got beat by the small mind of an insufferable slacker (Levi) looks offended 4. Conflicting Realizations Script: [(Kristin)] (Luke) are you feeling alright after that long night of drinking? [(Luke)] Im good. Over my years of drinking I have developed the perfect hangover cure {Cut to ridiculous cure: fruit smoothie with lots of alcohol added (huge bottle of svedka)} [(Kristin)] Oh hey this is the same type of question as last night... (Luke) how do you start this off again? [(Luke)] I dont know... why are you asking me? [(Levi)] I knew it! Obviously last night was a fluke [(Kristin)] It couldnt have been a fluke! What was different last night? [(Luke)] I dont remember I was so drunk that the whole night is kind of a blur. [(Levi)] *Sarcastic* Well maybe your just smart when youre plastered [(Kristin)] That must be it! Youre a drunken genius! [(Luke)] Oh come on thats ridiculous [(Kristin)] Thats the only explanation! Here Ill prove it. The quiz is in 5 minutes... Do you still have that flask? Quick take a shot! {Cut to professor interview} [(Professor)] Ive generally stopped grading (Lukes) homework. I always just assume that he got it all wrong and give him a high F for effort. Its not really that big of a deal though. If he wants a good grade then all he has to do is ace the final which is worth 50% of your grade 5. Develop Smart student/Average student conflict: Script: [(Kristin)] So (Luke) did really well on his quiz because he was drunk. Ive been trying to convince him to get drunk for the final but he keeps refusing. (Show scene) I guess Im going to have to go with my backup plan. (Scene: Moonshine deal with redneck). (Luke) is going to be drunk for this final. {Interview with (Levi)} [(Levi)] Am I worried that (Luke) will beat me on the final exam? No. He isnt a real genius and Im going to prove it by exposing him for the drunkard he really is. And yes I may have given him some false information about physics (Show (Levi) pretending to help (Luke) studying by telling him something completely wrong) but if he was a real genius he would know. Possible Montage with Team America? (Luke) not putting vodka in his smoothie, studying, going to the library, talking with TAs, (Levi) pretending to help him, (Kristin) putting moonshine into energy shots.

6. Day of Final Exam Script: [(Kristin)] Hey (Luke) I know you dont want to drink any alcohol before the test, so I got us all some energy shots instead! [Luke)] Great thanks! *(Levi) knows theres alcohol in them, so they have a mad switching session while (Luke) isnt paying attention* [(Luke)] Alright bottoms up! Cut to scene of students taking test, then to professor inputting grades into computer. (Luke) gets an A, (Kristin) gets a B, (Levi) gets a C. Zoom in on coffee mug then fade to filmmaker. 7. Cut back to film being shown: Script: [Professor] Didnt you say you had a film to show? [Filmmaker] Oh yeah, here it is. Show happy bits from the movie. This makes physics studio seem vrey effective contrasting the actual events

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