TheSun 2008-12-01 Page04 Anwar Dismisses Cynics

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4œ theSun | MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2008

news without borders

Bid to unseat BN govt

Anwar dismisses cynics

by Maria J. Dass and Timothy Leonard power of prayers. “Don’t underestimate
the power of prayers because we can
revealed until they were ready to do so.
His call to take Sarawak however has
Guan Eng: No plans
to reshuffle exco
SHAH ALAM: Penang Chief Min- wrest Sarawak from Barisan Na- ister Lim Guan Eng said yesterday sional and how the three parties
plan, we can work but the power of the got his cynics pooh-poohing his claims, he has no plans to reshuffle the – PAS, DAP and PKR – are going
SHAH ALAM: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) prayers of people of all faiths should not Bernama reported. executive councillors’ portfolios to work together especially in
adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yester- be underestimated.” In Kuching, Sarawak Chief Minister and will leave it to Parti Keadilan terms of seat allocation, Lim said:
day dismissed talks by cynics that his talk “We all believe in what is right and we Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud questioned Rakyat to decide on the deputy “We are moving in (to Sarawak)
of taking over the government was just leave it to God, and in a short time, hope- Anwar’s credibility, especially when his chief minister (1) post, now held and will work together, but the
rhetoric, saying: “Insyallah, not long, we fully, we will achieve what we want.” Sept 16 deadline to form a new govern- by Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin. question of seat allocation is too
will be in Putrajaya.” Anwar had told a public rally on ment did not materialise. “Any proposal for a change premature as the Sarawak elec-
Speaking at the closing of the 5th Saturday that Sarawak will be their next “I don’t want to comment on people should come from PKR. For now, tions are still a long way off.”
PKR national congress at the Malawati battleground before the Pakatan Rakyat like that. Well, his (Anwar’s) credibilty is we have not received any feedback Talk of taking over Sarawak
Stadium here, he said: “There will not be takes over the federal government not that high when he said Sept 16 is his from PKR.” and wresting the state back from
any buying (of MPs), there will not be any He asked the party’s leaders to make target date which he promised to be the He was responding to talk Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib
threats, there will not be any trips to Taipei weekly trips to Sarawak to meet its aim to date to form a new government.” that Mohammad Fairus from PKR Mahmud has been rife during this
to learn farming. That is not us, those are unseat the BN government in the state. In Kota Kinabalu, Information Minis- would be dropped and Seberang congress with several Sarawakian
the actions of bankrupt politicians.” He stated this when explaining to ter Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek regarded Jaya assemblyman Datuk Arif delegates bringing up alleged in-
Speaking of the exploitation of the those present why the Pakatan Rakyat PKR’s aim to capture Sarawak next year Shah Omar Shah had been of- justices by Abdul Taib during his
indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak, could not meet its Sept 16 deadline to as yet another delusion of Mat Jenin, a fered the position. 27-year reign, including the side-
especially the ancestral land exploitation unseat the federal government. dreamer in a popular Malay fable. He said Asked if he was satisfied with lining of the rights and interest of
issues, he said: “We are giving their lead- He further said the takeover did not after PKR failed to form the federal gov- Mohammad Fairus’s performance the indigenous communities.
ers the option – are they going to continue materialise because a letter to negotiate ernment on Sept 16 as promised, many in the exco, Lim said: “Everyone During the debate on the
supporting a system that insults the intel- the matter sent to Prime Minister Datuk people had lost their faith in the party. has room for improvement. We motion for education, Sarawak
ligence of their own people? Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was not en- “I see the ‘Mat Jenins’ from the penin- are all able to believe that we can delegate Baru Bien said: “In my
“In the name of God, I trust the wisdom tertained by him. Another reason, he said, sula who failed to realise their big dream of do better, want to be better and younger days I used to walk five
of my people, all Malaysians.” was that BN MPs wanting to defect had forming the government on Sept 16, now we all can’t be too self-satisfied.” hours to school and stay there,
He said all this will be achieved by the laid a condition that their names not be trying again to win over the people.” He was speaking to reporters only returning five days later. To-
after attending the 5th PKR Na- day the situation is pretty much

Delegate provides comic relief at congress tional Congress in Shah Alam.

On rumours that Arif Shah may
cross over from Umno to Pakatan
the same and the schools are
run-down too and we hope that
a change in the government will
SHAH ALAM: Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s 5th
national congress debate wrap-up yester- Rakyat, Lim said he has not received mean better schools.”
day was splattered with a little intensity any notice of this but welcome any- Bien also said the land rights of

and a dose of comic relief when supreme one who shared the principles of the indigenous people had been
council member N. Gobalakrishnan took the alliance, like respect for justice greatly eroded as the state gov-
to the stage. and rule of law, human rights and ernment had given out millions of
He almost had a wardrobe malfunction socio-economic justice. acres to quarries, oil palm planta-
when his veshti (lower cloth of traditional “I’m making a very general tions and logging companies.
Indian costume) seemed to come loose statement,” he said, adding Arif “We have been asking of these
while he was delivering his speech. may cross over as he does not lands to be gazetted for a long
This was minutes after the Padang Serai have the support of his own party time but to no avail,” he said. He
parliamentarian declared he was prepared colleagues. claimed those who spoke up were
to don the Iban traditional costume after On Pakatan Rakyat’s aim to detained by the police.
having worn a baju Melayu to the congress
on Saturday.
Anwar and wife Datuk Seri Dr
Clutching the piece of cloth tied around
Wan Azizah Wan Ismail laugh
Explain presence at PKR meet, Zaid told
his waist, Gobalakrishnan was struggling
at the antics of a delegate. KOTA KINABALU: Former minister attended a gathering of the Op-
to tighten it as his colleagues on stage and
in the Prime Minister’s Department position. This (Zaid’s presence) is
those in the audience chuckled.
Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim must ex- seen as giving moral support to the
He said he had worn the baju Melayu years, we should not eat it straight away ers who will be looking out for candidates plain his presence at Parti Keadilan Opposition.
to be one with the majority group at the or we will burn our mouth. We have to wait with good performance and consist- Rakyat’s national congress in Shah “He must explain why he went
congress but stressed that this in no way for the rice to cool before putting it into ency. Saifuddin said towards this each PKR Alam on Saturday to Umno’s disci- to the congress. He has to be re-
meant that the rights of the minority will our mouths, so just like this we should give branch has a role to play, however small. plinary board before action is taken sponsible for his actions.”
be ignored. “Anyone who wants to violate Anwar time to take over Putrajaya.” Supreme council member Christina Liew against him, Umno vice-president Tan According to the Malaysian
the rights of the minority will have to do it PKR strategy director Saifuddin Nasution said it was time for the people in Sabah and Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday. Insider website, Zaid claimed he is
over our dead body,” he said. said PKR members should start working Sarawak to change their governments after Muhyiddin said Zaid’s presence still an Umno member and does not
Earlier, he asked the delegates to give towards winning the next general election. years of oppression where their customary at the congress was not the first see the Opposition as enemies.
Anwar time to achieve the party’s plans of “In Kelantan alone, there are 206,000 land was given to timber companies and time he had attended a gathering He said his presence at the con-
taking over the government. voters aged above 21 years who have not plantations among others. by the Opposition and this proved gress showed that he is still interested
“It took us 10 years to get here, and registered,” he said, adding PKR must also “If you don’t do this, soon the last inch his disloyalty to Umno. in politics and does not expect to be
just like rice that has been cooking for 10 be ready to face the knowledge-based vot- of your land will also go.” “It doesn’t make sense that he sacked from Umno. – Bernama

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