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6 œ theSun | MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2008

news without borders

Mandatory pre-marital AIDS Ministry

to probe
MIER: Adopt
policy of
test for couples slammed
by Rathi Ramanathan move to further implement this measures. Lela Mokhtar, committee
pg 8 stable fuel
prices policy nationwide, there have been member of Malaysian Positive by Karen Arukesamy
no attempts to involve or consult any Network (myPlus), a national network
KUALA LUMPUR: AIDS organisations individuals and organisations working for people living with HIV, said when
have denounced mandatory pre- on HIV and issues affecting women. the policy was introduced in 2001, Participants PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Institute of Eco-
marital HIV and AIDS tests for “HIV is a public health issue to be neither the Johor state government nor of the “Mini nomic Research (MIER) has advocated a policy
Muslim couples, viewing it as both addressed by the health sector,” said Jakim conducted studies to monitor its Ride For of stable fuel prices as the current situation of
discriminatory and a violation of Adeeba. impact on people living with HIV and Life” hold a fluctuating prices has made expenditure planning
human rights. Jakim has assured the public that their families, especially women. banner in extremely difficult for consumers.
On Oct 8, Islamic Development those tested positive for HIV would be conjunction Its executive director, Prof Datuk Mohamed
Department (Jakim) director-general allowed to continue with the marriage Rathi Ramanathan is programme with World Ariff Abdul Kareem, said the government should
Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul if both partners agree to receive officer, Asia Pacific Council of AIDS AIDS Day have a stable price policy in fuel pricing instead of
Aziz was reported as saying that all counselling and advice on preventive Service Organisations (APCASO) 2008. adopting a floor price or float pricing system.
state religious authorities had agreed Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minis-
at a meeting in July to enforce the ter Datuk Shahrir Samad had said on Nov 24 the
ruling. He said the nationwide policy government will discuss whether to implement
will come into force in January 2009. a floor price for petrol and diesel or maintain the
Malaysian AIDS Council president flotation mechanism based on market rates.
Prof Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman, in a The Economic Council will meet today to
statement in conjunction with World discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
AIDS Day, described as “alarming” both mechanisms.
Jakim’s announcement to make “To stabilise oil price, one needs to determine
pre-marital HIV tests mandatory for all the ‘average’ price and maintain it regardless of
Muslims in Malaysia. international movements for as long as possible,”
While stepping up HIV testing and Mohamed Arif told theSun.
counselling services is critical for HIV He said economic efficiency demands that
prevention, treatment and support, prices consumers pay reflect the international
the manner in which this is done is market price.
important, she said. “The efficient way to manage the fuel price,
“Women’s NGOs, the Ministry of therefore, is to follow the international market
Health and the Malaysian Medical price, provided that fuel price is not excessively
Association denounced the policy volatile,” he said.
when it was first introduced by the “However, oil prices today are unstable, which
state of Johor in 2001. Despite the makes expenditure planning difficult for consum-
ers. The people want stability and certainty.
“For example, if the average (fuel price) is

Keep your promise, govt told RM2 per litre, effort must be made to maintain it,
even if the international price were to fall to, say,
RM1.50 or conversely rise to say RM2.50.”
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian AIDS “We can try and do the best we can as This amounts to taxing the consumers 50 sen
Council (MAC) has called on policy-makers an NGO, but the role of the government in the first case and subsidising them 50 sen in
and regional health authorities to ensure is important ... It needs legislation, the second.
they meet the targets that have been set in education and we need your help to work He said the savings in the former instance will
the fight against HIV and AIDS, including the together,” she said. be used as subsidy in the second.
promise of universal access to treatment and National Institute of Occupational Thus, he said, short-term fluctuations can
prevention services. Safety and Health (Niosh) chairman be ironed out without heavy budgetary burden,
At a media briefing after the launch of Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, who was also provided international price fluctuations are not
World AIDS Day 2008 themed ‘Stop AIDS: present, agreed with Adeeba, saying the too wild.
Keep the Promise’ at Berjaya Times Square lawmakers have an equally important “If the savings in the low-price period is not
yesterday, MAC president Prof Dr Adeeba role in addressing the issue in parliament. sufficient to offset price increases in another pe-
Kamarulzaman Adeeba said despite current The celebration kicked off at 7am with riod, the average price may have to be adjusted
efforts, there is still a need for stronger a “Mini Ride for Life”, where participants upward,” Mohamed Ariff said.
advocacy on the issue of HIV/AIDS. cycled for 30km around the Golden Meanwhile, MCA is all for an auto floating
Triangle. This was followed by several mechanism in petrol pump pricing.
performances by local groups and artistes. Its Information and Communication Bureau
An interactive exhibition was chief Lee Wei Kiat said in a statement the party
organised by World Vision Malaysia to is “objecting” to the floor price fixing “as it does
raise awareness of the effects of AIDS on not promote transparency and consistency in
children. It will remain open until 10pm government policies”.
today. Admission is free. “MCA recognises the interest of the public
and has always maintained that the economic
sectors should be liberalised and an auto floating
mechanism should be implemented,” he said.
“ It will provide an optimum price for motor-
ists and, at the same time, the government will
be able to monitor the mechanism in an open
and transparent manner.”

Putting Chow Kit

back on the map
KUALA LUMPUR: Chow Kit and its surrounding
areas in the city will be given a new lease of life to
attract shoppers and tourists back to the place.
Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Zul-
hasnan Rafique said that to realise the goal, his
ministry had embarked on an action plan to “put
back Chow Kit on the map”.
Chow Kit, with its myriad shops, food and
hawker outlets, used to be a tourist and shop-
ping haven but, of late, appears to have lost its
Zulhasnan, who launched the action plan in
the area yesterday, told reporters that among its
focus would be ridding the place of drug addicts,
unlicensed hawkers, illegal immigrants, vice dens,
beggars and vagrants and combating the high
crime rate there.
The other aspects included emphasis on
cleanliness and ensuring structured and system-
atic trade. –Bernama

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