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LoadRunner Training

LoadRunner 11
SUMMARY: This courses focuses on using LoadRunner to load test Web applications. You will create test scenarios and run them using the LoadRunner Controller. You will use the LoadRunner Analysis component to interpret load test results. The information gathered during planning is used to create and enhance scripts specific to Web applications using the Virtual User Generator (VuGen) component of LoadRunner. All topics are supported by hands-on exercises designed to provide you with the knowledge to load test your applications in the Web environment. AUDIENCE: Quality Assurance Engineers Performance Engineers Users who need to write automated scripts to load/stress/debug their applications in the Web environment. PREREQUISITES: High level knowledge of Web client/server paradigm Knowledge of Windows 2000 or Windows NT Programming in C, VB or Java DURATION: 30 Hours

OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Discuss the value of load / Stress testing Plan for effective load testing Establish load test goals Develop Scripts in VuGen Run load test scenarios Load and overload when executing scenarios Analyze and interpret load test results Create Web Virtual users using VuGen Read VuGen Web code Measure specific business processes Verify functionality under load Parameterize scripts to handle user input data Customize scripts by adding VuGen functions Correlate script to process server-returned data

I. II. Planning an Effective Load Test Core Activities of performance testing Key types of Performance testing Nonfunctional requirements gathering LoadRunner Installation and Licensing policy discussion LoadRunner components and Protocol discussion Manual load test vs. LoadRunner solution Recording Structure the script based on planning Use VuGen to record a Vuser script for Web environment Describe HTML and URL recording levels When to use HTML and/or URL recording levels Playback


Identify the appropriate Web Run-time settings to set Configure Web Run-time settings to run the script Verify Vuser script functionality in VuGen Actions and Transactions Create multiple actions in a Vuser script Configure actions to achieve load testing goals Add Transactions to measure response times

V. Parameters Solve playback problems by parameterize the script VI. Checkpoints Identify visual cues to check for during load testing Add Text Checkpoints during and after recording Manual Correlation


Distinguish between available correlation methods Correlate a script manually using correlation functions


Correlation During and After Recording

Correlation after recording Use the Scan for correlation tool Correlate data during recording Define rules for correlation in Recording Options Enable correlation during recording Introduction to Scenarios Explain elements that make a LoadRunner scenario Identify different types of scenarios How to choose the scenario Present the basic steps for creating a scenario Using Run-Time Settings Script and Scenario Run-time settings Configure Run-time settings in the Controller Scenario Execution Prepare for a scenario run Identify techniques to efficiently run a scenario Scheduling Scenarios


Scheduling by group and by scenario Prepare VuGen User (Vuser) initialization Configure duration scheduling Configure scenario ramp up and ramp down Analysis


Analysis Adding graphs in Analysis and creating Reports Performance Counters for O/S and database Windows performance monitoring tool - Perfmon Performance Center overview

LoadRunner Guide LoadRunner Performance Testing Fundamentals LoadRunner Introduction Virtual User Generator & Recording

Replay & Modeling Verification & Parameterization LoadRunner & C Functions Correlation Scripting- Advanced Concepts Controller Controller Monitoring and Advanced Concepts Analysis Reporting Advanced Concepts

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