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Meanwhile the leader less PNM continues to successfully rely on the political naivety of the power hungry PPG.

Even though the PNM has a track record of blatant nepotism, corruption, mismanagement and a host of political crimes.the greed for power by the neva see cum see maxi taxi party will inevitably see the return of the despotic PNM. It is inevitable as the voting public will choose the worse of two evils given the choice between a rock and a hard placehistory has shown the voting public to choose the worse of the two evils.

It should be noted that the ousted founder had never successfully driven the bread van maxi taxi (12 seater) to any elections victory.

The now figurehead Peoples Partnership Government has succumbed to the plot of the ousted founder of the UNC. The if I cant have it no one can founder has succinctly orchestrated the return of the PNM regime, which by the way remains leader less. The internal rumblings within the maxi taxi (25 seater) UNC has engendered the split of the PPG. The maxi taxi party has campaigned for a new manifesto that yields to the will of the peoplethe old manifesto under the ousted leader had sought to ignore the will of the people and instead aggrandise the whims of the ass-lickers, party financiers and upper echelons. This had proved fatal to the ousted founder. He claims to have learnt his lesson and has now vowed to guide the next generation to reclaim control of the maxi taxi party.

PPG crumbles
#4 Monday, March 19, 2012

You or anyone else could be right or wrong, at the same time. In your neck of the woods, it's a glorious sunny day, the future is so bright you got to wear shades, and Kamla is at the top of her game and sailing along. For many others, it is quite gloomy with forecasts of thunder, lightning, and really bad weather for extended periods, and the Kamla PP govt is about to be hit hard with torpedoes fired by once good friends and associates, as well as the Panday faction. For many, the nation is drifting aimlessly, without focus, with terrible leadership, floundering and we are in great peril. Some admire and support Kamla's motherly, genteel, humane etc. approach and have great faith in that and wonder why these arm-chair analysts are complaining. You look out of the window and see such beautiful weather, flowers, birds, smell the roses, green grass, what a lovely landscape....and here are people who don't see this! All of us are analysts, no one appoints anyone, there are no sacred cows, this is the new world that Kamla and many of her supporters do not fully understand. You can't box in people into your slots, no one cares about the political gurus and analysts as they did before, everyone is an analyst, and you have to be able to communicate effectively and win over this army of political analysts. This isn't unique to T&T, this is the world today. The Arab Spring has now spread beyond the borders of the desert kingdoms.

Change or be changed

The UNC is now faced with some difficult challenges; Kamla and her PP govt also face mounting criticism and are losing support. Kamla can deny all this, listen to sycophants and believe times are good and all is well, and let the good times roll. But, in reality, the sky is falling on T&T, and instead of playing ostrich, Kamla and her PP govt must get real, go back to the people, consult with the people, go back to the manifesto, and try again. We need change, if we don't change then we ossify and die, and change starts at the top. As Gandhi says -- be the change you wish to see in the world. This applies most of all to Kamla - she must change, she must admit it's not working, she must lead the way to change from the failed policies and politics. I would urge you and others to also admit it's not going good and then to persuade Kamla and the PP govt that we cannot continue like this; for the sake of T&T, we must admit this isn't working and we need to change. This is far more important than the Kamla, the UNC, and the PP govt.

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