Sisters by Thomas O'Dowd

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Sisters By Thomas ODowd


Two sisters, Sarah and Anne, are clumsily tied to chairs with filthy, bloody rags. We see the two girls in split-screen, it is apparent that they are seated in seperate rooms. Whilst we cant see the surrounding rooms in which the girls reside, the atmosphere is dank, and their short, fearful breaths reverberate around the chambers. They are lit only by a weak, flickering light from above. We cut to Sarah; she struggles against her restraints, but to no avail, the pathetic looking rags that bind her are surprisingly strong. Sarah screams in frustration. SARAH HELP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE! A soft crackle interrupts her cries, a voice splutters through an unseen PA system. JERRY Shhhh, please! Be quiet. The voice speaks in a stilted, unhinged monotone. There is silence, broken only by heavy breathing through the intercom. Sarah strains to see where the voice is coming from. JERRY Stop, wiggling, Im trying to concentrate. Sarah stops, she looks blindly into the dark. SARAH Who are you? What do you want?! Silence. JERRY Right now, Id like very much for you to be quiet. SARAH (exhausted) Please. Let me out. There is silence on the intercom. JERRY WHY? WHY WOULD I BRING YOU ALL THE WAY HERE, JUST TO LET YOU GO?




SARAH (sobbing) Please, tell me what you want. JERRY (suddenly calm) Alright, alright, tell me, Sarah, tell me about your sister. SARAH I dont have a sister! I... I dont have one, never have, never will. Look, I dont want you to draw anyone else into this, its just me and you... JERRY Ok Sarah, is that all you have to say? Sarah doesnt respond. We hear the sound of the intercom clicking off, and with that, we cut to Anne. Anne struggles, but her actions prove futile. She breathes short, laboured breaths, as the tight binding constricts her chest. ANNE W-where am I? There is silence. ANNE Please, if theres anybody out there, tell me where am. The intercom crackles to life. JERRY Hello Anne. ANNE Who is that? Where am I? JERRY Where you are doesnt matter... but what you say next is crucial. ANNE Just tell m-




JERRY Shhhh, quiet, I need to ask you something. Anne doesnt respond JERRY Thank you. Now, I need to ask you about your sisterANNE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER? JERRY It depends on what you tell me next. ANNE And what is that? JERRY Tell me if you really have a sister... ANNE Of course... whAnne realises what she has said may have doomed her sister, but it is too late, the intercom clicks off. We cut to darkness. Cut to split-screen, both Anne and Sarah look around, terrified. The familiar crackle of the intercom starts. JERRY I have asked both of you a simple question. All Im here to do is make your wishes a reality, Im like a fairy godmother. Jerry giggles at his joke. JERRY Anne, I asked you if you had a sister, and you said yes... The girl I have in the room across from you will be very happy to hear that shes real. There is a silence on the line.




JERRY Now, Sarah, you tell me that you dont have a sister at all... Oh well, I guess you dont. Anne cuts to black.

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