TheSun 2008-12-01 Page13 CItizen Nades Hes All Ears But Who Else Is Listening PT 2

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theSun | MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2008 13

speak up!

Frank and free ... Abdullah

with Nadeswaran and
Fernandez last Tuesday

The prime minister seemed to be in agreement with our

to be getting our drift. After all, observation – an assumption
he wanted us to be candid and many would argue that it
we obliged. The body language would be wrong.
was for us to interpret. “The All said, we should be
AG’s Chambers is facing a thankful to him for giving
shortage of staff,” he said. journalists more room to
But then, people are drawn express our thoughts and those
to the private sector because of the rakyat. We made that
of the low salaries and career no secret – we thanked him
advancement. not for the “freedom” that the
“Some of our reporters earn media had enjoyed over the
more than our magistrates,” past five years, but for giving
we ventured. But more us an opportunity to tell it as
importantly, should we it is – responsibly sans the
not get the Bar to assist in frills, bombastic words and the
prosecutions. In Australia flowery language.
and Britain, barristers are
assigned cases by the Crown
Prosecution Service in which R. Nadeswaran and Terence
they act as prosecutors, acting Fernandez spent two hours
on behalf and paid for by the over lunch with the prime
state. Would this not solve the minister expressing their
manpower problems? candid views on a wide array
The prime minister got of subjects. Watch out for the
the message but did not offer interview. Send comments to:
any comments. He seemed


Are we prepared
for a terror attack?
AS THE world watched in horror where these people are and little
the Mumbai attacks last week, I is done to trace them. They pose
was left wondering how prepared a national security threat. Anyone
our authorities were to deal with who boards a Komuter train would
such incidents? One may be for- notice that it is crowded and thus
given for saying that our country it becomes an easy target for any-
would not be a target as we are a one wanting to launch an attack,
peaceful nation and our govern- just like in any other country. The
ment maintains good diplomatic only difference is that in Malaysia,
relationships with many countries, anyone can board a train without
but it remains imperative that being checked, this exacerbates
we don’t take this “freedom” for the problem. There are no security
granted and that drastic measures personnel at stations, whether
are taken immediately to raise the LRT or the Komuter. Passengers
security protocols of our country. can bring in anything they want.
It was obvious that Mumbai It must be noted that security
was unprepared for such well around KLIA was only beefed up
organised attacks and the sophis- after a spectacular robbery earlier
ticated firepower of the militants. this year. Does this mean that in
It is important to note that our country, we will only react
India is a nuclear power with a when something happens? Our
billion people and commands a crowded shopping malls are also
huge security force. If India can vulnerable.
be attacked, I believe any country I would like to propose certain
is vulnerable, irrespective of its measures:
diplomatic relationships. » Security personnel be sta-
Terrorists do not think of the tioned at all exit and entry points
repercussions but execute their of busy train stations;
tasks based on personal agendas » Patrons of shopping malls
and ideologies, most of which and other popular hangouts be
we might never understand or monitored closely;
anticipate. » More security cameras be
Security is paramount in a installed at these places and
multiracial society like ours and it “monitored”;
is important that the government » Immediate steps be taken to
enlightens the people on the kind deport illegal immigrants;
of contingency plans it has. Are » A select committee be formed
the people prepared? Are the to monitor and reassess the
security forces prepared? status of our national security and
One should observe the daily the findings be presented to the
lives of an average Malaysian to public; and
understand the huge vulnerabili- » A vulnerabilities risk assess-
ties our country is exposed to in ment report be compiled on the
terms of security. level of threats and the findings
There are huge numbers of be made public
illegal immigrants in our country of
which we know very little and care Rajiv Nambiar
much less about. Nobody knows Kuala Lumpur

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