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Nama : I Kadek Sumiarta NPM : 09 3168 Kelas : IVE

Page 158 Practice 3 : Compound Sentence with Coordinators A. 1. Students can attend day classes, and they can follow a test. 2. Students can live in dormitories, or they can stay in their house . 3. I have finished my math homework, but I havent finished my English homework yet. 4. I have studied English for six years, yet I havent spoken English well yet. 5. My advisor suggested a typing class, for I didnt have a good typing skill. 6. Some students do not like to write term papers, nor do they like to write an essay. 7. The instructor gave us eight weeks to write our team papers, yet our team papers had not written it yet. 8. Most students had not even chosen a topic, nor had they written their essay. 9. The instructor was very upset, for his wife was sick in hospital. 10. My roommate scored very high on the English placement test, so she got a scholarship. B. 1. The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States created fears about the safety of this energy source. The disaster at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union confirmed them. The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States created fears about the safety of this energy source, and the disaster at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union confirmed them

2. Solar heating systems are economical to operate. The cost of installation is very high. Solar heating systems are economical to operate, yet the cost of installation is very high. 3. Energy needs are not going to decrease. Energy sources are not going to increase. Energy needs are not going to decrease, nor are energy sources going to increase. 4. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet. We need to develop other sources of energy. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet, so we need to develop other sources of energy. 5. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer. People continue to do it. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer, but people continue to do it. 6. Poorer nations especially will continue this harmful practice. They dont have the money to develop clean energy sources. Poorer nations especially will continue this harmful practice, for they dont have the money to develop clean energy sources. 7. All nations of the world must take action. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences. All nations of the world must take action, or our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences.

C. 1. Rikas family has a dog in their house, and I have a dog as a pet. 2. I must study hard in my university; for I want get a scholarship. 3. I go to library to get a book, or I go to book store. 4. I have done my assignment, but my friends havent done it. 5. Desi studied hard yesterday, so she passed an exam well. 6. I do not want to be a postman, nor do I want to be a tailor. 7. I want study English well, yet I must study math too.

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